A Friend?


First day of the seminar - morning break




Kyuhyun was bored to death by himself. Jongwoon was busy with a preparation since he had to give a report in the afternoon. At first, he wanted to accompany his friend but he was kicked out because he was a distraction. So, here he was, staring at nothing in particular to waste time until his friend came back.


"You look like a zombie when Woonnie isn't here with you, did you know that?"

"Don't you think that I'll let you off a hook just because you're my favorite colleague, Lee Donghae."


Donghae showed his hands to the man as a sign that he meant no harm. Once he was sure that he was safe, Donghae sat down beside his colleague and placed his hand on the man's shoulder.


"Why don't you just ask Woonnie out? You know, so you can hoard him all to yourself?"

"Not you too, Donghae..." Kyuhyun groaned and hid his face in his palm, "why are you guys so obsessive with our relationship?"

"Duh, because we have had enough of you being obsessive and possessive of Woonnie so we decide to do something about it!"

"Who? Who is obsessive and possessive of Jongwoon?"

"A man surname Cho name Kyuhyun. Did you know him by any chance?"


Kyuhyun snorted at his colleague's poor attempt to jab him.


"Don't be silly. I'm none of that."

"Really?" Raised Donghae's brow, "then, tell me, what would you do if you woke up one morning and Woonnie was no longer there waking you up?"

"That's impossible. I'll make sure that it's impossible."

"Jeez, and you said that you aren't possessive? Whatever, just answer me, think of it like a hypothetical question for fun."

"... That depends on why Jongwoon weren't there."

"Let's say Woonnie had a boyfriend so he moved out of your shared apartment. Now you woke up to an empty room, no Woonnie, what would you do?"


Jongwoon moving out? Kyuhyun truly believed that it was simply impossible. The two of them had been living together for years ever since graduating from highschool. To this day, neither of them had brought up moving out and he genuinely couldn't see them ever thinking about it. But, hypothetically, what if Jongwoon did move out...?




"What the heck? Donghae?"

"I just want you to see what kind of face you're making now."


Donghae showed the photo he just took to his friend. Kyuhyun's expression in the picture was very complicated to explain in one word. The closest description would be a little bit of very upset and a bit more of melancholy, with a longing as a cherry on top.


"...Did I really make that face?"

"Yep. Now, are you sure that you're fine being only Woonnie's friend?"


It took him longer than usual to reply but he still did in the end.


"Yes. We're fine just being friend so don't you suggest something ridiculous. Now, if you don't have anything else to say then leave me alone."


Donghae stared after Kyuhyun's retreating back. He could only sigh in resignation at his colleague's stubbornness.




First day of the seminar - afternoon break




Jongwoon just finished giving out the annual report of his team's performance. Kyuhyun couldn't be any prouder of his friend. His friend had a tendency to get anxious even though he performed wonderfully in his tasks. He was about to go congratulate his friend when someone stopped him.


"Kyuhyun-ah, there's something I need to talk with you."

"Jungsu hyung? Did something urgent come up?"

"You're right. This matter is really urgent."

"Yes? So?"

"When will you ask Jongwoon-ah out?"


Kyuhyun immediately stepped aside and ignored his boss.


"Wait! I'm being serious about it!"

"No, you're wasting my time. Bye, hyung, I need to see Jongwoon now."


Jungsu had to hook his arms around Kyuhyun's neck to stop the younger from escaping.


"Let me go! I must see Jongwoon!"

"Sigh... Kyuhyun-ah, if you really like him that much, why don't you just ask him out?"

"Not you too." Kyuhyun scoffed, "why are you all suddenly interested in our relationship? Normally, it's only Ryeowook who nags me non stop."

"I'm doing this for your sake, Kyuhyun-ah. Do you seriously believe that you can keep Jongwoon-ah by your side forever? Both of you are in your thirties now. You might not think about having a family soon but what about Jongwoon-ah? You know that he likes kids, right?"

"We just turn thirty this year. Isn't it too early to think about stuff like that?"

"You think so? Then, look."


Still locking his employee's neck, Jungsu turned Kyuhyun's head to the left. Kyuhyun stopped struggling once he saw his dear friend at that direction. Jongwoon who just got down from a stage was chatting with a middle-aged woman. He recalled that she was a representative from another branch who would give a report next after the break ended. She brought her son along to the seminar. The boy who couldn't be older than ten was hiding behind his mother's leg shyly. Jongwoon smiled warmly and crouched down to greet the boy. From here, he didn't know what his friend said but the boy no longer hid behind his mother. He giggled and stepped forward. The boy even let Jongwoon pinch his cheeks. Jongwoon smiled warmly at the child and patted his head while chuckling, not knowing that Kyuhyun was watching him. Kyuhyun's heart instantly melted down from witnessing such adorable interaction.


