Week Twenty-Two

Unfogging the Future šŸ”® When Magic and Muggle Collide šŸ”® Complete

The success of the first meetup has noticably eased some of the tensions that had been building in the month after the New Year and the appearance of Yurina, which means Fergus has been moved off comment duty to refocus on his original specialization, which has it's pros for sure, but also has some cons.

On the brighter side, he's back to doing work that actually somewhat interests him - normally he'd never apply to something like this, but at least he's managed to still do some transportation-related work despite being trapped for a year away from his desk in the Portkey Offices. And of course Channer is always great to work with - always has been - and Fergus has been toying with a few further ideas during the brief break that he's planning to present to Audrey and Cadi later in the week when things are fully back to normal. Or as normal as they can get considering the new circumstances.

On the down side he's now back to having to try and wrangle information out of the other Initiative members since he's no longer directly connected to the Muggle reaction. He'sĀ goodĀ at talking to people, of course, he always has been, but he feels even worse now than he had before every time he gets a colleague to confess something to him under the pretenses of his being a safe person to talk to. Now he knows that every personal detail he sends out in his nightly report is being dropped into Yurina's lap, or at least into the lap of one of her... commanders? Co-conspirators? Honestly Fergus isn't sure what Yurina's system setup actually looks like - he's just one pawn in what he'd be willing to be is a very large game of chess, and he only ever gets to know the things he's directly involved with.

Heck, when he'd dropped off the information to BBC, he hadn't even known what was inside the envelope. He'd been instructed to not break the seal, so he hadn't, and it was a good thing too - he'd actually been talking to Audrey and her husband Percy at the Prophet Christmas Party when the news had dropped. Though he had known thatĀ somethingĀ was about to go down, his lacking knowledge of the details meant he hadn't had to fake his surprise at all.

Of course, he was mostly surprised the news hadn't been worse. Fergus had been at Hogwarts during the war, knew classmates who had died in the final battleĀ - heck, his Gryffindor roommatesĀ Gabe and Nathan had been (maybe unsurprisingly) wrapped up in the heart of the fighting with Dumbledore's Army - so he knows there are worse skeletons in the magical closet left to fall out. Then again, the information that was released couldn't beĀ too devastating, considering Yurina needed to endear herself to the Muggle public post-reveal, so it does make sense in retrospect.

Thinking too hard on the entire situation honestly stresses him out, so for the most part he does his best to not think about it at all. It's less difficult than it probably should be to push the details out of his mind and mechanically go through the motions, but after years working under his mysterious handler it's pretty much become second nature. Do what he's told, and he gets to live.

It's only at night when he's submitted his report that questions start to creep up, plaguing his mind and seeping into his dreams in a way that's left him utterly exhausted the past few months. But despite that, he still submits reports that are as detailed as he can manage. The terms of his continued living are vague, and he's not taking any chances thank you very much.

The memory of that night will be seared into his mind for the rest of his life. He had only recently joined the Portkey Office, barely knew half his coworkers at that point, when his little flat in London had been broken into and he'd walked straight into an ambush.

The exact details are blurry, as he'd been locked into an Imperius curse and had immediately dropped into a panic, but he remembers enough.

He remembers his limbs moving themselves, his mouth forming around words without his permission, even as he screamed from where he'd been trapped in his own mind. It had only been three years since the war had ended, and Fergus was still on edge. The whole magical world was, really - no one had completely healed after only three years, and though Fergus hadn't lost anyone directly he knew enough people who were gone too soon to not be extra terrified by the situation he'd stumbled into, which really was terrifying enough entirely on it's own.

He'd been forced to make an Unbreakable Vow.Ā "Obey or die."Ā Those had been the terms given by the cloaked woman (at least, he mentally refers to her as female due to her voice - it really could be anyoneĀ since basic vocal pitch changes aren't exactly hard) who had engaged in the Vow with him. He had passed out the moment he'd been released from the Imperius, and awoken on his floor with a note laid out in front of him, detailing exactly what the first instructions he'd needed to 'obey' were.

There were a few items on the list, from the simpleĀ 'get to know your bosses' to the far more complex 'work out a method of communication in which only the intended recipient can see the messages sent (that task had resulted in his creation of the linked parchments, which could be keyed to specific magical signatures. He's really rather proud of that accomplishment, despite the duress he'd developed it under).Ā Most importantly, he couldn't tell anyone that he was under and Unbreakable Vow, which was of course unsurprising, but resulted in him pulling away from his family and friends to the point where he doesn't really know them anymore.

For seventeen years he's been effectively isolated from everyone around him, and he's long gone numb to the realities of his life. He can turn a blind eye to the Portkeys that sometimes go missing, ignore the suspcious circumstances surrounding his promotion to Head of the Portkey Offices, stay late at work when asked and not question what the point is. This is simply how things are for him, and with his muzzle order still effectively set there's nothing he can do about it. So he just goes along for the ride - better oblivious and controlled than dead after all.

At least, that was his thinking before, when orders only came through every few months at the most, and he wasn't having to report on people he was actually starting to kind of like every single day. When he didn't really have to consider the consequences of what he was doing.

Things started going downhill when the Incident happened. He'd known something was coming, had been told to be prepared, and when it started he realized that the group he'd been Bound by weren't just desperate. They weren't going to fizzle out on their own in time. They were organized, and they wereĀ massive. And he had been helping them along.

The worst part arguably is that, looking back now, even if he'd known he wouldn't have changed anything he did. The fact he's continued to follow orders and is now spying on the Initiative more than proves that. He does feel bad though, and he misses his old numbness in a major way. The Initiative is honestly trying to do some good - even Alex is full-in on cooperation now and Fergus had been confident he if nothing else was proof this could never work - and here Fergus is smiling to their faces while sharpening a knife behind their backs. He has no idea what Yurina and her group's next move is going to be, but he has no doubt he'll be involved somehow.

He's feeling rather gloomy when he leaves work one afternoon, and it only gets worse when no less than three people check if he's feeling alright. He waves them all off and heads home via the Floo, glad to be home a bit earlier than normal since his report won't be expected for a few more hours. So he collapses into bed, still in his work robes, and takes a three hour nap.

When he groggily awakens, he drags himself across the flat to his study (a different one than the little apartment he'd had at eighteen - he'd sold that soon after the Vow, unable to stand being in his own house alone anymore) and snags the parchment out of its drawer.

When he'd been sent the instructions to apply for the Initiative, he'd also been given a series of code phrases with simple but still understandable meanings - the implication had of course been that he should take the parchment with him to work and record things as they happened, using the codes if anyone else was watching. He of course hasn't yet taken the parchment in, and as nothing bad has happened he plans to keep it that way. If he doesn't get explicit instructions, then he'll go ahead and do things in the way that makes him most comfortable thank you very much.

With Phase Two now active though, he's not sure how much longer he'll be able to keep giving his reports after work. The group will probably want more immediate updates than what they're currently getting from him, and he's not looking forward to having to bring his treachery into the heart of the Initiative. What happens if someone looks over his shoulder? Asks if he needs help? What is he supposed to say to them?

Well, obviously he'll tell them he's fine like he always does, but still. It's not a pleasant thought.

Sighing, he pushes his worries aside and sets about writing today's report. There really isn't all that much that's new - he has a meeting with Channer in a few days, as well as one with the broom-maker Tyler Abbott to start considering Muggle-safe broom development set up for next week (not that he thinks anything that complex will have time to really get off the ground - Yurina will upend this fragile peace soon enough, he's sure, and everything will grind to a halt again), and of course Petra is still down in the Archives, scouring through numerous incidents of overlap to try and control the information flow. Fergus hasn't yet been told to try and stop her or accompany her down to get details on her work, which he's not questioning but does seem to be another instance of some future instruction being a matter of time.

For now he wracks his brain and begins writing, sketching out every minute detail that he can recall from his wandering about today. He does wonder if he should even bother mentioning that Petra had gone down to the Archives considering it's what she does everyday, but as he always includes how Aruna never leaves her office he figures he should extend the same courtesy to Petra and her new routines. As he's no longer actively engaged with the media team he's no longer briefed on the content of her findings, which he also mentions since honestly there isn't all that much to report, but he always worries if he doesn't write very much - what if they decide it isn't enough? That he isn't properly 'obeying'? Fergus has been walking on this tightrope for a while, but never for as long as this, and he's pretty damn sure he's going to slip and fall sooner rather than later at this point. But he does his best, and so far he's not dead so it's been working out.

He reads over his latest report twenty minutes later, sighs, and signs off with the usual code phrase. He speaks the truthĀ - and indication that the message is complete.

A thing can be true and still be desperate folly.

The return phrase shows up not five minutes later. Whoever is on the other end of this had obviously been waiting, and the idea makes Fergus sick. But he resolutely shoves it down and goes to bed.

Another day survived. He's calling that a victory - and not letting himself think on it any further than that.




Edward finds himself now in a rather tricky situation. With Petra systematically working her way through the Archives, it's only a matter of time before she begins to discover that certain key files have gone missing, and all questions raised to that fact would inevitably, eventually, point back to Edward, the one person who's been Archive diving from nearly the beginning of this whole mess. Which means he needs to figure out how to get the files back into the Archives without drawing the attention of his superiors or the Archive head, who always seems to be lingering nearby these days - much more than she had before.

