Buterfly's repose.

TW: Self harm, mention of drugs,alchohol,food


Showering felt like a piece of heaven. After being imprisoned for half a month, when Lisa showered, she felt like she got her senses back. She then realized that the nightmare was over.


Seeing Jennie across the street, them crushing each other, It all had felt like a dream. One of those who Lisa had , wen she was trapped in that cubic coffin.


Lisa didn't remeber how long they had stayed like that. There was so much things that she wanted to know. But in that moment , all that matters was keeping Jennie here and now. Anything else could wait.


''Let's go now. To somewhere safe. '' Jennie said, right before pulling her chin up from Lisa's back, finding the girl's hand.


They didn't go to Jennie's old apartment as Lisa guessed. Jennie took them on a boat, then hopped on metro, they got in in two stops, they entered right to a backstreet. There were not any crossroads and just one narrow street, with old apartments, until they entered one of them. Lisa hadn't traveled this coast of the city, by the time she lived here. It was so far away from the campus.


Jennie was walking just a little ahead , so Lisa could see her hair slightly swinging left and right, and her left cheek, which reminded Lisa much of a creacent. Lisa didn't mind watching ,Jennie's hair and cheek, not knowing where Jennie is going to take her, not caring.
All she cared about was what she sees was actually Jennie. It was her. She was here.


This apartment had a bedroom, unlike the old one. Altough this one didn't have a window, because it was on the basement floor. So it had a set of transom on the top of a wall, instead, which you could spot people's feet and nothing else.


Altough she enjoyed, Lisa got out of the shower as fast as she could. She was feeling like Jennie could disappear any time Lisa didn't look.


After she got dressed and blowdried her hair, Lisa checked herself in the mirror, she realized that she looked pathetic.


Her eyes were baggy, her skin was much like a dead person, her whole figure seemed, so dislocated. She was sick, altough looking at the mirror made her realized that she was dying.


Lisa was concerned about how Jennie thinks of her after monts, she felt so unattractive. She spotted a hair tie on the floor, tried to tie her hair in a ponytail, hoping that it would


help, then changed her mind. She searched in her stuff to put on some make up, quickly blushed her cheeks, applied concealer on her eyebags, when she was putting on some chapstick, Jennie knocked the door,


''Yes,come!'' Lisa replied, throwing her chapstick away. Before she could run to open the door, Jennie appeared with a bowl in her hand.'' Come over, I'm pouring soup, '' She disappeared the same way, after announcing that.


So Lisa followed Jennie to see that the girl had set up a table for them and pouring some soup from a steam puffing pot.
''Come sit,'' she invited Lisa. It was probably because of the trauma she had been trough, but she was going to be mad sorry for anyone else she loves, because of thinking that, this moment was the most in peace and content she had ever felt in her life.
Lisa started to notice some of the pieces were missing in Jennie's house. The sewing machine, for example, or the record player. It made sense, she rushed away from her old place, after all. Still she couldn't help asking why the record player was gone.
A tiny sparkle appeared on Jennie's eyes, she pressed her lips togheter, as if she was going to tell something, but instead she got up and got out of the room,right after she came back with no other than her big old record player.