"See? Jongwoon-ah really likes kids so it's not far-fetched to think that he wanted to have a family. Problem is, if that day did come, would you really be fine seeing Jongwoon-ah with someone else?"


Kyuhyun went deadly silent. That Jongwoon loved children was a well-known fact to all acquaintances of them. Plus, his friend did often say something along the line of wanting to have a lovely family. So, Jungsu hyung's reason did sound possible. There really was a chance that Jongwoon might leave him...


"... You're going to ask Jongwoon-ah out, right?"


Jungsu asked the younger man with hopeful eyes.


"...No. Even if Jongwoon found someone worthy and started a family with them, I can still meet him and keep our friendship... Yes, being friend is the best."


Jungsu stared at his junior in disbelief.


"... I've seen many people getting friendzoned by their crushes, but this is the first time I meet someone who stubbornly and willingly friendzones himself. Kyuhyun, are you sure that you only want to be Jongwoon-ah's friend?"


Finally getting rid of his hyung's hold, Kyuhyun adjusted his ruined collar while maintaining a straight face.


"Of course. Our friendship is the best thing ever happens to us. I won't trade it with anything."


With that said, Kyuhyun left Jungsu and headed toward Jongwoon who was saying goodbye to the boy. He quickened his steps when he saw an unfamiliar man approaching his friend with a shy smile, causing Jungsu to sigh loudly.




First day of the seminar - after party




After the meeting had ended, their group decided to throw an after party to have fun before another day of boring meeting came. They enjoyed a drink and joked around lightheartedly. It was one of a rare opportunities where Kyuhyun allowed his colleagues to take Jongwoon away from his side. He was enjoying a wine while watching Jongwoon chatting with Donghae and Ryeowook. Out of nowhere, someone occupied a seat beside him that was supposed to be Jongwoon's.


"Being a creep as usual, eh? Harassing Woon-ah with your eyes?"

"Heechul hyung," Kyuhyun sighed tiredly, "you're drunk. Go to sleep."

"Me? Drunk?" Heechul snorted unbelievably, "brat, you probably got married to someone else first before I got drunk."

"What in hell were you talking about?"

"I was implying that it's impossible for me to get drunk, like it's impossible for you to get married with someone else but Woon-ah."

"God. You too? Seriously hyung, if you're here to brainwash me to date Jongwoon then please leave me alone."


Kyuhyun took a sip of wine to calm his forming headache.


"Actually, I'm here to brainwash you to him."


Kyuhyun choked on the wine he was drinking.


"What the hell!?" Kyuhyun exclaimed after he was done coughing, "are you out of your mind!?"

"No. My mind is as clear as your obsession toward Woon-ah. C'mon, don't tell me you've never thought of ing him?"

"Of course I would never! He is my friend. Who the hell s their friends!?"

"Duh, Kyuhyun, don't act innocent. Someone like you definitely know what is a friend with benefits, right?"

"Knowing it and actually doing it are two complete different things. As I said, Jongwoon is my dear friend. I'd never do something like that to him!"

"But, look at him!"


Heechul forcefully turned Kyuhyun's head to look at Jongwoon who was laughing at some jokes Donghee and Hyukjae told.


"Look at his luscious, full, healthily pink lips. Imagine kissing him! I bet his lips are soft as hell and he probably tastes like a coffee. Imagine having your own lips on that kissable lips, , biting, , nibbling, or dragging your tongue along its shape, then shoving your tongue in his mouth and thoroughly exploring it. Imagine his tongue rubbing shyly against yours while he your name during the kiss! Imagine those adorable small hands hooking around your neck as he pulled you down to deepen the kiss!"


Heechul then made a hand gesture at Jongwoon's slim body.


"Look at how flawless his skin is! Imagine roaming your hands all over his body and feeling his soft skin. Imagine rubbing your palm on his flat belly and he crying out in pleasure. You drag your hands lower and lower to feel those soft and firm thighs. Imagine groping his thighs and squeezing it. Woon-ah is very ticklish. Imagine his wheezing laughter mixed with his as you inched closer to his ."