He and his team have a meeting about it at the start of the second week of February on Edward's mandatory mental health day. Jennifer and Kevin both bring the parchment rolls they've been holding on to so they can reconsolidate everything to be returned before anyone catches wind of the missing information.

"You have pictures of everything, right?"

"And they're crystal clear and easy to read." Jennifer confirms, then grins wryly. "Well, as easy as they can be. Some of these witches and wizards haveĀ terribleĀ handwriting." She adds, and Kevin chuckles.

"I mean, they're still usingĀ quills, is it any wonder their writing is wonky?" Kevin points out.

"Your writing is wonky and youĀ type." Jennifer snipes at him cheerfully, and Edward feels like his team isn't taking this as seriously as he is.

"Seriously? Guys, we need to focus here." He says tiredly. "If we can't get these back in place, our entire operation could be blown when Petra reaches these areas."

Jennifer pats him lightly on the knee. "You know she's a twenty-something who's never been down there before, right? How would she even know anything was missing?"

Edward grimaces. "Because Archive employees often help her throughout the day?"

Jennifer sits up at that. "Well okay. You didn't mentionĀ that." She says, slightly accusatory. "You always said before that the staff were barely around inside the actual Archive rooms, that it was just the one person at the front who you check in and out with."

"ItĀ was, but that was apparently pre-Yurina." He sighs. "They've been buzzing around everything lately, especially the head, Eloise Taylor. I swear the woman is a ghost - how she moves in heels like that without making noise is beyond me."

Jennifer grins. "Trade secret." She declares brightly, before sobering up again. "But if she's watching, you probably can't return things during the day - she'd notice that."

"Yeah, I ing figured that much out. Why do you think I asked you to clear your evenings?" Edward grumbles, and gets a strong smack on the arm from Kevin in warning.

"Which we did, no questions asked. Don't be a about it Edward, we've already let you get away with a lot." Kevin says flatly. There are bags under his eyes and an edge to his voice that makes Edward wince - Kevin's son Oliver is sick at the moment, and it's obviously taking a major toll on his parents.

"Sorry. Just stressed." Edward sighs. "So what's the plan then? Sneaking in after closing seems nigh-on impossible considering the Ministry is magically shielded - could I even get in at night?"

"But if you can't return them during the day, then night is our only option." Kevin points out. "Maybe there are alternative ways in? Do they have, like, emergency exits or something like what regular office buildings have?"

"Good question." Edward says. "Someone get me a pen and pad - we're going to start collecting questions now, and tomorrow I'll start collection the answers."

Their meeting does end up going well into the night - in addition to the alternate entry question they need to know what sort of security the Ministry has set up when its closed, what time the Archives are emptied (they close at eight but that may not mean anything to the employees), and how Edward can carry all the pilfered scrolls back in without it being obvious. They also discuss future plans for how to smuggle single scrolls out and then back into the Archives.

"We probably should have been doing this from the beginning." Kevin observes idly once everything is as hammered out as it's going to be for now. "Getting just one or two scrolls is easy enough, so long as you're careful. I think worst case you'll just have to do this in batches."

Edward grimaces. Kevin is right, of course, but he doens't love the idea. Each day that the files are missing is another day it could be discovered. "Hopefully it won't come to that." He says, "But we'll call it plan B."

Plan A -Ā which is at the moment reallyĀ just making a plan that will eventually turnĀ intoĀ Plan A - is begun first thing the next morning when Edward finds himself riding the lift with Demelza up to the seventh floor.

"Does this thing ever break down? Or is it maintained eternally by magic?" He asks, keeping his tone light and curious.

Demelza glances over at him with an inquisitive smile. "Nah, they can break. Why do you ask?"

"Hmm, shame. I was thinking eternally-functional lifts would be excellent safety precautions to put into Muggle buildings."

"Oh itĀ wouldĀ be!" Demelza exclaims. "Man, I'm disappointed now. But nah, we've got stairs, same as everyone else. If there's enough magic being flung around then the spells that run the lifts can't deal with interference and shut down temporarily."

Edward tilts his head. "I'm not sure I've ever seen these stairs." He observes, and Demelza frowns, before her eyes fly wide and she slaps a hand over .

"Oh we didn't Muggle-ify the stairs. Merlin's balls." She swears, and Edward can't help laughing.

"It's an understandable oversight." He offers, even though it really isn't.

"Oh don't bull me, it's a massive oversight and we carked up horridly. I'm genuinely sorry, and thanks for pointing that out Ed, I'll bring it up right away with the bosses to get that fixed up." Demelza says, and Edward is surprised to find that he believes her apology. Though he supposes Demelza has always been incredibly genuine in her interactions with him, so perhaps it really isn'tĀ thatĀ surprising.

She waves distractedly atĀ him when the lifts open and immediately bolts towards Lopatkina-Paluch'sĀ office, and Edward smiles when she kicks it open in lieu of a knock. He goes to settle at his own desk, rather pleased. Question one already answered, and he bets he can get a few more solutions out of Demelza before the day is out. He settles to do some busy work while Demelza loudly chews out their superior, though unfortunately not quite loudly enough for Edward to eavesdrop on the conversation. He's completed a few forms (for Aruna - none of them are doing Hunter work these days) when Demelza slams her hands down onto his desk, and he looks up to see her grinning triumphantly.

"We've got a new job for the day." She declares coyly, and Edward shoves the incomplete pile of files in front of him onto Tristan Morgan'sĀ desk in reply, earning a bright laugh from Demelza and a whine of protest from the young man.

"Oh come on, at least keep some of them for, like, tomorrow." Morgan begs, but Edward waves at him idly.

"It's Muggle law stuff, I thought you might find it interesting actually." He observes, and has to stifle a smirk when Morgan's eyes go wide and bright with excitement.

"Right. Nevermind, I'll happily take this off your hands for today, yes." He agrees, dragging the files towards himself as Demelza laughs and latches onto Edward's arm, steering him towards a back wall of the offices.

"So it's somewhere around here, I'm pretty sure, but I've never actually had to use the emergency stairs before." Demelza admits. "SomeĀ people use them every day because why not kill your legs I guess, but I'm perfectly content with the lift."

"Do Aurors not have to be in shape?" Edward can't resist the tease - Demelza's fussing is too similar to how Jennifer gets sometimes to ignore.

She scoffs at him. "Please, I've seen you looking, youĀ knowĀ I'm hot Ed." She declares, shooting him a grin afterwards. "But honestly it's because of Auror's intense workout routines that I prefer the lift - I'm usually sore as by the end of the day. Generally the people who use the stairs are secretaries and other desk workers. It's probably the most exercise they getĀ during the day. Ah, here it is." Demelza presses her wand to a blank section of the wall, only for a door to appear out of nowhere.

"Like magic." Edward says dryly, and Demelza rewards him with a laugh.

"Indeed. IĀ have to make some adjustments to the charms here so it stays visible for the rest of the day. Then we get to go do that for every single floor in the Ministry, and afterwards we get to track down the janitorial staff so they can go to the central control spell and make the visibility permanent."

Edward raises an eyebrow. "Sounds thrilling. Not to be that person, but what am I doing in all this, exactly?"

Demelza doesn't look up as she replies. "You're going to keep me from losing my mind because this is really complicated stuff and I'm going to require some levity between doors. There are fifteen levelsĀ  counting the sub-basements you know."

"So I'm the clown."

She laughs, and he mentally memorizes what the door looks like and it's exact location. This is definitely a major bonus, and considering Demelza had said people take these stairs all the time they likely don't sound any alarms when opened. At least not during the day.

He tails the older woman throughout the day, memorizing door locations but also having a surprisingly good time chatting with Demelza. At one point he asks her to explain her process, and finds himself regretting it when it feels like he's back in his university calculus class. "I admit I would have never guessed that magic required math." He says after she finally finishes her explanation.

She grins. "Everything requires math, it's the basic building block of the universe you know."

"Atoms are the basic building blocks of the universe, and math is headache inducing." Edward corrects, and Demelza frowns at him.

"...Not to showcase how bad magical schooling is, but remind me what an atom is?"

Edward can only stare at her for a long moment as she slowly grows brighter and brighter red, until he finally collapses into laughter - more at the look on her face than over any mirth at the atrocity that apparently is the magical curriculum.

She kicks him. "Shut it! I can make things turn into each other, what can you knowing about a dang atom do!"

He shakes his head, still laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, your face was ridiculous." He finally eases his chuckles down to less intense levels to find a still bright red Demelza glaring at him. "I'm really not laughing at you. But Mr. EdevaneĀ really does have his work cut out for him, trying to mediate the two worlds' educational systems, doesn't he?"

Demelza huffs, still obviously embarrassed but slowly returning to her normal coloring. "Yeah, he does. There's no way he'll be done in a year - I have no idea what the Minister was thinking making the Initiative honestly, she should have just put together a new Department. It would have been a little more complicated, but we'll have to do it anyway."

"Assuming integration is still something people want in a year." Edward can't help pointing out. There's all the chance in the world Muggles will have wised up and started making demands for equality and honesty that the magical world won't give. Not that he says any of that, of course.Ā "She probably wanted to let the situation play out some before committing to any particular response direction."

Demelza hums. "I suppose that's a good point. Oop, next door, hold that thought."

Fifty minutes later they've finished the standard floors and have moved to the sub-basement levels.

