My Star Crossed Lover


[Yuki’s POV]

I am finally here in my dream university with my friends. Yes, we are into different courses, but it feels assuring to know that I have them here with me too and that we all can be pursuing our different dreams together. Now all I need to do is to make a good first impression and get well with others, study well and have friends here too. Yep! That is the plan!

I was able to scout the building during the enrollment, so I now have at least a good feel about where to go! Ok. Let’s do this!




That was a good start. I met my block mates for the year, and it seems we can be in good terms with each other. It is quite fun meeting new set of people now and I am walking with them for lunch. They were inviting me, but I had to decline since I already promised those two to spend lunch with them. While walking, I saw some of my new friends staring at a guy.

“Who is that cool guy with the guitar?” One of my classmates asked as she has hearts in her eyes.

“Well, he is Okamoto Keito. He is from the Psychology department and he is quite well known in school.” One of the girls answered well.

“Ah! Yes. We attended the same high school and he is well known since he has a band with him and he is the bassist but since he is so cool, he is just as popular. He is surprisingly nice and approachable, but he also has all those crazy fans around him and those obsessed fangirls. So not much girls approach him back then.” Another one of them answered.

“Well, when you are that good looking, problems like that is already quite normal.” The one who initially asked remarked. Well, poor him. I mean, its nice to be quite popular but its kind of suffocating when you know you have obsessed fans around too.


We bid our farewells and met my girls at our meeting place. After lunch, and since my classes are now over, I headed to my new apartment. Well, since I am on a tight budget, I secured a place which is around 15 to 20 minutes’ walk away from the university. We all decided to rent separate apartments. Rein is renting one at a much further place and surprisingly, Sato and Yuto also decided to rent different apartments. Yuto decided to rent one near the entrance of his building and Sato decided to rent one near hers. My place is quite convenient since I also am doing some part time jobs and my place is near them. Hey, taking up pre-med course sure will need quite a lot of spending and I don’t want to place all the burden on my family. Although my cute younger brother, Yuri, is a well-known idol and has good pay, I want him to use his income on himself.


I was busy cleaning up my stuff in this new room where I will stay for the next few years. Since this is quite a small space, I decided to maximize what I have. I was busy nailing and hammering some stuff at the wall so that I can use it as my study area but wait… why does this seem to be quite unstable? Well, maybe just my imagination.


Unfortunately, it was not just my imagination. The moment I hit that nail to finish, the whole freaking wall collapsed! Like…. WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED!


“WHA…” The guy was just a speechless as I am as he stares at me and the next thing, we knew is that we were both shouting our lungs out.



“Why am I stuck with crazy people?!” The guy just sighed as he did a legendary face palm. That’s right guys! This Adonis just called me crazy! Oho!!!

“Correction, I am not crazy! I was just trying to fix my stuff and nail something on this wall and who would have thought that this would collapse! Don’t be too assuming!” I retorted as I went back to get some of my stuff and tried to contact the landlord of this place.

“Why? Don’t tell me you did not just enjoyed the view. I saw your eyes are almost about to bulge while staring at me. Geez. Such a ert.” He then added and my whole view just went black so I simply got a hold of the nearest book I have, which unfortunately was quite a thick medical book, and sent it flying straight to his face as he just stood there dumbfounded with his face flattened by that book. You don’t know how great I am at this… I may have to thank Sato for training me on throwing books with ease.

“I was surprised by the collapse and just thinking about how much it will cost. Its not like I expected you to be out there. And FYI, I am so used to it since I have a brother who is waaaaaaaay more adorable! You self-conceited, narcissistic jerk.” HAH! HE MUST NEVER KNOW THAT THOSE MUSCLES ARE…. Contain your feelings and keep your dignity YUKI!


The landlord came in and was horrified at the scene and here I am all pissed with my hands at my waist and my eyebrows climbing its way to Mount Everest and my whole face clearly indicates how pissed I am. Apparently, the room this jerk and I were staying at is originally a single and a big special room but due to haste, they decided to place a substandard wall to divide it so that they can profit more from it and since the quality is poor, it collapsed the moment hammered it. Well, sorry for my monstrous strength.


“Well we understand your situation. But since this has posed risks on both our health and privacy, we should make you accountable for it right? But also, since this is something that was unexpectedly ruined, and this might actually be a serious case as it breached a part of our agreement on the privacy and the part where you assured, we will be safe, let us call it quits then. You will not make us pay for the reconstruction of it since it was your fault on using the substandard materials and until this wall is fixed, you will only make us pay for the equivalent amount of the rent for this whole room. Technically, we will only pay it as one since this will look like a shared space.” I said while the guy beside me initially looks like he wants to retaliate but when he heard my proposition, he shut up. Yeah. If you don’t shut your mouth, I will shove this book in your mouth dumdum.


Apparently, I made a good point and the landlord agreed on it. But since most of their funds are focused on the new building they are constructing; their funds might not be enough, and they might have to repair our rooms on the coming holiday break which is still around 5 months from now. So, I must share this space to this guy for 5 months!!!!


“I will be going out and don’t touch any of my stuff you freak!” He snorted at me as he starts wearing his cardigan.

