Just This Once

Can I Love You?

    "How have you been? You didn't reach out to me since April. I was a little heartbroken!"

    Her voice seemed to be coming from a distant place as he was too busy zooming into the newest ring on her finger where his once was. It made him feel sick inside. 
    "Yeah.. I've been busy. With this new drama and all. I don't know if you've heard." He quietly responded while looking down. It would be even more awkward if she noticed his staring. 
    "Of course I have! So many people are excited to see your return to the screen. I've been following your news ever since your discharge." She replied while gleaming with joy. 
     So have I. Min Ho thought to himself. I saw the many men who took my place, I watched how easily you moved on. And now, I see your ring for myself. 
     Seeing how Min Ho didn't reply, she spoke again after a short pause. "I'm glad you're doing okay out of the military now. I missed you." 
      Is that why you left me? 
     "I'm actually here to have dinner with the crew now. I was on my way to the car to grab something." 
      He had to get away. His once icy blood was beginning to boil at the thought of her being here with another man while telling him that she missed him. He didn't want to see it for himself, the image of her ring or the sound of her careless laughter was already deeply embedded in his broken heart. It all felt like a mind game. 
      Before she had a chance to respond, he quickly bowed and uttered some form of goodbye he couldn't remember anymore after he had turned away. Even though he had been in a rush before meeting Suzy to grab the medication, now he was reluctant to even enter the restaurant.

      He slid inside the front passenger seat, finally feeling safe enough to let his calm demeanor disappear while resting his head against the window. It felt as though he was suffocating from conflicting thoughts. His mind wanted to do away with anything Suzy-related. His heart wanted to embrace her so tightly and ask her why she had to be the one to let go. His heart also wanted to restore Go Eun's smile back to what it was during the interview before he caused her to catch a cold. 
      "Just this once.. I'm just making it up to a coworker. That's all." He mumbled to himself. 
       Surely, it was just going to be this once? 

      "Min Ho shi! That took you forever! She seems to be feeling worse now.." 
       He looked around the table, his eyes searching for Go Eun. She had slightly rested her head against the chair with her eyes closed. 
      "Mianhada, something came up. Thank you for ordering for us. Where is Woo Do Hwan? I don't see his coat or food here?" He asked while curiously scanning the space around him. 
      "He had to leave, apparently there was a family emergency. Since you were already looking out for Go Eun shi, he asked you to drop her off. He promised to pay you back later." Kang Kyung nam replied while taking a sip of his Soju. "Can you handle it? I've been trying to speak to her and ask her to eat something but she won't listen to me."
      Can I really say no when she looks so weak? Min Ho sighed deeply and slid into his seat. He quickly uncapped the pill bottle and shook 2 out of the container. Then he proceeded to pour her some warm water. 
How should he wake her up? 

How Can he wake her up? She looked so peaceful just resting against an uncomfortable chair. He hadn't noticed how clear her skin looked until that moment. His hand slowly reached up to her forehead and he firmly pressed his palm against it. She was hot and she needed to take these night pills. 
     "Go Eun shi.." he softly whispered near her ear. "Can you wake up? Go Eun shi..?"

     "It hurts.. my eyes and my neck..." she softly mumbled in pain. 
     "Arraso.. just open them slightly to take these pills, okay? They will help you sleep better tonight." He replied gently while sliding his hand to the back of her head to propel her up. She followed his lead without much resistance and took the two blue pills from his palm. 
     "Here, drink up." He handed her the cup which she completely downed in one go. And before he knew it, she was leaning into him with her head against his chest. He could feel her shivering against him as she drew in closer and closer for warmth. "Mianhada.. it's so cold here..." 

     Her pained whispers and slight shivers made him feel tense, like he had someone to protect. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and drew her closer to him until she was comfortably resting in his arms. This drew a look or two from Eun Chae and Kyung Nam.

     "Min Ho shi.. I know she's feeling pained but be mindful of the paparazzi here. You know how many eagle-eyed fans are around.." Eun Chae softly whispered as she leaned in.

    "She's right. It doesn't appear as though Go Eun shi is going to get any better. I think you should leave before people start bothering her and make her feel even worse. Do Hwan is gone anyhow, I'm sure we can make up for this later." Kyung Nam agreed. 

    Min Ho scanned the tables around him and he couldn't refute. He caught several already looking their way. It was going to be any moment before someone pulled out their camera. "Arraso. Mianhada. She needs someone to look after her. Can you ask someone to wrap up her and I's food? I think she could really use it after she wakes up." 
     It was a struggle managing to make her stand up and balance their soups at the same time. He didn't want to attract even more attention by picking her up and taking her out of the restaurant, so he had to come up with another idea. He locked his arm which was around her with hers and slid out of their seat together. She stumbled at first when they stood up, but he knew she was minutes away from falling into deep sleep and he didn't have much time in his hands. 
      Shortly after exiting the restaurant, Min Ho continued to survey his surroundings as she tightly held him close. He could swear he heard her teeth chattering.  "Arraso, let's count every step together while we walk, like penguins! That way you won't fall asleep on me. Ready?"

     Like penguins? Could you be anymore embarrassing? 

      She gently shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "It hurts so bad.. all of these lights..." 

      Okay, maybe she wont remember my awful idea after all. 
      Sighing, Min Ho put the soups to the side of the restaurant wall and took a good looking at Go Eun. It was either him picking her up before someone caught them or her feeling even worse in the cold. Before he had much time to think about his impulse, he leaned down and picked her up gently. 
      "Wae? This is embarrassing.." she stammered as she looked up at him wide-eyed. Just seeing her eyes wide open again made him feel tingly inside. He had missed them. 
       "Aish, close your eyes and bury your face in my chest. We'll be at the car soon." He smirked as she tried to unsuccessfully hide her face. She felt as light as a feather and her cheeks were looking really red. He couldn't tell if she was blushing or if her fever had gotten the best of her- although he would have loved the former.
      After helping her settle down in the back and grabbing their soups from the outside, he quickly his engine to provide her with some warmth. She was cuddled to the side of the car with her head resting against the window. It seemed like the medication was working already. 
       "Go Eun shi..? Where do you live? I need to enter it to the GPS before we start moving." 
        There was no response. He waited a few more seconds before turning on the backlights and looking back at her. "Go Eun shi? Are you asleep already? I need to drop you o-"

        Did she really just snore already?? It hasn't even been 2 minutes since we got into the car! 
        Min Ho couldn't stop himself from giggling at her passed out face as she peacefully slept. No one would believe she was in a lot of pain just 20 minutes ago.
but,If she wasn't going to tell him where she lives.. then where was he supposed to take her?


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Chapter 5: an update pls T_T
Jame31 #2
Chapter 5: Still waiting for updateee. ?
LailaAisyah #3
Chapter 5: Waiting update
vibz1996 #4
Please update authornim ???
waiting for updates...
please update...loved the story
BarishkiBund #6
Chapter 5: wow, a different plot ..loved it.continue please
Coolguy_q #7
Chapter 5: Seriously loved it.. Next chapter please ??
Chapter 5: didnt realise i read this with wayo-yedam and fool-winner on the back. this hurt
Tropicalgirl777 #9
Chapter 3: Love this!
kd-in-cad #10
I'm new to this site and came upon your writing piece. Beautiful! Keep writing and continue the story. I look forward to reading the next chapters.