"Theses are even more difficult, if you can imagine." Demelza sighs. "These lower levels are usually super magically complex, so the doors can technically show up anywhere. I'll be honest, this is what IĀ actuallyĀ needed you for - to charm Judge Poole and Ms. Taylor to let us set a permanent location for the stairwell doors on their floors. Poole will probably be easier, so we'll start with her."

Edward is feeling less confident now - ofĀ courseĀ the Archives are going to be complicated to get an easy back access to, heaven forbid his job ever be simple. But he keeps a straight face and follows Demelza out into the Wizengamot level, though it seems to be a secretarial section of the floor. Demelza waves to a few people as they walk, but she seems to know exactly where they're going and never slows even slightly.

"You have a lot of friends down here." Edward observes after the thirteenth wave, and Demelza flaps her hand dismissively.

"Nah, Aurors just work with Wizengamot Administration aĀ lotĀ so you get to know each other regardless of if you actually get along or not." She explains. "I'm sure you've got stuff like that back in your usual work, right?"

Edward thinks it over. "Yeah, though not so much in the legal field - we mostly get to know the forensics folk." He states. "So any chance you could explain in more detail why these floors are going to be more complicated? The last few seemed simple enough."

"Different control spell, simply put." Demelza shrugs. "Because of how labyrinthian the sub-basements are, they're set up so the escape door can literally be called to your position for quick and easy escape in emergency situations. Locking it to one location... well, you can imagine why it could be dangerous. But with Muggles joining the Ministry they need access, so we'll have to work something out."

"Sounds like something that could take longer than just today." Edward points out. "Maybe we should focus on getting the top floors locked in first, to make sure the rest of our work today isn't reset?"

It's the exact opposite of what he wants to do, but it's also the most reasonable suggestion he can make, so he makes it. Demelza frowns, waves her wand, and then swears.

"You're right, we need to get those fixed in place, it's nearly five." She sighs, stopping in her tracks. "I didn't realize how much time was passing. Let's go find a janitor then, and we can work the sub-basement angle tomorrow?"

Edward tilts his head in acknowledgement and follows her back towards the front of the floor. They take the lift up to the Atrium and move directly to the greeter. Edward mostly stands back, letting Demelza take the lead, since he honestly has never evenĀ seenĀ a janitor in his months working here - he'd actually assumed the cleaning and maintenance was all done magically.

"Heya T, could we get a passage open to maintenance?" She asks, earning a strange look from the usual afternoon greeter.

"Sure, but what do you need it for?" He asks suspiciously, even as he pulls out his wand.Ā Great security, there. Edward thinks wryly.

Demezla hums, "We're making the stairs permanently accessible so that the Muggles can use them." She explains. "We already pinned the upper floors today and need staff to lock them in like that."

As she talks, the wall next to them abruptly yawns open, and Edward can't help the step back that he takes. It looks like the wall is collapsing, and considering how far underground they are the prospect is genuinely worrying.

Demelza smirks at him. "Ready to descend into the belly of the beast?" She jokes. "All seriousness though, it's basically the end of the day and this is all magical technical mumbo-jumbo - I won't be insulted if you want to head out and reconvene tomorrow to figure out the sub-basement issue."

Edward shakes his head. Knowing how these things work is important, especially if he plans to sneak around the building at night - there may be more answers down these hidden tunnels and he may never get the opportunity to explore them again.

"No chance of 'Muggle-ifying' these?" He asks idly as they make their way down the long, winding new pathway, trailing his hand along the walls. They feel solid enough, but the image of them curling in on themselves only moments earlier is still vivid in his mind.

Demelza snorts. "They're already Muggle-ified." She says lightly. "Most of maintenance are Squibs. It's just a matter of knowing where the entryways are and how to navigate the tunnels, which most people can't."

Edward frowns. "But the greeter used his wand?"

"To tell maintenance what we need. The tunnels are leading us exactly where we need to go. Trust me, if we were relying onĀ myĀ sense of direction we'd die down here."

"Cheery." Edward frowns. Tunnels are out then, though their reaction to Squibs does raise some questions on whether magic can be modified for Muggle use.

He says as much to Demelza, who nods. "Oh absolutely - once we're past this initial rush we'll almost definitely start seeing groups working towards developing things like that. I can't say I know much about how it all works on a technical level, but the baseline is there. Although," She muses, "It would be interesting to see if Squib interaction with magic is any different than Muggle interaction. Some theories suggest that exposure alone has an impact."

Edward raises an eyebrow at her. "No offense Demelza, but I honestly wouldn't peg you as the type to know those sorts of things."

She blushes again and kicks him lightly in the ankle as they walk. "Hush you. I may have been listening to Tristan droning on about it a couple days ago, but it is super interesting to think about!"

He laughs. "It is, it is."

They reach a door about ten minutes later (these tunnels areĀ long) and Demelza knocks politely and then, shock of all shocks, actually waits to be let in.

Edward doesn't say anything, but Demelza shoves him slightly anyway so he must be making an expression giving away his inner dialogue. He just grins at her.

"Hello all, sorry to interrupt." Demelza declares as she sweeps through the opened door. "You've probably seen what we were up to all day though."

"We have." An amused woman agrees from where she's seated in a large easy chair. She's definitely older, though she looks spry enough so Edward can't imagine she's past her early fifties at the absolute latest. "And we certainly approve of the measure, though why the stairwell isn't just adjusted according to our forms seems a bit of an oversight."

"Well we don't know if your forms will work for unexposed Muggles." Demelza points out. "We can probably rework things as more research is done."

Edward honestly has no idea what either one of the women is talking about, but they seem very focused so he opts to not interrupt, instead wandering around the room with his hands carefully tucked against the small of his back so as to not disturb anything during his observation. One disturbing discovery he makes is that the door they came in through no longer seems to be present, but he pushes that worry aside for the moment since he assumes Demelza wouldn't come here if there was no way back out.

The entire room looks rather like someone put a very old airport control tower into a cave. There are a variety of dials, lights, and buttons, many of which are on switchboards that are busily humming away. It's almost surreal to see - Demelza had early mentioned a "central control spell" and it's an odd discovery to find that there is a literal, physical mechanism that can apparently control magic. He'd honestly just been assuming they'd find someone who would wave their wand and that would be the extent of it.

Maybe he should start listening to Tristan's rambling as well - magic is clearly a lot more complicated than storybooks would have one believe.

Demelza and the woman (he never did catch her name) eventually wrap up, and another door appears that takes them directly back into the Atrium, which is now flooded with a number of Ministry workers heading home for the day.

"Meet back in the office tomorrow?" Demelza checks as the tunnel collapses away behind them, and Edward nods a confirmation. Tomorrow will be theĀ really important day in all of this - if he can convince Taylor to keep an open, non-lift access to the Archives then he'll be that much closer to returning the stolen files without anyone knowing any better.

The next day they head straight down to the Wizengamot level again, managing to arrive before many of the administrators.

"Sarah got a note from maintenance saying you two would be by today." One woman at the front says as they step off the lift. "She's in the deliberation room and she's already not thrilled, by the way, so good luck."

Demelza makes a face. "Thanks for the warning Mrs. Wilson. See you later."

Mrs. Wilson tilts her head and turns back to her work.

"Claire Wilson, co-head of Wizengamot Administration Sevices." Demelza informs Edward as they once again weave through the desks and further into the basement. "Caused a bit of a scandal when she married one of her subordinates a few years back, a Muggleborn to boot which I hear her family wasn't thrilled with, but she's honestly super chill and good at her job. You get her or Mr. Selwyn working your case and you can basically sit back and watch everything fall into place. It's why they're co-heads actually - when the last guy retired there was a two month debate over which of them was more qualified for the position, and both sides had equally good points."

Edward raises his eyebrow. "Her family had a problem with her marrying a Muggleborn?" He asks flatly, and Demelza shrugs.

"She's a Rosier, one of- well, I guess no longer one of the only remaining pureblood families in England, since her older brother is married to a half-blood. I'm not sure if there are other branches? Anyway, her mom made a whole fuss - it was back around when I had just graduated and I happened to be working with Mrs. Wilson when her mom comes storming in. It was kind of badass though, Claire just straight-up told her to get onboard or get out of her life."

Edward hums but doesn't comment, honestly unsure how to feel about the information. They reach the deliberation room not too long after, thankfully, so Edward doesn't have to come up with a proper response.

The room they step into is somehow both intimidating and intimate - it's relatively small, overall, but polished mahogany walls and floors with intricate detailing on the moldings around large windows make the room feel almost regal. It's a strange combination.

The room is also mostly empty aside from a two simple wooden chairs set up to face a large desk, behind which sits a brunette who already looks like she has better things to be doing. Edward assumes this must be Sarah Poole, Head of the Wizengamot. She's clearly pushing fifty if not already past it, with greying roots and prominent wrinkles across her neck, though outside of crow's feet her face is surprisingly young so she could just be aging prematurely due to stress.

"Good morning Madame Poole. Thank you for meeting with us." Demelza greets politely, confirming Edward's suspicions. "Did Mrs. Weston inform you of our proposal?"

Mrs. Weston must be the Squib from yesterday then. Perhaps Edward could befriend her? Having access or at least an understanding of those tunnels may prove useful later down the line...