“First of all, I don’t really care about your stuff and I am not “freak”. I have a name you, dumdum.” I said while rolling my eyes at this ill-mannered guy.

“Whoa there! I’m not dumdum! If I know, you are only here because you are an obsessed fan who wants to get close to me.” He smirked as he brushed his hair as if trying to look cool and I was just there, staring blankly at him.

“Wow! Such strong winds in here!” I acted as if I was cold from all his airs. “Like, who do you think you are to even get fans? Are you even famous? Tell me when you are at the same levels as Arashi! And if you are Nino, then maybe I can consider doing this intentionally.” Who is he? He is not like Ninomiya Kazunari! Well, he has always been my idol while my younger brother swoons over Satoshi Ohno like, who would not agree with me about how amazing they are!?

“You mean, you don’t know me?” He asked with curiosity on his face.

I just looked at him from head to toe. “You don’t have any name tags. How will I know?” I said as I shrugged. “What? You think I know everyone in the world to know you? Are you like Marie Curie or someone I missed?” I said while raising an eyebrow because he clearly is not making any sense.

“Okamoto Keito. Does it ring a bell?” He said as he looks surprised

“Okamoto… like the one at the convenient stores? How should I know?” I asked while fixing my stuff.

“That’s my name you freak. Tell me yours.” He then added as he just looks at me.

“Am I obligated to?” I asked as I continues what I am doing without paying any attention to him at all.

“Well yes because now you are definitely at risk because of your stupidity Ms. Freak!” He said as he then leaned on the wall.

“And how so? And please stop calling me Ms. Freak!” What is with this guy anyway?!

“I don’t know – “

“CHINEN!!! CHINEN YUKI! Now you know so tell me why I am at risk.” I said as I cut him off.

“Because I am quite well known and I have quite some obsessive fans and if they figure out that you are living with me, then they might pose a threat on you.” He then said seriously. I only chuckled at the ridiculous idea and then I looked at how serious he is.

“Oh dear. You are serious?” I asked and he just facepalmed at me again.

“But we have to deal… wait…” I then paused and went a distance from him and looked at him and I then looked around his place and saw the guitar case and then it popped into mind as I simply facepalmed myself.

“You are that guy they said was in a band. Why was I not even paying attention…”? I sighed.

“Now you know. And I think the best way we can do is to keep it a secret.” He then added.

“Who on their right minds will blurt this one out in the open. Geez. We have separate doors so we can just make them think that we are just neighbors until this fiasco is fixed. For the meantime, let us use some curtains as dividers and respect each other’s space. And I am warning you, don’t you ever peek!” I said as I was glaring right at him.

“That’s unfair. You are the one who peeked first! You even enjoyed the view.” He then smirked as he inched his face close to mine as if examining my soul. Unfortunately, my reflexes just made my palm land on his face.

“Sorry. Reflex.” I shrugged and went out to buy some curtains.


We then set the curtains up to serve as a divider for our rooms. When I got back, he was man enough to help on setting it and he was able to buy foods for the both of us as we ate it up. Well, I am quite tired and the clumsy me managed to burn my hand while eating. Some stuff never changes. I was surprised when he took a medicine kit and took my hand.

“Oy!” I was surprised as he pulled me to the kitchen and held the burnt area under running water. He was holding my wrist and focused the burn on the running water.

“I am a Psychology major, so I know some first aid. How can you be so clumsy?” He then stopped and looked at my palm.

“What is this?” He asked and pointed at the star like shaped scar on my palm.

“That’s an old scar. Had it since I was a baby and as I grew, it looked like that. I’m a Pharmacy major so I know first aids too.” I snorted as I took my hand away since he has been holding on to it for quite a while.

“But you’re a freshman, right? Allow me.” He said as he applied some burn ointment on the area.

“So, you can actually be nice.” I said as I let him tend on my burn.

“Only for a limited time. Don’t be too smug on it.” He is slowly returning to his jerk default setting.


Well we managed to survive the next few days of it. I only told my girls about the situation so that if anything arises, they can help me out since we cannot underestimate the power of obsessed fangirls. We only made it look like we are neighbors but there are most certainly times that some obsessed fans almost caught us, but we were able to get through it thanks to the help of Rein and Sato and some of Keito’s friends like Inoo and Yabu. So, we managed to survive the first few months with it.


We are still fighting from time to time especially since he is a jerk most of the times, but we soon got used to each other’s characteristics. He is not that bad after all. Usually, I go home late due to the part time and he just leaves some food at the table near the curtain. In return, I am leaving him some breakfast since my classes and schedule is usually earlier than his. Whenever we see each other in the building, we act casual like we are just neighbors. We talk to each other over with the curtains between us and whenever he is composing or practicing on his guitar, I give him some of my honest opinions to help him. So yeah, we have that sort of weird friendship? I don’t know or maybe just companionship.


There was one time that it was raining so hard and I was really scared of all the roaring thunders. I was surprised because this guy just slid open the curtain and placed his futon next to mine and used a big teddy bear to place in between us.

“Just hug that needy bear. He is scared.” He said as he turned his back to me and let me hug the humongous bear.

