A Friend.


"Kyuhyun oppa, let's break up."

"What? Why? What did I do wrong?"


The light brown-haired woman looked at the Caramel brown-haired man in disbelief.


"Oppa, did you seriously just ask me why?"

"Yes? If I know the reason then I won't ask you, right?"


The beauty woman made a face like she just swallowed some bitter medicine.


"All you ever care about is that guy even though I'm your girlfriend! I told you that I want to go to a restaurant in downtown but you take me to this bar instead just because that guy happened to be here too! Always mention him even though you're with me! Jongwoon this, Jongwoon that, I'm sick of it now!"

"Hey," Kyuhyun frowned disapprovingly, "watch your tone when you talk about Jongwoon."

"See!" The woman stood up and banged her hands on a table, "you side with him even when we're on the verge of breaking up now!"

"That's because Jongwoon didn't do anything wrong while you're being unreasonable here-"




"Go to hell," the woman snickered and placed a now-empty cocktail glass down, "have fun being in denial for the rest of your life, you jerk."


Watching his (now ex) girlfriend storming out in fury, Kyuhyun wiped his face with a cuff of his shirt and sighed in relief. Luckily, he didn't wear his best suit today and the glass was almost empty when the drink was splashed at him so only his face and his collar were damped. He wouldn't want to bother his dear friend Jongwoon who was in charge of their laundry.


"You got dumped? How many times is it again? Fiffty? Seventy?"

"Stop being overdramatized, Ryeowook, it's just my thirteen breakups."


Ryeowook rolled his eyes before sitting down on a chair opposite of Kyuhyun.


"This is actually non of my business but Jongwoonnie nicely asked me to check on you so here I am."

"Jongwoon?" Kyuhyun immediately perked up and looked around, "where is he? Why didn't he come here himself? Why send you instead?"

"And you still wonder why you haven't had any successful relationship yet? Seriously, Kyuhyun, you're unbelievably stupid."

"Hey, will you sleep less soundly if you don't insult me? Where is Jongwoon?"

"Sigh... Whatever. Jongwoonnie is with Jungsu hyung. They're making sure that those interns won't cause any troubles."

"What? You mean Jongwoon is currently paying attention to those kids instead of me? Tsk, tsk, they really don't know their places!"


Kyuhyun quickly got up from his seat. He had a lesson or two to teach those new employees regarding his man. However, Ryeowook caught his wrist when he was walking past his seat and glared at him to sit back down. Kyuhyun wanted to hurry and go to Jongwoon's side, but he knew that he shouldn't anger his friend so he sat down again, albeit grumpily.


"Five minutes. I have to teach those kids that I'm the only one allowed to tease Jongwoon."

"Jesus Christ Cho Kyuhyun. Why don't you just ask him out if you're this possessive of him?"

"What?" Kyuhyun snorted, "who the hell asks their friend out? Don't be silly, Ryeonggu."

"No, you're silly, silly and stupid. Anyone who isn't blind knows that you are so ing whipped for him. You have been doing this for... how long have you two known each other again?"

"Fifteen years."

"Right, so you have been in denial for fifteen years already. Aren't you tired of it?"

"I told you. Jongwoon is only my friend, well, my best friend, to be precise, but still, you got my point."

"Only friend? Then, do you remember what happened on Seohyun's birthday?"

"My first girlfriend in highschool?"




"Seohyun, happy birthday! Here, a gift for my lovely girlfriend."

"Thank you oppa. You're very sweet!"

"What do you want to do next?"

"Let see... I know! There's this new cafe that I wa-"


My heart hears you~ From head to toe~


"Wait a sec, hello?"

"Kyuhyun? Are you free now?"

"Jongwoon!" Kyuhyun smiled happily, "I'm on a date with Seohyun, why?"

"Ah, right, I forgot that you have a girlfriend now. Nevermind then."

"What happened?" Kyuhyun frowned, " are you alright?"

"Fine. Fine. I just finish my club earlier than usual so I don't know what to do. I was thinking of going to a game center with you but if you're busy then I'll just go home."

"No. I'll go with you. Stay where you are."

"What? But what about your girl-"


Kyuhyun hung up the call and smiled sweetly at his girlfriend.


"Sorry, but I can't go with you now. See you tomorrow."

"Wait, oppa, oppa!"




"Then she broke up with me on the next day. Would you believe that?"

"I'll be more surprised if she didn't do that." Ryeowook rolled his eyes in annoyance, "don't you really get it?"

"Get what?"

"Urgh, fine, do you remember that time the intern named Victoria confessed to you?"

"You mean that girl who worked in my team for a month then suddenly resigned?"




"K-Kyuhyun oppa...?"

"Vicky? Is something the matter?"

"There is something I want to tell you... Will you spare your time to listen to me?"

"Sure. Go ahead."


The lovely woman took a deep breath and braced herself. Just as she was about to say something, however, the door to Kyuhyun's office suddenly opened.


