
Hot Chocolate & Ice Cream

Taemin's POV

I felt something squirm under my arm which made my eyelids fly open. I quickly lifted up my hand and put it somewhere safer, making a popping sound in my shoulder in the process. I looked down and saw that Tae Seul's eyes were still closed. It was dawn and thankfully, she was still asleep.

Tae Seul whined a little and started kicking and shoving the blankets off but I pulled them back up.

"You're still sick..." I murmured to her sleeping form. It felt as if she was listening, though, but she was just acting stubborn. She clawed at my hand and pushed the blankets away with a frown on her face. I yanked them back up and held them firmly to make sure that she couldn't rip them off.

Tae Seul whined in her sleep as she squirmed and tried to turn the other direction. She used her feet to push the restraints of the blanket away and g --

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I tumbled onto the floor while holding my private area and tried not to make a sound as I withered there in pain. I heard a bit of shuffling behind me on the bed and a hand tapped my shoulder. However, I didn't have the strength to turn around.

"Taemin, why are you on the floor?" Tae Seul asked with a hoarse and tired voice.

I, on the other hand, had trouble getting my jaw to loosen. The searing pain was worse than I thought. I had never had a kick down there and wasn't planning on having any in my life, considering the horror stories my hyungs have told me. But this was just bad. I instantly knew this pain was going to last for weeks.

"Is this your bed? I'll get off if you want."

I wanted to tell her that she could sleep on it all day but the pain was still killing me.

Tae Seul shook my shoulders. "Say something."

After a few more seconds of total agony, I rolled around carefully and looked at her with a pained expression. "You weren't awake when it happened, were you?" I grimaced at the memory.

"When what happened?" She looked down to where my hands were and her face became red. "Oh my God, I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't mean to-- well, I don't even remember anything! I just woke up when I heard a thud and-- I'm sorry!" She buried her face into my blankets and sulked. At least, that's what I think she was doing.

"Don't worry," I tried to say through gritted teeth, "it's not that bad." I know, I'm fantastic at lying. I pushed myself off the floor and tried to steady myself with the nightstand. It wouldn't be a surprise if I couldn't walk but after moving one foot and then the other, the sting seemed tolerable...for now.

"Where are you going?" I turned around, slightly scowling from the pulsating pain, and saw her trying to follow me out of bed but sat back down after a few seconds. "Ack, the room's spinning." She held her head and closed her eyes.

"I'll...I'll go get some breakfast...and ice. Sleep some more, okay? You're still sick and need the rest."

She obeyed and went back to sleep on MY BED.

It suddenly hit me.

There was actually a girl on MY BED.

Jonghyun would probably say that I was too young and that I should be giving the girl to him. Key would be scolding me. Minho would be glaring at me like he always does when I do something weird. And Onew? Well, he'd probably just giggle in the corner of a room. Even though he's the oldest, he's pretty immature.

Hey, it's not hurting as much anymore. Maybe I'm made out of regenerating steel down there and I'll be completely healed in an hour.


Who am I kidding? I'll never be able to have children.

I sighed and went into the living room, noticing that it was empty. I went to my parents' room and only saw them in there, still in bed. Then I checked every other room in the apartment and found no Mr. Choi or his girlfriend. Yes, they had left! This is my territory again. If I could insert a menacing cackle here, I would.


Tae Seul's POV

"Tae Seul, wake up." I opened my eyes and saw Taemin smiling brightly at me.

"But I don't wanna!" Groaning, I turned around so my back was facing Taemin and heard him laugh a little.

"It's already eleven and you haven't even had breakfast yet."

"I don't need breakfast." I laughed lazily.

I felt him climb onto the bed. "How much longer are you going to sleep? I'm bored."

"I'm going to sleep forever." I turned back around and was a bit stunned when Taemin's face was right above mine. Lying on my back, I tried to press closer to the bed so I wouldn't do something bad by accident. Unfortunately, the bed wouldn't agree with me.

He made that puppy dog face that I could never refuse. "But nobody's home and I've been waiting forever." He pouted out his lips and my eyes flashed to them. When I looked back up to his big eyes, some sort of energy made me courageous. It made me realize that I wanted to stay with Lee Taemin and that I should seize the moment...or the day, however Mr. Choi's girlfriend wants to put it.

