War zone

What If Love?

This chapter will be in full POV of our resident lovesick Bae, and finally, the first WenRene banter 👀 Feel free to leave comments for your feedback! I had a lot of fun reading them all!

P.S. STREAM MY DAY IS FULL OF YOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f7GqRbsS-0

twt: @mogumoguurii


Earlier that day.


A pair of black orbs kept on bouncing back between the two people in front of her, one holding a burger and another one with a phone.


The long haired woman squinted her eyes full of worry.

"Don't you guys think I became too aggressive? Won't she be scared of me?"

Ever since the yesterday's events their leader was so distracted. Random and unbelievable actions were seen like suddenly covering her face with extreme embarrassment while walking within the hallway--"Sooyoung-ah, what if she won't talk to me ever again?", Joohyun even texted Yerim one time in the middle of the night--"Yerim-ah, I am almost sure Son Seungwan was crept out by me.". The whole morning, Joohyun was staring at a far and empty space, with Seungwan's Instagram opened, lifelessly scrolling up and down like wishing for a miracle, or maybe even just a small sign of life. "Ugh..." The two distressed friends can't help but look at the hopeless woman with a tinge of worry in their discovery. Bae Joohyun is such a drag whenever she's in her lovesick mode.

"For the 30th-or-something time, Joohyun, no." Sooyoung didn't even bother to look at the panicking woman while eating a burger in their campus' cafeteria.

"Who would’ve thought that the goddess of this university is such an idiot in love.” Yerim lightly shrugged. “But totes. You'll be aggressive sooner or later anyway so no worries, and it's much better to be assertive at the start."

A click of a tongue was heard opposite of Joohyun. "Yerim-ah, that wouldn't help Hyun at all."

"Why? Hey, don't pamper her. Someone needs to teach this baby on how to court a girl."

Joohyun's frown slowly changed to curious eyes as she leaned ever so slightly to her two bickering friends. Courting - such a sensitive concept. She had been involved in that field in so many aspects and she gravely knew how useless an unsolicited courting was much to her dismay, and she definitely would not want the Love--errr wait, it's too early for that-Like of her life to experience it.

Joohyun nodded as she sternly declared to herself that maybe... courting her in Yerim's known ways will "definitely get her girl".  

"What do you mean by being aggressive? Please tell me more."

Sooyoung loudly grunted while slapping her head and Yerim smiled triumphantly.

“Another trouble coming. Oh my god.”

"Ha!" Yerim snapped her fingers and leaned sideward to whisper at her disgusted friend. "Better get luck next time, girlie."

She then turned her head to start her long lecture to the love newbie with a permanent smirk on her face.

"Okay, girl. I got your back. Listen closely. First, don't be afraid to be expressive..."



"...You're here."

Joohyun can't take away her eyes off her. Son Seungwan sat in front of her with a natural calmness she always lovingly admired. It's amazing how she can be at ease that fast by just simply existing within her space; her world.

"Well yeah.." Seungwan tapped their table in a consistent rhythm. "I need to know..." She cleared . "...some things."

Joohyun smiled widely. Even her speaking voice in a casual conversation is such a music to her ears.

"Feel free to ask me anything. I want us to get to know each other-"

"Did... did someone ask you to do this?" 

Joohyun raised a brow as she recognized a strain in her voice upon asking her question.

"Why do you think so?"

"W-Well, it's kinda impossible, you know..? Like, out of all people... it's not meant to be me, right-"

"No." Joohyun sat up straight. She recalled the words of her Love Guru Kim Yerim, which she was fully willing to abide: to be fully honest to the one you like always.

But she forgot to ask her Love Guru about one thing

Up to what extent should she be honest with Seungwan?!

She had been in this situation far too many times, but that did not help at all. It’s pathetic how weak she was in expressing her growing feelings in a way that Seungwan will feel and understand. It's unacceptable. She won't let anyone look down on Son Seungwan, not even the girl herself.

It’s unacceptable, so Bae Joohyun just let all of her self-restraints out up into the wind and just let her raw thoughts be exposed to the center of her emotions.