"Yo! Kyuhyun, do you want to-"


Jongwoon stopped when he saw Kyuhyun and Victoria together. He laughed sheepishly.


"My bad. Just pretend that you didn't see me!"


The black-haired man closed the door but Kyuhyun quickly moved to yank it open again.


"Jongwoon, do you need something?"

"Well..." Jongwoon scratched his head while glancing at the lone girl in the room, "just checking if you want to have lunch with me?"

"Of course." Kyuhyun smiled, "I'll catch up with you soon. Just buy me a tteok-"

"A tteokbokki, right?" Jongwoon shook his head, "you never change, Kyuhyun."


Kyuhyun grinned and nodded eagerly at his black-haired friend. Jongwoon waved nonchalantly before disappearing behind the closed door. Kyuhyun's gaze lingered at the door for a while before recalling that someone else was in the room with him.


"Right, Vicky, what is it that you want to tell me?"

".... Nothing."




"So she wanted to confess to me? Wow, I didn't see that coming at all."

"Of course you didn't, idiot, you only think of Jongwoonnie."

"What's wrong with always thinking of my best friend? And what is it that you try to make me understand?"

"The hell!? You still don't get it!?"


"Oh my god!" Ryeowook began to massage his temples, "fine! What about that time you broke up with Hyemin?"

"How could I forget her..."




"Oppa, please answer me honestly, have you ever loved me at all?"

"What? Of course I love you! If I don't, I wouldn't go through all the troubles to win your heart, right?"

"Really?" The beauty woman raised one brow, "in that case, tomorrow, you must stay with me all day. Can you do that?"

"But tomorrow!?"

"Yes, it's Jongwoon oppa's birthday. If you really love me and only think of him as a friend, then it should be fine to not celebrate his birthday on time, right? Plus, Jongwoon oppa is really kind. He will understand that you can't make it because you're with me."


Kyuhyun went deadly quiet. He had never missed Jongwoon's birthday before and he didn't want to miss even one of it. However, he also didn't want to disappoint his girlfriend. Hyemin was different from other women he had dated so far. She was an understanding person and didn't mind him talking about Jongwoon all the time unlike his past girlfriends. If anything, Hyemin actually got along very well with Jongwoon that sometimes Kyuhyun felt like he was a third wheel. Kyuhyun truly loved Hyemin. He wanted to make her happy so he accepted her request.

That day, he kept glancing at the time and at his phone. He wanted to call Jongwoon and begged for forgiveness, but every time when his hand reached out to his phone Hyemin would look at him and smiled. He felt guilty like he was cheating on his girlfriend so he could only push the phone away. In the end, he kept the promise and stayed with her all day. But the closer the time was to midnight, the more agitated and restless he was. When it was thirty minutes to midnight, he basically paced around the room in anxiety.


"Kyuhyun oppa,"

"H-Huh? What is it honey?"

"You should go."

"Go? To where?"

"To Jongwoon oppa, of course," Hyemin smiled sadly at him though he didn't know why, "maybe it's time for me to accept the truth."

"What? Hyemin, what are you talking about?"

"I'm breaking up with you, silly!"

"Break up!? But-"


Hyemin pushed him out of her room without even explaining why. Kyuhyun tried to ask his girlfriend what he did wrong but she only smiled at him.


"Go. You can make it if you hurry up."

"Hyemin, wait!"

"Good luck oppa. I hope you'll be more honest with yourself before it's too late."




"I managed to go back to our apartment five minutes before midnight with his favorite cake and coffee. For some reason, Jongwoon was really angry instead of happy. He even chased me out to sleep in a guest room for a whole week! You hear me? A whole week without cuddling Jongwoon!"

"Do you know why Hyemin broke up with you?"

"Honestly, I've been asking myself all the time ever since that night, but I still don't know why she did that nor why Jongwoon was upset at me."


Ryeowook banged his forehead on the table.


"I give up. You're too stupid. Irredeemable."

"I'll pretend that I didn't hear what you said just now. Speaking of breaking up for no reason, one ex-girlfriend comes up on my mind."




"Oppa, can't you put your phone away for the time being?"

"But Jongwoon still hasn't answered my call yet! I've been calling him for half an hour now. What if something bad happened to him?"

"Oppa," the woman said through gritted teeth, "did you forget that you're on a date with me now?"

"No, I didn't forget that." Kyuhyun replied without looking up from his phone, "that's why I take you to this upscale restaurant as per your whim, right?"

"Then stop talking about that guy already! I'm your girlfriend. Pay more attention to me!"


Ignoring his girlfriend's anger, Kyuhyun impatiently got up and slapped a stack of bills on a table.


"There, I already pay for everything so enjoy your meal."

"What!? No! You come back now! Cho Kyuhyun!"




"Turned out Jongwoon caught a bad cold but he didn't want to bother me so he ignored my call. His misplaced consideration is very annoying, especially when he can't even look after himself! Luckily, he had me to nurse him back to full health."