“Where did you get this?” I asked as I was still shaking in fear and hugged the big teddy bear

“I am amazing you know. I won it at the arcade. Yuto invited me to play.” He then added.

“Eh? You… are friends with Yuto?” I asked. He never mentioned it before. Well, these past few months, we made common friends, so he usually tells me how his day goes. So, do I.

“Well, we had some time to play basketball together. He is also your childhood friend, right? I was invited to participate and play at a certain play of the theater group and your friend, Sato was there. She then introduced me to Yuto and there. We had basketball and the gang decided to play at the arcade. We became competitive and I won that bear. I am giving it to you since, you will like it more than I do. It will just get jealous with my guitar. Take good care of him ok.” He said with his back on me and the big teddy bear in between.

“What is his name?” I am slowly calming down despite the thunders as he keeps on talking to me.

“I don’t know. Maybe Brownie? Because he is brown?” He said and made me chuckle.

“Very creative then.” I chuckled and I slowly dozed off.


This is the fourth month of me in the university and so far, so good. We manage to do our stuff and looked like casual people with common friends. But this is also a memorable day for me. I told him that I am going back to our hometown and will be off for a few days. I have something to do. It was an old and yes, you may call it a ridiculous childhood promise but still, a promise is a promise.


I found myself walking at a familiar place in my hometown.15 years ago, when I was still that snotty little 5-year-old girl, I always find myself playing at this place near the riverbank and this old tree with an old tire swing. One time, I saw a puppy almost drowning at the riverbank. I was feeling brave enough and went to get the puppy only to realize that I, cannot swim. I almost ended up drowning while holding the puppy until this kid came and helped me. If not for him, I might have been dead then.

Since then, we always meet at the same place at the same time while he took the puppy with him and we both play with it and feed it like our baby. We grew fond of each other until one day, he told me that he has to go overseas due to his father’s work. We were kids back then and I promised him that I will marry him when we get old. And for me, 20 years old is already old. So, we made a promise to meet each other again at the same time, same place after 15 years no matter what happens.

I am quite certain that I will not meet him. I wonder if he even remembers his promise since we were basically just kids back then and we are not even aware of what we were doing. But nevertheless, here I am. Walking my way to the place and I saw that there has been some set up picnic already. I was quite confused. Is it him? Was he back from overseas or there is another person in here already? What if I never meet him? What will I tell him once we see each other? There are a whole lot of things I want to tell him. I wonder how he is or what he looks like. He only knows me as Chii and I only know him as OK. Since I am not quite a talker back as a kid.


I slowly walked closer to the place with my heart beating like crazy like what am I going to do or say. I’ve been thinking about this day for 15 years, but you can never be too ready.


I stopped on my tracks as I saw the person I least expect to see.

“What are you still standing there for? You are… 15 minutes late. Hurry. The food will get cold.” He was there. Looking at me with the picnic all set up and that big brown teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers.

“Why are you here?” I asked. Why the heck is this Okamoto Keito doing here.

“Last time I checked, there is this one snotty girl who almost drowned herself while she tries to save a puppy. Then she promised to marry me and that I must meet her no matter what after exactly 15 years, at this date, at the exact same place and time so, I am here to fulfill a promise. So, don’t just stand there, your bear Brownie here also needs to eat.” I was just there stoned as I look at him. I never told him about this even when we were together. Are you telling me that… he is OK? O.. K…

“You are…” I still can’t believe it all. He then just came near me and poked my forehead. Just like how he usually does when we were still kids.

“You just got it? O.K. Okamoto Keito. Silly.” He chuckled and looks so cute and he then hugged me and kissed my forehead.

“Since when did you knew?” I asked. He looked so sure as if he was just waiting for me. He didn’t look surprised at all.

“Not all girls have that star-shaped scar at their hands you know. Its easy to know from there. Chii… because Chinen. It all makes sense, right?” He was hugging me. It was not to tight, yet it was so warm and gentle. He treats me like a delicate porcelain doll.

“So you knew it all along?” I asked as I hugged him back.

“Of course. I am a genius you know.” He said while hugging me and as he digs his face at my shoulder.

“Then why were you so mean?” I said while pouting since I am confident that he cannot see me. He chuckled and I was surprised when he gave a quick kiss.

“I just wanted to get to know the you now. Fortunately for you, I still agree to marrying you. Even though you are throwing books. Better than knives though.” He chuckled and he looks so adorable.

“OY! WHATS WITH THE KISS!” I said while pouting and covering my mouth. He then chuckled and took my hand away and kissed again. This time it was longer, yet it was gentle and loving.

“You were pouting. Its like you are asking for it.” He teased as he just winked at me.

“WHY YOU!!!” I started punching his arm. How can he be so cute despite that?! I was surprised when he hugged me and whispered which caught me off-guard.

“I love you. Chinen Yuki. You still want to marry me, right?” He said and it just made my heart melt.

“I… don’t go from my promise. You sure about that? There is no backing out once I said ok.” I said as I looked at him.

“You just said ok. Of course. I have no one else in my heart but you.” He said as he then planted another kiss on my lips.

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