"She did, and I'm going to save us all time by denying the request." Poole says flatly, and Edward frowns, rather quickly drawn out of his thoughts. "It simply isn't feasible to have the door locked to one area - it would be too dangerous should something happen unexpectedly and people couldn't reach the door."

Demelza frowns but doesn't look like she's going to argue against the (stupid, in Edward's opinion) statement, so he clears his throat and steps forward.

"If I may?" He asks, and waits for Poole to turn her eyes to him. "Edward Clark, Muggle consultant for the Hunters. Considering the increased numbers of Muggles visiting these days, is it wise to fully ignore their ability to escape just so magical people are - and pardon my phrasing here - less inconvenienced? A bit of extra walking I find doesn't generally cause much disadvantage."

Poole's eyes have narrowed as he speaks. "Have you ever fought in a war, Mr. Clark?" She asks after a moment, and the question is enough of a non sequitr that Edward is momentarily thrown off guard. He blinks before slowly shaking his head. "I have. I fought in the last war. I fought on this very floor. And I will tell you something: our ability to draw the escape stairs directly to our locations saved dozens of lives during that final battle. I will not subject anyone here to not having that easy access to something so potentially life savingĀ simply because you are apparently unwilling to ask a magical person to help you use the exit. And before you protest," She adds, hand twisting up in warning as Edward begins to reply. "The people I was fighting? They were led by Yurina Nakayashi. So long as she and her group are still at large, I will not be budging on this. I will not put lives at risk. It is as simple as that."

"Your argument assumes Muggles will be near someone who's magical." Edward counters. "What if they aren't? That's a life avoidably lost in an emergency situation."

Poole purses her lips, and exhales a slow breath through her nose. "Then perhaps Muggles should not be left on these lower floors unattended." She says after a long moment. "I understand that is not an ideal situation for you, Mr. Clark, but in this case, until another alternative is put forth, we are going to put the safety of the majority over the safety of the one. That is my final say on the matter."

Edward is ready to keep arguing, but Demelza tugs on his elbow and he reluctantly allows himself to be led out before rounding on her.

"Seriously? That's it?" He demands, and Demelza shrugs.

"I fought in the war too." She says quietly, and that... that gives Edward pause. Demelza is older than him, yes, but only by four years. She would have been fifteen at the absolute oldest twenty years ago so...

"How could you have fought in the war? You were just a kid." He points out, but his mind is already supplying him with the answer, and it's not one he likes.

"The final battle was at Hogwarts." She says simply. "I snuck back in. A lot of Dumbledore's Army did. We'd been fighting Voldemort's cronies all year in whatever small ways we could and it just felt wrong to stand aside at the final run. After everything we went through, it was our fight too, you know?" She gives a tired grin as they reach the lift, somewhat to Edward's surprise. He hadn't really noticed they were still moving as Demelza spoke.Ā "Honestly, if you were any sort of magical in England back then you were impacted by the war - it was everywhere. But anyway, enough about that." She shakes her head and tries to brighten her grin, with limited success. "So much for Poole being the easy one, huh? They say Taylor helped defend the Ministry too, back then, so she'll probably have much of the same to say, but it never hurts to try."

Edward rather disagrees with that sentiment - sometimes thingsĀ doĀ hurt to try - but he holds his tongue since in this case things will probably at worst result in disappointment rather than severe injury or death. He follows Demelza quietly into the lift, and the short ride one floor down feels like an eternity without the usual comfortable banter they engage in. He's not sure when exactly it happened, but at some point he'd begun relaxing around Demelza, and the tension that's now sitting between them is strange. But he doesn't break it - it's dangerous he even let himself become this close to a witch in the first place, considering it could compromise his role as informant for the British government. Maybe this is good for the long-term, even if right now it's uncomfortable (awful).

They step out into the Archive entrance to find Eloise Taylor sitting behind the desk looking somewhat amused.

"I imagine Sarah wasn't very cooperative?" She observes, and Edward frowns.

Demelza tilts her head beside him. "How did you-"

"I got a letter from Mrs. Weston this morning." She answers before Demelza can finish the question. "And I've been thinking through your problem and believe I may have come up with a solution that would work in everyone's favor."

Well isn'tĀ thatĀ convenient. But in this case Edward won't look a gift horse in the mouth, at least not until he's seen the horse in question.

"One Madame Poole will agree with?" He asks, and Taylor smirks.

"Sarah is quite clever, but she's not always the most imaginative of people. The tunnels work for Squibs - why can't we use that to make the necessary adjustments for the sub-basement escape doors?"

Edward blinks. It's honestly brilliant and he's a bit ashamed he hadn't thought of it himself. But this offers yet another opportunity to get to know Weston and the tunnels, as well as the tricks employed to use them.

"Does that not require magic exposure though?" Demelza asks curiously. "I always thought Squibs still had some ability to interact with magic because they came from magical families. Or I picked it up from Tristan this past week, whichever."

"No one exactly knows how the tunnels work." Taylor says idly. "But your Muggle friend here may be able to learn some of the secrets should he ask."

Edward raises an eyebrow at that. Then the Squibs who work in the Ministry also don't trust magical people - interesting. He definitely is onboard with this plan though. "I wouldn't be opposed to working with Mrs. Weston." He confirms with as much professional detachment as he can muster. "It certainly seems to be our best option, moving forward."

"Agreed." Demelza nods. "Right then, um, thank you for your time Mrs. Taylor."

This time the lift ride isn't nearly as tense.

"Well, that went inverse of what I expected, but I think we've got a game plan in place at least." Demelza declares cheerfully, all signs of her earlier worry wiped away entirely. "I think we should report back to Finn and Fiona and then see about setting up a proper meeting with Mrs. Weston. I mean, she probably already knows, but it's always good to be polite."

"So I'm getting the sense that for all the powerful political figures we work beside, this older Squib woman has the most power within the Ministry." Edward notes dryly, and Demelza laughs.

"Yep, pretty much. During the Ministry cleansing after the war, maintenance was given aĀ lotĀ more power thanks to how much they helped in secret. No one other than the Minister and Mrs. Shacklebolt really know all the details on that front, but it was apparently massive." She shrugs. "And it's worked well so far - Mrs. Weston is honestly a veryĀ badass lady, and crazy smart. Probably would have been a Ravenclaw if she wasn't a Squib."

Edward hums. "Well I'll look forward to working with her then." He says, and Demelza looks at him slyly as the lift doors side open on the seventh floor.

"You'd probably be a Ravenclaw too. So you'll get along well I think." She observes as they head directly for the leaders' office.

Edward raises an eyebrow. "Is that how friendships are formed in the magical world? If you're the same House you automatically get along?"

Demelza shrugs. "It is what tends to happen, though sharing a dorm with someone who has similar values for seven straight years tends to inevitably create bonds whether you like it or not, even if they usually don't last long past school."

"Fair enough." Edward makes sure he's the one to knock on McKay and Lopatkina-Paluch's door before Demelza can engage in her usual disrespectful barging in, and he makes them both wait to be called in.

Demelza sticks her tongue out just before pushing open the door upon their admittance. Only McKay is sitting inside, and she gives them both a curious smile.

"I thought it might be you two - only Edward actually waits for permission to come in these days." She jokes lightly. "How is your project coming along? I saw our floor's emergency door was still visible this morning, so it seems the top levels are finished?"

Demelza nods enthusiastically. "That was easy enough, it's the sub-basements we're working on now..."

Edward lets her explain the situation, tuning into his own thoughts to reorder them in light of their next steps. With the upper levels providing easy access to the stairwell he can probably use them to get into the Archives - it's leaving that could pose a problem if he and Mrs. Weston can't work something out relatively quickly. Luckily it seems he'll be able to at least start speaking with her today, based on what McKay and Demelza are discussing, and worst case he supposes he can just prop the door open for himself should push come to shove.

The discussion between the two women wraps up relatively quickly, and Edward tilts his head in a silent goodbye to McKay as he follows Demelza back out.

"So lunch first, and then you'll be off to see Mrs. Weston!" Demelza says brightly. "This is all going much faster and with less complications than I was expecting, though I suppose it's possible the tunnel method won't end up working - but we'll just have to wait and see on that front!"

Edward gives her a smile. Wait and see indeed.

Demelza drops him off with the greeter after lunch, and the wall next to them once again falls away (and it's still extemely disconcerting, no matter that Edward was expecting it this time). Edward clears his throat uncertainly before stepping into the endless hallway - which is a lot less endless, this time. He's only been walking two minutes when he comes upon a door - different from the one they'd stepped through the day before.

He knocks politely and it swings open to allow him entrance to what appears to be a small sitting room, complete with two overlarge easy chairs and a crackling fireplace.

Mrs. Weston is already seated in one of the chairs, and she gestures for Edward to take the other, which he does as gracefully as he can mange considering how he sinks into the squishy cushions.

"Mrs. Weston, I appreciate you speaking with me-" He starts, but she raises a hand.

"Before we do anything else Mr. Clark, I need you to be very honest with me: did you drop the information that ruined everyone's holidays?"

Edward can't help startling slightly. HeĀ had joked about her being all-powerful, but apparently she's all knowing as well. He eventually decides that fully honesty will be the best option here - he gets the sense if he lies, she'll know.

"No ma'am, I did not, and I don't know who did." He replies after a beat. "Is there a reason you ask?"

