You, Me, Us
Mina dejectedly walking away from the café, staring down at the pathway. He decided to clear his mind from the earlier event just by walking mindlessly. Unknowingly to him, Momo witness it all, the interaction between Mina and Nayeon. 
Mina didn’t show up at his office. He went absent the whole day, causing panic and chaos inside his company.  There is important paper that need his endorsement. His absence from work prompted Mina’s father to take charge of the company for a while. 
It was 11 PM when Mina show up drunk at his house. Loud grunt can be heard when his father kicks him in the stomach. 
“Where the hell that you go? What are you thinking!!?” Myoui Akira shout at the top of his lungs. “Showing up drunk? Skipping work!! “he added. His face is full red due to extreme anger. He rounds his fist and ready to punch Mina in the face but to no avail as Sana blocked him with her body. Sana thrown her body in between Mina and his father. She cannot stand to see her beloved Mina being beaten by his own father. 


Sana was sobbing hard, both of her cheeks red and her eyes is puffy. Clearly she’s been crying for hours. Momo was there watching the scene from the kitchen door. She is standing straight with a cup of coffee in her hand. She instantly felt apologetically towards the couple.  Recalling the earlier event that transpire in her mind. She felt uneasy and worried. 
“Dad, please let Mina go. You can ask him once he sober up” Sana cling her arm around Mina broad shoulders. Mina clearly can’t stand on his own. He’s mumbling something.  Incoherent words escape from his mouth.  



....................................................... earlier that day..............


Nayeon tries to calm her turbulent heart and tries to look calm. "Hi sir, what you would like to order?" her eyes looked right at Mina.

"Nayeon, can we talk?" his warm eyes capture Nayeon's eyes.

"Ohh .. we have americano, latte, hot chocolate, frappuccino. ..cakes .. “Nayeon ignored Mina and kept talking about the menu at the coffee shop. Only God knows how much trembling her hand and her heart right now.

“Nayeon please…” Mina once again speaks to Nayeon.

"Our most popular is tiramisu cake" Nayeon's hand pointed towards the tiramisu cake.

"Nayeon… please I need to talk to you" Mina pleaded again. His voice sounded so soothing in Nayeon ears.

“Ahh Jihyo .. can you please take this man's order? I have something to do for a moment” Nayeon signaled to Jihyo to replace her. Her heart can’t take it anymore. She can’t see him anymore. Not now. She wasn’t ready.

Immediately Nayeon walked quickly towards the back of the kitchen. A startled Mina tries to follow Nayeon to the kitchen but is stopped by the coffee shop staff.

"I'm sorry, sir. But you can't come in here. This is for employees only” a male staff prevented Mina from following Nayeon. "Please let me in. I need to talk to her! ” Mina's tone of voice sounded desperate and his eyes saw Nayeon's figure disappearing.

 "I am sorry" Mina pushed the body of the male worker slightly and ran towards the kitchen. Unfortunately for Mina when the kitchen door was locked from the inside. "Nayeon .. nayeon..nayeon .. the door" mina knocked on the kitchen door repeatedly.

"Sir you cannot be here or we’ll call the police" the male employee who was pushed by Mina earlier tried to warn him.


After closing the kitchen door, Nayeon slid down to the floor and cried out loud. All the bitterness and old wounds opened again after seeing Mina's face. She did not think that after all theses years, Mina would still have a big impact on her. Although it has been a long time, Nayeon's heart has not forgotten her first love and maybe even her last love. The one that she gave her everything.

As she sobbed and cried, Nayeon recalled the past memories.


Flashback to Minayeon love story

10  years ago

Despite being the heir to M company. Mina decided to go to a regular school. He wants to mingle with normal people. So Mina disguised as one. He's wearing glasses and cheap clothes and also let his hair messy. He also took public transport like everyone else to school.

At age 17, Mina curious with Nayeon. Nayeon, the new transfer student from other school. Seeing Nayeon for the first time blow his mind away. She looks like an angel. Her eyes are beautiful; her long black hair is gracefully tied. Mina is fascinated by Nayeon's personality and beauty.

More days Mina's curiosity thickened. He wants to know more about Nayeon. He decided to approach her one day and he didn’t regret it one bit as their friendship bloom into love.


The day’s change, now love is present. Both of them realize what they are feeling but are scared to utter the word. Then one lovely day.


"The first time, I saw you present, this feeling of the heart wants you.”

“The calm heart heard a beautiful voice greeted, I did not expect this heart surge "

"Accept this song from ordinary people, but my love for you is extraordinary, I have a heart that is sincere to you"

"Have a heart that is sincere to you"

"Please accept my extraordinary love, sincerely to you"


Mina sang heartily to Nayeon in front of Nayeon's family home. Neighbors around cheered seeing Mina's romantic gesture.

“Nayeon, would you like to go out with me?” Mina smile widely and held out his hand towards Nayeon while bowing slightly.

