White paper cranes


It is said that if you fold 1000 paper cranes your wish will be granted.

Usually everyone wishes for health , forever lasting love, quick recovery, but the boy from our story didn't want any of that, his wish was different, special if you could call it like that, eerie or bizzare. But whatever you thought of it, it was in the end, a wish of a human being. Each of us has to find his own wish, set his goal and work towords acomplishing it.

And so he did, or... not quite.


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Shining_Hotaru_25 #1
Chapter 8: Oh my .... Right now i'm tottaly...shaken, yeah, i think it's the best word to describe my state of being after reading this story. God, i swear i haven't read a fanfic more ballanced than this one...it was so realistic and fantastic , disturbing and calming, sad and happy,with hope and dispair, wisdom and recklessness, all these perfectly combined and placed in the story...i'm simply speechless aaand it had, finaly, a happy ending~ (for which i am truly grateful-i'd rather read a generally sad story with a happy ending than a drop-dead-funny story with a tragic ending ><) oh, oh, and i almost forgot - the description- those sceneries made me think about all the parks in the town , hoping that at least one would possibly resemble that one:))(unfortunately with no luck-_-") however you described all perfectly so that i had the feeling that everywhere the characters went i was right beside them and saw everything:D
It was wonderful, well done and thank you for such a beautiful story~! ^^
Chapter 8: Soooo awesomeeee

So Jong got Tgt with key.
Tae with Minho n he's ALIVE!! N Minho became a doctor~~ tae? He also doc?
Chapter 8: ;-; <3
it was so awesome ㅠ ㅠ
taeminnie is alive ;-;
thank god ㅠ ㅠ
waa i loved it so freaking much ;-;
carrotcake #4
Chapter 8: oh man, it has always been a norm for me to cry while reading depressing fics but i've never cried so much until this one. i have so many used tissues beside me now. it's late and i still have school tomorrow, but i just can't stop. it was too beautiful. reading it wasn't simply like reading a 2min fic, it made me realize what life really is and how wonderful and agonizing it can be. this deserves so much praise, i can't even express all my feelings right now. it was just too stunning. <3
aoiworld #5
Chapter 8: beautiful.....
I want give you long comment but I have school,,,,,T.T
Chapter 8: *sobs* I loved it T_________T I'm so happy that they're alive keke and together <3
Chapter 8: It's beautiful! I love the scene where Minho caught Taemin before he fell. Good job^^
dont let them die TT_TT