Fated Marriage


“Hurry up young lady or else you will be late again!” The loud nagging voice of Mrs. Fukuyama is now resounding all over the house as she scolds her daughter who is, once again, running late for school. This scene is nothing new because everyone knows that her daughter, Fukuyama Rein has the special ability to always be late to school no matter what kind of adjustment they both make and now they all believe that they will only be waiting for a miracle to make Rein be quite responsible to a point where she can get to school early.

“I’ll be off!” the boyish girl said roughly while the toasted bread was lazily hanging at . Her shoulder length black hair is still quite disheveled, her eyes still droopy and sleepy and her uniform which was worn roughly as she messily made her white long-sleeved blouse into a three-forth fold. She then took her skateboard and dashed out of their door.

“Oy Rein!! You still don’t have your lunch box!” Her mom exclaimed as she realized that her daughter still doesn’t have her lunch with her.

“No worries! Sato prepared one for me!” Her voice is slowly fading as she was already riding on her skateboard on her way to school. Her travel to school is quite unconventional and not very girly but everyone knows how unique she is. She is quite popular in school and everyone knows who Fukuyama Rein is. She is known to be quite an influencer in their school because of her strong yet caring personality. She hates those who bullies the weak as she has a strong sense of justice. She is known as the ace of their women’s basketball team but because of her athletic ability, other sports club also recruit her and are also asking her for help whenever needed but of course, she is not a perfect individual. She hates reading serious articles, or all forms of reading (mangas are an exception though) and studying too much and of course she is always in bad terms with Math, the most horrifying thing for her. She is a magnet of chalks as she always manages to catch those chalks thrown by her teachers whenever they catch her reading manga instead of the textbook. Well, despite being much of a tomboy, she has a liking on cute stuffs and ironically, her favorite color is pink.

“Hmmm… I wonder what Sato has for me for lunch? Maybe she prepared me some chicken cordon bleu since she asked me yesterday and… whoa!!!” She was riding her skateboard leisurely while thinking about one of the things she looks forward the most, food, but all her thoughts were distracted when she saw a cute puppy which was about to be hit by a reckless car and out of impulse, she acted without thinking and dove right to get the puppy while still on her skateboard. Luckily, she was able to save the puppy and the speeding car didn’t even dare to stop or look back.

“Uwaaah! Its ok little guy. You are ok now.” She smiled as she caressed the little puppy in her arms but her happy bubble was popped when she heard a worried voice of a man.

“Oh dear!” A middle-aged man looked troubled as he looked at Rein and saw the dent on the car he is in. He was inside the car while waiting for his young master’s friend who they usually fetch before coming to school. Apparently, while Rein is so absorbed into saving the cute puppy who was having that big puppy dog eyes and looking scared while the speeding car is about to hit it, she was unaware on how she will take a break while speeding up on the rush on saving the adorable creature. She then realized as she looked around her that she crashed herself at the side of a luxurious car and made a huge dent on it.

“Oh! Gomen.” She said as she scratched the back of her head as she looked up and saw that the car was quite familiar.

“AHHH!!!!” She shouted as she saw a familiar guy who just rolled down the car’s window and saw her.

“Is that really necessary?” His cool and deep voice exuded as he talks to Rein who is still sitting at the road while hugging the puppy and is now with wide open and her fingers pointing out to him.

“Taipi… this… is your car?” Rein asked something that is obvious which made the guy just smug and laugh.

“Isn’t it obvious? You should know that my dear Rein. Why are you flying like that and just what are you up to again?”   The guy she was talking at is no other than Fujigaya Taisuke which she casually calls Taipi. He is the number one school heart throb mainly because he is just like a guy that came out of a shounen manga. That type who is gentleman born with a silver spoon in his mouth being the heir of one of the biggest electronic companies in the country, paired with such charm mainly due to his silky, auburn brown hair, well defined lips, slim but toned body, deep and tantalizing eyes and an aura of coolness and mystery that all girls dig on. Let us also not mention here that he is a part of the student council and is a consistent honor student not only because of his family’s influence but also because of his natural intellectual abilities. He is too good to be true and is almost perfect on every angle you look at which makes other guys think of how unfair the world can be.

