Extra 1: Killing a... Bug?

What If Love?

(Wendy Voice) "Surpriiiiiise~"

Here's a quick chapter to tie some loose ends aaaaand a few requested for a kiss scene so... ehehehehe here it is ;----)

P.S. I MISS SON SEUNGWAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the whole chapter's in Seungwan's POV
P.S. The story's finished, but still feel free to give comments for the epilogue!!



"With the way you guys act right now, it's pretty obvious."

Joohyun nervously fiddled with her newly retrieved jacket from her dormitory right after Seungwan scolded her for charging in the rain harshly... and lovingly. They mutually decided to skip their first classes after lunch to wait for the rain. Coincidentally, three more people have decided to join them as well.

For what? Of course to interrogate them.

She isn't sure if that's for better or for worse.

"Seungwan-ah, spill the beans." The wavy-haired woman led the interrogation. In a similar setup from their first overnight, Seungwan glanced at the worrying woman sitting on the floor with her, wearing an over-sized jacket that made her too cute for the situation they're in, she can hardly focus.

"Looks like you won't even accept any answer other than yes..." The brunette closed her eyes. She reached for a cold hand gently and softly caressed it with her thumb for a brief exchange of warmth.

"Fine. All right. We're dating now. Are we done here?"

"Not yet." The trio slightly lunged forward impatiently to inquire further. "Who asked first?"

"What...? Does that even matter-"

"Just answer us." The blonde glared at the confused pair.

Still lost at the situation, Joohyun answered by her instincts and pointed her free index finger to her girlfriend's squishy cheeks. That small gesture almost made Seungwan’s heart flutter.... if they’re not in a situation they’re currently in. "...She asked me first to be her girlfriend."

And then, like on cue:


"Oh my god, No!!!"

Seungwan squinted her brows with the sudden chaotic reactions from the three devil incarnates. Seulgi hopped nonstop along with Joy's suspiciously dangerous smirks, while Yeri just dramatically face palmed, all alone, in the corner of the sofa.

"All right, Ms. Katy. You owe us both a one-week worth of lunch." 

"You rascals. You knew this was going to happen!"

"Duh, Seungwan's a hidden hopeless romantic. Of course the rain will give her the push."

"Yah, we should not forget that Joohyun's crazily whipped at Seungwan too much that she could've asked her first."

"You have a point, but Wannie is courageous at the most unexpected and weirdest times, my bet's a hundred percent on her."

"See, you should've believed more at Seungwan's power of love."

"Guys..." Seungwan felt a painful nerve was starting to twitch. "Did... you just bet on us... in front of us... on who's going to ask out first...?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, It's pretty obvious you guys will be official right after the rain.”

“After all that mutual pining, it will be too simple to just end it all in a simple confession.” Sooyoung nodded with confidence. “It should be under the rain to add a little bit of spice, like the uncertainty of who will take the first slice of cake.”

Seungwan can feel her eyes starting to burn with fury. “Sooyoung-ah…”

“Hey! You can’t deny that it’s a well-thought plan! Think of it as one of the big projects of…” The defensive woman held the two other conspiring friends by their arms. “…the remaining Single’s club.”

“Excuse me?! Don’t pull me in. Nu-uh. I'm planning to have a girlfriend soon. I don’t want to be in that club. Ugh.”

“No-no, no. Sooyoungie thought all of it. I'm not involved in any way, I swear...” Seulgi panickily waved her hand in her defense to her almost raging best friend. “E-Even Hyunnie’s umbrella…”

“Umbrella…Now it makes sense..." Joohyun gasped upon the revelation. "You're lazy all the time, I felt something was weird when you challenged me into taking the bathroom first. I should've realized it by then. You planned to steal my umbrella while I'm taking a bath..."

"Hey, guys... Why do I feel attacked for some reason..."

"Serves you right, barbed head." Yerim tapped her best friend's shoulder mockingly. "Congratulations, you have a free lunch and a lifetime of pity from me."

"You ." 

"Well, anyways..."  Yerim lifted a brow with a question. "Enough of this woman, let's go back to our Couple of the Year. So who kissed first?"


Seungwan gulped with a horrified stutter of breath. A Kiss!? Goodness Gracious. Their relationship was still hours old and it almost took all of her life energy to even confess her feelings, and now they're already asking about... kissing?!