I rose my head up and gave Taemin a small peck on the lips. His soft lips instantly made me melt but even as I was letting my head fall back onto the bed, I was regretting the move. Taemin stared blankly at me and I searched for some sort of hope. His pout disappeared and his lips were parted; they looked like they were disappointed. I dug deep to look for an answer in his eyes but found nothing.

Stupid Tae Seul. "I'm sorry." I started panicking. "I wasn't thinking." I slid out of the awkward position and crawled around him to the end of the bed. "Umm, it's eleven so I should be getting home. My mom would be worried." I stood up but the dizziness struck again and I groaned. I held my head and closed my eyes again but it didn't soothe the headache.

A pair of arms slithered around my waist, helping me back onto the bed. "No, stay with me. You can call your mom later."

I held my breath. What was Taemin doing? I waited for an answer but instead of a worded one, Taemin kissed me on the cheek.

"I think you've got more guts than me." I blushed furiously. Was I not supposed to make the first move? "Hey, there's finally some colour on your face. You've been pale white this whole time." He kissed me again and I blushed even harder. "Okay, I don't want you to become a tomato."

I laughed nervously as I laid in bed with Lee Taemin holding onto me. Was this all a dream? It couldn't be since...since...since nobody actually gets dizzy during a dream!

"Taem-Taemin," I asked nervously, "this isn't a dream, right?" My voice squeaked at the end and I remembered my sore throat.

He propped himself up on one arm to take a good look at me. "I hope not. Did you think that I wouldn't like you?" He asked coolly.

I nodded slowly and Taemin frowned. "I thought that you wanted me gone."

Taemin's eyes opened wide. "I thought YOU wanted ME gone."

"Heh? When did I ever say that?"

"Yesterday, you thought I was asleep and started talking about how you were going to leave."

I thought about it and he was right. It was my rehearsal farewell speech. "Oh, that...that was because we had been fighting so much and I thought you wanted me to leave so you could date another noona." I played with the hem of my sleeve in embarrassment but then noticed the cast on Taemin's leg. "While we're explaining things, how the heck does somebody like you break an ankle?"

"Why can't I break an ankle?" He looked down at his own cast.

"Because you're this flexible guy who barely has any bones in his body."

"Hey, I have lots of strong bones. I drink milk everyday, you kno--"

I poked him in the chest. "Don't avoid my question."

He sighed and got ready to give an explanation. "The last day that you came to my apartment, you ran out of here, right? I tried to go after you but then the elevators were being slow so I took the stairs." He paused for a second and I fit together the rest of the story.

I crept closer to him and played with the hem of his shirt. "Hmph, I hate you. You fell down the stairs, didn't you?"

He laughed quietly and said yes. "But even if I'm hurt physically, I'm still pretty happy on the inside." Taemin smiled proudly.

"That was lame."

"I know."

"You'll be crippled within a month, Taemin-ah. I'm always the reason you're being hurt."

Taemin lifted up my chin and gave me a light kiss on the lips. "Pabo, stop lying; it's not healthy."

We stayed in bed for the next hour but neither of us could go to sleep...or even fake it. Did I ever tell you that Taemin's a horrible actor?




-Flops around- The end. It's over. C'est la fin.

I reread the last chapter today and it just wasn't as good as when I read it a month ago ;3; And I bet all of you cried when Taemin got hurt :C I bet you all cried a river.


Thank you all for reading, though! ♥ Comments + subscribers = LOVE LOVE LOVE...EVERYBODY, CLAP CLAP CLAP.

I don't know what to say anymore so I'll stick in some of my ever-so-fluent Korean n___n


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I forgot how much I loved this story!!! Thank your for writing, it was really adorable !!!
huehuehue #2
Chapter 13: hehehehhehehe this is SO CUTE. /giggling like a 12 y/o
Chapter 13: soooo cute ~
Chapter 13: awwe. so cuteeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mayeskie #5
Congrats on the feature! :)
congrats! :)
Congrats :3
epik_perfection #8
congrats (: the poster is cute tehee.