
Melt the cold




















Hyung hyung hyung. What is the possibilities of us going to the bakery today


None Haechan. I have to do some errands. After that i need to check if the stock for Seoul is higher than Gangnam.


Really. Now you are part of the stockholder. I thought Jaehyun hyung is the original one.


He let me work for him. So you guys better be on your best behaviour okay. You do know how hectic you are when the hyung lines are out.


Dont worry hyung. We will be in best behaviour.


I hope you do. So can anyone tell me where is Mark. I didnt see him during breakfast.


Well he went out with Suyeon.


Aww man she did without me.


Let them be Haechan. You always see her when Jaemin is around. Besides she needs time away from you. You keep bugging her with aegyo.


Aww man. Thats not fun.


Jungwoo. Please go and bring him to the bakery.




Really hyung. You ask me to be with him.


You guys are going to get discount. Im sure of that.


Hyung i will be back home after dinner.


Where are you going Jaehyun.


Meet Jaemin at Suyeon cafe and help out. Suyeon is not available for today. So see you tonight.


Well left me and Jungwoo hyung then. Man today is so gonna be bored.


You can go with Jaehyun if you want.


Omo. I can get free drinks.


Might be. Thats if Jina is in good mood.


What are we waiting for. Lets just go hyung


What can i even do with this two trouble makers.




You were with Mark at Hangang park taking a walk. You were enjoying the breeze while eating some bread that Mark bought for you. While Mark is just having a good time with you. While you were walking you saw some families were having fun together. Your smile fades after seeing what you saw. Mark saw your expression and was hesitating to ask you why. In the end he just tap your shoulder and looks at you worriedly. You turned and just gave him a weak smile.


The weather is nice today.


Suyeon ah... are you okay... you look sad.


Oh... its nothing. Just remember something that i cant bring back to live


Well is it possible for me to replace it to a new one....Oh.... Im sorry.


Mark-ssi. Its fine. You are welcome to create new page in my life. Besides im glad that im out here with you.


You do....


Yeah. From us being super awkward. Me ignoring you. You save my life from the last incident. Thank you Mark.


Well i didnt do much but no worries. Im just worried that something would happened to you that time im sorry if i make you uncomfortable lst time.


Its not your fault Mark.




You put your finger on his lips and smile at him. He stood there silently and didn't even move an inch. You remove your finger from him and stood closer to him. He began to breathe in and our heavily as he starts to feel panic. You look through his eyes and your smile fades when you saw his true intention. You step back and sigh. Looking around to see if there's a bench to sit on. You saw one and grab his wrist and drag him to the empty bench. Mark was super confused about your actions but he just followed along since he don't want to hurt you or anything. When both of you settled down. You look at the scenery and sigh again.


You know... the reason i block people out is not just because of me not wanting to hurt the person hurting myself. Its because i cant stand to lose someone in a snap. Just like that. That is why i ignore people. Shut my surrounding so i wont be distracted. But i was wrong... Super wrong....


Suyeon ah....


Its okay. Im fine. Im sure both Jaemin and Jina told you part of me. Also they are the ones who told you to melt my cold. Am i right.




Its okay. You already did. And im thankful of that...


You miss him didnt you.....


You look at Mark and starts to tear up. Then you look down while trying to hold the tears badly. Mark felt bad and move closer to you. He lift your chin up and wipes the tears that's on your cheek with his thumb. You look at him and tears starts to fall more. He sigh and pulled you into his embrace. You start to burst into tears. Mark put his chin on top your head and pat your back to calm you down.



It still hurts....


Im sorry... just dont think about it. Okay... think about those happy times that you had in your new chapter.


It hurts so much....


Suyeon ah....


You pulled out from his hug and wiped your tears away. Mark smiles and caresses your cheek.


Im sorry


No... its okay to let it all out. Im always open for you...


Thank you Mark. For everything.


Hey... i didnt do much. All i can do now it to just stay right beside you. I promise i wont leave you when you really need


You meant what you said.


Of course. I dont wanna see you in that state anymore.


Thank you...


You are welcome. Well shall we head home. Im guessing that Taeyong hyung is cooking something for dinner.


Sure. I can help him cook if you want.


Im sure the guys wont bother about it




Wahhh im bored.


Yah we are lucky enough that we get to be home early.


Well thats because Jina is annoyed with you. Dont ask us why Haechan


You hyungs are so boring


Sadly you are stuck with us maknae. Now go take your shower while we wait for Taeyong hyung to come back home


Really do we have to wait for him just for a meal


You troublemakers really have to embarrassed Jina today.


Oh look he is back. We dont have to wait.


Im gonna wash up and we will discuss this after dinner.


Hyung give us a break man.


Yah better settle it with Taeyong hyung. Johnny hyung wont be as kind as him.


Oh man. That aint fun.


Just go wash up. I will settle the ingredients. Haechan be in your best behaviour


Fine fine.


Taeyong and Haechan went to their rooms and have a quick wash up while Jaehyun went to the sofa and sigh. Jungwoo look at him curiously and at the same time just kept staring at Jaehyun.


Stop staring. I had enough of Jina nagging at me.


Hyung. Are you mad that Jaemin said something you dislike.


Its not i dislike. Its something that Jina ask me to.


Still you look pissed. Why is that so.


Im pissed that i have to lose it to Mark. It feels unfair when he did nothing much when i tried hard to melt her cold.


Hyung. Melting her cold isnt about how you need to lose it to someone. The way to melt her cold is how sincere you are to her.


What do you mean.


You already melt her cold. If you can see it sincerely. She is thankful that you are her friend. Even if you're not the person who already melts her cold. You are part of it. So don't be upset about it. Mark is trying his best to do whatever he can to be friends with Suyeon. So chill bro


You really love to make me feel mad huh.


Hyung. If you want the truth. Ask Suyeon herself. She will sure tell you that she only saw you as a good reliable friend. She dont have any more friends except Jaemin, Jina and Jangho. So think about it.


You know what. I feel like you are right.


Im always right what do you mean.


Guys i have arrive. Suyeon is here too.






Aish jinjja.


Dont mind him Suyeon ah. So what brings you here.


She thought of joining us for dinner.


You guys wont mind right.


Hey, you are always welcome to this house. Just beware of Johnny and Doyoung. They are kind of the house guard.


Oh will take note of that.


Mark go and have quick wash up. I will make dinner.


Oh Suyeon said that she want to help out.


That will be nice now go. You look like a mess with that wet shirt.


Ayee hyung.


I will be fine helping Taeyong oppa. You go and freshen up.


If thats so. Lets get to work.


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