Lee couple

Shuffled hearts

          Onew and Taemin, a newly wed couple has moved to soul from Daegu because of Onew's work. Taemin, who is simple at heart, wants simple things and is happy living in his hometown with his loving husband had a hard time in deciding to transfer but in the end with no choice at all accepted their moving with a heavy heart. Onew knows about his wife's sadness but made a promise he will make their new life in seoul worth the moving. 

           After a week preparation packing things and saying goodbyes to their loved ones, they are now on their way to their new home in the city. Onew's company provided an apartment for them which is near his work and the station. Onew is working as a project manager of a big company in Daegu. They had opened a branch in Seoul and onew, having the best record at work was chosen to be the head manager of their new office in the city. Onew who worked hard for years in the said company really wanted the promotion so he agreed to move after he consulted it to his loving wife. Plus the fact that he will be paid higher than usual, he's happy just by thinking he can give taemin an easier life than what they have right now. They are not really sturbing but not really rich, they belong to the average but they are happy and onew knows taemin is contented. But having a little more than what they have right know and he knows he deserved it all is not so bad at all. They can return to Daegu when they think Seoul life is not fitted for them anyway.




           It's been a month since their transfer to Seoul and they are getting used of their city life. Their apartment is in the center of the famous shopping street in Seoul which is Myeongdong. Taemin always wake up earlier than onew to prepare his husbands breakfast before he leave for work. He enjoys the sound of the store workers preparing for opening their stalls. He also thinks that The sound of the cars horns are Like music in his ears. A perfect way to start the day. Though sometimes he would still think about his life in Daegu, it's only a month since they moved so he thinks he's still adjusting with the new life.

            "Good morning." Onew whispered to his ear and hugged him from his back while he's cooking. A kiss in his cheek was added in the greetings.

            "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

            "You were home late again last night you've been busy since we moved, are you ok?" Onew is now in the table reading the newspaper Taemin got on their postbox earlier, it's a morning routine.

            "I'm fine, still adjusting in the new work here, we have a lot if projects on the line. I'm sorry I can't join you on dinners." he's looking at his wife's back, he like the view of his wife cooking and preparing his breakfast every morning.

           They were only 3 months married and he is really thankful he have him, his long time boyfriend since college, by his side giving every love and care he needs. 

           "That's ok, atleast I have your full attention on weekends." Taemin smiled at him while putting his breakfast on the table for them to eat.

           They made a promise that weekends is only for them together and that includes no work as possible. 

           "By the way, hows your interview?" Onew asks.

           "It's fine, they said I can start next week." Taemin smiled, he found a part time job in the coffee shop near their apartment.

            Onew said he doesn't need to work but he insisted since he have a lot of time and it bores him just staying at home. 

            "My shift is from 11-3pm. I still have enough Time to prepare your breakfast and dinner." he smiled.

           "That's good. I want you to enjoy your time while I'm at work, just don't overdo yourself." Onew smiled

            "By the way, my friend from New York just returned last week and he wants to meet us. They've been there with his wife, our classmate from Highschool,  for almost 5 years now. He just finished his contract there and now will be staying in Seoul for good. I just told him we moved in Seoul and he's excited to meet my wife." he hugged Taemin and rest his head in his shoulder, give a peck in his cheeks and move to the door.

           "When are we meeting them?" Taemin asked

           "Tomorrow night, that's Saturday." Onew answered. "You'll love them they are cute together, our friends called them love birds when we were in Highschool, they are inseparable. I admire their relationship, that was longer than our friendship. He's name is Jonghyun and his wife's Key." 

           "Uhm, ok." Taemin smiled, gave Onew his bag and car key then shared their goodbye kiss.

          "You take care, and see you tonight." Taemin waved goodbye then closed the door.

          He didn't know that Onew has a friend from New York. Knowing that they have the same situation, new in Seoul, he can't wait to meet his wife a  befriend with him. 'I hope we get along well' he thought and smile.




            Sorry for my wrong grammar and this chapter us just an introduction of the Lee couple. Next chapter will be meeting the Kim couple. Hope you like it, and thanks for reading :)

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Few more chapters before the ending. Thanks for loving this story :D


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I like it!!!
nazi22 #2
Chapter 15: Plz plz pair jongkey back , plz plz ......
If you are sure about jongho then plz plz plz plz plz pair key with someone plz
I can't have him heart broken & alone, poor key ...
On my knees : "please let everyone have happy ending especially key"
benny- #3
Chapter 15: jongtae !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shyamberx #4
Chapter 15: Aww this story is really soft actually (yeah,except the cheating part ...) but I still hope Tae will forgive Onew ^^
Thx for writing this!
Chapter 15: onkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ontae!!!!
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 15: What happened to onkey?
waterneeded #7
Chapter 13: i love it anyway...
nice story.
Chapter 13: omg T_T i need onkey...PLEASE OTL....
Chapter 13: omg T_T i need onkey...PLEASE OTL....
poohyounglover #10
GOSH!!!!!!!! Im really getting mad at jongtae for thinking that only they were hurt!!!!!
They act like only onkey cheated what about them!!!!!!! They cheated too *kind off*
anyways thanks for the update i really missed reading this!!!
and i know i've said this before but..............ONKEY and JONGTAE FTW ^^