"...And that girlfriend of yours?"

"She called me and broke up with me that night while I was taking care of Jongwoon." Kyuhyun shrugged, "I guess the meal wasn't to her liking?"


If human's eyes could roll backward into the skull, then Ryeowook's had probably finished a lap already.


"Admit it already Kyuhyun, you like, no, you love Jongwoonnie!"

"Nonsense." Kyuhyun scoffed and got up, "if you have nothing smarter to say then excuse me. I've already left Jongwoon unattended too long for my liking."


Ryeowook could only stare after his friend's back while sighing defeatedly.




2 weeks later...



"Whose idea is it to come to Jeju in winter every year just to submit annual reports? Are we still living in a stone age or what?"

"I'm glad that you're as enthusiastic as ever about the seminar."


Kyuhyun snorted at his friend's sarcastic remark. He threw himself on a bed and lazed around, knowing that Jongwoon would take care of his luggage for him. The black-haired man pouted but obediently put away his lazy- friend's belongings anyway. Lying on his side, Kyuhyun smiled while watching his friend neatly hanging their suits in a wardrobe.


"Jongwoon, Jongwoon, where else can I find a friend as awesome as you?"

"Probably nowhere. I doubt anyone can tolerate you like I do."

"I know right!" Kyuhyun sat up and placed a pillow on his lap, "You're the best gift I've ever received and I'm sincerely happy to have you as my friend. Yet Ryeowook still insists that we ruin our friendship by dating each other. What a clown!"


Jongwoon's hands that was working on their luggage temporarily stopped but it went unnoticed by Kyuhyun.


"...Did Ryeowookie say that?"

"Yep. You know that he has been at it for many years, right? But it's gotten a lot more annoying as of lately."

"That's how he always is. You should get used to it by now."

"Getting used to it doesn't mean that I'm fine with it. Jongwoon, how can he insult our friendship by suggesting something ridiculous like that?"


Jongwoon's hands stopped working again, but it went unnoticed by Kyuhyun, again, too. After a short while, he continued to put away their luggage as if nothing happened. When he was done, the black-haired man turned around to face his friend with a small smile on his lips.


"It's almost eleven now. We have to get up early tomorrow so let's sleep."

"Alrighty, Jongwoon, come here."


Kyuhyun tapped a space on the bed beside him. Ever since they began to live together after graduating from highschool, they always shared a bed because of how cuddly his friend was. He loved cuddling with Jongwoon so much that he couldn't sleep without doing so. Tonight, he expected nothing out of ordinary, however...


"I'm not in a mood to share a bed with you tonight."

"Wait? What? Are you serious?"

"Goodnight, Kyuhyun."


Jongwoon lay down on another bed and turned his back at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun's jaw almost dropped to the floor from surprise. He quickly got out of his bed and sat down beside his friend. He poked his friend's back timidly since he didn't want to incite his friend's wrath.


"Jongwoon~ What happened? Did something upset you?"

"Get out of my bed. I'm in a bad mood now."

"But I can't sleep without you..."

"None of my business. Get lost."

"Jongwoon..." Kyuhyun whined, "at least move closer to the edge? So I can at least hold your hand?"


Kyuhyun waited patiently while continuing to poke his friend's back. Eventually, Jongwoon sighed and turned around to face him.


"Fine. But just holding hand, got it?"

"Got it! Jongwoon, you're the best!"


Kyuhyun stole a quick kiss at his friend's cheek before hopping back to his bed. He lay down near the edge and reached out to hold his friend's cute small hand, only to frown curiously when he saw Jongwoon's cheeks turning slightly red.


"Huh? Jongwoon, your face is a bit red? Did you catch a cold?"



Ignoring his friend's weird reaction, Kyuhyun fell asleep still holding that cute hand firmly. He never let it go even once until the morning came.

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I say, the next chapter which is the last chapter of Friendzone gonna be a spectacular blast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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Chapter 1: this is just so fun to read i hope you do more of oblivious kyu ahdbwisjsk
Chapter 2: ooooohhhhh its getting good ahdjakdna thank you heebongie
Chapter 1: oh my god kyu is so oblivious
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
This is class, pure class.... funny, cute and y <3<3<3
Chapter 3: Lmao Hyukjae the genius that you are. Please will Kyuhyun confess?
Chapter 3: hyukjae getting rich 😂 that's one way to earn money, also if kyu is some feral lion, is woonie the lion tamer then?? 👀 I would probably be both so amused and frustrated if i were their friend, teasing somebody like kyu would probably be fun just to knock some sense into them
Chapter 1: I feel so bad for wookie 🤧 he spent so many years trying to get them together and still nothing, though i do wonder if he tried the usual method with locking them up in a room? Kinda works wonders 🤗
Chapter 4: OMG The was SO HOT!! I love ty bottom Yesung * 3 * Your writting skills are no joke! This story was cute, intense and y at the same time!
Chapter 4: So beautiful and y~ my heart~