“I know that I am such a charming man but please don’t be too engrossed in staring at me. It kind of makes me feel a little conscious.” Taipi jokingly remarked as he saw Rein still staring blankly at him and this remark just suddenly bolted Rein back to her senses.

“What?! Charming?! You really think I am charmed! Geez!” Rein shouted back at him as she realized just how embarrassing she must have looked like a while ago.

“How much will the repair cost us?” Taisuke then asked the driver who is assessing the situation as he took out his handy dandy calculator.

“With this kind of damage sir, we will need to spend around a million for repairs.” The driver said nonchalantly as he showed the computation to his “young master” and all this made Rein petrified.

“A million just for repairs?! But there is only a light dent on this! That is overpricing!” Rein protested which made Taipi smirk.

“Well, that is understandable since this is a limited edition, latest model of the most prestigious car brand in the country. Do you know how many people here have this kind of model? There are only 3 of us here in the country with this. All materials will need to be imported. Since you made such a huge dent on this part, the whole interior will also be fixed, and not only will this part be the one that needs repair, the whole car exterior will also be changed. Now you understand why it will amount to up to a million? That is even an understatement. I think it will cost up to 3million if you will ask me.” Taipi said while looking at Rein.

Rein’s face is of utter shock and the puppy was still cuddling with her, but she just felt as if a rock crashed on her.

“And, of course, you will be held responsible ne. You will be the one to pay for it.” Taipi said with a charming and gentle smile but in Rein’s eyes, he has a growing evil horn and that evil rod as well and she just felt like a mountain with a big 1 million written on it dropped on her.

“Wha…. WHAT!? HOW CAN I EVEN PAY FOR THAT! WHERE DO YOU THINK CAN I GET THAT MUCH AMOUNT!!” Rein was exploding in anger as she was protesting and made her punch the dented area. “You only have to punch this, and it will be back to normal!” She then punched the area which made it even worse and now she is all sullen. Good thing that the puppy looked at her with puppy dog eyes making her flail for a while and calmed her down.

“Well, you can work for me then. I will grant you 200,000 a month. You will need to pay for 3million now since you added another damage on the car so… that will be… around a year and 3 more months? Not bad right. You won’t get any other jobs that can pay you 200,000 a month. If you do well then, I can give you some bonus.”

Rein looked at him doubtingly and asked. “Ok. I am responsible for this and I will pay it no matter what and you are right. I wouldn’t find a job with that much pay but… what will my job be? As long as it is not illegal or immoral or anything abusive then I am ok with it.” Rein said full of pride.

“Get in. I will explain inside.” Taipi said calmly.

“And if I don’t want?” Rein said smugly.

“It is not something you want to discuss with someone who is still sitting on the road right? If you don’t go inside I will make you compensate me here and now. Also, are you not afraid that you will be late and that our dear Student council president will whack your head again?” He said while opening the door, but Rein struggled standing up as she got a sprain at her left ankle while saving the puppy.

“Ah!” Rein fell back as she felt that stinging sensation on her left ankle. Taipi never failed to notice and wore his gloves again as he assisted Rein inside the car. It was also at that time when Kei finally got out of the house since the main reason Taipi was waiting there because he was fetching Kei since he has the materials needed to be brought for the school’s event. Taipi is the student council Vice President and Inoo Kei was the council’s Secretary.

“Oh! Rein chan? What happened?” Inoo asked gently as he helps Taipi assist Rein in the car.

“Long story. I will explain later Kei. Got all the stuff needed?” Taipi asked and as soon as Kei got in with all the heavy materials and when Kei said yes, they then went to go to school. On the way, Taipi explained the conditions and what the job entails which surprised her and left even Kei in shock but, to which Rein has agreed also partly because of Kei’s prodding as well.


== During Lunch Time ==

Rein was idly sitting under a big tree near the court and she was quite unusual since she was just blankly staring at the sky while sipping on her milk juice and the puppy was still with her now. She was at that state when her friend saw her and brought her the bento.

“Sorry it took me a while. I needed to give some instructions to the council members regarding the upcoming event. What happened to you? Why are you… uwaaah! Such a cute puppy ne!” Her friend smiled as she sat beside Rein and set the food up as she occasionally pets the cute puppy. But Rein was still quiet and only nodded at her friend.