Heechul smirked seeing Kyuhyun's undivided attention on Jongwoon.


"We all know Woon-ah got the best reaction out of all of us, cutest, funniest, iest, you name it. Now, if you think Woon-ah's reaction is really cute when you , imagine his reaction when you please him! Don't you want to hear his y voice calling your name as you deeper in him?"


Kyuhyun unconsciously gulped. His hand held around the tall glass tighter without his knowledge.


"Woon-ah's service mind is the best among the best, that much is a fact. I'm sure he doesn't mind helping you with both his adorable small hands and his mouth. Woon-ah is a man of determination so he'll try hardest to swallow your junk even though it might choke him. I bet ing his mouth is a one-way ticket to heaven, well, maybe not if we count ing his tight ho-"



Kyuhyun shouted and slammed the wine glass in his hand on the table, gaining attention from all their friends. Jongwoon immediately stood up from where he was sitting with Jungsu and Siwon. A worrying frown was clear on the black-haired man face as he made his way to Kyuhyun's table.


"Kyuhyun are you alri- ah!"



Kyuhyun caught his friend who tripped over something with one arm protectively holding that thin waist while the other one resting just below the buttocks. At the same time, Jongwoon had one hand on his shoulder while the other one placing on his chest exactly where his heart was. As a result of failing to stop himself from falling, his friend's knee now rested dangerously close to his crotch. If Jongwoon moved carelessly even the tiniest bit, his friend's knee would bump into his Kyuhyun Jr. that started to wake up from its dormant state thanked to Heechul's vivid explanation. He tried to calm down before his grew any bigger and accidentally poked his friend's knee which might earn him some punch or two. However, his friend didn't help him calm down at all, what with his cute face being super close to him. In fact, their lips would touch if either of them leaned in just a bit. Kyuhyun gulped, suddenly feeling thirsty. Heechul's word was replaying in his head now as his gaze couldn't leave Jongwoon's kissable lips...



"Jongwoon, are you alright?"

"I'm okay. Thanks!"



Kyuhyun almost let a snarl escape from his lips when Hyukjae appeared out of nowhere and took his friend away. Jongwoon smiled sweetly at Hyukjae who, for some reason, still had his hands on Jongwoon's hand and waist. What annoyed him was the fact that his friend made no move shrugging that offending hands off. Instead, Jongwoon turned to Heechul and pouted at the fox-like beauty man.


"Heebongie hyung, why did you suddenly stretch your leg! I tripped on it and almost squashed Kyuhyun!"

"Sorry, just now my leg suddenly felt cramped."


Heechul apologized while shrugging nonchalantly. The black-haired man sighed and looked away from the older man. While Jongwoon was checking on Kyuhyun, Heechul wiggled his brows and smirked knowingly at Kyuhyun from behind the clueless Jongwoon's back. Kyuhyun pretended to not see it and stood up. He caught Jongwoon's wrist and pulled the man away from Hyukjae and their friends.


"Let's go. I don't feel like partying now."

"What? Are you alright Kyuhyun? You are acting weird tonight."

"I'm fine." Kyuhyun squeezed that soft hand, "I just need a cold shower asap."


Kyuhyun chose to not elaborate on why he needed a cold shower during the winter season.




First day of the seminar - night




Kyuhyun immediately stomped into a bathroom as soon as they were back in their room. He the shower and soaked himself under the running cold water. It did wonder against his annoying and soon he could get out of the shower without being called indecent by his friend. Stepping into the bedroom section, he saw Jongwoon lying on a bed watching some movie from a mounted tv opposite of their beds. His friend had already changed into a pajama which consisted of a worn-out white tank top and dark blue boxers. His friend frowned upon seeing his damped hair.


"Why don't you dry your hair? You could catch a cold."

"Nah, it'll dry itself once I leave it long enough."

"Lazy ," Jongwoon snorted, "come here."


