You are my pet -2min [3/?]

You are my pet -2min

Chapter 3 - Final

When the first rays of sun crept into the blue veils, they tickled Taemin’s face, the light waking him up. He blinked slowly adapting to the environment and he caught a glimpse of the man who was beside him. He was in a deep slumber. Taemin could feel the hot breath trickle his skin, while his cheeks were a soft rosy tint.  
 He looked with awe at Minho’s sharp features and those big dole eyes, he was so handsome, so perfect, so surreal, that Taemin rose his hand from underneath the tight embrace Minho caged him in and touched that soft skin, moving his fingers slowly to those endearing lips.  
 His eyes widened as a sly smile crept on the latter’s face and Taemin gave a yelp as Minho opened his eyes slowly, and dragged  the latter closer to him, burring his face into Taemin’s soft caramel hair.  
„ Stay „ Minho ordered and Taemin complied.  
They stood in silence for the next half an hour, they didn’t utter a word and stood still hearing each other’s heart beats.  
„ Um... Minho? Can we leave the bed now?” 

The small one inquired, he waited for an answer, looked in Minho’s eyes, watching if he gave any signs of waking up, poked his cheeks, even so the latter  didn’t reply so  he squirmed a little trying to get loose.  When Taemin thought he was finally free, two strong arms grabbed his waist bringing him closer than ever, a few inches separating their lips.  

„ No. Now stay here with me. I’m sick remember?” Minho said in a husky tone. 


 Taemin blushed, acknowledging how close they actually were.  

 „ Should I make you another soup to make you feel better? Taemin asked in a low tone. 

 Minho finally opened his eyes,  he looked straight into Taemin’s eyes, and his plump lips , they looked so endearing, they were so close, and in a blink of an eye he broke the distance between them. The kiss was short, you couldn’t actually call it a kiss, since all Minho did was to press his own lips on the latter’s. Even so, this small gesture made him smile widely.  

„ My thank you gift for your dragon killing soup.  I’m feeling better now.” He rose, leaving a confused Taemin in the bed. „Aren’t you coming to take a shower?” he looked back at the small boy laughing.

 Taemin had the covers over his head, standing in a sitting position in the bed, he looked bewildered of what just happened, not being able to move an inch. 

 „ Come on” Minho took the lead, grabbing Taemin’s wrist, taking him to the bathroom. 
Minho was already throwing his shirt on the ground, when he caught a glimpse of Taemin, standing awkwardly at the door. 

 „ What are  you standing there for? Come on.” 

 „ I think I should wait until you’re finished Master Minho.” 

 „ What are you talking about Minnie?” Minho laughed. „ Come on, I’ll take a quick shower, the bathtub is all yours.” 

 „ Are you sure? I don’t mind to wait…” 

 „ Yes, I’m sure. Don’t worry I won’t peak” Minho smiled charmingly grabbing Taemin, forcing him in. 

 As he promised, he didn’t give a peak, well not quite. He went into the shower, and all he could see through the steam was glimpse of Taemin slowly undressing himself, it aroused him as piece by piece, the clothes were leaving the latter’s body, exposing milk-white skin, so fresh, so innocent, and untouched. He saw the blurry figure, disappearing in the bath tub, only the dump caramel light hair popped in his vision. Minho breathed, he didn’t even realize he wasn’t breathing anymore, as the young man’s figure made him a little bit insane. He finished his shower as quickly as possible, thinking he could play a little bit with the petite boy. 
 As the shower’s door opened, Taemin instinctively turned his head. He didn’t,  really he actually didn’t expect to see Minho completely , water dripping from his body, and what a damn fine, y, hot body he had. Taemin bit his lip and sank himself in the bath tub, hoping that the latter didn’t saw him, or his already heated face, red as chilly.  

 „ What’s wrong Minnie?” Minho asked amused from behind. 

 „ No...nothing.” Taemin mumbled, eyeing Minho, he was wearing a bath robe over his body, and he didn’t like to admit but damn he really preferred Minho in his birth suit, he would love to dispose of that robe soon. “Taemin, when did you start to have such thought. He’s your master!” He scurried himself. 

