Lf: Friends, Fellow Simps for My Lovable Friend.


are you looking for a friend who can heathily roast you but also love you and support you? look no further! 


hey! if you've been feeling like you need more close friends, please please consider my friend. she is Desperate to give you her love (kinda tsundere). she might roast you at times and call you a but hey.. that's all in the name of love. see details below.

  • her timezone is -7 but she's awake until like 5am on MOST nights.
  • she games... a lot! she loves acnh, ch, sdv, and definitely pubg. she also has the rp pass for s13 so if you wanna rank with her..! (maybe ml too)
  • she's looking for strictly platonic friendships only!!! (please keep in mind that she is a minor).
  • she is also a weeb. i am not one so idk what she watches but you can definitely ask her! 
  • will spend time w you! whether it be fun platonic ac dates or watching shows on tutturu, if you want to bond, she's your girl. 
  • also has good music taste so you guys can exchange playlists for each other or smth! 

she's most active on discord! but she also has fl and kkt if you're interested in that too. if you want to meet her, please pm me with your handle and i'll get back to you!



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i know this might not be 1x1, but if you're interested of joining in a community, you should definitely check us out!
