
Hot Chocolate & Ice Cream

Okay, this is a super duper short chapter because the next one is...not super duper short ._.;; So I had to cut it off somewhere.




There was nowhere to go when everything was closed due to all the snow. People started trickling out but they were just trying to get home. Taemin and I walked around in silence. I looked around at the white city while he buried half of his face into his collar. I looked at him and realized that we had been walking for quite some time now.


"Do you wanna take a rest?" I asked and stopped trudging my feet through the snow.


Taemin shook his head and poked his mouth out of the high collar. "I want to keep moving and have the blood circulating. Plus, there's nowhere to rest."


Even though he talked at a normal pace, I could tell he was slightly out of breath. Some of the sidewalks weren't cleared and we tried to avoid them at all costs. Unfortunately, it was difficult and we had to push our way through a few snow filled streets. I tried to help Taemin through them as much as I could but even without crutches, I was stumbling over.


A snowmobile passed us on the road and I watched as it pushed snow to the side. Then a small car wheeled along behind the snowmobile and both Taemin and I both followed it with our eyes. I watched it drive to the end of the street, which took a while, and a pang of anger struck me when I remembered that I could be in a car right now, getting driven home. Heck, I could be at home, right this instant, in my soft bed.


Taemin nudged me and I looked over at him. "Take my crutch and knock some of the ice off the sign, would you?" He handed me one of his crutches and pointed to a sign that was held up by a metal pole.


I whacked the sign a few times and took a step back as the ice fell. Just the night before, ice was beautiful; it was a piece of art. Now, it felt dangerous.


"Let's go." Taemin walked up to me and ushered me away. I looked at the sign and realized it indicated which direction the subway station was.


"But, Taemin, isn't it filled with ice or water down there?"


Taemin shrugged, "We'll just have to wait it out, I guess."


I looked back at the sign and read the smaller print. "Taemin," I gulped and walked up beside him, "The station's another 4km away."


That made Taemin stop. He looked straight at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "Tae Seul..." He whispered.


I leaned forward. Yes, I leaned forward. I mean, this is what always happens in stories, right? The guy looks intensely at the girl's eyes and then BAM, a kiss that makes the audience feel all fuzzy on the inside. Though I wasn't sure if I was ready for a kiss with Taemin, I sure wanted to get my first kiss out of the way. "Yes?" I said quietly. Taemin puckered up his lips and so did I. Oh, I was so ready! My eyelids slowly began to drop as I leaned even closer.


"Pabo!" Taemin laughed and poked my forehead.


I snapped out of my little trance and rubbed my forehead. "What was that for?"


Taemin sighed, "If you were so tired, why didn't you tell me? See, I knew you would be too sleepy if you stayed awake that whole time. You couldn't even stand up straight, let alone keep your eyes open!" I stood still, a little shocked. Taemin walked around so he was behind me. "Let's go to that cafe over there." He nudged me and I began moving.


The cafe was actually open and I walked towards it slowly with Taemin right behind me. I was utterly confused. Did I really look that stupid? I was totally not Taemin's type. B-b-but in stories, that was when the boy would always kiss the girl! I was just getting prepared!


Taemin ordered hot chocolate for us and I stared at the table, totally embarrassed about what had happened a few minutes ago. What the heck was I thinking? Kissing Taemin, such a popular and charismatic guy. Aigoo, and I wanted to leave him, too. How can I do that now?


"Tae Seul, drink it well." Taemin said as a tired waitress brought us our drinks.


I looked up at him and then at the hot chocolate. My face was already hot from the fever and then a blush started to appear on my face. I wasn't in the mood for hot chocolate but I took a sip anyway. "Thank you." I said in a weak and hoarse voice.


Taemin leaned forward and felt my forehead. "You really need rest. Why didn't you sleep last night?"


"I did," I fought back crankily, "I just didn't feel sleepy when you wanted me to sleep but now, I'm kind of tired."


He gave a sigh, "I don't know if we can get home anytime soon." Taemin looked out the window and drank some of his hot chocolate. "Ah, waitress!" Suddenly, he waved over a waitress. "Are there any pharmacies open around here?"


The lady could barely keep her eyes open as she leaned against the counter. I figured she probably stayed in this cafe for the whole night along with the rest of the staff. "I don't know." She mumbled and walked to another customer.


Taemin stared at the ground and bit his lip. I watched him get up and settle his crutches under his arms. "You stay here, Tae Seul. I'll go find a drug store for you." Then he dug out 20000 Won and put it on the table. "If they ask you to pay, use that. Buy anything you want if you get hungry, okay? I'll be back soon." He gave me a small smile and then walked out.


I was physically exhausted and my mind wasn't working any better. He had barely drunk any of his hot chocolate and then left. Would he come back? I couldn't take care of myself in such a big city. I rested my head in my arms on the table. First Mr. Choi, now Taemin. I was alone until one of them would come back. I watched the steam rise and mingle from both our hot chocolates as I thought about how to survive in this kind of place. Maybe being a hobo was the way to go.




T___T I'm so glad I don't have to worry about not updating. Exams are coming up and everything's due around this time x___x Along with late night drama rehearsals, I reeeeally don't have time to write.


LET'S ENJOY THE FREEDOM THAT WE HAVE BEFORE EXAMS...though, I don't think you guys all have exams around this time, right? xD


And thank you guys sooo much for the comments & subscriptions ♥ They make me happyyy :3

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I forgot how much I loved this story!!! Thank your for writing, it was really adorable !!!
huehuehue #2
Chapter 13: hehehehhehehe this is SO CUTE. /giggling like a 12 y/o
Chapter 13: soooo cute ~
Chapter 13: awwe. so cuteeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mayeskie #5
Congrats on the feature! :)
congrats! :)
Congrats :3
epik_perfection #8
congrats (: the poster is cute tehee.