„ Need some help?” Minho knelt, taking a bottle of shampoo, pouring some in his hand. „ Come closer.” 

„ I can do it too master...”  

„ No, you can’t, your fingers are still injured, remember?”Minho said matter of fact, he didn’t accept a refuse, so  Taemin complied and approached the edge of the tub. He tried to keep his body in the water, wishing Minho couldn’t see anything, but he was wrong, oh so wrong. Since Minho’s plan worked, and this small gesture of skin ship brought his exactly where he wanted. He could touch that yearning skin, hands sometimes dipping in the water to clean Taemin’s hair, touching the latter’s body parts.  

 „ You know I still have my left hand” Taemin uttered as Minho was cleansing his hair. 

„ Exactly, you only have your left hand, what if that one was injured too.” Minho approached the latter’s ear. „ Do you really want me to take care of you that badly? I would do it even if you weren’t injured.”  

  „ I... I didn’t say that! „ Taemin shouted, raising from the water, delighting Minho with a wonderful view. 
 He smiled, enchanted, and left the bathroom, as Taemin hurriedly scoped back in , ashamed.  

„ Come in the kitchen when you’re finished!”  
 At a first look, the kitchen looked like always, then he saw the cleaning products, the clean table and dishes, and all the food from his fridge seemed to be  replaced with organic things. Wondering what happened, he remembered vaguely Key last night with the salesman from the shop nearby and the word „ you own be big time”. He also remembered that Taemin used the kitchen yesterday when he was sick, luckily Key cleaned the place very neatly, and it seems that he even made food for him, typical Key.  He took the bowls from the fridge, some orange juice, placing them on the table, and also making himself a coffee. He decided to call Key until the coffee was ready and Taemin came from the bath.  He went to his room, and after a quick search for his phone, he called. Something was weird though, Key picked up only at the last call.  

 „ Why are you interrupting my shopping session?” he snapped. 

„ Good morning to you too Key.” 

„ Be quick, I just saw a new Loui Vuitton collection” 

„ I wanted to thank you for cleaning the mess yesterday and for the food. And wait, you’re at shopping, alone? Did an earthquake hit Korea and I didn’t know? Or a tsunami? Is the end of the world coming? ” Minho asked surprised, looking outside his window to be sure 

„ Oh, I love you too darling.  No of course I’m not alone! Who do you think I am to carry all those bags by myself. That’s why I have Jonghyun.” 
„ Jonghyu..?” 
„ The salesman, remember the guy from last night? In the end, I’ve got myself a puppy too, well a big, muscular, dog to be more precise. You can’t even imagine how hot he is when he kisses...” 

„ Don’t want to hear the details” Minho said quickly. 

„ What did you do with Taemin last night? Hope you didn’t took all his vitality”  

„ What... no! Key!”  

„ What? I was just asking, it’s completely normal.  And don’t blame be, I’ve seen how you’re looking at him. So how’s Taemin?” 

„ Taking a bath.” 

„ And why aren’t you inside the bath?” 

„ I was... I just took a short shower and let him relax more.” 

„ And you were implying that I was naughty.” 

„ I didn’t see anything, just caught a small glimpse of his body, that’s all!” 

„ Speaking of Taemin, bring him to the mall. He needs a new wardrobe.” 

„ I’ll talk with him about it. I’ll call you later, I think he’s coming from the bath.” 

„ I’m closing.” 

„ By… Bye” Minho replied to the dead line, as Key already closed. 

He turned around only to be greeted by a soaking Taemin in a large bathrobe, hair neatly tucked in a tower. 

„ Master... I’m hungry!” 
 Minho smiled widely as they both went to the kitchen. The meal was simple yet delicious, they enjoyed every moment, every second with each other. 
„ Say... Taemin ,do you want to go shopping for clothes? Key insisted, and I believe he’s right, strangely. You need a wardrobe too, since my clothes don’t quite fit you, they’re obviously too big for you.”  