Lisa smiled big, '' You kept it! That's a relief, ''
Jennie got back to the room again and came back with some records, this time. Lisa could pick the name 'Janacek' on the front.
Jennie put 'Janacek' on the record player, Lisa immedately felt like they were back in months earlier.
Should she have offer Jennie a dance? At this point, it woud matter to think that much over it, she didn't know what could happen tomorrow, so she took the chance when it was there,
''Shall we ?'' Lisa offered Jennie her hand, Jennie smiled, altough it was a toughtful smile, Lisa hadn't noticed it then.
Jennie had tought they could open the curtains if they would turn off the lights. It wouldn't be a problem for Lisa, nothing would. The moonlight was enough to lighten up the room, she tought.
''Moons.'' Jennie replied to Lisa's toughts, when she was leading Lisa lightly to the waltz, which made Lisa tremble the moves. In that moment, the tone of the piece changed to lead Lisa to another memory, the moment that she realized she was being captured.
''Sorry.'' Jennie cooed, bringing Lisa's attention back to her. '' Wasn't able to do much, believe me.''
''About them kidnapping me ? Also, how did you know about that ?''
''Because we became one, remember?''
''I, believe I do.'' Lisa still hadn't gotten used to Jennie's terminology.
''How about you? Were you safe? I tought you were kidnapped.''
''I wasn't able to go outside, or to call you. Because we were spotted. Sorry.''
Lisa processed for a moment. She was talking about the commune. I think we were a little bit too careless, Lisa tought.
''When I was a kid, I have made my first friend. But Little People took her away. Like I said, they couldn't hurt me, but they could hurt people around me. I saw bad images. And then I never heard from her again. ''
Lisa's blood drained away from her face and hands. She wasn't sure where Jennie's story was going,
''I couldn't let this happen again, so I was always careful. I couldn't get close to anybody. Altough Little people can't hurt you. Because you are not from here. Besides, now that we became one, It's not possible.But the cult can. I wasn't sure If I could even talk to you ever again, but, now I'm sure, they don't know that you are not from here, I tought I could talk to you again.''
I'm not from here, I shouldn't be surprised, Lisa tought.
''It's late,'' Jennie withdraw her hands from Lisa's shoulders, grabed her hand, ''...you must be tired.''
Lisa guessed Jennie was right, they were both tired.
''Okay Jennie, let's... have some rest.''
So... how are we going to do this? Lisa tought. They had cuddled to sleep, the last time, but there had three months past since then,
Lisa's thoughts interrupted when Jennie hold her hand and moved her along with her to the bedroom, Jennie sat on the bed and patted on the sheet, '' I wouldn't mind if you joined me,''
''Of course,'' Lisa answered,
Sheets felt cool, clouds of drowse already started to gather around Lisa's head, not that they made Lisa sleep on a stone, when she was kidnapped, but she hadn't gotten a proper sleep because of the mixture of drugs, being in the dark all day, and the nightmares.
Now they were both under the sheets. Lisa felt Jennie's hand travel trough the gap between them, took Lisa's arm and landed it on her own waist. Then she schooched closer, so Lisa's arm twriled onto a natural wrap around her waist.
Lisa was feeling Jennie's short warm breathing right under her chin.
''Do you think Little People might be listening right now? '' Lisa murmured.
''They can listen, but they can't to something.''
Because I'm not from here, Lisa thought.
''This world, is somewhere... very different from where I am, right?'' Lisa asked Jennie, '' ...not like from Thailand to Korea, type of different, this different place has some slight changes, just like the two moons, instead of one. '' Lisa squinted her eyes, since when am I here?''
''I'm sorry, I needed you,''
''How, why did you needed me? To become one? What did it do? ''
''It has weakened Little People.''
''So what, we hold like, some sort of 'Anti-Little People' power now?''
A small smile appeared on Jennie's face, but it faded, right after she said, ''Not we, you do. '
''What about you? Are Little People going to bother you again?''
''So what do we do?''
''We should rest,''
Now that Lisa was holding Jennie gently, her warm breath puffing against Lisa's chest, their knees slightly touching each other, Lisa tought it could go as Jennie says, so she closed her eyes, dirfted into a deep sleep, which she never did for a very long time.
Waking up not having Jennie on the bed, Lisa with a slight fear as much as she knew that Jennie was obviously in the living room.She felt a sense of relief, that was followed with a warmth, when she heard the sound of plates and cuttery clinging. She still wasn't used to Jennie not disappearing anymore.
Lisa remembered she hadn't plug her phone to charge, realized her phone must have been out of battery for weeks. But when she checked her phone she saw that it was %73 full.