"I've seen you nosing around areas in the Archive that make no sense for you to be in." She says simply. "I trust you have your reasons for doing so, but I am not in the business of giving away trade secrets to those who may abuse them. The tunnels saved many lives in the war, Mr. Clark, and I hope you understand and respect the amount of trust we are putting in you in doing this."

Edward lets that settle. For something that's been over for twenty years, the war does seem to come up quite a bit. Of course, with Yurina's resurgence he supposes it's not surprising it's back on everyone's minds.

"I assume you fought in the war as well, then?" He asks, but is surprised when Mrs. Weston shakes her head.

"I lived as a Muggle then, with my husband who is also a Squib. We returned to help clean up the mess his sister had left in her wake as Undersecretary." She replies evenly. She doesn't elaborate on her sister-in-law or what she had done, and Edward doesn't ask. Best to stay on topic for now. "However, there were already Squibs present here, running these tunnels and helping a certain rat in the Ministry smuggle some convicted Muggleborns out where they could. It wasn't many, but some lives saved are always better than no lives saved. And since the tunnels are inaccessible to any who don't have the keys, they were able to hide people down here for days, even weeks, waiting for a moment when it was safe to move them out and into a safe house in the city.

"So you see, these tunnels and the limited access to them are incredibly important. Do you understand?"

Edward nods solemnly, and the woman gives a half-smile.

"I do not think you do, young man. So I will offer you a compromise: I can manually keep the Archive or Wizengamot escape doors visible whenever there are Muggles present on those floors. Until I am certain of your good intentions, this is all I am willing to do."

It's a blow to both his plans and his ego - Edward had been so certain he'd been covering his tracks. Alas, if he wants to keep Mrs. Weston from digging deeper, he can't react poorly to her offer - it would only make him look suspicious.

"Entirely understandable ma'am." He agrees. "And considering it is primarily myself and Ms. Kandasamy on these floors, it shouldn't be too difficult to keep an eye on our locations."

"Not difficult at all." Mrs. Weston replies with an odd little smile. "I do hope to see you here again some time, Mr. Clark. Perhaps under more amenable circumstances."

Edward merely tilts his head in acknowledgement as he stands, and an exit door appears just behind Mrs. Weston.

The tunnel back out is a longer one, and he muses to himself over the meeting. It certainly could have gone worse, but he's definitely back to plan B for how to get in and out of the Archives without notice. Which is unfortunate, but there's little to be done about it now. By the time he reaches the exit again, he's determined he'll go ahead and move tonight - it's a Thursday so most people will be too tired to stay late, but the ones who do will be in until well past midnight. He'll just slip back in around nine at night, return the files, and then hopefully be out again before eleven. It's not foolproof, but it's the best he'll likely be able to do, and any further delay will only be increasing the risk of being caught.

He calls Kevin and Jennifer after work to inform them, and only gets two terse "good luck"s. Less encouraging that he'd perhaps hoped, but also entirely fair - he'd likely say the same in their situation.

He takes the Muggle entrance into the Ministry when he returns that nightĀ - no getting around that one, though if anyone sees him or asks after it the next day (on the off chance this entrance records who uses it and when) he can easily say he'd forgotten something and simply returned to retrive it. In fact, there is a scarf sitting at his desk that he intends to pick up to legitimize the claim. He takes the lift up to the seventh floor (no telling if this is recorded either - it's the entire reason he needed the stairs, after all) with the intention of walking down to the Archives, putting away the files, then walking back up to grab the scarf and head back down the lift and out through the Muggle entrance once again. It's flimsy and it's dangerous, but it's all Edward has right now and it's better than nothing. Besides, more than likely he won't need the story at all - he's only doing all this for a worst case scenario.

He steps out into the offices and immediately heads to his desk to grab the errant scarf and stuff it into his bag before continuing across the room to the emergency door. So far, so good. He takes the stairs down and props open the Archive door at the bottom, which lets out right next to the front desk, which is unmanned. Edward had expected as much, though: the Archives are closed down at eight o'clock in the evening without fail every day. It's something he'd taken note of early on, and it's certainly helped him put together this half-baked attempt at stealth. He quickly moves past the desk and into the depths of the Archives, pulling the stolen files out of his bag as he goes. He roughly knows where each should be returned to, but it's going to take time to walk through the winding paths between the shelves so he needs to be as efficient as possible.

He'd already ordered the files inside his bag according to their location and content, so it's not hard to grab the ones he needs as he reaches their original points of origin and push them back into filing cabinets (or onto shelves in the older areas). It takes him a while, and he can admit he jumps nervously at every noise, but no one comes across him and he empties his bag and makes his way back to the propped door with no apparent sighting. He quietly closes the stairway door behind him and begins the nine floor trek back up to the offices so he can take the lift back down and complete his cover story.

Of course, it's only when he reaches the top, slightly out of breath (he needs to start up his workout routine again, he's obviously been slacking) that things start going wrong.

"Oh, Edward. I don't think we heard you come in."


Edward puts on his most convincingly tired smile. "Oh, Mr. Lopatkina-Paluch, I didn't realize anyone else was here." When caught be as honest as possible - it will keep your story straighter than if you try to lie too much. "Who's your friend?"

Because just his luck, Lopatkina-Paluch isn't even alone. Another man is standing with him, looking on with idleĀ curiosity and poorly concealed amusement.

"Hugo Longbottom." He introduces himself. "You must be Edward Clark - I've heard about you through the grapevine. You're the only person who's actually stuck out calling Finn by his last past a month, so congrats on that."

Edward shrugs. "I'm used to..." He probably shouldn't say 'a bit more professionalism, but it's the truth.

Longbottom laughs. "I get you - we call most other people by their last names, too, this guy's is just a bit too much of a mouthful."

"Hugo and I were going over a few final plans for our presentation to Department Head Potter tomorrow in regards to the future direction of the Hunters." Lopatkina-Paluch says smoothly. "He may be working with us more closely in the future."

"I was in charge of the group trying to hunt down the people who actually engaged in the Incident." Longbottom adds. "We're going to be combining forces from the looks of it, if all goes well tomorrow."

"Well, best of luck. I certainly would be disappointed to be leaving so soon." Edward replies uncertainly. Is he really going to get away with not telling them why he's here?

Apparently yes, which only makes Edward suspicious. Lopatkina-Paluch isn't as good as his legendary status would have you believe, but he's stillĀ good. It's possible he's not raising a fuss because of Longbottom's presence, but Edward feels twitchy the entire lift ride back down to the Atrium. He'll have to report to his superiors and keep an extra low-profile for the foreseeable future - he may have just put himself on a time limit.

This was definitely not how he was hoping this night would end.


Author's Note: I mentioned it before, but I was worried this chapter wouldn't be able to make 5k. *eyes the over 9.5kĀ  wordcount* Obviously I should not have underestimated Edward's stealth mission xD We also meet two more pretty important people who have been added to the staff page! They aren't even late additions - Hugo in particular really should have been up there earlier ^^'' But hey, they're there now! :D

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AIGHT this is a bigger hassle/nightmare than expected so double update on Tuesday instead >~< Sorry guys, I know the last chapter was a cliffhanger!


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2449 streak #1
Chapter 57: And now, for my last comment for UFF and the HoM trilogy...

First off, again, THANK YOU SO MUCH, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, for creating this series and bringing me so much joy for the past FOUR years!! Oh my gosh, it really just struck me how long I've been following your stories, and it simultaneously feels like a lifetime ago and just yesterday when I first found H:aH. I remember when you initially planned for it to just be about their first year, so I was really surprised when you later revealed that it would cover all seven years. But I'm VERY happy you did, because following Myr, Franziska, Ana, and Rajani throughout the entire Hogwarts experience was such a magical journey, pun not intended, and I still maintain that it is one of my absolute favorite fics on this site because of the beauty and struggles of adolescence that you captured in a universe that most of us wished we were part of. :')

And then came CtF, which was a wonderfully gut-wrenching story of its own, and such a perfect re-imagining of what was going on during the war outside of Harry's POV. I've probably said this before, but H:aH and CtF are now my canon. You tied everything together so seamlessly with the original series that I can't NOT see those tales as what actually happened. I've already talked endlessly about Evera, so I will just reiterate once again that I'm really happy she was able to leave such a substantial impact on the HoM trilogy, because I never could have imagined that when I first submitted her to H:aH four years ago. And seeing Drake get a brief spotlight in UFF was the cherry on top, because he's a good boy who is very near and dear to my heart as well, and I hope life has been good to him since CtF. :')

And now we come to the conclusion with UFF. It has been such a joy to follow the shenanigans of the Initiative this past year and witness their growth as they try to prevent the world from falling into chaos once more. You kept me on my toes, continually second-guessing who the Insider could be (since I did get spoiled on Fergus' role very early on HAHA :P), and you successfully surprised me with Finn's reveal. I even kept second-guessing THAT, because I know how much you love twists and turns. :') But wow, it was amazing seeing how you integrated characters from H:aH and CtF into UFF, and this truly became a fully-fleshed out world outside of the original canon. What a wonderful ending to a wonderful series and like Alex said, the future is looking bright and I know these characters will continue to live on in our hearts, even if their official stories have ended. You've truly brought them all to life and I will always look back on the HoM trilogy as some of my fondest AFF memories. <3