„ I don’t mind wearing what I have” Taemin took a spoonful of jam, leaving some on his upper lip. 
„ I can’t let you wear only that Minnie. And honestly it would be a pity,  considering the hot body you’re hiding underneath” Minho implied in a husky voice. „ You need some proper clothes to compliment those curves.  

Taemin blushed, squirming in his seat, looking down. 

 “Oh, you have some jam on your lip. Here, let me take it for you.” 
And obviously he leaned forward the jam from the latter’s lips, and after he turned his back telling the boy to come and get dressed so they can go at the mall. But surprisingly the task seemed more difficult than it sounded, since none on Minho’s clothes seemed to fit Taemin. The trousers were too big, the jeans looked like they were dragged. That until, exasperated, he remembered he still had a pair of tight black, ripped skinny jeans that Key gave him as a present on one of the diva’s shopping sessions. But he never wore them, since he disliked them, they implied showing a lot of skin, plus they were too damn tight, how could Key even walk in those kind of things was still a mystery to Minho.  
 After minutes of searching and a big pile already packed on the floor he finally found them. As he expected, the jeans looked so damn hot on Taemin, they hugged his curves, and those large cuts, through which you could see his skin, drive Minho almost at the edge, wanting him to ravish the boy. But he couldn’t, he just couldn’t. Now that the hard part was over, he let Taemin pick whichever shirt he liked, as Minho got dressed. Surprisingly, the loose shirts fitted Taemin perfectly, at least to Minho’s taste, because they were a little bit too large for the boy, the edge always dropped, exposing a silk like shoulder and those tempting collarbones, and that pale neck.  

„ We should go now.” The man announced.  
And soon enough they were leaving the apartment, entering Minho’s car and heading to the mall. 
 As they got to the mall, Taemin’s eyes widened, seeing people going in and out, there were hundreds of cars in the parking lot, it was a huge complex in witch life echoed. Probably that’s why Key loved to spend his time in such a place, because he was in the middle of life itself.


Until they got to were the cafeteria were Key and Jonghyun were waiting for them , Minho never let go of Taemin, as he kept his arm over the small one’s shoulder, pressing him tightly to his body, to make sure that he wouldn’t loose his pet.  

 „ There they are!” Taemin uttered happily, as Key was waving at them. 

„ Took you long enough!” Key greeted them. 

„ I had a hard time finding something suitable for Taemin to wear.” 

„ And, this” he gestured at Taemin’s outfit.” Is suitable for you?  We’re not going in a club Minho.” 
 Jonghyun’s mouth went agape at the sight of the small one, although Taemin wasn’t definitely his type, he had to admit, he looked hot. 
„And you better close your mouth. Last time I checked you were a dog, not a frog.” 

„ If you want, I can be the frog and you can be the fly” Jonghyun hugged Key from the back whispering into his ear placing a soft kiss of the latter’s neck. 

„ Yah! Not here! Not in front of Taemin!” Key snapped him. „ Anyway, Taemin, my baby, you look enchanting, but never, listen to me, never let Minho pick your clothes. The sweater fits though, did you pick it?”  

Taemin nodded happily. 

„Thought so. Well, you should keep the pants, when we’ll go in a club, or if you want to make Minho more aroused” Key whispered as Taemin blushed. 

„ Hyung!” 

„ Let’s go now! We’ve wasted a lot of time already!” he grabbed Taemin by the wrist, heading to the nearest shop.  

Minho sighed, as he turned to help Jonghyun with the bags. 

„ Let me help you.”  

„ No, I’m fine, they are not heavy.” 