“If you don’t speak to tell me what happened to you, young lady, this chicken cordon bleu will be for the puppy and none for you. Not now and never, ever again.” Her friend, and also the Student Council President, Sugimoto Satomi, asks worriedly as she looks at Rein who was immediately threatened and sat straight and took her bento with the chicken cordon bleu she previously requested with rice, some potato salad and strawberries at the side.

“Ok! I will speak. Geez. Why are you always like that? Why don’t you try being a bit less serious at times and try chill pill ok? Your stress at the council is being placed on poor me.” Rein pouted as she protested and made herself look cute in front of her friend whom she knows cannot resist her when she is like that.

“How can I stay calm now that I see you with a bandaged left ankle, some scratches on your elbow and a cute little puppy. Let’s see. Based on my deduction and your personality, I will think that you just dove into a crazy car to save this cute puppy.” Satomi sighed, and she looked at her surprised friend.

*Omg! Since when did she turn into a mind reader?! How did she know what I just did?* Rein was thinking all this to herself as she got her chopsticks stuck in her stuffed mouth in surprise on her friend’s remark.

“With that face of yours, I can say that I hit the jackpot and I am sorry to burst your bubble of thoughts Rein, but I am not a mind reader. The overall you just shouts out that “I have been in quite a trouble being a hero”” Satomi casually said as she began eating.

“If you are not a mind reader then how did you know what happened and what I was thinking!? You are definitely creepy Sato!!” Rein protested with full making some of the rice spill.

“Dear me. When will you actually remember not to talk with your mouth full of food. As much as I want to read minds, I cannot since I am not supernatural. It is just that, you are wearing your emotions on your sleeve. Your face tells it all. Now what bothers me is why you are so serious now. I doubt it’s only about you, diving into trouble to save a puppy. I am sure there is something else so that is what I want to know. I will reserve the whole hour for you.” Satomi said as she looks at her watch to check how much free time she still has.

“Well, about the heroic thing, it is exactly as you said. Unfortunately, while doing so, I landed and hit the side of Taipi’s car and made a big dent and damage on it. I thought punching it will make things better, but it became worse so now, I must pay the 3million worth of expenses on repairs for that stupid car. 3million for repairs! If that is the case, I would rather buy a new one!” Rein was angry as she mentions the story again while the puppy was busy eating some potato salad.

“I can’t blame Fujigaya for that. Don’t you know that his car is a limited edition and that all parts are imported since there are no service centers of that car in this country. If that car is subject for repair, you will have to export the whole thing out to Germany and have it repaired there then will be shipped back here. Shipping costs are already pricey dear. One of the reasons why there are only 3 people here in this country with that model and you just punched it.” Satomi laughs as she imagines the scenario.

“Well then, the reason why you are all serious there is because he wants you to pay him with 3million?” Satomi asks again.

“Yes.” Rein said and was feeling down.

“How are you going to do it then?” Satomi asked her worriedly as she tries to pry on further.

“I have something to tell you because I trust you but please don’t be mad at me or judge me or what Satomi chan! Please promise me!” Rein said seriously as she looked at her friend.

“I promise that I will not judge you or what but whatever my reaction will be on what you will tell me is definitely not something I can control. But if you need me to keep it as a secret, you can trust me. Though, please don’t take away my right to react as I deem appropriate.” Satomi said seriously which made Rein sigh.

“Ok. I knew you will say that anyways. Well, Taipi offered me a job and that he will be paying me with 200,000 a month. With that, I can be able to repay him until the start of the next schoolyear. The catch is, the job… he…” Rein was struggling at saying what her job is which made Satomi quite impatient.

“It’s not immoral or illegal right?” Satomi questioned further.

“Technically, it is not… it’s just like me helping him out on his problem and stuff.” Rein said cutely while playing with her fingers.

“How can I help you if you will not tell it to me? Just say whatever it is. If it is not illegal nor is it immoral, then maybe I can help.” Satomi said as she held her friend’s hand.

“He… Taipi kun… you know that he has issues with girls, right? That he is actually afraid of girls.” Rein said which made her friend nod.

“I know. Which is why whenever there is a need for me to hand out some instructions or meetings with him, I try to keep my distance and let Kei be the one to interact with him whenever necessary. How is this connected?” Satomi asked and is now getting even more curious.