Although it's bittersweet that HoM is now over, I'm so glad that TLA is here and I'm ready for the next adventure!! And for any adventures that come after that, because I WILL be following your professional writing career and if there's ever a chance that we can collaborate professionally (mayhaps eventually adapting your work into animated medium with full VO cast??), I would be honored to help share your work with the rest of the world. Love you always, Dani!! <3
2449 streak #2
Chapter 57: Oh wow, Petra was the first to re-sign?? Like I mentioned in Miles and Veena's last POV, that bit of news was a surprise, considering everything that happened to her over the year!! But as she reflects over what she went through, you can really felt how much she's grown after her experience in the MII and I'm very glad that she was able to find so much fulfillment in her work, in spite of all of the stress and exhaustion. :) And I really appreciate that Petra hired on Rosemary because of her honesty about her emotions and how she would realistically address a stressful situation. More employers should value that, in my opinion, and I think Petra will be a wonderful leader. ^^ But yesss, the Archives was a HUGE turning point for Petra and I'm so happy she had that as her anchor, because there was a definite mindset change within her. And I didn't realize it until she laid it out, but Petra did contribute some key discoveries that were instrumental to Yurina's take-down!! She should definitely celebrate that amazing accomplishment and I see her going very far, like Audrey did, if she chooses to. :D But yeah, I think the sentiment of the year feeling very slow yet incredibly fast at the same time can be applied to how we all felt during 2020. OTL But at least the wizarding world has come to a happy conclusion in this chapter of history, hehe :')

KYLEE, MY DEAR. WOW, I CAN RELATE SO MUCH TO BEING INDECISIVE BECAUSE OF MULTIPLE CHOICES. OTL And I completely relate to knowing that regret will hang overhead if one of those choices is not taken. >___< BUT AHHHH, IT'S JUN!! OMG, I'VE MISSED HIM AND I HOPE HE'S BEEN OKAY THESE PAST TWO DECADES. I still think about Lucas and how his death affected people like Jun. =/ But YES, Jun will be an AMAZING Division Head for Medical Integration!! *o* And omg, YESSSSS, BAYLEE IS THE B&B HEAD!! LOVE THAT FOR HER!! <3 AND I'M DED AT HER DESCRIPTION OF INSTA INFLUENCERS, HAHAHA. TRUUUUTH!! :') And omg, Kylee, my lovely hardworking girl, PLEASE DON'T STACK ON MULTIPLE JOBS. TRUST ME. IT . (/cries at my 4 jobs bc life is too expensive now and ya girl's gotta survive somehow OTL) But awwww, love that Cadi is coming through like the dependable leader she is and I would love to have a supervisor like her who really cares about the people she works with. :') BUT LOOOOOL, TRUST BAYLEE TO CIRCLE BACK WITH THE LOVE TALK, HAHAHA. I would do the exact same, HEHEHE. >) BUT AWWWW, TRISTAN IS SUCH A SWEETHEART. HE'S SO NICE!! But ahhhh, even though I know this won't be covered, part of me is SO curious to know how Kylee and Tristan eventually pan out, LOOOOOL. :') Especially now that the threat of war is gone and Kylee is a lot more comfortable and confident with herself and the wizarding world!! BUT OMG, WYNITEG????? LITERALLY DID NOT EXPECT HER OF ALL PEOPLE TO SAVE THE DAY!!!!! BUT LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT EVERYTHING WORKED OUT AND KYLEE GETS TO PURSUE HER DREAM JOB NOW!!!!! WE LOVE THAT!!!!! SO PROUD OF HER <3

And Alex!! You've heard me say this a million times already, but he's had arguably THE BEST arc overall and I think he completely deserves the last POV in UFF. He was the last to join and who knows, maybe he'll be the last one to retire from the new department at this point, considering how young he is and how much time he has to really grown into his new role as Head!! The sky is the limit and I see him soaring to great heights after seeing how much he's grown this past year!! ^^ And omg, reading his section is making me really emotional because this is literally GOODBYE to so many integral characters. Q___Q Veena, Fergus, Desmond, Kylee, and Landon... Miles, Petra, Rose, Aruna, Alex... Omg, I just realized that exactly half of them are leaving and half of them are staying!! AND LOOOOL, THAT LAST BIT WITH ALLISON WAS V CUTE. I think Alex will definitely get to know some people outside of his division, even if he doesn't think he needs to work with them, HAHA. ;) But wow, what an end... And I hope the future remains very bright for all of our Initiative members, no matter what path they walk in the future. :)
2449 streak #3
Chapter 56: AGREED that speaking with politicians probably and I fully support Landon's decision to work behind-the-scenes, because we all know the dolts in the US government will be a NIGHTMARE to work with. OTL Especially because the orange is still in office at this point in the story. x___x My boy doesn't need to deal with him EVER. But anyway, I'm happy to see that Rose has really grown into her role!! ^^ Her development hasn't been as overt as some of the others, but she's definitely matured quite a bit this past year and I'm confident she'll continue soaring in the future!! :D And Landon makes a good point about their lack of previous experience before they joined the Initiative. :') As long as someone has potential, I think it won't be a problem to hire them on and train them. After all, if someone like Alex is able to reach the heights that he did within a year, I think most others will be able to rise to the occasion if given the chance. XD But dang, Rose has a pretty intense training program that I wasn't expecting. :P It's really good though and gives the new recruits a taste of what they'll most likely be doing in the future. Again, VERY cool to see how responsible she's become over the past year and I know Landon is very proud of her, hehe. ^^ But ahhhh, again, it's sad that the timing and distance didn't work out for Celine and Landon, but they will continue to thrive, no matter what!!

Ooh, yes, I knew Desmond wasn't going to stay past the first year. But yeah, I have no idea who will take over for him, so I'm very excited to see how he'll find a replacement. :O I'm kind of surprised that no one from the magical side has applied, but I guess they'd all rather be working at Hogwarts than the Ministry and I don't blame them for it. XD WE'D ALL RATHER BE AT HOGWARTS, HAHAHA. :') And omg, I never expected coffee to turn Desmond into a jittery, blunt person, LOOOOOL. You learn something new every day, LOLOLOL. :P But yaaaay, love that Estelle is becoming an investigator, because I think that really suits her and she'll hopefully be done with mindless paperwork forever now!! XD But oof, the Department of Education really isn't in great shape. OTL And there's no way a fresh Hogwarts grad can be head of the division, at least not without the experience of being on the Initiative, especially since Hogwarts is a very insular environment. >___< BUT OMG, WAIT, IT'S DEAN!! AHHHHHH, HE IS THE PERFECT PERSON TO TAKE OVER DESMOND'S POSITION!! I'M SO GLAD THAT WE GET TO CHECK IN WITH HIM AGAIN AFTER THE WAR AND I HOPE HE'S BEEN WELL THESE PAST TWO DECADES!! ^^ Makes sense that he would shift back to the Muggle world, considering what he went through during the war, but it that he got fired when magic was revealed. :( BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY A BLESSING IN DISGUISE, SINCE HE GETS TO WORK IN THE NEW DEPARTMENT NOW!! :D And we get the bonus Seamus cameo too, which is always welcome, hehe. ^^ But ahhhh, FINN was Yurina's consort!! Should've figured the insider was male, based off of that, and cast aside my brief suspicions on Clary when Estelle was investigating everything. ^^; But wow, I never would have imagined that Finn would fall in love with anyone, LOOOOL, but if it had to be anyone, I can see why Yurina would appeal to him, HAHA. ^^; (will reply to ur PM about the whole backstory after my convention this weekend!!) AND OMG, ESTELLE?????? WITH THE POWER MOVES????????? I WAS NOT EXPECTING A PROPOSAL BUT AHHHHHH, SO SO SO HAPPY FOR DESMOND AND ESTELLE!!!!!!!!!!! THEY SURVIVED THE ROUGH SEAS AND I HOPE IT'S SMOOTH SAILING FOR THEM FROM NOW ON!!!!!!!!!!!