Her girlfriend seemed to notice her train of thought. Rubbing her warm hand with her thumb as well accompanied with such a beautiful, life-encouraging smile, she answered. "We haven't kissed yet. Me and Seungwan are both currently contented on how our relationship progressed as of now. Kisses and other things, we'll take it... one step at a time."

Of course, it seemed like the trio all share the same brain cell, much to Seungwan's dismay.

All of them answered with a sigh.

"Damn, Seungwan-ah.. That's weak."

"Oh gosh, Wan-ah.. that was so weak."

"Wannie..  it really was so weak."


"We won the battle, but we lost the war." Sooyoung closed her eyes with pain.

"At this rate, Hyun's title just simply upgraded from the Single Grandma to Grandma..."

"Hey!!! What the hell is that nickname-"

"Oh, the rain has stopped!" Seulgi happily chimed.

"Lovely. C'mon, guys. Let's go celebrate the newly couple while praying for a miracle soon in an unlimited chicken restaurant!"

"I'm in!"

"Me too!"

The three idiots stood up in unison as they sense the imminent danger incoming. 

The remained couple both sighed in defeat with same clicks of a tongue for their brewing massive headache. 

These s...

Amid the silent ambiance of the dormitory, a very loud screech from an enranged Son Seungwan cut through the peaceful community unguarded.

"I'm going to kill you three, get back here!!!"



...And of course it bothered Seungwan.

She pondered heavily about the pace of their relationship and actions that the brunette might be lacking.

After a month, she was happy, more than she would like and deserved, that their relationship was starting to be stable. Hand holdings became frequent, subtle touching of feet and shoulders during their group lunch breaks, much more loving gazes that she couldn't get enough of, and their private dates during their free times as they become more attached to each other shaped her heart into an everyday permanent fondness for Bae Joohyun. It even came to a point that she won't mind if their current situation will remain stabilized for a very long time.

But she knew that it won't be enough.

At some point within the course of their interaction, there will come a time that she, or Joohyun will crave for a physical intimacy that neither haven't experienced yet.

When that happens, someone should and will take the initiative.

When that happens, will Seungwan be ready for it?

The brunette sighed. She pondered about it unconsciously in the middle of her library bookshelf check for her current work shift.

She was nearly done with her list, pen expertly sliding as she checks each title lined up on each rows with forced focus before she drown herself again with her endless daydreams with her ethereal girlfriend.

Her focus was astounding, until suddenly.

A sneaking hand circled around her waist like a gentle flutter of feather moving slowly up to her stomach, lightly accompanied by a soft puff of breath tickling at the back of her neck, and a warmth so lovely covering her spine enough for her to feel cozy under the low temperature within the four corners of the library room. 

"Hi, baby." She instantly recognized her girlfriend's voice as soon as she rested her head at her right shoulder. At that moment she only registered that Bae Joohyun had back hugged her surprisingly.

"Holy sh--"

Seungwan's heart instantly flipped, causing her to turn around without releasing the woman's hold.

"What the heavens are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class...?" Seungwan cautiously hissed.

"Oh, just checking you out like the way you're checking the books."


"Just kidding." Joohyun shrugged. "It's kind of my free time today, since our professor's absent. I suddenly wanted to see my girlfriend so bad, that's why I rushed here right after. I almost even borrowed a book."

"...Almost? Aren’t you the record breaking one who borrows a random book every day?" 

"Just almost, this time. I was looking for one, but then I saw you here looking at each shelf rather intensely, with a pen and paper at that. It was so intense I even felt jealous." Joohyun whispered right under her ear. "Mind you, that's pretty hot."

Oh my god. Seungwan pinched her nose. "It's... part of the duty. I have to check if the books are still complete and in the right order, I need to look at each meticulously."

"Understandable. It's just sometimes I almost wanted to be a book just for you to look at me like that."

"Damn, my girlfriend is starting to have crazy dreams."

"Well, I can fulfill that dream much earlier. Look,"

Joohyun playfully jogged behind the shelf Seungwan was standing into. She then scooted her head forward into a block of empty space with just enough width, making her head at Seungwan's current space visible, and looked at her stupefied girlfriend with twinkled eyes filled with amusement. "I'm a little book now."

"...What are you doing, Bae Joohyun?"