“Well, he asks me to act as his girlfriend since he is not afraid of me and since we have been friends since childhood so before his trauma, I was able to interact with him, so he is ok with me. He said that his dad and grandfather is pressuring him and arranged a fiancé for him and he doesn’t want to disappoint his father, but he needs someone whom he wouldn’t have trouble interacting with. It was a good coincidence and there is a contract between us, so I agreed. Not only will I be able to pay off that huge debt, but I will also be able to help him in a way. He just needs that stage girlfriend. I think he thought this too thinking that the crazy fans at school won’t harm me as well.” Rein explained as she sighs.

“Hmm…” Satomi was quiet for a while as she assessed the situation and eats up again.

“What do you think Sato chan?” Rein asks worriedly as she sighs again.

“So, may I have a copy of the contract for me to review the conditions? Since you have agreed to it already, there is nothing we can do but maybe we can do something about the terms on the contract so that you will not be very much… at a disadvantage. I don’t judge you since I feel that you are also doing this to help a friend but please be careful ok? You know that even if the crazy fans will not do anything to harm you here at school, I am not sure about what they will do. After all, they are referred to as crazy and you can never trust what their brains are capable of.” Satomi said.

“That’s where you help me right?! Please Sato chan! I need your support.” Rein pouts which made her friend sigh in defeat.

“Very well. I will help you however I can but please promise me that you will be careful and that you will take good care of yourself. When will this start?” Satomi assured Rein which made her quite happy.

“Next Monday. He said he will be doing all the preparations.” Rein said happily.

“Ok. I want to be with you by then so that I can help you with the contract since knowing you, you are not going to read that, and you will be recklessly signing it without the effort on reading anything at all.” Satomi said which made Rein hugged her happily.

=== || === || === || ===

“Reeeeein!!” As usual, Mrs. Fukuyama’s voice is resounding again as she wakes her daughter up for school but unlike how things were before, there is something different this morning.

“Yes mom! I am going now!” Rein said as usual as she took her bread again.

“It’s not that! What I mean is, what is happening?!” Before her mother can finish, Rein opened the door and was surprised to see Taipi’s butler waiting for her by the gate.

“Good morning, Young Lady Rein. We are here to pick you up.” The butler made a formal bow as he opens the door to a new limousine with Taipi waiting inside. The scene is enough for to be wide open making the bread fall.

“Young lady Rein?? What is the meaning of this Rein?” Her mother is slowly turning into super Saiyan, I mean into Tsunade angry mode, I mean is getting angry at the situation since her daughter did not mention any of this.

“Good morning Fukuyama San! You are still as pretty as always.” Taipi then heard the commotion and took the initiative as he went down and personally greeted Rein’s mother. He then flashed his usual gentle and charming smile while keeping a distance and made a formal bow to Rein’s mom as his butler handed a box of great quality coffee. He knows how much Rein’s mother favors coffees as he remembers how sweet she is towards him even when they were still young.

“Oh! Little Taipi? Is that you? It’s been a while and you have grown into a really handsome young man. You know that you don’t need to bother yourself into bringing me gifts. Seeing you in good condition is enough for me. What brings you here this early in the morning?” Mrs. Fukuyama’s temperament suddenly changed into a charming woman. Good thing Taipi knows how to pacify the super Saiyan Tsunade, I mean, an angry mother.

“I am here to pick Rein up, so she doesn’t get late and so that she will be safe. Getting to school on skateboard can be quite dangerous ne auntie. I hope you don’t mind me doing this more often. Also, I would like to take this opportunity for me to ask for your permission.” Taipi said in a serious but charming tone. His usual mysterious and cool aura makes him attractive already but whenever he turns on this serious and sincere mode, it is sure to make any girl flail. Even the mighty Fukuyama Rein won’t be able to resist such charm from him.

“What do you mean little Taipi?” Rein’s mother feigned confusion as she doesn’t want to assume but her experience in life is enough for her to know what the young lad meant to say.

“I want to date Rein. Please let me auntie.” Taisuke knelt in front of Rein’s mother which surprised even his butler who then did the same.

“My dear, rise up please. You don’t have to kneel. Just telling me is ok ne. I trust you so no need to worry.” Rein’s mother knows that Taipi is afraid of women, so she didn’t touch him. She patted the butler instead and asked him to assist Taipi to stand.

