A Friend...?


Second day of the seminar - morning




Kyuhyun woke up because an annoying alarm pierced through his hearing.



"Jongwoon," he called his friend sleepily, "turn the damn thing off. I'm gonna sleep for ten more minutes..."


However, the alarm kept ringing non-stop annoyingly. Eventually, he couldn't stand the noise and got up to turn off the alarm in his phone.


"Jeez, Jongwoon, if you don't want me to oversleep then just wake me up yourself! My mood is ruined now... thanks to that... damn alarm..."


Jongwoon was nowhere to be seen. He woke up fully at once and got off the bed. He searched their room but couldn't find his friend at all. His friend's wallet and phone that were on a nightstand last night also disappeared along with his friend. The meeting started at ten. It was only nine now so where his friend went to? His friend never had breakfast without him so he shouldn't be at a dining hall. His friend hated morning more than him so he wouldn't be taking a stroll too. Then, where was Jongwoon?



"What would you do if you woke up one morning and Woonnie was no longer there waking you up?"



Jongwoon... couldn't possibly... leave him? Right?



Unable to stand the lack of his friend by his side, Kyuhyun quickly dialed Jongwoon.


"Kyuhyun? What a perfect timing. I was about to ca-"

"Where're you?"

"At Hyukjae and Donghae's room. Why?"


Hyukjae. Kyuhyun frowned. Hyukjae again?


"What're you doing there? Why don't you wait for me to wake up and go with you? Why didn't I know that you have some business with him? Why don't they come see you in our room instead of you going there alone?"

"I'm helping Hyukjae with his presentation. You know that he is one of the people who have to give report this morning, right? If I wait for you to wake up then we won't get anything done. Remember? Last night you went to bed early so I didn't have a chance to tell you. I didn't want to disturb your sleep so I suggested that we used his room. Donghae, unlike you, doesn't mind the noise so we can talk as much as we want. There, I answer all your questions, can I state my business now?"

"...Yes, what is it?"

"Hyukjae already ordered a room service for me and him so you go eat breakfast alone."

"Wait, you said the room service is only for him and you? What about Donghae?"

"Donghae said he prefers eating at the dining hall so it's only me and Hyukjae."

"What? You're with Hyukjae, alone?"

"Yep. Oh, I almost forgot. I'll sit with Hyukjae during the seminar today so we probably won't see each other again until dinner. Bye."

"Wait wait wait wait! You are going to leave me alone for the entire day!? Jongwoon, I'm your friend!"

"Kyuhyun, you're not my only friend. If you have nothing better to say then bye."


Jongwoon hung up. Kyuhyun tried to call his friend again but every call was ignored. His friend even messaged him to stop bother him and Hyukjae. Of course, he was upset that his friend ignored him so he planned to just stomp into the damn monkey's room. However...


Don't ever think about coming over here. I won't let you cuddle me for 1 week if you do so.

-My dear Jongwoon


Kyuhyun could only punch a pillow while imagining Hyukjae face to release his pent up frustration. At the same time, he completely forgot about the "keeping Jongwoon at bay" that he promised himself last night.




Second day of the seminar - morning break




Kyuhyun was in a bad mood.



Wherever he glanced at, people flinched and scurried away from him. Wherever he stomped to, people made way for him like a sea being separated by Moses. Literally everyone ran away as soon as they saw his expression. Well, not his fault, all of this was his friend's fault! Ever since waking up to this hellish day, he hadn't hugged Jongwoon yet, not even once! This morning, he went to the dining hall alone and had to endure a pity gaze from his friends. Then, he had to see Jongwoon chatting amicably with Hyukjae because the duo sat at a row right in front of him. He was mature enough to not stir up trouble during the seminar (though he did curse inwardly at Hyukjae non-stop). He waited until the morning break came to take his friend back. However, Jongwoon literally kicked him out of the preparation room for "being a bother to Hyukjae who had to concentrate". This was the first time Jongwoon outright chose someone else over him so it was only naturally that he would be this annoyed.



"Kyuhyun, do you have time to spare? I want to ask you something."

"If you're here to convince me to date Jongwoon then scram."

"No? I want to ask your opinion on the report?"


Turning to face the speaker, Kyuhyun found Siwon raising a brow at him.


"Sorry, what do you want my opinion on again?"

"Here," Siwon handed him four paper full of texts and line charts, "you'll give a report before me so I want to know if you're going to cover the joint cooperation with SM company during the last year's third quarter or not."

"Hmm... While I do plan to include that in my report, I think you should be the one who elaborates on it. After all, you play a bigger role in that project than me."

"I see. Thanks, I'll be sure to do that."