(oh and this chapter is titled "Chapter Fifty-One" instead of "Week Fifty-One" if you wanted to fix it for uniformity ^^;)

omg one chp left i'm gonna CRY
i need to sleep rn bc i'm working at the convention tmrrw
and i wanna dedicate enough time to writing a proper comment for the last chp
and for writing a comment summing up all of my thoughts about HoM
2449 streak #4
Chapter 55: Ooh, I never thought about where Diana would need to end up after all this, since I assumed Relocation would continue into the next year. But it just shows how effective she is at her job that she was able to find new positions and opportunities for everyone before the year was up. :D But ooh, I appreciate her asking Cadi how the new Department is being organized, since we now know how everyone's initial Initiative duties are being divided. But wow, hearing how Social Support is currently structured is very interesting and I wonder if that specific office will be further divided in the future as the department grows. :O And yay for Noah officially joining Muggle Relations!! He and Petra get to be in the department together!! x] But yeah, if Diana had actually been part of the Initiative this past year, I can definitely see her staying on to head an office. But there's no way she could now, even with her incredible work ethic and expertise, since she doesn't have any direct integration experience right now. >___< Anyway, I'm glad that Rose and Diana were able to clear everything up without too much fuss, and Rose's ability to read the room is very admirable. ^^ With that out of the way, I hope Rose and Diana can become good friends, because I think they have a lot in common that they could bond over!! :) AND YOOO, HECK YEAH LET'S GET BRAYLON OUSTED. LOVE THAT DIANA IS BASICALLY GONNA STAGE A COUP, HAHA. I'M HERE FOR IT!! :D

Yaaaay, Landon and Celine can finally date without any conflict of interest!! x] BUT OH MY, LANDON IS LEAVING?? I AM /VERY/ CURIOUS TO SEE WHY!! And ahhhhh, look at them being so happy and cute, but the uneasiness within him is making ME uneasy too. OTL AND NOOO, LOOK AT CELINE TRYING TO HINT THAT SHE'LL BE JOINING THE NEW DEPARTMENT. BUT LANDON WON'T BE THERE. THIS IS HIGHKEY BECOMING VERY SAD NOW AND I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS. AND OMG, MY BOY IS GOING BACK TO AMERICA. HE'S GOING HOME. I ALWAYS KNEW HE WOULD, BUT I WASN'T EXPECTING IT SO FAST!! BUT AHHH, SO HAPPY AND PROUD THAT HE'S GETTING AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY BECAUSE HE COMPLETELY DESERVES IT. BUT YEAH, WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE HIM AND CELINE?? Awwww, I feel so bad for Celine. :'( She was so excited to finally work with him and see him more. T^T THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN A VERY CUTE WORK COUPLE. ;~; It really seems like a right person, wrong time type of situation. OTL Even this past year, their dating was never truly confirmed because of the conflict of interest. The cards were always stacked against them. :( But I agree that it makes no sense for Celine to uproot her life for him, especially since she has this great opportunity to be part of the new department now and she wouldn't get this if she went to America with Landon. I'm really glad that she's prioritizing herself, because too often, people will throw away opportunities for someone else who ends up being insignificant overall. There will be other guys for her and there will be other girls for Landon!! And if it's meant to be, they'll eventually find their way back to each other in the future. :) SO GO LIVE YOUR LIVES, MY DEARS. AND BE HAPPY <3
2449 streak #5
Chapter 54: LOOOOL, I felt that when applicants just tossed their resumes into the mix for a chance at getting a job. :') Sometimes, you just gotta cast your net as wide as you possibly can in order to maximize the amount of opportunities you can get. ^^; But awww, it's still heartbreaking whenever Aruna doubts herself. T^T She's made great strides over the past year and I know she'll continue improving with more time, so I hope she can continue being kind to herself!! And Willow has that perfect balance of being firm yet understanding, which anyone would appreciate, even if they weren't in Aruna's position. But omg, AHHHHH, LAUREL, I'M SO SAD. I MISS HER SO MUCH. Q____Q Willow is such an incredibly strong woman, as are many from the HoM trilogy, and I love how honest she is about how she dealt with her grief. Everyone is unique in how they process the loss of a loved one; there is no right or wrong way and I appreciate how she emphasizes that for Aruna, especially since part of Aruna's battle this year is how self-conscious she feels about getting better because it possibly implies that she's "over" her ex. >___< But YAAAAAY, I really happy and proud that she was able to decide to stay with the new Department, because this really feels like a new beginning for her!! :D And yessss, love is ever-present for those who matter the most and I think Christopher would be really happy to know that Aruna is moving forward now. :)

YES, FERGUS, YOU ARE FREEEEEEEEE~ SOOOOO HAPPY FOR HIM and I hope no one bothers him for the rest of his life, because he deserves to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants!! And oooh, the others will never know he was the mole?? :O It's probably better that they don't, considering no one needs the extra stress and drama that would ensue. :') And of course we get a full Percy scene, hehe. XD I was lowkey waiting to see when he would appear, since I know he's one of your favs!! And it's Mai again!! ^^ But ooh, very curious to see who Percy will recommend!! And omg, it's Lola!! WHAT A THROWBACK!! Love love love that she's the head of Broom Control!! What a dream for her!! AND WAIT, OMG, IS HE GETTING TERRY?? THIS IS AMAZING. NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED HE WOULD BE FERGUS' SUCCESSOR BUT I AM HERE FOR IT!! *o* And oooooh, so curious to find out what Kylee decides on doing!! She has an abundance of opportunities ahead of her, so I know she'll be okay in the end, no matter what ends up happening. :') But yeah, one month to set up an entire Department is a VERY tall order and thank goodness they have the Initiative to use as a base. >___< BUT WITH TERRY ON BOARD, THINGS WILL BE OKAY. AHHHH, LOVE HOW EVERYTHING IS COMING TOGETHER. And omg, I can just imagine Fergus with his dad smile. >o< THIS IS SO SWEET, I'M GONNA CRY.

I never imagined I would like Edward so much, but he's really come around these past few months and I'm just SO happy to see that his chapter with the Hunters/Initiative ends on a good note. :') AND AHHHHH, WHO KNEW EDWARD WOULD SIMP FOR SOMEONE WITH MAGIC?? THIS IS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, HAHAHA. So glad we get to see Kevin and Jen one last time too, since they were awesome side characters and really strengthened Edward's sections whenever they appeared!! ^^ But oooh, I love this new angle they're taking with law enforcement and they do bring up a very good point!! Crime will unfortunately be a free-for-all, so both sides will need to be prepared for whatever craziness ensues. OTL AND AWWW, Edward's friendship with Mrs. Weston is up there on the list of top friendships in UFF!! ^^ And yeah, I don't blame the new greeter for being cautious. ^^; Considering how Finn and his network was working under everyone's noses for so long, the Ministry will want to be extra-vigilant about who goes in and out now. AND AHHHH, I'M SO HAPPY THE DEMELZA/EDWARD SHIP HAS SUCCESSFULLY SAILED!! I WAS ROOTING FOR THEM FOR SO LONG AND IT FEELS GOOD TO SEE THAT THINGS WILL PROBABLY WORK OUT FOR THEM!! *o* And yaaaay for Edward's trio getting everything approved in the end!! EVERYTHING IS COMING TOGETHER!! :D
2449 streak #6
Chapter 53: Oh man, I wonder what happened in America?? Who went into the court house?? :O But I totally get Veena's frustration. We just wanna hear that justice will be served!! But awww, I don't think Veena has really been this vulnerable until now and it hurts my heart to see her briefly doubt her involvement in the Initiative, because she really made some great strides this year!! She can be proud of what she's accomplished to make the world a safer, more inclusive place!! :) BUT YAAAAAY FOR THE VERDICT SAVING THE MAGICAL WORLD FROM BEING SHACKLED BY THE MUGGLE WORLD!! HOPEFULLY THIS WILL MEAN EVENTUAL EQUALITY FOR EVERYONE!! :D And omg, YURINA IS ARRESTED?!?! Is that what the interruption at the beginning was?? It feels kinda surreal that she's actually been caught. She's been at large for so long that it almost felt like she'd never actually face punishment, but here it is. She's finally going behind bars. Wow. Unless Fergus' small comment is indicative of something else?? >___< There's only a few chapters left, so probably not, LOOOOL. Probably just Fergus being a bit of a cynic, considering everything he went through?? >___> AND AHHH, AGAIN, YOU ALREADY KNOW I'M VERY EXCITED TO KNOW WHAT WENT DOWN AT THE GRAVEYARD. WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE TO HAVE BEEN A FLY ON THE WRECKAGE WHEN THAT HAPPENED. And there we have it!! The official announcement that the Initiative is now a Department!! ^^ Very curious to see who stays and moves on!!

Omg, Miles being so emotional about Veena leaving is making ME emotional. T^T They were probably the best duo throughout and it's really sad to see their partnership come to an end. :'( BUT THE FRIENDSHIP WILL LAST FOREVER, SO AT LEAST WE HAVE THAT. And I'm actually very surprised that Petra is staying on for Social Media. :O I kinda expected her to move to the Archives, since she was so much more comfortable there, so I'm very curious as to why she's sticking with Social Media instead. And good on Alex for staying as Outreach!! He'll do phenomenally and hopefully the meet-ups can begin again!! :D YES, MILES AND VEENA DESERVE ALL THE THANKS!! THEY DID AMAZINGLY THIS PAST YEAR!! <3 AND AHHHHH, I WANNA GIVE MILES A HUG. And omg, so cool that Aidan will be part of the Department!! Didn't expect that either!! Very curious to see if anyone else we know will join!! Sounds like Celine will be a shoo-in. XD BUT AHHHHH, OMG, THIS IS MILES AND VEENA'S LAST POV?? I'M EMO NOW
2449 streak #7
Chapter 52: OH NO, ROSE, WHERE ARE YOU?? Oof, I would be just as stressed as Landon if I were him. OTL Anyway, aside from her absence, it sounds like the Initiative has a solid plan for defending their case and preventing war from taking place, which makes me really happy and proud of them!! ^^ Even with all of the crazy setbacks happening over the year, they've managed to collect a lot of useful info and turn it into viable tools for integration. :) Yikes, that Muggle's argument was harsh though. x___x Harsh, but not surprising, considering some of the rhetoric still going around nowadays in terms of minority groups. Going off-topic, but someone I know recently started referring to BIPOC as PGM (people of the global majority) and I'm incorporating that into my speech now, since it's a lot more positive when referring to people of color!! Anyway, back to UFF, but man, props to Landon for managing to rein in his frustration, because he was really pushing a bunch of buttons. >( BUT YESSSS, GO AUDREY!! WE STAN CAPABLE WOMEN WHO DESTROY THEIR OPPONENTS WITH FACTS AND LOGIC!!

