No Longer A Secret

Meant To Be
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Chapter 4


-No Longer A Secret-

After the girls finished talking, they met back up with Bora and Minji. It was time for them to head home. With Bora’s arm in the state it was in, there was no way that she could ride her bike home.

Instead, Minji offered to give them a ride. Yoohyeon didn’t live far, so Minji quickly dropped her off and came back to drive Bora Gahyeon and Siyeon home.

Gahyeon and Minji had the same idea and made sure that Gahyeon sat in the front. Leaving the two girls to sit with each other in the back.

Bora and Siyeon sat in awkward silence. Both wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say. Siyeon didn’t want to miss her chance, though, and finally built up the courage to say something.

“so… what made you want a motorcycle?” Siyeon asked as she prayed that she wouldn't upset Bora with her question.

“well, its kind of silly, but I guess as an act of rebellion? I always feel so pressured and suffocated at school. I have to get the best grades I can, and I have to always watch my image because it might hurt my chances for a college that I will never go to…” Bora said as she sighed softly.

Siyeon could feel the stress and pressure radiating off of Bora as she thought about it. Without knowing it, Siyeon gently placed her hand over Bora’s. The older girl looked at her and smiled before continuing.

“I got the bike because I thought it would upset my father, but I ended up loving it. The chill of the air wakes me up, and all my stress melts away while I'm on it.” Bora said as Siyeon smiled.

“That sounds amazing. I'm glad you found something that you enjoy.” Siyeon said as she smiled at Bora. She had no idea how she was affecting Bora right now.

Just the feeling of Siyeon’s warm hand on hers and the beautiful smile she was giving her was driving her insane. She wanted to kiss Siyeon so badly but didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Both Minji and her sister were in the car after all.

But Siyeon didn’t miss the signs Bora was giving. She had noticed Bora’s eyes drift to her lips several times. Siyeon didn’t know where she got the confidence from. But the more she was around Bora, she realized that she wasn’t as afraid around her.

Siyeon put her finger to her lips as she watched Bora’s eyes widened. Siyeon leaned in for a kiss but stopped just before their lips touched.  She was looking into Bora’s eyes and waiting for permission.

Bora gave it as she leaned in the rest of the way. Their lips connected gently. Bora was extremely gentle. She didn’t want to hurt Siyeon’s stitches.

The kiss was short and gentle, but it left both girls breathless. They had forgotten that they were not alone. All they could see was each other at that moment.

Bora leaned in again, and this time Siyeon was the one to bridge the gap. This kiss was slightly rougher. Bora was still careful not to hurt Siyeon, but she dominated this kiss.

Siyeon’s heart was already pounding rapidly, but when Bora’s hand gently made its way to the back of her neck, the younger girl felt pleasant chills run down her spine. Bora’s hands were small yet warm against her cool neck.

Siyeon was sad when the kiss ended. Bora leaned back, but Siyeon knew that she wasn’t the only one that missed the contact when she looked into Bora’s eyes.

Her hand was still gently touching the back of her neck, and as she drew it away, she gently Siyeon’s cheek before finally pulling away.

There was such affection in Bora’s gaze and touch that Siyeon could tell it wasn’t just some physical attraction for Bora. It made Siyeon’s heart ache happily as she smiled at the beautiful girl before her. Before they could say anything else, though, they realized that their ride was over.

Minji and Gahyeon were looking at them through the rearview mirror with huge grins on their faces. How long had they been parked? Judging from the looks they were getting from the two in the front, it must have been a while.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow...” Bora said as she blushed. Siyeon couldn’t get out any words and just nodded as she fled the car and ran inside the gate.

“well… that was better than a drama!” Minji teased as Gahyeon laughed loudly and got out of the car. She waved goodbye to the two and shut the car door. Bora watched Siyeon’s little sister until she disappeared inside the gate and let out a sigh.

“want to move up front?” Minji asked, but Bora just shook her head.

“nope!” She said as she felt her face heating up again.

“aww! Why not? Embarrassed that we saw your little make-out session?” Minji teased as Bora groaned and sank farther down in her seat.

“exactly! Now drive, please?” Bora asked as Minji chuckled and drove her best friend home. It wasn’t very far, but it felt like it took forever in the awkward silence.

When Minji pulled into the driveway, Bora sighed in relief. She didn’t know what to say to her best friend, but she knew she couldn’t leave it like this or it would bother her all night.

“thank you. For everything. Mainly not harassing me for earlier…” Bora said as Minji smiled.

“you two looked adorable together,” Minji said as Bora blushed.

“I could say the same for you and your girlfriend. Sorry for ruining your date…” Bora said as Minji shook her head.

“that’s what best friends are for. I do wish you were able to meet Yoohyeon in better circumstances, but at least she was able to help you tonight with Siyeon.” Minji said as Bora froze. Her hand still on the door handle.

“what do you mean?” Bora asked as she looked at Minji through the mirror.

“it seems Siyeon is worried that you might regret the kiss in the morning. She seems to think very little of herself. Yoohyeon told her that it seems like you have liked her for a while. She said you need to show Siyeon you truly care. Prove to her that you are serious and not just having a fling with her.” Minji said as Bora thought quietly.

What Bora felt for Siyeon was much more than some fling, but how could she prove that to Siyeon? She had absolutely zero dating experience. She had a lot of thinking to do.

“oh! One more thing. Yooh said that it seems that Siyeon likes it when you take the lead…” Minji said with a wink.