„Oh, believe me, they will become. You haven’t seen anything yet” and Minho didn’t wait for a reply as he took some of the bags.” We have a long day ahead of us. Do you want a coke?” 
 And the day continued on, with Minho and Jonghyun following Key and Taemin, trying to keep up with them, as the diva dressed and undressed Taemin with hundreds of outfits and shoes. As the bags were getting heavier and heavier, and that damn credit card was still full and always ready for a new round of treats. Even so, Minho and the Jonghyun got the chance to know each other better. The boys shopped and they really seemed to have lots of fun, in the end that’s what Saturday’s were all about. To enjoy the free time with your dearest friends. Time flew and soon enough it was 9 o’clock, time for closing, as Key argued for a another 10 minutes with the lady from the jewelry who just wanted to go home already after a full day shift. Jonghyun managed to soothe Key, and they finally got into their cars. And you might think that putting the bags in the car was a simple thing, but when it came to Key it wasn’t. Since they bought a full wardrobe, they barely got into the two cars.  
 After that, they headed to Minho, for a hot coffee or cocoa, as Taemin insisted and Jonghyun said he wanted to try one too, since he hadn’t drank one since he was a kid. Minho liked Jonghyun, he was fun, nice, a good guy, drawn in a world only known by himself, but either way he was sincere and a devoted friend, he was perfect for Key. He wouldn’t have thought of him as an actual lover for Key, if he might have just guessed they we’re compatible, Minho would have introduced Jonghyun to Key a long time ago, especially after the broke up with Onew, he thought the tragedy will never end. But not for Key’s broken heart, oh no, his tragedy, as Key used to come over and Minho had to be prepared with packs of ice cream in the fridge, and also not to snap at him, since Key used to be a drama queen, throwing tantrums and fits, crying, yelling.  
 „ Let me help you...” Taemin offered to carry the bags but Minho refused.  
He pouted cutely, and Minho smiled widely at him. 

„ They’re too heavy for you, let me and Jonghyun do the work.” 

And he complied, sighing, slowly walking outside, we’re snow started falling again. In the parking lot of the building Key’s echo resonated thought the whole place, ordering the two men around, what to leave in the car, and what to take,  giving detailed instructions to them.  
 Taemin watched behind his back, amused at the scene, as Minho didn’t understand what Key meant so the diva snapped and took the specific bag himself taking the elevator to the apartment. As the cars got a little bit more empty, all that was left were Key’s clothes, Minho looked for Taemin, realizing that the little one wasn’t around. 
Then he eyed his angel. Taemin was admiring the dark sky, as the snow fell on the ground. He approached his petite pet slowly, embracing him from behind.  

„What at you doing here alone in the cold” he whispered into his ear. 

„ You startled me. I was just admiring  the snowflakes. They look so beautiful, don’t you think? 

„ No. They don’t.”


“Why do you think that Master?”


“ Because you are definitely more beautiful then them. They’re cold and icy, you’re warm and cozy. I prefer you than the snowflakes.” 

And then Minho turned Taemin around, placing his lips on the latter’s, they were sweet and soft. He bit Taemin’s bottom lip, it every now and then, as a soft moan left his lips from the pain added to Minho’s touches, as his hands were already exploring what has hidden behind the sweater. The kiss got more passionate, as he slipped his tongue into Taemin’s mouth, tasting every single bit of his... his... lover?  He broke the kiss, looking straight into Taemin’s eyes. 

„ Minnie... what am I to you?’ 

Taemin looked a little bit confused, what was Minho talking about? Why did he have to stop so abruptly, why now when they were definitely enjoying themselves? 

„ You’re... you’re my master, the person who took me in and took care of me.” 

„ And what if I told you I don’t want to be just your master?” 

„ Do you want me to leave?” 

„No... Minnie... Do I have a chance to become something more in your heart, something more precious... more close... more intimate” and with each word he took Taemin closer, embracing him, and finishing with a kiss.  

„ Like... a boyfriend?” 

„ Yes Minne... so what do you say?” Minho smiled, inches apart from the latter’s lips.” 

„ I would love to be your boyfriend Master!” Taemin smiled too, putting his hands behind Minho’s neck, taking the initiative and kissing the man, the kiss was passionate and hot, but it soon had to end as a known voice screamed: 

„ Yah! I leave you guys for 10 minutes and you’re all over each other! You could’ve taken Taemin in the car, or in your apartment for Christ's sake, we’re in the building after all. It’s minus twenty degrees outside...” 