Ooh, what a great idea to cross-reference records!! That never crossed my mind, but that's concrete evidence that magical people were more helpful than harmful in the grand scheme of things!! And omg, I wasn't expecting Farrah to make another appearance!! XD But yeah, that's a huge breakthrough and I'm glad they were able to collect some names before the hearing!! :D And omg, Yurina is completely exposed!! (just one small typo, but i think you meant to put yamaa instead of nakayashi for her mother's maiden name ^^;) But awwww, I feel so proud of Landon for going out there and killin' it like the charismatic lad he is!! :') And again, PRAISE AUDREY and everything she continues to accomplish!! Happy for Rose too, since I know this contribution will definitely help her feel more positively about herself and her work ethic!! And YAAAAAY for Cadi being a reliable anchor and bringing it home!! x] LOOOOL, I guess Prosecutor Roberts isn't as bad as he was initially portrayed. ^^; He actually seems kinda chill. But oof, I definitely will never go into politics or law. I don't think I have the patience or capacity for it, so props to those who do. >___>

But omg, this is the end of the main story?? AHHHHHH, WE'RE AT THE CONCLUSION. I'M NOT READY!!
2449 streak #8
Chapter 51: Oof, I feel really bad for Eloise. :'( She had her trust broken by several of the Archive workers and who knows how long they were feeding info to Finn. OTL And considering how protected the Archives are, that feeling of betrayal must be amplified even more. x___x But yeah, I really need to reread UFF to see the hints you left about Finn!! And I'm very interested in that backstory you have, because I definitely wanna understand his motives!! But UGH, the fact that so many disgusting men have supporters (Trump, Seungri, Kris Wu) after being exposed makes me lose so much faith in humanity. >( But that's neither here nor there. >___< Anyway, it's nice seeing that Petra and Alex are decently comfortable now. :') They've come a long way since the beginning of the Initiative and I know they're really stressed out now, but it's heartwarming to see them working well together to save the world!! ^^ And Alex's snark is a lot funnier now that he's generally mellowed out. :P But oof, I wonder who Eloise thought would be at the door. :O Again, it's very sad seeing her so stressed out and I hope she gets some well-deserved rest soon. >___<

But man, it's been awhile since I really thought about Zara. ^^; I wonder what she'd be like nowadays. Probably just as terrible, but with a lot more control given that she would've matured as an adult. Which would be terrifying for the wizarding world. She'd be VERY powerful if she managed to survive the war. x___x But OOOH, a restricted section!! Should've figured there'd be one. XD There's always a restricted/secret section when it comes to the wizarding world, HAHA. :P But ahhhhh, another gut-punching reminder of Saundra and her brave sacrifice for the world. ;~; At the very least, I think Petra definitely won't be going the same way. :') But YIKES, that transcript of Percy's interrogation must be awful. OTL BUT YAAAAY FOR PETRA GETTING A WIN!! THEY HAVE ANOTHER PIECE OF THE PUZZLE!! :D
2449 streak #9
Chapter 50: Gah, hopefully Celine's reputation as a reporter isn't permanently tarnished at the end of all of this. >___< She's been doing so much good for the integration as a whole and it's not like she's harming anyone with her articles. But ahhhh, I guess the end of July will determine the fate of the Initiative past the one-year mark. :O Crossing my fingers that they won't get shut down, especially since the initial first year is almost up, because there's still so much good that can come out of it!! But yes, completely echoing Jennifer's words and it's always nice to get confirmation that Edward's grown these past few months. :) But omg, wait, Finn actually ended up confessing?? Well, I guess that debunks my red herring theory. XP So then the big question is WHY????????? I never pegged Finn to be EVIL. He was anti-social in school and committed some petty crimes, but I thought that was just a by-product of his circumstances and that he had matured into an upstanding, capable citizen. OTL UNLESS this is some incredibly convoluted, BIG BRAIN WITH LOTS OF WRINKLE strategy on his end?? That he's actually a double agent and was only pretending to be on Yurina's side?? But I feel like Yurina would have measures in place to make sure the people she's working with are wholly on her side until she disposes of them. >___< So yeah, I guess we just gotta circle back to the original question of WHY did Finn turn traitor, because we won't be able to get any answers to any other questions without that key piece of info. >___>

Yikes, I feel like the Relocation people have definitely been very...volatile and I hope it's just because they're stressed out and worried over being unemployed for an indefinite period of time, and not because they're also bad people. OTL But omg, it's Nathan!!!!!!! Missed him lots and I'm glad we get to check in with him again!! I wonder if he's caught up with Gabe recently, since he's in town right now. XD But yeah, I don't blame Diana for feeling awkward around Rose still. Crushes from people you're not interested in, no matter the gender or preferences, is always uncomfortable to deal with. But at the very least, like she mentioned, Landon and Rose aren't fighting anymore so it's not as much of a minefield as it was before, LOOOOL. ^^; The re-training program sounds like a great idea though and I hope it works out, because that means the Initiative will be able to finish the rest of the year. :') And dang, I didn't realize that Remi was the one who influenced Hugo's life trajectory. Hope Remi's still doing okay nowadays, but I would guess he's pretty far removed from the politics of everything and is just focused on the monster hunting itself. :P But also, I don't know if I'm being unnecessarily suspicious of everyone and everything now, but maybe Hugo isn't everything he seems to be?? He worked very closely with Finn, so is he part of the network as well?? I hope he isn't, because I liked him from the little we knew, but that's also the problem. OTL We know next to nothing about him and with Diana noticing that he's carrying secrets, who knows what those secrets are. >___> For now, I'll believe that he's a good guy and just hope that the Initiative will be saved in the end, because everyone on the team has worked so hard this past year and I know they'll be crushed if it comes to a halt prematurely. ;~;
2449 streak #10
Chapter 49: Oh man, I completely forgot about the education aspect of the Initiative. ^^; It's been awhile since Desmond has worked with Shaun, so it's nice to hear that they're back on track again, even though the progress is still relatively slow. :') But YOOOOO, you know stuff is about to go down when Harry is involved, LOOOOOOL. And OOF, I guess it really is Finn?? Which, again, makes me so curious as to WHY he turned?? Unless he was always on the Dark Side?? And no one ever knew it?? Which is how he was able to aid Yurina for so many years?? IDK, I guess it technically isn't confirmed yet, since he's still in suspect status, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. :O I feel like Clary is in the clear, based off of her reaction to having to apprehend Finn, but I guess there is also the possibility that she's a brilliant actress. But I think that theory holds less water, LOOOOOL. But yeah, I really wonder if Finn is actually a red herring, because you would totally do that to us, LOLOLOL. :') But YIKES, okay, that bit about Finn being involved in Hui Ying's trial looks very bad for him and basically completely clears Clary. >___> And Desmond brings up a great point about the files that I was starting to consider. That person wouldn't have checked out those specific files about the ship graveyard at this time, especially knowing that Estelle was investigating them, unless they were actually trying to help, I think. It's too obvious otherwise. The other possibility ties back into Finn being a red herring. They checked out the files to purposely frame Finn and cover their tracks while everyone is distracted with the Hunters' leader being incriminated for being a traitor. OTL Gah, so many possibilities!! So curious to find out what the truth actually is!!

On a lighter note, LOVE that a lot of the people Celine and Stanley interviewed were the H:aH kiddos!! :D What an influential class, HAHA. Basically on par with Harry's year. :P But omg, noooo, not Andromeda. Q____Q I am reminded again of the horrible tragedies of Ted and Nymphadora's deaths, and I can't imagine how depressingly lonely the past twenty years have been for Andromeda. :'( She did have little Teddy to raise, so at least she wasn't completely alone. But still, her whole world completely changed because of the war and my heart hurts so much for her losses. ;~; To go back to the happier news, WE FINALLY GET SOME SPEAKING LINES FROM MYR!! :D I MISSED OUR GRYFF and I'm so happy he's living a life filled with so many contentment!! ^^ That's the dream!! And LOOOOOL, I'm ded at Hazel being this angsty teen. XD If the 2nd gen story collection actually happens, I feel like Hazel might end up being a favorite, just because I feel like she brings a lot of humor to the table with her angsty-ness. :P AND I'M EVEN MORE DED AT STANELY IMMEDIATELY CRUSHING ON EBONY, HAHAHAHA. And LOOOOOL, if Emery were my dad, he would be riddled with worry over my non-existent love life, considering I'm several years older than Ebony. ^^; And don't worry, Celine. You can trust Gabe!! He would never turn to the Dark Side or use his abilities for evil!! I firmly believe that!! :D

Also, OMG, Dani, I hope you're safe????????????? That is absolutely TERRIFYING and your reasons for not updating over the weekend are completely justified!! Not that they're ever not justified, because you're honestly allowed to update whenever you want (and we're incredibly lucky that you do update so frequently with such high-quality chapters), but this definitely warrants a break between updates and I'm just glad that it sounds like the window took the brunt of the damage. >___> Is there a reason why your neighbor shot the window?? D: Anyway, regardless of whatever the motivation was, I hope you're safe and that things are resolved soon!! Sending all of my love and support to you!! <3