"I don't care about other people. I wanted it to be you."

Seungwan stopped her tapping and looked at Joohyun with a dropped jaw.

"I am serious with you and I am interested in you, Son Seungwan. You make my heart beat so loudly I can't focus on my studies at all, and I've been thinking about you from the moment I woke up to the moment I lay my head down to sleep-"

"Wait!!! Okay, okay, wait... Jeez." Seungwan covered  with her two shaking hands.

She looked at the woman hovering in front of her. Her visible ears up to her cheeks are blushing in full bloom red with her eyes blinking in an unstable pace she cannot follow.

Cute. So cute, Son Seungwan.

"You're... You're very.. uhh.. bold, huh?"

Joohyun gently removed Seungwan's hands and concluded.

"I'm not usually this direct, but I guess it just somehow naturally happens when I'm only with you."

"O-only with me...?"

"Yes. Only for you. I am this determined to make you mine."

Seungwan huffed as she massaged her temples with a scowl as she returned to her seat. Her face frowned filled with immense contemplation. Sigh. "Okay... Let's try to settle with this." Seungwan finally looked at Joohyun directly. "Let's be friends, first."

The long haired woman squinted her eyes. Friend?

"We have to get to know each other. That should be the starting point, then after spending an ample amount of time with me, assess once again what you feel about
 me. That way, both of us can be sure."

Joohyun brought her hand to her chin. It makes sense, she clearly understood what Seungwan meant. Looking back, they only interacted for at least three times, of course Seungwan will be cautious. Stupid Joohyun. Multiple times, for sure, will gain her more chances to make the woman in front of her to like her, at least.

 “I agree.” Joohyun nodded. “I guess being friends for now is a huge improvement than nothing at all.”

“Yeah. Good thing we are starting to agree on something.” Both of them smiled respectfully with one another.

It’s starting to turn out well. A good progress.

The waiter stopped by their table in a good timing to place the coffees Joohyun ordered before Seungwan came. “I hope you don’t mind a simple cup of coffee.” “No, it’s totally fine.”

“Then, as a friend, can I ask you something, Seungwan?”

“Hmm?” The brunette lifted her coffee to sip while entertaining Joohyun’s curiosity.

“Are you... dating someone right now?”

Seungwan swore she almost blasted her coffee in front of the goddess. Joohyun handed her a table napkin with a panic that she embarrassingly accepted.

“M-Me?” She cleared while wiping the excess coffee in her lips. “No, uhhh, no one. None. Not dating anyone right now

“I see.” Joohyun nodded like a student in lecture. “What about liking anyone at the moment?”

The woman in question stopped her movements for a few bits of seconds, with a look that almost weakened Joohyun's heart and knees.

“No one as well... Right now, at least.”

Joohyun is having a field day internally. The date on her side is going really well. “Good. At least I should worry less about competitions. “

Now it’s Seungwan’s turn after calming down. “What about you then, Bae Joohyun?”

“Well,” Joohyun reached out for her coffee with a smirk in her face. “I’ll be dating the person I like officially real soon. Don't be surprised.”

“Tsk. Smooth beautiful bastard.” Seungwan hissed.

"Oh my god." Joohyun comically gasped. "Did you just curse at me with that pretty mouth of yours? I can hear you, you know?"

“Ugh, just... Just pretend you didn’t hear it.”

“No way, I will always hear you because my attention’s always into you.”

“You know what,” Seungwan stood up looking like a blushing mess. “Let’s just go out of here. We have a few hours before my night classes.”

“Where are we going?”

This time it is Seungwan’s turn to smirk. “
Just a place where you can get to know me.”


Bae Joohyun is in a war zone.

Smokes and boiling water filled in her hazy vision. Sweat rolling down from her temples as she clutched her fist hard and heaved heavily. Danger was crawling onto her skin, declaring that the scene unfolding before her is an all-out war. Joohyun was ready to fight for her life and for her forsaken love.