They must have kept it charged. To not to wake suspicion around people that were trying to reach her. They must have even texted her friends, they might have even answered calls, maybe with a voiceover that sounded like her! Could that be possible? She quickly checked her last calls, there weren't any phone calls last two weeks. Altough there were a couple missed calls from Chaeyoung and Jisoo. Not so much, Lisa wasn't surprised, since she and Chayeoung had an awkward encounter, the last time.
Lisa dialed Jisoo first, starting from the easier one. Jisoo asked her if she had got healed from her cold, when she picked up. Lisa answered 'yes' surprised about how did she know about her cold, and then checked her messages to see there were text messages sent by them. Telling she had a cold, and couldn't talk on te phone, and more. Hot rage boiled in her veins; they had talked to her friend.
How did they even cracked her password?
''Have you talked to Chae, yet?'' Jisoo asked.
There were no text messages between she and Chaeyoung.
''Huh, okay. Good luck then! ''
''I-'' Lisa sighed, ''Have you two been talking lately?''
''Eh. I'm not going to tell you everything, Lisa.'' Lisa could hear Jisoo smirking.
''Why did you assume I'm asking details? ''
Jisoo hummed, ''Just so you to know, anyways, I need to hang up now, get better soon, you voice still sound kind of bad. Goodbye! Call Chae!''
Lisa definitely didn't want to talk to Chaeyoung. At least not like this, not trough the phone. She couldn't explain anything like this.
''Hi! How are you doing?'' Chaeyoung picked up with a fake cheerful, more of a tired voice.
''I'm good, better. No worries! How are you? '' This was hard.
''Nothing much. I'm actually working part time. ''
''Cool! Are you doing live music?''
''No, I work as a waitress, lately. ''
''Is it tiring?''
''Don't even ask, It's awful!''
''Really?'' Lisa asked with a chuckle.
''Last time my boss lashed out just because I was sitting for like what, a second?''
''Oh, no. Cruel!''
''I know!'' Chaeyoung groaned.
''Meh, at least times passes by, in this way. I'm alreay bored with this summer.''
''You are right. I've been actually missing you also. ''
A short silence appeared, which made Lisa regret everything she said.
''Yeah, me too. Last time was a little bit messy, sorry.''
'' It was. '' Lisa hesitated to continiue, ''Just wait for me to-''
Get this cult over my chest, she was almost going to say, but she remembered that she had to lie, '' to come back in town. I'll- we are going to make it up, definitely !''
''I know, Lisa. See you soon.''
''See you soon, Chae!''
Lisa was glad, thinking that they were back on their regular dynamic real quick, Maybe like so, she tought, they could finally get this whole confession thing over with.
At the bathroom, Lisa realized that her nose was stuffed and puffy, and got anxious about Jennie seeing her with a runny nose, when she woke up next to her. So she quickly ran into the bathroom to freshen herself up.
Right when she was entering, Lisa saw Jennie across the room, sinked in the couch, nibbling on a piece of bread, and couldn't help but snickering at the wiew, ''Good morning'' she said while still wearing that smile, when Jennie noticed her.
Jennie had also stepped up the breakfast game, last time there were only tea and bread, but now there were also eggs and orange juice. Altough Lisa didn't like eggs she was definitely going to finish them up, just because Jennie cooked them.
They talked about how their families used to prepare their eggs, during breakfast, they laughed about Lisa's mother baking scrambled eggs with almost no salt and oil, which made Lisa think, how she had been craving for a regular small talk, without mentioning distressing things. She wished this breakfast could last forever.
''I wish we were able to go on a proper date,'' Lisa said, while staring at the feet-level windows, covered with curtians, shilouttes of feets, walking down, appears, time to time.
''They are probably searching everywhere, losing no time at all.'' Jennie replied.
''Of course they do,'' Lisa said, scolding,right then a glimpse of shimmer appeared in her eyes. '' Who said that best dates should have to be outside? We could have the bestest best date ever, in our appartment as well !'' She got up from her chair, '' Jennie...''
''Kim,'' Jennie replied,
''Jennie Kim, are you ready for your bestest best indoor date ever?''
When Jennie smiled wide, Lisa realized how cute of a gummy smile she had.
They started with cooking pudding with a recipee that Lisa loved to do in high school. It was a chocolate pudding that contained all the junk food, you can think of. Or a pack of waffer and marshmallows, since that was what Jennie could find, going to the nearest supermarket, with a hurry, she was trying not to reflect suspicion on her actions.