“Just promise me you won’t be doing anything inappropriate ok. If Rein is ok with it, then I have no right to decline. Do you accept little Taipi my dear Rein?” Her mother asked gently which made Rein nod her head.

“Well then, off you two go. You don’t want to be late in class ok!” Rein’s mother smiled as she gave out Rein’s bento.

“If only I know you are dating her then I should’ve prepared a bento for you too little Taipi. No worries, I will make one for you next time.” Mrs. Fukuyama said with a gentle smile.

“No worries auntie. I look forward to it then. We will be going now. Ikou?” Taipi then patted your head gently as he leads you in his car.


“You know, you didn’t have to kneel in front of mom. You know how much she likes you even when we were still young.” Rein said as she remembers the scenario.

“Well. I just thought that it was necessary especially if I want to assure your mom that I am sincere in my actions.” Taipi said as he hands you a sandwich.

“What is this?” Rein asked as she took the sandwich from him.

“Do I have to put a label on it? It is clearly a sandwich. Dumdum.” Taipi smirked as he handed the sandwich and looks out of his window. Before Rein can even protest. Taipi interrupted him with a question.

“Have you gone through the terms and conditions of the contract? Have you signed it already? Kaichou already approached me regarding her opinions. So you can’t bear to keep it a secret from her huh?” Taipi said calmly as he took a sip of his tea. *A/N: What do you expect from some rich guy in a limousine. * 

“Hai. I think she can read my mind. I wasn’t planning on telling her, but I was surprised when she approached me, and I don’t know how and why but I felt like her Geass *A/N: please refer to Code Geass anime and Lelouch Lamperouge* just worked on me and it made me spill it out. I know that she can keep a secret up to the grave. She was just worried and offered to help.” Rein said while she was busy on munching the grilled cheese sandwich. Surprisingly, Taipi still remembers that she has a thing with cheese and she was so happy with the cheesy and gooey melting cheesy overload sandwich with the crispy and perfectly toasted bread and *coughs* so much on the tasty sandwich.

“Kaichou doesn’t have a Geass. It’s just all written all over your face, so it is not that difficult to read you. You are basically wearing your emotion at your sleeves. Not to mention that Kaichou knows you a little too well so keeping a secret from her will not be that effective. I am surprised she didn’t whack you again.” Taipi said as he observes Rein while she was happily munching on the sandwich like a kid. He then noticed how messy is which made him sigh and took a napkin as he gently wipes off the mess around Rein’s mouth.

“I don’t want them to think that I am not taking care of my girl. You are my girl now, so you can have these sandwiches whenever you want. All you need to do is ask.” Rein was caught off guard with this which made her instantly blush. She then looked away embarrassingly and took a drink.

“I already signed the contract. Sato also explained things to me in detail and I understand what I must do. But I can’t be a princess girly-girly overnight. I need some time for that.” Rein said shyly as she slightly stutters in embarrassment upon realizing and remembering how close their faces were just a while ago. She has been Taipi’s childhood friend but it has been a while since the last time she was that close to him and she just realized that he is no longer the same as that boy whom she throws sand at when they were happily playing at the playground before. He is definitely a young man now and having a close look at such striking features made her remember that after all, she is still a girl. It made her understand why girls go crazy over this guy in front of her.

“Here…” Taipi took your hand and placed a simple silver ring with a small peridot in the middle. He then wore it at your finger. “This is part of the contract. You should promise me that you will never take it off of you until we are finished with the contract ok?” Taipi said and this shook her. Seeing her reaction, Taipi then showed his hand to you with a similar looking ring but in a more masculine design.

“I thought you understand. You don’t need to be girly girly. Just be yourself. No need to pretend to be anybody else, you know. Just always keep in mind that you are my girl ok. If I was looking for a princess like type or a more lady like, I could’ve chosen someone else to save me the hassle. We are here at school now. Act a bit sweet ok. Just let me do things and go with the flow.” Taipi said as he then escorts you down the limo. All the other students are in shock.

First, they are shocked to see Rein arrive to school on time.