Except she was holding her own pair of chopsticks, a smell of broth inviting her appetite, a music ad loudly playing a few meters away from her, mixing along with the sound of a scanning bar codes and clattering coins and papers settled in the cashier.

A loud slurp cut through her reverie, Joohyun observed properly the woman in front of her expertly holding a perfectly rolled paper, carrying a large bulk of noodles which was instantly emptied out.

” Joohyun broke the deafening silence lurking within their table. “You’re
 having an instant ramen for lunch, in a convenience store

“Hey,” Her date angrily uttered after chewing. “Don’t look down on my instant ramen! This is my saving grace.” Seungwan quickly captured another set of noodles from her cup. “But I doubt you’ll understand, I dare say you don’t even eat instant ramen at all.”

Joohyun winced. Her accusation is not entirely wrong. Diets and food avoidance were part of the package from the image and reputation that she must maintain, and unfortunately, instant ramen is a part of that accursed list.

"A-Aren't there any other foods in this store that is much more suitable for lunch? As far as I know, instant ramen is... unfortunately, not that recommended." Joohyun commented carefully.

"Mmm..." The brunette scrunched her nose out of thinking. "I really have no choice, to be honest. I need to survive." She tilted her head for a clear emphasis. "I don't know if you're aware, but I'm actually uhhh... a foreign transferee, just around last year. It comes along with some financial issues, you see. I'm kind of, on my own now."

Joohyun slowly nodded as she sinks in the new information. "I see. That explains why I knew you just recently. I'm curious, though. Where did you come from?"

"From Canada. It's just a short while, though. I actually grew up here, but my Sis is in Canada, so I joined her there to fix some things like citizenship and stuff. I just went back and... here I am." 

"Why did you go back here, if I may ask?"

"Hmmm..." Seungwan paused for a bit, but later on, Joohyun could see the confident smile growing from her beautiful face. "This country is where my life is."

Joohyun heaved heavily to calm herself. God, Seungwan is so cute. That smile is dangerously contagious.

"I'm guessing that the library work and the serenade sideline you have are part of your
 hmmm, Daily Survival Pack?"

"Exactly." Seungwan nodded while slurping another bulk of noodles. “Gotta grab every opportunity, make it or break it. But I love doing both of it so it’s totally fine.”

"I see. I have another curious question, though." Joohyun casually rested her chin under her right hand. "You lived in Canada for a few years, right? Could you possibly have an English Name?"

Seungwan was dumbfounded and looked at the curious inquirer seriously. Her eyebrows were tilted looking like she was currently weighing if she should answer or not. 

After a few seconds, a slow nod from the brunette. "Yeah
 yeah, I have... Oh, god. Don't look at me like that." Joohyun leaned forward with pleading eyes and an intimidating smirk. "All right, jeez. I'll tell it, just
 Please don't laugh."

"I won't. Trust me." Joohyun's cheekbones were starting to feel pain for smiling too much.

A long sigh was released. "....Wendy. Wendy Son."

"Wendy Son." Joohyun rolled her name from her lips. It felt so warm. "It's adorable."

"W-w-well, it's my Mom's idea, okay?" Her date, currently blushing deep red scratched her temples roughly. "Anyways, you also have one, right? You're frequently called Irene." 

"Ah, yes." Joohyun confirmed. "My mother gave me that nickname since I was in grade school. Something along the lines of ‘Greek Goddess of Peace’. It just naturally grows on with me till now."

"Wow. I guess we're both victims of our mothers' random naming creativity, huh?"

"I think so, too. But it is something we have now in common." Joohyun looked at Seungwan with full sincerity. "I like it."

"Oh my god." Her date chuckled with a tinge of pink while shaking her head.

"What now? Are you going to call me again a "Smooth Beautiful Bastard"?

Now Seungwan was laughing. She’s totally irresistible Joohyun felt her heart racing. "Well, I'm not wrong, am I?"

"That I'm smooth?"

"No, that you're beautiful."

Joohyun blinked. Did she hear it wrong?

"Really? We're on a date this whole afternoon and you noticed it just now?"