Next thing was grabbing their bowl of trash and slurping it down while whatching one of the movies that Jennie and her mother used to watch, It was one of the Ghibli movies,Lisa also remembered whatching this one, it was in her memories, more like a fever dream. Lisa dreamed of child Jennie and her, somewhere in time, maybe watching the same movie, at the same time, without knowing each other's existence.
Later, Jennie cooked them macaroni and cheese,and Lisa prepared salad.Their dinner date was ready after Jennie poured them a glass of white wine.
The dinner was companied by Janacek, which after, they continiued dancing to,
''I wish this evening lasted forever, '' Lisa said, while they were holding onto each other, but when she looked out of the window without realization, the two moons were there to remind her that today was not going to last forever.
Jennie also realized what had gotten Lisa's attention. So, without them even talking,the conversation that none of them wanted to talk about, already oppened.
''I wish they'd left us alone, so that we would never have to talk about them. I wished, we could have found a way out, '' Lisa said, without turning her gaze away from the moons. '' I wish there weren't two moons up in the sky, anymore.''
The sudden drop on the Sinfonietta, replied, Lisa's wishes, instead of Jennie,
''There won't be, once you get out of here.'' Lisa almost thought one of the moons had started talking.
''Once I get out? '' she turned to Jennie, '' How am I supposed to do that?''
''The same way you came in,'' Jennie continiued when Lisa remained silent, ''Go back to the night we met, The night that it rained.''
''You mean to the dance studio, that's where we first saw each other, on Omegle.''
''You were outside, in the rain.''
''I... was.. outside...''Lisa had a hard time, remembering what Jennie meant, ''We were talking on my way home,''
But then a flashback of a dream came in front of her eyes, the one where she was locked outside of the stuido, at the ''At the fire escape stairs! You mean that was the corridor I walked to came to the, '' she sighed, ''...here?''
Jennie blinked.
''You have to use the fire escape, don't forget, if you go upstairs from inside the building, you won't find the gate-out.''
''I see,'' Lisa said, she right after realized that Jennie was telling all this as if she wasn't going to come with her.
''How about you? You are also coming, right ?''
Jennie remaining silent was the worst thing that she was doing to Lisa, since they first ever met.
''Jennie, are you not coming with me, are you not getting out of this ?''
She kept torturing Lisa with her silence.
''I can't. I shouldn't. I'm dangerous.'' Jennie said,when she finally spoke.
''But why?''
''Because, I can't carry Little People with me, anywhere else. ''
''So what, we hold like, some sort of 'Anti-Little People' power now?''
''Not we, you do. ''
''So what, you are going to live with Little People, forever, in this world? ''
Jennie's face got shadowed, which drove Lisa crazy.
''No. I am going to end myself,''
''What does that mean?''
You know what that means, that was what Jennie's eyes were saying to Lisa.
Now there was just words coming out of Lisa's mouth, she didn't even know how she constructed.
''What, you knew it all along, you brought me here to watch you die? What was the point? Why did you even-''
''I, was in a solitude in a very long time, and It was going to be like that, If I didn't broke it, and they didn't found me, you, and now everything is dangerous, me existing, It's dangerous. Do you know what would they do to me If they caught me? ''
''They won't,''
''They can, I always knew this, but now It's closer than ever. I don't want to live like this, ''
''You don't have to, I'm also going to stay, and,'' Jennie shaking her head was discouraging her, but she countiniued,'' and we are going to defeat them,''
'' They can't do anything to Little People. And Little People is going to find a way, even if I died earlier, Little people was going to find another perceiver. But now there is someone that's from the main railway,not from this world, took a step to cut out their power. Yes, you seperated away from the main railway and dropped on the Town of Cats. This is just a branch world, And If you don't step out from here , you will never be able to.''
Lisa's head was spinning and Jennie's words were dragging her along like a hurricane.
''I need a second, '' she didn't even know where she was heading towards, altough she eventually found herself at the fron't door steps, when she finally felt Jennie's hand grabbing her wrist.
All this time, Jennie holded her to get her going, now she was holding her to make her stop.
''I'm not finished.''
She had gotten Lisa's attention. She turned to Jennie with a flustered look on her face.
''I can reborn.'' Jennie said. Leaving Lisa with such confusion made it easy for her to drag Lisa back inside the apartment.
''Have I heard it right?'' Lisa asked when they entered trough the door, ''Did you literally said that you were going to kill yourself, moreover, claimed that you can come back to life ?''
Jennie blinked.
''How is-'' Lisa stuterred to find the right words, ''How are you planning to do that?''