The stunned looking Nayeon took a moment before answering Mina's question. She looked at her parents. Nayeon's parents nodded their heads in agreement. Yes, I would love to go out with you”

Nayeon blushed, shyly embarrassed while welcoming Mina's hand. Nayeon's face turned red with maximum embarrassment. Jumping in happiness, excited looking Mina handed a crumpled flower hidden in his bag to Nayeon.  “Thank you. You have made me the happiest man alive!” Mina cheered happily while punching his fist in the air.


‘Fluttering heart, me likey, likey, likey me likey’ Nayeon swears she can hear TWICE songs inside her mind when she accepted the crumpled flowers from Mina.


“Mina stop it! Don't take pictures of me while I sleep! You always take ugly pictures of me” Nayeon whined to Mina while pouting her lips.  Mina smiled at the face of his lover. His first love, Im Nayeon. They have been dating for 3 years now. Since they been dating, not a single day has been gloomy in Mina's life. Nayeon is the light in his life. He felt free and happy.


"It's not cute to make a face like that… hahahaha" Mina teasing Nayeon.

“You’re so bad..I hate you”  Nayeon throws her bunny plushies toward Mina.

"I know .. I love you too" Mina smiled because of Nayeon's behavior. Mina rubbed her hair and giggled. Nayeon frowned as she loosely releases her arm on Mina's shoulder. Mina leaned back and kissed her gently. Mina smiled between kisses as she felt Nayeon return his kiss. Mina cupped Nayeon's cheek and kissed her longer. Innocent kiss turns to passionate heated one.

“Mina.. “



 “Myoui Mina!”  Nayeon raised her voice slightly as Mina did not pay attention to her.

“Until when are you going to play that game?!”  Nayeon added.  “Sorry baby, until I clear this stage. I play all week to reach this stage. “  Mina paused his game for a moment and looks at Nayeon. He shows her his puppy eyes and pouty lips to Nayeon. Hoping to cool down and weaken Nayeon’s anger towards him. 

Still pouting his lips, Mina raised a white flag and turn off his game. He knows he cannot win an argument against Nayeon. He stands up and walks toward his desk, pick up his book and sat down beside Nayeon. 

“Mina.. what is this? I ask for unscented candle.”   Frustration shown on all over Nayeon’s face as she looks inside the grocery bag. Earlier she asks Mina to buy her unscented candle.  

“Huh?Didn’t you said you want scented candle? I swear I heard you said ‘please buy me scented purple candle” Mina animatedly mimics Nayeon statement earlier when he calls her.  

One of the things that annoy Nayeon is when she asks Mina to pick up something or buy something, he never gets the right thing. It's always scented when you asked for unscented. Or regular when you asked for jumbo. Or two AA batteries and a snickers bar instead of tampons. Sighing heavily, Nayeon just shook her head and continue cooking in her kitchen. 




“No wonder you are so annoying”

“Excuse me?” Mina glare at her, he crosses his arm. Nayeon turn to laugh now, she finally can back.




Another flashback play inside Nayeon's memories. The bitter taste still lingers inside her body and soul. 


“Mina !!” Nayeon closed in shock at the scene in front of her. Mina lying on the bed with another woman. The women snuggle close to his neck. Mina who was sleeping soundly did not realize Nayeon's presence in the room.

Nayeon turn her body back towards the door and quickly running out from Mina apartment. Tears falling down from her eyes. She keeps running and running nonstop until her legs gave away.  She stumbles down and crying hard wailing mina name. She clutching her chest, tried to suppress the pounding. She picks up her phone from her bag and dialing her close friend number. 
“Tzuyu.. please pick me” 
Unknown to Nayeon, one lone figure was watching her from afar. Smirking can see on his face.  “It’s done”  he put down his phone and walks away from there. 





I am not a good writer but thanks for the upvotes and comments. It made me motivated to finish this story, Next part will be the final part. It will longer than there three parts. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading.



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Finally!!. I have finish updating this. Hope you all like the ending.
Thank you for reading this.


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Chapter 4: Ohhh that was unexpected but at least they're all happy
Chapter 4: Aw at least they all have a happy ending! I'm glad it ended well
14 streak #3
Chapter 4: i loved how you wrapped up everything so beautifully, thank you !!
Chapter 4: While reading i’m not getting my hopes up for a happy ending and i don’t want nayeon or sana to be hurt that’s why I’m so happy that everything ends well and they’re all happy 🥺😭
Wivern #5
Chapter 4: I like the ending.
One happy family. 💞
Chapter 3: MiNayeon endgame pleaseeee
Chapter 3: I love minayeon but please misana endgame
Chapter 3: Oh nayeon baby TT
AnDEUSAgrega #9
Chapter 3: That's so sad
ayamdawan #10
Chapter 3: That's so sad this minayeon reminds me of the one that got away :((( who in their right mind would want to separate them it's clear thst they really love each other but now mina's married and sana and gosh it is complicated