Kyuhyun shrugged and handed the paper back to Siwon. Instead of leaving him alone, his colleague stood still in place and stared at him.


"What is it this time?"

"Kyuhyun, have you seriously never considered asking Jongwoon out?"

"Leave us alone." Kyuhyun barely stopped himself from snarling, "we're fine being just friends."

"Really?" Siwon's brow almost touching his hairline now, "are you sure that you're fine walking down the aisle with Jongwoon, only to give his hand to someone else?"

"Come on, it's not like Jongwoon will get married soon. Hell, I've never seen him taking an interest in someone in all fifteen years we've known each other."

"Who knows," Siwon shrugged, "he might change his mind now. When we went to Changmin's wedding last month, I heard him talking with Changmin that he wants to get married soon."

"What? Is that true? Why didn't Jongwoon tell me?"

"Probably because he didn't want to upset you or he simply didn't want to tell you, who knows, but, Kyuhyun, don't forget that no matter how close you two are, at the end of the day, you're only his friend so you don't have any say in his decisions."


Kyuhyun thinned his lips. The thought that he couldn't do a thing if Jongwoon did get married made his heart throb in pain.


"...You guys don't get it. I'll never lose Jongwoon if we stay just being friends. However, there is a chance that things might be awkward after breaking up and we might not be able to see each other again. Jongwoon is someone very important to me. That's why I think being only friends is best for us."

"You think? What about Jongwoon? What does he think about it?"

"That..." Kyuhyun hesitated, "of course Jongwoon agrees with me. We're friends, after all."


Siwon shook his head in disbelief.


"You shouldn't assume things on behalf of other people, Kyuhyun, that's all I can say."


Siwon patted his shoulder before leaving for real this time. He went silent. He had never thought about Jongwoon's opinions because his friend always left decision making to him. From the color of their shared apartment's wallpaper to each meal, his friend always obediently followed his decisions. Did Jongwoon actually not want to be his friend? But then, wasn't that implied that Jongwoon...



Kyuhyun decided to ask Jongwoon's opinion regarding their relationship.




Second day of the seminar - afternoon break




While he was concerned about asking Jongwoon's opinion, Kyuhyun didn't forget that he had his own report to give in the upcoming afternoon. For that reason, he begrudgingly left Jongwoon with Hyukjae (who still hoarded Jongwoon all to himself even after he already finished giving a report under the pretense of "post-presentation anxiety") to prepare his own presentation. However, his mood had improved quite a great deal because Jongwoon personally came to cheer him up during lunchtime. He also finally got to hug his friend for the first time since this bad day started. With support from his friend, Kyuhyun excellently gave a report that managed to wake up many people who secretly fell asleep during the boring seminar, befitting of someone who was awarded as "the best employee" for five years straight. The afternoon break was right after his report so Kyuhyun literally ran off the stage to see Jongwoon. He was in need of a congratulations hug from his friend.


However, someone was one step faster than him and reached Jongwoon and (surprise surprise) Hyukjae's side before him. It was Donghee. His colleague said something to the two of them and, to his surprise, made Hyukjae shrug and (finally) leave Jongwoon alone. Kyuhyun wouldn't get awarded as the best employee if he didn't know how to seize the opportunity. He quickened his steps and grinned happily. At the same time, he was busy thinking how should he thank Donghee who got rid of the clingy monkey for him. However, his plan was thrown out of the window as soon as he saw Donghee introducing an unfamiliar man to Jongwoon. As if knowing that he was observing them, Donghee turned to his direction and smiled suspiciously at him.


"Just the man I want to see!"


Donghee said and headed toward him, leaving Jongwoon with the stranger, alone. 


"Get out of my way." He basically scowled, "no way in hell I'm leaving Jongwoon with a stranger."

"But that guy isn't a stranger?" Donghee raised his brow, "he is Jung Yunho, executive manager from the Japan branch. I met Yunho last year during one of my meeting at Japan and got to be his acquaintance. I remember Jongwoon once told me that he admires Yunho and his excellent performance in preventing Kyoto sub-branch from bankruptcy so I just intruduce Jongwoon to his idol. What did I do wrong?"


What did you do wrong? How about everything! 


Kyuhyun thought angrily. Ever since he knew Jongwoon, he had never seen his friend smiling as wide as that. Nor had he seen those beautiful black eyes twinkling like that before. Despite being Jongwoon's best friend, Jongwoon had never smiled or looked at him like that at all. As if Jongwoon's obvious admiration toward the man wasn't annoying enough, Yunho just had to smile and chuckle fondly at literally everything his friend said! So annoying!