It took Bora a second for her mind to understand that, but when she did, she turned a bright shade of red. Bora had worried that Siyeon might have disliked it when she became a bit possessive but didn’t know what to think when she found out it was the complete opposite.

Bora was frozen in place as that sank in. She blinked several times before she fled the car and quickly walked inside. It was now getting dark, and Bora was sure her father would try to quiz her. She was usually never this late, after all.


When she entered the large house, she noticed a light on in his study and tried to sneak by, but it was no use.

“Bora? Is everything alright? You are never out this late.” Mr. Kim said as Bora sighed in frustration.

“I'm fine…” Bora said as she tried to walk off, but her father noticed the cast on her arm.

“wait! What happened to your arm?” her father asked as Bora ran her good hand through her hair in frustration. She didn’t know why she always got so angry at her father, but she just couldn’t help it.

“I'm fine, alright? I fell earlier, and Minji took me to the hospital…” Bora said as he looked at her worriedly.

“Seriously, I'm fine… I just couldn’t drive my bike home.” Bora said as he looked at the cast.

“I will have someone pick it up. Just tell me the location.” He said as Bora sighed. She hated it when others touched her bike, but she knew it was better than leaving it at the hospital where anyone could come across it.

“fine… it's still at the hospital. I don’t remember the name of it, but Minji does…” Bora said as she stomped off. Her father watched her go as he sighed. He didn’t know what he did to upset her, but he figured that she would open up to him sooner or later if he waited.


Bora always felt horrible after talking to her father. She didn’t know why she would behave like that, but it was almost automatic. She actually knew when it started, but how did it ever get this bad?

Bora used to be extremely close with her father until it changed one day. It was when her mother was still around. When they were young, her mother took her older brother and moved away. It was why Bora always said that she was an only child. It was easier than explaining her family situation.

One day Bora heard her mother yelling at her father. She was saying something was all his fault as he just stood there in silence. Her mother left with her brother that day. Bora still didn’t know what her mother said was his fault, but ever since then, she blamed everything that was bad on him.

Bora knew it was wrong, but she was afraid to ask him what really happened that day. What if he wasn’t really at fault? She would have been hating her father and treating him horribly for no reason. Fear is what stopped her from making up with him now. The fear of being in the wrong.

Once Bora got to her room, she threw her bag on the floor and flopped backward onto the bed. It had been a long day, and the pain was starting to come back. It was making her arm throb, but she tried to ignore it. Right now, she needed to figure out how to show Siyeon that she cares.

All Bora could think about, though, was that Siyeon might get hurt on the way to school. That thought bugged her. She finally decided that she would her to and from school. It was better than Siyeon and Gahyeon going alone. In Bora’s mind, there was strength in numbers.

Bora continued to plan when she felt her eyes getting heavy and slowly sat up. She still hadn’t finished her schoolwork. With a sigh, she slowly sat up and walked to her desk and started her homework.

Once she was finished, she flopped back onto her bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Just like the night before she dreamed of Siyeon. She dreamt of how their lips felt against each other and how Siyeon relaxed when Bora pulled her closer.

When Bora woke up, she couldn’t help but smile. She liked dreaming about Siyeon. And Bora finally thought of a way to show Siyeon that she was serious.



Siyeon had dreams of Bora that left her blushing in the morning. Everything from yesterday felt like a dream. It couldn’t be possible. After all, Bora wouldn’t really be interested in her, right?

 Siyeon sighed and got ready for school, and when she walked downstairs, she looked over to see her sister. She was looking at her with a smile that made Siyeon nervous.

“did you have sweet dreams of your rescuer?” Gahyeon asked as Siyeon flushed. Did she say something in her sleep, or was Gahyeon just teasing her?

“huh?” was all Siyeon could get out before Gahyeon just laughed and rushed her out the door.

“come on. We are going to be late!” Gahyeon said as she stepped out of the gate and froze. There was a car parked outside their house. It looked a bit expensive, and when the driver's side door opened, they saw Bora step out.

“Bora?” Siyeon said in shock as she flushed. She instantly remembered her dreams and hoped that it wasn’t very obvious.

“I decided that I don’t want to risk you two going to school by yourselves. Hop in!” Bora said as the two sisters looked at each other.

“did you know about this?” Siyeon asked as Gahyeon shook her head. She had no idea and was even more shocked than Siyeon was.

Siyeon was finally pushed forward by her sister, but when she went to reach for the back seat, Gahyeon quickly cut in front of her making her sister get in the front seat instead.

Siyeon felt nervous, but when she sat in the car, Bora smi

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LoveYoohyeonie #1
Chapter 12: still missing this story
Loobin #2
Saraaaa comeback 🥲
Loobin #3
Sua comeback 🥲
Lowkey missing this big time 😩😩😩
Chapter 12: Just as i mention dong, she is here haha

And Pls Update Soon... im dying to know what happens next. Ah and also i Really LOVE This Fic
Chapter 11: What the is that freak even planning (if he is really sanha, i don't mean it in real life bcs im a fan of astro )

And I didn't notice this before but where is Dongie 🤨
xbadwolfx #7
Chapter 12: Here I am re reading cause I love this fic so much 😭 I hope you update it one day 💜
Lulluvia #8
Chapter 12: will you keep updating??
I miss this fic so much TT
Loobin #10
Chapter 12: I miss this fict