Second, it was shocking to see her off the Limo with Fujigaya since everyone at school knows that he is not very close to girls (because only selected few people are aware about his fear on women). He tries his best to deal with them politely but at a reasonable distance. Lastly, looking at how they are, they are thinking that Fujigaya and Fukuyama are now dating. What can be more peculiar than the thought of the Tomboy and a guy afraid of girls, be dating? Peculiar? Paradoxical? Ironic or simply convenient. The only people who doesn’t seemed to be surprised is Satomi and Kei who happens to be arriving at almost the same time with them.

“Mi chaaan!!” Rein then jumped and pounced on Satomi with a tight hug.

“I’m happy to see you Rein but I don’t want your boyfriend to be jealous on me just because I am the one you are hugging.” Satomi chuckled as she then fixed some of Rein’s hair, like a big sister on her baby sister as she clearly puts some level of emphasis on the word “boyfriend” as if she was slightly announcing to everyone and confirming their thoughts. What better way than for something like this to come out of her since because of her status and reputation, almost everything that she is saying becomes an announcement and a big deal with the students.

“Then you won’t mind me hugging Taipi? Won’t you Rein?” Kei then chimed in which made Taipi whack his head.

“Keep it to yourself Inoo. I don’t need that. Ikou, Rein.” Taipi then took Rein’s hand as they went their way to their rooms while everyone was just purely shocked. It was the first time for most of them to see Taipi being close to a girl and now he has his hands holding one. Did I mention that their fingers are even entwined?! That level of closeness is a shocker towards everyone and if you can imagine the shock in their faces and – ok. The author is getting a bit too carried away on this one.

“I wonder how Taipi can hold Rein’s hand without gloves. She is technically a girl.” Kei said while gently rubbing the spot where Taipi hit him.

“Maybe Fujigaya’s brain doesn’t recognize Rein as a girl so she doesn’t count on the trigger for his fear.” Satomi said while chuckling.

“That was so mean Kaichou! But I agree.” Kei said as he also laughed along.


Classes for that day has ended and everything else went normally as how it usually should be but for Rein, there are changes in her lifestyle since she is technically working, I mean, acting, as Fujigaya’s girlfriend. The main reason that was stipulated in the contract and why Rein agreed on doing something so troublesome on her part is because she has been quite close to Taipi back when they were still kids and maybe, at the back of her conscious mind, she is partly feeling guilty about the reason why Taipi has developed such a trauma and she thinks that this is the least that she can do to help his friend who is also, apparently, trying to run away from his fixed arranged marriage with someone whom his grandfather set him up with. His whole family knew about his condition and it is quite disturbing for Taipi and troublesome to marry some lady they chose for him.

Fortunately, while he was waiting for Kei, and was thinking about what he could do to get away and make some excuse as to how he can escape on the trap, I mean marrying someone else, there was this stupid, I mean reckless, clumsy, young lady who dove into his car and made quite a scene heroically crashing onto it while holding on to a cute little puppy. For him, that moment was like an answered prayer. The answer to all his trouble. And so, Rein became the perfect reason and Rein also found an opportunity to make it up to an old friend after what happened to them around 10 years ago.


The whole week passed by smoothly and the students are slowly getting used to seeing Rein together with Taipi. Unfortunately, because of the scene of Taipi and Rein being close most of the time, there are some crazy fans who attempted to get close to Taipi thinking that it is ok which made them heighten the security to him and he even had to have some bodyguards close.

Rein remembered the reason why her friend developed such a trauma for ladies.

Back when they were still kids, and despite Fujigaya’s standing in life, they were able to be playmates and they usually play leisurely at the nearby playground. As a child, Taipi is charming and adorable but had quite a frail body. He was usually bullied by some kids and Rein’s instinct, even as a child, kicked in and protected Taipi from the bullies. This immediately made them friends in an instant. It was all ok but one day, a beautiful lady approached them and took them in. Thinking that she is quite harmless and that she can be trusted and with some bribe of candies, they were taken in her house. Unfortunately, the lady was quite mentally unstable and that she was obsessed with Taipi’s father. She then tied them both as she wanted to use Taipi as a ransom, but you never knew what can happen with a mentally unstable woman engulfed with obsession. Taipi as a child decided to protect Rein and aggravated the woman making him successful in having Rein get locked in a room. Rein was crying as she was locked inside and Taipi was tied and beaten by the lady. She then realized how Taipi had such resemblance with the man she obsesses herself with and she then hugged the poor boy who is now shaking in fear. In her mind, the person she is hugging is the guy she loved dearly, and she caressed his back and patted his head like she cares for him deeply.

