Mysterious Phone calls and text messages

Shuffled hearts

It’s been a month since the last time the Lee and Kim couple met at the theatre. Onew and Taemin’s relationship are getting better. They are enjoying their moment together more than before. They agreed to go out on a date at least once a week. Though they still have some questions they don’t want to answer or talk about. Like why both of them are not mentioning Key and Jonghyun. None of them wants to talk about the Kim’s and it’s weird since they were their closest friend.

The last time they talked about the two were when Onew said that they are planning to go back to New York as what Key told him about when they last saw each other. Taemin never heard any news about Jonghyun after the incident in the restaurant. The older never called their shop again. He sure is worried about him since they never ended their story smoothly but he preferred not to contact him again. He thought it’s better that way.

Today is sunday and Taemin’s birthday. Onew asked him to go out on a date but the younger refused and told him he wanted to celebrate together in their house. He said he will cook and Onew had nothing to say but ok.

“I’ll just buy us wine and a cake for our party tonight.” Onew said that afternoon before he left the apartment.

“Ok, you take care. I’ll just do some cleaning then I’ll cook us dinner.” Taemin smiled and waved his husband goodbye.

It’s been awhile since the last time he checked their drawers he usually do that once a week, checking mails and bills and old receipts etc. But he was quite lazy the last weeks and he have a lot in his mind going he forgot to do his task. Today, he have few hours to spend checking them one by one.

Onew doesn’t like house chores and it includes cleaning. He’s not that messy but he don’t do things if he was not ask, besides, the younger don’t want his help so everything about house chores he leave it to Taemin. The younger loves organizing their items filing all the bills and receipts. He records their expenses every time so that he knows how their money are doing. Onew loves that a lot about the younger.

He was checking Onew’s mobile phone bills when he noticed something unusual. From the last month’s record, he called the same number more than twenty times. Mornings afternoons even at night. He can clearly see the hours they talked, 2-3 hours. Who would’ve been that call seemed to be so important. What’s bugging him is the number looks familiar to him. Thinking of a person who might it be, his heart is raising beating so fast. He checked his phone book and matched the number to the person on his mind and it’s the same.

‘Kim Key’

Why would Onew call Key almost everyday? What are they talking about that it would took them hours. His phone bills is not joking, it’s all written the date the time. Is it something important? His mind is telling him to suspect. But then thought about it in a different way.

It’s just nothing, he told himself. Not because he was shaken, so is Onew and Key. They were friends since high school that’s why they’re close. But Onew’s friend is actually Jonghyun and not even once did the older called his best friend so why Key?

He don’t want to jump into conclusion, but he sure wants to know the truth. What’s the story about Onew and Key, he wants the answer. He’s not staying silent like he usually do. It’s decided, he’ll make sure to find the answers soon.


“Happy birthday!” Onew hugged the birthday boy and  put up their wine glasses.

“Cheers!” both uttered.

“Here’s my gift for you.” The older gave Taemin a small box. The younger opened it and a necklace with a heart pendant was shown.

“Thank you.” Taemin said and hugged Onew. The younger is seemed colder than usual to Onew. Maybe because of what’s going on his mind right now.

“Don’t you like it.” Onew asked when he saw Taemin doesn’t look so happy.

“No, I like so much.” The younger smiled at his husband. “Thank you.” Onew kissed the birthday boy.

“I have another present for you.” Onew smirked and pull Taemin to a hug his arms holding the younger’s waist so tight. He kissed him torridly but the younger pushed himself to the kiss.

“I’m tired today.” Taemin said cupping the older’s face by his hands looking deeply in his eyes. Onew whined but then gave up.

“Ok,I’m letting you pass today because it’s your birthday.” He kissed Taemin’s temple. “But you have to make up for it.” He grinned.

“Ok.” Taemin smiled. “But tonight, let’s just watch a movie.”

Hours later and the room is dim, lights are only from the TV in front of them. Taemin is not really interested in the movie because his mind is occupied by the mysterious phone calls Onew have. When he looked at the older he is already asleep. He smiled at the peaceful face Onew has. Then another thought came to his mind. He searched for the older’s mobile phone. Opened it, it’s locked. He tried some numbers but all wrong. He sighed. Then he tried to put his birthday, it unlocked.

It was the first time he sneaked on Onew’s phone. He started to feel nervous of what he can find out. He checked his call history. No calls to and from Key lately but their old calls are registered. All was a month ago meaning they don’t communicate recently. He checked his text messages. No recent messages from Key also. He scrolled it then old messages was shown. Name Key, Key, Key, three messages all from Key. Why does this guy don’t delete such he don’t know but he’s getting more nervous. He want’s to know what they’re talking about. He clicked the name.

message 1 - I’m sorry for bugging into your date with Taemin on the cinema.

Was that when they saw the Kim’s in movie theatre last time?

message 2 - Let’s meet again, same room same time.

What room is he talking about?

message 3 - I love you. Let’s talk about us.

His breathing stopped for awhile. What’s this all about? He don’t know what to do or how to react. He froze. What are the relationship his husband and friend have? He stayed in his place staring at the phone he’s holding. Tears started to fall from his face. He looked at Onew who is asleep peacefully. Then took his phone called someone.

It’s late night maybe he’s past asleep already. He left him voicemail.

“We need to talk...about Onew.”



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Few more chapters before the ending. Thanks for loving this story :D


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I like it!!!
nazi22 #2
Chapter 15: Plz plz pair jongkey back , plz plz ......
If you are sure about jongho then plz plz plz plz plz pair key with someone plz
I can't have him heart broken & alone, poor key ...
On my knees : "please let everyone have happy ending especially key"
benny- #3
Chapter 15: jongtae !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shyamberx #4
Chapter 15: Aww this story is really soft actually (yeah,except the cheating part ...) but I still hope Tae will forgive Onew ^^
Thx for writing this!
Chapter 15: onkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ontae!!!!
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 15: What happened to onkey?
waterneeded #7
Chapter 13: i love it anyway...
nice story.
Chapter 13: omg T_T i need onkey...PLEASE OTL....
Chapter 13: omg T_T i need onkey...PLEASE OTL....
poohyounglover #10
GOSH!!!!!!!! Im really getting mad at jongtae for thinking that only they were hurt!!!!!
They act like only onkey cheated what about them!!!!!!! They cheated too *kind off*
anyways thanks for the update i really missed reading this!!!
and i know i've said this before but..............ONKEY and JONGTAE FTW ^^