"You're jealous." Donghee spoke up.


"You're jealous of Yunho because Jongwoon smiles at him like he never does with you, right?"

"Nonsense," Kyuhyun quickly disagreed, "I'm not jealous. I'm just upset that Jongwoon hasn't congratulated me yet despite being my be-"

"Look, Yunho said something to Jongwoon and made him blush."

"-I'll ing kill him."


He was ready to stomp in and get rid of the annoying man but Donghee held him back.


"Sigh, and you said that you're not jealous of him? Kyuhyun, admit it already, you're falling head over heels for Jongwoon."

"Why is it only me that you guys bother? If you really want to pair us together, you should go bother Jongwoon too. You know that it takes two to tango, right?"

"Why would we bother Jongwoon when he- oh god, Kyuhyun, don't tell me that you don't know...?"

"Know what? And let me go already!"

"God, I feel so bad for Jongwoon..."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but," Kyuhyun finally struggled free from his colleague's hold. "I know that you intentionally did this to annoy me, didn't you!?"

"What? I genuinely have no idea what do you mean?"


Donghee said while tilting his head innocently. However, his colleague failed to hide his smirk so Kyuhyun knew that the man did that on purpose. His friend had to make his already bad day become worse! First Hyukjae, now this Yunho, he had had enough of it!


"You!" Kyuhyun yanked Donghee's collar harshly, "what problem do you have with m-"

"Kyuhyun, what happened?"


A familiar charming voice and gentle touch at his cheek stopped Kyuhyun from doing something stupid. He let go of Donghee's collar and turned to see his friend by his side, his small hand gently patting his cheek. His anger melted down instantly like an ice cream in summer. He caught that endearing hand and nuzzled his face against the soft palm.


"Jongwoon," Kyuhyun whined, "where were you? Donghee bullied me when you weren't here..."

"I'm here now, right?" Jongwoon chuckled, "come on, let's have some snacks before the break ends."

"Will you sit with Hyukjae for the rest of the seminar?"

"Nope, he's fine by himself now and I'm really thirsty thanks to all the comforting. That's why, do me a favor and bring me a can of cola, please?"


Kyuhyun happily nodded and set off to the refreshment table, though not before glaring at Donghee. Jongwoon waved after his friend before turning to the man who almost got murdered.


"Since when did you become suicidal? I don't know what you were thinking back there but you should stop. I won't be around all the time to rescue you, you know?"

"Actually, none of this will happen if you just tame him already. Am I right?"


Jongwoon didn't answer his colleague. He simply left Donghee and headed to the refreshment table where Kyuhyun was snarling at Hyukjae.




Second day of the seminar - after party




"The boring meeting is finally over! Cheer!"



Kyuhyun, along with his colleagues, raised their glasses after Heechul and cheered. Taking a sip of the alcoholic drink, he glanced at Jongwoon who was sitting with Donghae and Ryeowook. He didn't forget what Siwon suggested him. He just thought that it wasn't a good idea to talk with Jongwoon now with all prying eyes around them (namely their friends). He would wait until they went back to their room and talked, just the two them. While he was thinking so, Jongwoon got a call from his mother and excused himself to somewhere quieter than the bar. He frowned upon seeing Hyukjae's eyes following after his friend until he disappeared behind a door.


"Guys," Hyukjae suddenly spoke up, "I'm going to ask Jongwoon out tonight."


Kyuhyun was so shocked that his hand let go of the wine glass. Luckily, Siwon who sat beside the man quickly caught it and placed it on a table.


"You're gonna do what?" Kyuhyun growled.

"Asking Jongwoon out." Hyukjae said nonchalantly, "then I probably go for kisses and him a round or two. Hey, you're Jongwoon's best friend, do you think Jongwoon likes it raw or should I wear a con-"


Hyukjae's sentence was cut off by Kyuhyun who shot up from his seat and lunged himself at the man. His punch barely missed Hyukjae because Donghae yanked the man to dodge it in time. At the same time, Siwon and Donghee firmly held Kyuhyun before he got to swing another punch. Jungsu, as their eldest and their boss, quickly stepped in between the two men and stopped the fight before it escalated.


"Both of you, stop! Are you going to cause our company a trouble!?"

"But hyung!" Kyuhyun quickly defended himself, "this damn monkey tries to steal Jongwoon away from me!"

"Indeed I am." Hyukjae taunted, "so what? You're just his friend, not his lover. Hell, even his parents aren't as control-freak as you! Jongwoon is a proper adult and capable of making his own decisions, so it's none of your business if he agrees to date me or share a y night with me. I bet he'll definitely appreciate me drilling his with my all night, considering that he's been going through a dry spell for freaking fifteen years."