"Giving you permission to check me out."

"Unbelievable. You're really unbelievable."

Before Joohyun could react, the librarian suddenly leaned down into the raven-haired woman's direction. In a swift motion, she felt a gentlest touch of a soft pink lips at the tip of her nose.

With the sweetest smile she could muster, she whispered.

"I know I need to be professional, but I guess I finally found my favorite book. I wonder if as a librarian, I can borrow it and never return?"

It only lasted for a moment, for Joohyun to gasp.

With an adrenaline rush and amplified emotions, Joohyun hastily retracted and strutted back faster than a second just to roughly push Seungwan with her back on the nearest shelf it could touch. The impact caused a minimum quake from the rack of books behind her and papers from her hands to splash downwards with her pen to roll under her sneakers.

Seungwan’s wrists were captured by her girlfriend’s burning hands and her breath was caught by a sight of igniting gazes.
"You’re driving me crazy, Son Seungwan. You’re underestimating your effect on me.” Joohyun seductively hissed. “Right now, I want to kiss you so hard."

The librarian blinked involuntarily to force her mind to regain her threatened composure. She let go her held hot huffs of air as their intimate tension was scorching her lungs.

“J-Joohyun, wait.” The library was getting so immensely hot, she’s sure the air conditioner was still working the last time she saw it. “We’re… We’re at the library-How can you say t-t-that inside the library...?”

“So?” Joohyun turned her head around to observe her surroundings without letting go of their proximity. “I’m a regular here. As far as I know, there’s no rule saying that I can’t tell my girlfriend that I want to kiss her real hard.”

“T-This is a public place, Joohyun.”

“It is, and currently we're not in the public’s eyes.”

“...Seriously?! You want our first kiss here in a random corner of a little library?!”

“Seungwan-ah, since when did our relationship have a proper time and place for moments like this?”

 “And that is okay with you…?”

“Every moment is special for me with you.”

“You really are unbelievable and reckless...”

“I know, but you still love me, regardless.. and I love you, too. Very much.” Joohyun lessened their distance until only a gust of wind left to separate the pair of anticipating lips. “Since we’re clear, does this mean I can kiss you now?”

“No.” Seunwan moved her wrists to release her from the befuddled woman before cupping her jaw. “Sorry to break your bubble, but I will be the one to kiss you first.”

Once again, Son Seungwan lunged her head forward as she surrendered. She can only surrender to Bae Joohyun.

 And that is entirely fine.

A tender clash of lips entranced a pair of hearts into an intoxicating frenzy that is addicting enough for them to close both of their eyes, with an instinctive tilting of their heads in unison to feel each’s ravishing touches much more, much… much more than what their affection can possibly profess.

It was their first time, it was their first kiss, but it felt natural.

Numerous parching fingers were, slowly but surely, crawling behind Seungwan’s neck paired with increasing effervescence of lip movements. The librarian could even feel them both chuckle amid their exhilarating kiss when gentle sounds of teeth clacks were accidentally produced.

She further moved her lips forward in a battle of playful domination between the two people in love. She was burning inside out, and she felt like her heart was floating, exquisitely, fervently, like a beautiful side-effect of an addicting drug that only Bae Joohyun’s kisses can provide.

I love you.

It seems Joohyun could read her mind, just like always. In a perfect opportunity, the raven-haired woman lifted her hands to comb and tug her bob-cut hair as she slightly pushed her tongue forward while her lips were slightly opened and unguarded.

An instant fiery shiver ran down in every inch of Seungwan’s skin, and the butterflies in her stomach contracted breathtakingly hard, similar to countless thousands of somersaults. Even her knees were starting to get weak for this woman that she didn’t even notice a weak moan purring out from .

And just right before she can answer back to her girlfriend’s taunts with the same vigor, a deep but cautious voice echoed in just a few shelves away from them-

“Hey, Wan? Are you alright? We heard something shaking in your area…”

Holy Sh---

In an instant like an end-of-the-world alarm, both eyes grew impossibly large with induced world-breaking horror, and like an unspoken pact, both broke apart from their heat-dazing kiss and out of pure and experienced instincts, Seungwan hastily shoved Joohyun hard away while Joohyun grabbed the nearest book she can touch as soon as she regained her footing and read it with an impossible attention. Wow. This woman can be an actress if she really wanted to.