His friend tugged his hand and pulled him to sit on the bed without waiting for any reply. Then, Jongwoon moved to straddle on his lap. While Kyuhyun was gasping from surprise, his friend began to dry his hair for him. From their closeness he could smell a distinct fragrance of cologne mixed with Jongwoon's unique personal scent that made his head spin in a good way which was actually really bad for him. He quickly diverted his attention from the sweet smell before "that thing" woke up. Kyuhyun looked up and instantly realized that he made a wrong choice. From this angle, he clearly saw those soft-looking lips and thick eyelashes that constantly fluttered and closed on a pair of magnetic dark orbs. He also got the best view of his friend's slim, milky, and flawless neck and he suddenly felt like biting it. He quickly averted his eyes again before he might lose his self-control. He looked down hoping to focus on the boring bed sheet until this sweet torture was done. However, he soon regretted choosing this choice because it was even more tempting than the last one. Jongwoon's torso was right in front of him. The worn-out tank top basically became a see through cloth at this point so he saw Jongwoon's s clearly. The two little pinkish buds made his mouth water. Very much like that miky neck, he wanted to take a bite of that tempting s so badly that his Kyuhyun Jr. began to misbehave again. Ah, he wondered how Jongwoon would react if he and flicked his tongue at that s? Would his friend arch his back and whimpered his name cutely in that y voice?



"The hell is wrong with you? Kyuhyun?"

"H-Huh? What?"

"I said, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jongwoon glared at him, "you've been rubbing and groping my waist for a while already."



Kyuhyun blinked quizzically. He looked at his hands and found out that they somehow slid under Jongwoon's tank top and were resting on his friend's bare skin. The soft and slightly cold skin felt so good against his hands, so good that he wanted to glue his hands on it forever. However, his rationality also kicked back and harshly reminded him that he was having a dirty thought about his best friend of all people! He quickly let go of his friend's slim waist and gently pushed Jongwoon off his lap.


"Sorry. Don't know what's gotten into me..."

"Duh, if you're then just go to the bar. Many women probably don't mind having a one night stand with you. Just don't forget to wear a and don't drink too much. You have to give a report tomorrow."


Jongwoon rolled his eyes in annoyance and got up from the bed. Turning around, his friend headed to a wardrobe to hang the used towel. Seeing his friend's back slowly getting away somehow bothered him more than he would like to admit. Before he realized what he was doing, his hand shot out and grabbed his friend's wrist firmly. Words he didn't know where it came from also slipped out of his lips without his realization.


"It won't mean a thing."

"Huh? Kyuhyun, are you actually drunk?"

"Those girls, they don't mean a thing," Kyuhyun held his friend's gaze while sliding his hand down to intertwine their hands, "in this entire world, I only want y-"


Kyuhyun stopped.


What was he going to say? That he only wanted Jongwoon by his side? At what status? A friend? A best friend? Or...


No. He wouldn't cross that line no matter what.


"Forget it. Let's just go to bed, Jongwoon."


Kyuhyun let go of his friend's wrist and lay down on the bed. He had his back facing his friend because he was afraid to let his true feeling out if he saw those beautiful eyes. Taking a deep breath, he swore to himself that he had to strengthen his wall and keep his friend at bay. Friend once, friend forever, he wouldn't let Heechul hyung mess with his head and ruin their perfect friendship!



"Kyuhyun," Jongwoon who lay down on a bed god knew when spoke up quietly from behind him, "let's cuddle?"



His friend said uncertainly and rested his forehead against his back.



Kyuhyun turned around and pulled Jongwoon into his embrace, holding his friend's protectively close to his chest.



Tomorrow. Kyuhyun thought to himself. Starting tomorrow I'll keep Jongwoon at bay. 



He made a promise to himself as he unconsciously hugged his friend tighter.

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I say, the next chapter which is the last chapter of Friendzone gonna be a spectacular blast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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Chapter 1: this is just so fun to read i hope you do more of oblivious kyu ahdbwisjsk
Chapter 2: ooooohhhhh its getting good ahdjakdna thank you heebongie
Chapter 1: oh my god kyu is so oblivious
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
This is class, pure class.... funny, cute and y <3<3<3
Chapter 3: Lmao Hyukjae the genius that you are. Please will Kyuhyun confess?
Chapter 3: hyukjae getting rich 😂 that's one way to earn money, also if kyu is some feral lion, is woonie the lion tamer then?? 👀 I would probably be both so amused and frustrated if i were their friend, teasing somebody like kyu would probably be fun just to knock some sense into them
Chapter 1: I feel so bad for wookie 🤧 he spent so many years trying to get them together and still nothing, though i do wonder if he tried the usual method with locking them up in a room? Kinda works wonders 🤗
Chapter 4: OMG The was SO HOT!! I love ty bottom Yesung * 3 * Your writting skills are no joke! This story was cute, intense and y at the same time!
Chapter 4: So beautiful and y~ my heart~