"Yep. That's my name." Hyukjae grinned and pointed at Kyuhyun's face, "you'd better remember it well because this is the name you'll see on Jongwoon's wedding card. Don't worry though, you'll be invited to our wedding as my bride's best man since you're Jongwoon's best friend, right? Mister best friend Cho Kyuhyun?"


Kyuhyun was so furious that only Siwon and Donghee couldn't hold him down so Heechul and Ryeowook came to help. However, even with four men holding him back, Kyuhyun still tried to punch Hyukjae and almost succeeded many times if Jungsu hadn't pushed Hyukjae back. They were shouting back and forth but no one noticed them yet. That was because the loud music from a band performing live on a stage distracted other people's attention from them. Though they would definitely notice if Kyuhyun and Hyukjae engaged in a physical fight.



"What the hell happened while I was away!?"



All eyes in the group turned to where the voice came from. Jongwoon who just came back from taking the call stared confusedly at Kyuhyun and Hyukjae who were held back by another colleagues. Upon seeing Jongwoon, Kyuhyun miraculously shook the four men off him. He stomped toward his best friend and snatched that fragile wrist.


"You! Come with me!"

"What the hell!? Let me go Kyuhyun! I haven't had any drink yet! Where the hell are you taking me to! Kyuhyun!"


Jongwoon tried to protest but Kyuhyun was having none of it. He kept dragging his friend until both of them were out of the bar, leaving their friends to stare after them in surprise.




...Or maybe not?




"I won." Hyukjae grinned triumphantly, "pay me, now."


Donghae whined but eventually took out his wallet and handed some bills to Hyukjae.


"Hyukjae-ah, you cheated!" Jungsu protest, "you provoke Kyuhyun-ah, of course you'll win!"

"I agree with Jungsu." Heechul nodded resolutely, "didn't we agree to not directly interfere with them? You literally used yourself as a bait and drove Kyuhyun crazy from jealousy. I say this breakes the rules so this match is a draw."

"And you telling Kyuhyun in details how to Jongwoon doesn't count as 'interfering'? C'mon guys, don't be such a sore loser! I won this game fair and square with my own genius brain so pay me now!"

"I already did." Donghee spoke up as he showed his phone to Hyukjae, a proof that he just transferred money to him.

"Wait a sec," Ryeowook spoke up while Jungsu was taking his money out from his wallet in tears, "what happened here?"

"They have a bet to see who can convince Kyuhyun to finally admit his obvious infatuation with Jongwoon." Siwon kindly explained, then quickly added when Ryeowook raised a brow at him. "I didn't join the bet. I just heard them talking about it last week."

"What!? You guys have a bet and you don't let me join!?"

"Considering it as we have mercy on you, Wook-ah," Heechul said as he grumpily gave money to Hyukjae, "you've been doing this ever since the three of you were in college. You're gonna be broke we let you join the bet."


Ryeowook pouted but couldn't deny what the older said. True to Heechul's words, as both Kyuhyun and Jongwoon's friend, he had been trying to drill some sense into Kyuhyun's head while trying to encourage Jongwoon to make a first move. Sadly, literally nothing happened and all of his hard works were in vain. If he knew that Kyuhyun would be this bat from stupid provocation, he would have already thown himself at Jongwoon ages ago!




"My friends finally get together and I'm rich overnight, I freaking love this seminar!"




Hyukjae laughed while using the money he received to fan himself.

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I say, the next chapter which is the last chapter of Friendzone gonna be a spectacular blast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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Chapter 1: this is just so fun to read i hope you do more of oblivious kyu ahdbwisjsk
Chapter 2: ooooohhhhh its getting good ahdjakdna thank you heebongie
Chapter 1: oh my god kyu is so oblivious
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
This is class, pure class.... funny, cute and y <3<3<3
Chapter 3: Lmao Hyukjae the genius that you are. Please will Kyuhyun confess?
Chapter 3: hyukjae getting rich 😂 that's one way to earn money, also if kyu is some feral lion, is woonie the lion tamer then?? 👀 I would probably be both so amused and frustrated if i were their friend, teasing somebody like kyu would probably be fun just to knock some sense into them
Chapter 1: I feel so bad for wookie 🤧 he spent so many years trying to get them together and still nothing, though i do wonder if he tried the usual method with locking them up in a room? Kinda works wonders 🤗
Chapter 4: OMG The was SO HOT!! I love ty bottom Yesung * 3 * Your writting skills are no joke! This story was cute, intense and y at the same time!
Chapter 4: So beautiful and y~ my heart~