But Key’s ramble was stopped by a giant snowball that hit him straight in the face. He gazed at Minho who was laughing out loud, giving him that deadly stare. Minho gulped and ran away, as Key yelled after him, managing to hit him with a snowball too. Taemin went in too, trying to go on Minho’s side, but he ended up as a shield, as Jonghyun was trying to soothe Key, hoping that it wouldn’t end up bad.  
  Minho was laughing, Key was yelling, Taemin was on the ground covered with snow as Jonghyun helped the latter to stand up, whispering something at his ear. And so, snowballs started flying around as the small boy and the blonde guy thrown against the diva and the athlete. They were shouting, laughing, running, all under the dark night sky, as snowflakes kept falling on them.  
 Half an hour later, they were completely exhausted, hands cold and red, body numb, as soft giggles left their lips occasionally, everything seemed perfect now, everything felt right.  
Jonghyun put his hand around Key, keeping his boyfriend  warm until they got to the apartment, as Minho did the same to Taemin. 
 They were all gathered around the small table from the living room, eating some fruits, and making themselves warm with the promised cup of coffee or cocoa for Jonghyun and Taemin.  

„ We’ll be staying in for the night” Key said promptly to Minho,, and he was right, it was almost midnight and it was snowing quite hard now outside, it wasn’t like they could leave now.  

„ Sure, just don’t be too loud, I need to sleep too you know” 

„Like you’ll be able to sleep with Taemin in a bed.  You were completely over him there, I can’t imagine what you’ll do with him in a bed.” 

„ Oh, I believe you can, after all you’re more experienced then me, plus you have Jonghyun „ 
„ Um... are we going to sleep in the living room Minho?” Taemin asked quietly, interrupting their quarrel. 

„ Oh course not, we’re going to sleep in our room” 

„ Then is Key going to sleep here?” he continued, knowing that his „umma” was a little bit picky that’s why he didn’t imagine that he was going to sleep on the couch, plus where would Jonghyun hyung sleep? 

„ Of course not, Taemin, we’re going to sleep in the guest room.” 
 Taemin blinked confused. 

„ Guest room?  „ 

„ Remember, when I first saw you, that I’ve told you I’ve got a free bed. Well, I  have three other rooms which I rarely use.” 

It was true, Taemin saw the doors on each side of the big hall, but he never tried to open them, he wasn’t quite curious, he felt like he was trespassing his guardian’s intimacy if he lurked around the place. 

„ Then why didn’t you let me sleep there in the first place? You even caught a cold, by sleeping in the living room all by yourself.” 

„My room is the most spacious and comfy one, as a guest I wanted you to feel welcomed. I was hoping you would stay here with me” Minho answered. 

„ Frankly speaking, he fell in love with you, and wanted to you, but gave in to your cuteness so now he’s taking it slow...or not quite as I saw you two downstairs... ouch! Minho I’m telling him the truth!” Key yelled. 

„ Too many details Key... way too many...” 

„ So... umm… that means I can stay here with you forever?” 

„ Of course Minnie, we’re lovers now after all. You’re all mine, and I’m all yours” Minho whispered into a husky voice at Taemin’s ear, biting the latter’s collarbone, slowly his neck and kissing it, as Taemin gave a soft moan. 

„ Get a ing room!” Key yelled at the two of them, throwing his slipper at Minho. 
Soon enough, Jonghyun managed to stop his lover kissing him passionately. 

„ Where did you say the guest room was?” Jonghyun asked Minho as the latter broke off the kiss with Taemin. 

„ First on the left” he breathed continuing with the kissing. 
„ Come on, we shouldn’t be wasting our time either” Jonghyun murmured, taking Key in his arms, entering the said room.  
 The apartment echoed with moans of pleasure, as both of the couples were having one heck of a time.  
Everything was definitely perfect.

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Chapter 2: Aahhhhhhh are u going to xont?!?! Like SEQUAL?!?! Describing Wat they did?!?! Pweaseeee or like SEQUAL whih is fluffy too U R SO GOOD WITH THIS
Chapter 2: *-* loved it!
awesome ;w;
your ff's are freaking awesome!!
kaishin #3
cute!hope that it will be a longer story:)
SHINee4ever5 #4
Nawww~ more???