
Hot Chocolate & Ice Cream





"Tae Seul, wake up." Taemin shook my arm. "The train's finally here."

"Hmm? It's here?" I looked around at all the new people that had made their way into the subway station.

Taemin helped me stand up and then brought his crutches under his arms. "Let's head home."

I rubbed my eyes and held onto Taemin's jacket as he pushed his way into the subway car. He let me take a seat in between a mother and a teenager who both were looking at Taemin, probably getting jealous of his feminine good looks. "Aren't you going to sit?" I asked him but he still stood over me with one hand holding onto the pole beside my seat.

"No, there's no more space."

I stood up and tried to offer him my seat but he wouldn't get out of the way. "Taemin, sit. You have crutches."

"But you're the sleepyhead with a fever." He felt my forehead and made a frown. "It's still really high. Do you want some medicine?"

I shook my head and sat back down. "No, I'd rather just go to sleep. We won't be getting off for a long time, right?"

"If I checked the map correctly, we still have a long long long way to go."

Indeed, it took a long long long time to get home. My fever didn't get any better, in fact, I think it got worse. I guess it was a good thing, though, since people tried to avoid me and then Taemin could finally take a seat.

We got off the subway train and outside where a bus was waiting. "One more bus ride and you're back home in your warm bed." Taemin assured me.

"It's not 2AM yet?" That was when buses stopped their treks around the city.

"No, it's only midnight." We sat on the almost empty bus and I realized something.

"Aren't you supposed to take another bus?"

Taemin looked at me as if I was stupid...which I probably was. "And leave you to keep track of the stops? No way. You're probably going to make a round trip back to the subway station." His cellphone rang and he told me it was Onew-oppa calling him. "Tell mom I'm sorry and I'll be home soon...No, I'm not going to be there tomorrow...Okay, bye."

"What are you supposed to do tomorrow?"

"We were going to find out the winners of this contest but I'm not going."

"If you're in the contest, you should go! What if you win?"

"But I'm too tired, Tae Seul, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be grounded. Anyway, they'll call me if they win."

I sighed, too exhausted from the fever to bother arguing with Taemin. "Then you'd better have your cellphone ready for tomorrow. They're going to call you to tell you the results, right?" He nodded.

After a few stops, we finally made it to mine. Even though I had slept for many hours already, I was still tired and I still missed my bed. We walked to my house and I turned to Taemin.

"Well, you should go home now. If you wait any later, the buses aren't going to be in service anymore."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Handle what? Getting myself to bed? Of course I can, Taemin."

"Are any of your parents home?" Taemin was pretty concerned.

"No, they're both working night shifts." I watched as he thought about what to do. "Do you need to use the bathroom?"

"Yes! Yes, I do."

I opened the door for him and he watched me go upstairs before he went into the washroom. I changed into my pajamas and sat on my bed, waiting for Taemin to call me.

"Tae Seul, I'm leaving now. Lock up." I heard the door close and then there was silence. After spending over a day with Taemin, I didn't want him to leave just yet. I ran down the stairs and out the door in my slippers.

I was freezing. "Taemin!" He was just a few steps out the door and looked back. I didn't know what to say without sounding weird. "Can you sing me that lullaby again?"

He smiled and took big steps back towards the house. "Can't sleep?"

I shook my head and walked upstairs with Taemin behind me. The cold caught up with me and I shivered as I snuggled into my warm blanket. Taemin took out his cellphone and put it on my desk so he wouldn't sit on it as he took a seat on an office chair.

After two short French words, I was fast asleep.



OMGOODNESS :c Why so fluffy?

Good luck to anybody else with exams! ♥♥♥♥

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I forgot how much I loved this story!!! Thank your for writing, it was really adorable !!!
huehuehue #2
Chapter 13: hehehehhehehe this is SO CUTE. /giggling like a 12 y/o
Chapter 13: soooo cute ~
Chapter 13: awwe. so cuteeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mayeskie #5
Congrats on the feature! :)
congrats! :)
Congrats :3
epik_perfection #8
congrats (: the poster is cute tehee.