"You've always been beautiful, Bae Joohyun."

Joohyun's jaw dropped. She can literally feel all the gears in her head stopped turning and electrocuted by the overwhelming effect of Son Seungwan's words on her. Her heart in frenzy is not helping her either.

Seungwan swiftly held her cup and sipped the remaining soup from her lunch. "That was delicious. Thank you for the food." She settled her empty cup down and raised a single eyebrow to Joohyun, which was now fully motionless.

"Hey. Your food's getting cold." The brunette pointed out with her chopsticks. "But if you won't eat it I understand. I'm pretty sure you'll prefer a much better food anyway so I'll just get you one-"

"Don't underestimate me, Son Seungwan." Joohyun regained her senses instantly and opened her cup of instant ramen. A challenge? Of course she will never back out. "Of course I'll eat it." She had no plans to overlook any detail that helped Seungwan from her everyday struggles in life.

A few moments later, Joohyun was nearly done with her lunch. She raised her head and did not fail to notice that Seungwan was looking at her amusingly.


"Nothing. It's just, very amazing to see the goddess and instant ramen as a combination."

"Be proud. You're the first and only person that convinced me or will ever convince me to eat an instant ramen."

Seungwan just shrugged and was satisfied with her latest achievement. Then suddenly, she leaned back quietly into her chair and fidgeted her fingers into her sleeves.

"So, what do you think?"

Joohyun looked at her quizzically after sipping the remaining amount of soup left out.

"About what?"

"Did your opinion change about me? I'm not as decent as you imagined me to be."

"No, not at all." The long haired woman straightened her back to profess as serious as possible. "In fact, I honestly think that I'm liking you more than before."

The bewildered woman looked away swiftly to avoid the building tension between them. "You're unbelievable."

Just in time, the 6:00 p.m. bell rang all around the university which caused the both of them to jump off their seats out of alert. Damn night classes interrupting her date. Seungwan was starting to pack her things up and as she should be, but a train of thought at the back of her mind pushed her forward for the last time.

"Can I see you again tomorrow?"

Seungwan stopped her hands to look at her mysteriously. In that instant, a giant wave of panic washed into her as she wondered what the woman in front of her thought about their first date. She wanted to be with Seungwan for a whole lot while, and panic was slowly turning into an uncomfortable mixture of pain and anxiety that maybe she doesn’t want her company anymore-

“Oh no.” Seungwan sarcastically gasped. "Ms. Irene Bae, you're starting to get fond of that instant ramen now, aren't you?

Joohyun laughed out so loudly without care of the people looking at their direction. This feeling, she liked it a lot. She really liked Son Seungwan a lot.

"Maybe the instant ramen, maybe with you, as well, Ms. Wendy Son."

"I can't believe you like tortures that much." Seungwan comically winced. 

But Joohyun failed to notice that Seungwan was starting to look directly into her eyes more often. "I guess I'm willing to comply."

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16 streak #1
Chapter 8: This story makes me feel giddy its soo cute ! Kakalig super! Plus I don't know whether I want a straighforward/assertive joohyun or a cute adorable understanding wannie to be my girlfriend haha I'll choose both.
172 streak #2
re-read~ đŸ€­đŸ€­
Chapter 8: wow i like the bonus chapter đŸ„°
hi_mitochondria #4
Chapter 8: Very cringe worthy fic!!!
wenjoyscalp #5
Chapter 4: They are so embarrassing and cute and adorable pls adaghahah
wenrene_luvies #6
Chapter 4: reading this chapter while Irene is playing on spotify..the feels intensified 💗💙
wenrene_luvies #7
Chapter 3: they are so adorable and Irene is so whipped lmao
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 8: This is soooo like Joo-Hyun IRL lol. Here's to more WenRene stories. Thank you author-nim!
hi_mitochondria #9
Chapter 8: Well written author-nim!!! We want more wenrene stories from you author-nim, because you're good. Take your time, we'll be here. Thanks for the story!
Chapter 8: Joohyun being sweet is so adorable... *heart eyes*