A tall man peeked at the shelf aisle that they’ve been standing, with one brow raised.

“Wan… Oh.” The man nodded suspiciously while looking at the oddly calmed woman reading on the opposite side.

“O-O-Oh, Jong-in.” Seungwan desperately cleared to layer any suspicious silence hovering within their space. “I-I’m okay, Irene Bae's okay. T-T-There’s a bug and we just killed it. Hardly. Totally okay now.”

“Yeah, I really think both of you are doing… okay.” Jong-in squinted her eyes with that garnered more suspicion upon noticing the disarrayed books, fallen papers and pens on the ground… of course the redness of their lips and the mad tinge of red in the tip of their ears speaks otherwise.

“Wow… Looks like the bug’s a big one, all right.”

 “Let's stop talking about it, Jong-in.”

“I know. I’ll leave you guys alone to… you know… kill the bug. Just… do the killing in discretion. You know it.” He raised a thumbs up to a very flustered Seungwan, as much as she’s irritated by that gesture. “Score.”

“Shhh. Just go.” She comically waved her hand nonstop until a snickering Jong-in’s out of their view.

Joohyun raised her head to peek if the coast was clear before releasing a huge sigh of relief.

The librarian held her hips and tapped her feet countless times erratically. They're totally busted in all directions. “Yeah… Yeah, I think he knows.”

“Hmm. Do you honestly think anyone would believe that we’re killing a bug here?”

“You have a point right there.”

“I know. No point in worrying about it. To be honest, we have nothing to be feared of.” Joohyun nodded fiddly. “And.. the kiss. It was good. God, the kiss was good.”

“That I… uhm.. agree.” Seungwan scratched her temples. “It was totally good. You're... amazing.”

Both slowly met their awkwardly inquiring glances that lasted for seconds that they couldn’t track of anymore… which surprisingly followed by a series of silent chuckles by the weird ambiance signaling another almost-frustrating push and pull.

“This is pointless. Seungwan, I'm going straight to the point.  I want to do it again-”

“No way, woman. Not in the library anymore. I almost had a heart attack earlier.” Seungwan grabbed a random book within the nearest in her grasp and handed it to Joohyun. “Go borrow this one and I’ll finish this task in a quick bit.”

Joohyun exaggeratedly gasped at her hurrying girlfriend. “Really? You’re going to neglect your lover just like that?!”

“No. Let’s do what we got to do here as soon as we can.” The librarian instantly blushed into a thousand shades of red. “…We’ll finish our business in a much more private place than... here.”

And then slowly, a giddy smile was flashed in front of her defenselessly and it made her fall in love all over again.

She grabbed the book and looked at Seungwan affectionately as a temporary truce.  “I think I like that better.”

Their relationship was still new, there are so many grey areas that are yet to explore. Both have beliefs and actions that will take time for both to balance, and both are still learning to express their affection in ways that both will understand.

But it’s not about Seungwan anymore. Since the day everything was laid out between the two of them, Seungwan had stopped struggling alone. It has become Seungwan and Joohyun, and it will remain Seungwan and Joohyun regardless of what happens.

Hand-in-hand, one step at a time.

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16 streak #1
Chapter 8: This story makes me feel giddy its soo cute ! Kakalig super! Plus I don't know whether I want a straighforward/assertive joohyun or a cute adorable understanding wannie to be my girlfriend haha I'll choose both.
176 streak #2
re-read~ 🤭🤭
Chapter 8: wow i like the bonus chapter 🥰
hi_mitochondria #4
Chapter 8: Very cringe worthy fic!!!
wenjoyscalp #5
Chapter 4: They are so embarrassing and cute and adorable pls adaghahah
wenrene_luvies #6
Chapter 4: reading this chapter while Irene is playing on spotify..the feels intensified 💗💙
wenrene_luvies #7
Chapter 3: they are so adorable and Irene is so whipped lmao
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 8: This is soooo like Joo-Hyun IRL lol. Here's to more WenRene stories. Thank you author-nim!
hi_mitochondria #9
Chapter 8: Well written author-nim!!! We want more wenrene stories from you author-nim, because you're good. Take your time, we'll be here. Thanks for the story!
Chapter 8: Joohyun being sweet is so adorable... *heart eyes*