''Just as how Little People does it, '' Jennie said, almost smiling, '' We are going to build a chrysalis from the Aura.''
''What's an Aura?''
''Aura is the strings, floating in the air. Look carefully,'' she said, while pointing out nowhere exactly, but when Lisa looked into the air closely, she really did saw the floating pieces of yarn, with a weak glow.
The memories of the night when Little People came out and build a cocoon out of the floating yarns,
And the thing that was growing, inside of it,
''You mean with that, you are going to come alive, again?''
Jennie blinked again, ''Just like butterfly's repose.''
Lisa wasn't able to process how all of this was going to work, this date had taken an unexpected turn,
She didn't know where to go, so stood up on the couch to look outside the window, up to the moons, she was sure that they were looking back at her.
She felt Jennie also climbing next to her.
''Are you sure this is going to work ?''
''It has to. I want it to. It works when I did it with them.''
''But-'' Lisa started rambling on words to find the right ones, ''When are you going to come back ? How am I going to find you again?''
Lisa saw Jennie's face reflecting on the window.
''Time doesn't work exactly how it does, everywhere.'' She paused, then continiued, ''I don't know when It's going to be, I don't know where I'm going to be, but I know that there no longer will be Little People. ''
''So that we can be togheter?''
''How am I going to find you?''
''I will, probably. Just like the day that it was raining.''
Jennie smiled, and her eyes shined with the moonlight, ''I promise.''
Lisa looked out of the window again to see that there were tiny strings shining and floating whererever she looked,
''Look inside, '' Jennie said, the strings were also everywhere inside of the room,
Jennie grabbed one between her fingers and touched another one with it. When she did that, the strings attached to each other. Lisa tried what Jennie did, but her strigs broke apart right after,
''More carefully,'' Jennie said.
It took three hours for them to make a ball of yarn that was smaller than a basketball. In meantime Jennie heard Little People getting mad, but this time, ther were no storms, not loud noises for Lisa, because Little People wasn't able to hurt her.
Lisa saw how Jennie needed to go, when she was dealing with the loud noises. She also started getting muscle cramps.
''Let's stop it right here. That's enough.'' Lisa said, because she couldn't stand Jennie cramping and getting struck by pain, she got up and brought her arms toghether around Jennie's shoulders. Jennie replied with resting her head on Lisa's arm.
''Okay, then,'' Jennie set herself free from Lisa's arms and picked up the chrysalis. ''We should hide this.''
They put the cocoon under the bed.Not that anyone was going to be able to see it, as much as Jennie said. but still, just in case.
Lisa realized how tired she was when she got into the bed with Jennie. She and Jennie cuddled each other, like they did yesterday, but today as long as how tight she holds, Lisa knew that she was going to lose Jennie. So that she was going to hold on to Jennie better than ever, for the last time.
''It won't be the last time.'' Jennie replied to Lisa's thoughts. ''I promise.''
They had slept, until it was afternoon, and spent the rest of the day, Lisa laying on Jennie's lap. When the dawn had broke, ''Let's keep going, there is not much left,'' Jennie said.
Not any longer than two hours of Jennie dealing with all the fuss Little people created, they were pretty much done with the cocoon. It was as big as the last time Lisa saw it. When she was with that bartender Adachi.
''I had died once, after all.''
''I don't want to lose you.'' Lisa was holding her tears back, looking at the ceiling, getting mad at herself about how selfish she was.
She heard Jennie's footsteps, Jennie hold both of her hands, ''If I don't get out of this prison world, they will never let us be togheter, I don't want to lose you like that, forever. I love you.''
When she kissed her, Lisa felt like she was flying between thousands of tiny stars, no, they were thousands of tiny strings, they were going to get togheter and bond them toghether, so that, as much far away as they might get, they will always be connected.
The next day, Jennie told her to follow the clues. She said the weather would probably going to start to change when she was on her way to the exit, or the campus in this case.
And would turn into what it was like when she entered here.
Jennie also said that she should also get out around the same time of the day she came in.
''I don't remember what was the time. ''
''It was 8.34.-8.35''
''Oh, okay, so I should be upstairs at-''
''Be up there at 8.35.''
''Okay, but like what if I miss it like, I don't know, ten seconds, would it-''
''It's not that hard.''
''Okay then I better charge my phone to full, ''
''It's geting cloudy.'' Jennie said, around six in the evening. '' You should get going It would take at least half an hour to get there.''
''I was hoping that this time of the would never come''
Jennie put her hands on Lisa's shoulders, ''You should do it.''
''Can't you at least come with me?''
Jennie's brows furrowed. Her eyes looked like she was examining the fabric of the couch they were sitting. ''That can be dangerous,'' But then she looked at Lisa and said,'' Okay, but first, let me get some things, to bring with me. For security causes.''
''Thank you.''
Jennie came back with a sports bag that didn't look so stuffed. Lisa didn't question what Jennie was bringing with her. She didn't want to know, actually.
They spent the ride to campus hands intertwined and Lisa's head on Jennie's shoulder.
The weather was getting dark, so it was getting hard to spot where they were going, but when the lights started to become rare, Lisa knew that they were around the suburban side.
And then Lisa saw the campus' signature outer lights, for the first time in a very long time.
There was a bus stop near the gym Jennie didn't know that, so Lisa waited for a further stop to get off.
But eventually they got off the bus, walked their way up to the gym.
''The campus is pretty.'' Jennie said, while still holding Lisa's hand.
''It's not pretty on winter.''
It was 8.29. The rain had started dripping.
''There it is.''
They were both standing in front of the gym, facing to the building. Lisa was seeing herself on top of the studio, months back.
''I'm sorry. I could have made it better.'' Lisa felt Jennie facing to her, but didn't want to do the same, because of not wanting Jennie to see her tearing up, or worse, seeing Jennie tearing up.
''It doesn't have to go like this.''
Jennie hadn't been calling her by the name, very much.
''They are not ever going to find you, because, you'll come with me.'' Lisa's hand was tightly around Jennie's. ''They re not going to be there anyway whatsoever. But I will, I'm 'Anti- Little People and everything, remember?''
It was 8.33.
Before Jennie could say aything, Lisa dragged her passed to the gym yard, Lisa had started to climb up to the firescape and drag Jennie along, when Jennie finally resisted and pulled back,
It was 8.34. The rain got heavier. The storm sounds can be heard, not so far away.
Lisa finally turned to Jennie, eventhough she didn't want Jennie to see her with wet cheeks, but only to find Jennie the same.
''Why not?'' Lisa yelled. ''As long as you,'' she grabbed Jennie's wrist again and pulled her, desperately, ''are with me-''
''Stop!'' Lisa heard Jennie yelling when everything went blinding lit and a loud clap of thunder followed.
Lisa, for a second lost her balance and find herself laying on the steps. She felt Jennie's hands holding onto her to help her get on her feet.
''Are you okay?'' After this Lisa was going to realize that in that moment, everthing around had dissapeared, except the stairs she was standing on, she was on a firescape that was hanging in the middle of an endless dark void. And she was going to be surprised , back then, she didn't even questioned how, once.
''Why do you have to go?'' Lisa yelled.'' You were ready to risk it all, until now, you were not afraid, when you brought me here!''
'' I had got away until this time of my life, I tought I could continiue longer, but I can't, soon they could even know about you!
''Lalisa, you were the best thing that could ever happen to this rotten, awful world, you are the one thing that those creatures could fear. You are the light hope. But more importantly, you are the most beautiful thing that had happened to me, I don't even know what would
happen if you didn't exist.
''But don't you get it? I'm also diseased! I'm not even me! I'm reflection, they took part of me to carry their disease. I can't take this with me, I also have to go down with this world.
''No,'' Lisa was able to spit, between her hiccups,
''Lisa,'' Jennie pulled herself closer, now her face was a couple inches away from Lisa's
''I don't want you saying that you are diseased, you don't belong to them! You don't deserve it, and I don't deserve it,''
''Lisa,'' Jennie tried to cup Lisa's hands betwen hers, altough they were bigger compared to hers. ''What have I promised to you? I will come back, I will find you again, just like I did before. Don't you believe me? I'm not going to stop existing, I'm just going to get cured, and ,reborn as my true self, I will find my 'Maza'*. ''
Jennie squeezed Lisa's hands, their foreheads were touching,
''But for now, please forgive me, forgive that I couldn't stay around longer, forgive because you have never asked for this in the first place. But for the last time, let me destroy their last weapon, so that they can't win, and then, we can finally be togheter. ''
Lisa was looking Jennie right in the eyes, the whole time,and she wont ever forget 'that' Jennie, ever, because she knew that it was her, in her true self, she was showing her full reality, she could see that not a single thing that she said was a lie. And If anyone ever were to ask how did she knew, Jennie's words would come to her mind:
Because we became one.
Doesn't every two person create another version of themselves, when they get toghether, and that would be special for them, only? Their one and only. Jennie and hers didn't have to be more than that, for Lisa to know from this point, no matter how far away they might get, she could never lose Jennie.
'Because we became one.'
'We became one.' Jennie had heard her, and replied.
Lisa kissed Jennie without letting her hands out of Jennie's. ''I will go up trough these stairs, and you, don't you take your time so slow, okay?''
''I would never.'' seeing Jennie smile had almost made smirk appear on Lisa's cheeks.
On that promise, Lisa had finally found the courage to let go of Jennie's hands, she climbed her steps up to to the studio.She wanted to turn back to see her one last time, like she always does, but she didn't know if she could. And there she was, on the front door of the studio, the inside was dark, so Lisa was able to see her reflection from the glass that was dripping wet from the heavy rain.
Lisa opened the door and entered the studio, and when she turned back to close the door , and she saw Jennie wearing her biggest smile with the eyes that shined brighter than the  thousand stars.
'Drink some hots, so you won't catch cold.' Lisa heard Jennie's voice in her mind.
With Lisa closing the door, the vision of Jennie disappeared away.
Lisa kept the lights off to be able to see the sky. The clouds were drawing away from the sky, they had finally cut the noise off, and there was the only moon, without company.
They had manage to separate Jennie and her this time, but they had lost, in return. There was no Little People anymore. This world was hers.
There was no need for secrets anymore. Lisa was not going to get her friends upset.She tought about Jisoo and Chaeyoung. She shouldn't apologize from them anymore, especially Chaeyoung... Lisa was the luckiest person in the world, just by having this other one of the best women in the world by her side.
Lisa thought about hanging out with Chaeyoung, all the time, as soon as the school starts, they could have take long night walks, talk about this and that, like they did. Lisa was always going to be by her side. And the three of them could watch movies between the mid-terms and finals, cackle and laugh when they should be studying, and maybe if she would be the last one to go to sleep instead of Jisoo, she could go trough her stuff and check out a piece of paper that had the sketch (or a design) that Jennie had drawn for her.
It's the author, first of all, thank you so much for all of those who have made it to the end of this journey. People reading the stories I tell is some other thing to me, as a writer. So thank you so much for taking your time to get into this world.
Also, I wanted to add, as i said on the foreword, this story is inspired by the world that Murakami built in his book 1q84.( For example the word 'Maza' beware for '1q84 spoilers:
*Maza is the original person, and 'Douta' is their reflection, that comes out of the chrysalis. I am not sure whether Murakami used 'Douta' as 'not the real person' ( i think he totally did in some places) or not, but I didn't want to think about Douta as not real, but more of, real, but some parts of them had taken away. And by building a chrysalis themselves, Jennie and Lisa would reverse the situation and Jennie could become 'Maza' again.
If you have read 1q84, you probably have noticed the parralels. If you haven't read it yet, I totally recommend it :)
Another thing I wanted to add, plus maybe you would be wondering is whether If Jennie and Lisa will find each other again, If I'm really the one who can answer this question, I'd say that I really want them to do so, so yeah, they are totally going to meet again :)
Thanks again so much to everyone, I hope you will be with me on another story in the future, I want to come back as soon! I honestly want to write a more light-hearted thing, next, thinking that you will also appreciate. Until then, sending much love!
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keren_hmlm #1
Are you revising the story, that’s why we keep getting notifs about it, even though it’s already finished?
keren_hmlm #2
Are you revising the story, that’s why we keep getting notifs about it, even though it’s already finished?
keren_hmlm #3
Are you revising the story, that’s why we keep getting notifs about it, even though it’s already finished?
keren_hmlm #4
Are you revising the story, that’s why we keep getting notifs about it, even though it’s already finished?
keren_hmlm #5
Are you revising the story, that’s why we keep getting notifs about it, even though it’s already finished?
Chapter 2: So far It's been a little confusing, but I like the story so far
keren_hmlm #7
awww this was super amazing
keren_hmlm #9
OMG Haruki Murakamiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I just found this today. Gonna read it now hehe
hello2013 #10
Chapter 6: I’m so confused but happy?