Taipi’s cries and his fear triggered the lady and started beating him up again. After all those, she snapped and committed suicide in front of the young lad. The whole scene kept haunting Taipi and made him develop a trauma and fear for women. With all the strength he had left in him, he took the tool the woman used to kill herself with and untied himself for him to rescue Rein. That’s when they manage to contact the officials and have them saved.

Rein remembered it all while she was looking into Taipi as he walked side-by-side with her and their hands entwined.

The reason she accepted this offer is because she felt guilty somehow. She thought that if she did not go after the woman, Taipi would have never been taken and he would have never developed any kind of trauma. That this time, she is the one to protect him.


She was in her room and was staring afar out of their classroom window when she suddenly saw the crazy, obsessed fans of Taipi who seemed to be planning something. And that something doesn’t really look that nice. She knew what those ladies can do and from the looks of it, they are up to no good.

“Don’t get in trouble ok.” Chiaki went and approached Rein as she saw where her friend was looking at. Aside from Satomi, Chiaki is one of the friends who is close to her and knows about the whole situation. Rein usually describes her like a mushroom since she will just pop out of nowhere.

“Wha…. Don’t scare me like that Chiaki!” Rein was caught off-guard and was surprised when Chiaki suddenly popped up.

“It is best if you stay away from trouble you know. You are the perfect target for them since you are Taipi’s girlfriend and the only girl who managed to stay beside him.” Chiaki advised as she handed a yogurt drink to Rein.

“But they seem to plan something. I must find out.” Rein said as she felt an ominous feeling building up inside her.

“Please be careful ne. I can’t join you for now because of the upcoming school fair. The Chemistry Club is very demanding you know.” Chiaki sighs as she remembers all the tasks, she had with her as the president of the Chemistry Club. Not long after, her boyfriend, slash Mr. Guitar guy, Okamoto Keito, came to fetch Chiaki.


The curiosity in Rein was eating her. She was bothered by things but the next few days came by peacefully and she spent it acting all normal as Taipi’s girlfriend. In all these days, Taipi had been sweet and consistent. He helps her with her assignments, he fetches her in the morning, before going to school and he sends her home. There was one time when he even made a bento for Rein and she noticed all the bandages in his hand. He was considerate of her and there were even times when he defended her over some girls questioning her what she did to be his girl.

“You know. If I did not know any better, I would actually believe he is in-love and sincere with you.” Satomi said as she was with Chiaki and Rein while eating their bento.

“He is even making her bento!” Chiaki retorted in surprise.

“I never imagined that Fujigaya san will go as far as making a bento for his girlfriend deshou.” Keito smiled as he eats his food.

“Taipi took Sato’s place in making a bento for Rein deshou!” Kei smiled ever so charmingly which made Taipi whack him.

“Why are you all taking about me as if I don’t exist??” Taipi then said as he looks at them with fierce eyes.

“Its delish though…” Rein said as she looked like a chipmunk with her cheeks all full of food.

“Well, I will go ahead now since we have a lot to oversee now that this is School Fair is a thing. You lovebirds can stay here” Satomi said as she sighed and stood up.

“Nah. You are just jealous because you are still single.” Chiaki laughed as she teases their friend.

“With that attitude of hers, she can keep being single until who knows when.” Keito then retorted which earned the two a smack at their heads with Sato’s fan.


Their lunch ended peacefully, and Rein is about to change her clothes for the fair and their classroom’s presentation. She went to her locker to get her clothes, but she was surprised when someone bumped into her and it made her drop her clothes. She proceeds to pick it up but was surprised when she felt a handkerchief covering her face. She tried resisting but there was some sort of smell with the handkerchief and she felt that she was restrained until she slowly lost consciousness.


She opened her eyes, but she felt her legs and her arms are numb from getting tied up. She tried to look around only to realize that she was blindfolded. She tried to shout but was gagged. She tried to asses the situation and found herself laying at the floor with her arms and legs tied.

“You pretty much look like a worm squirming about!” She heard a female voice mocking her. The next thing she felt was a pang of pain as she felt the kick straight to her abdomen. She then had to turn the other way and she tried to take her arm and resist but she felt a sudden wave of kicks coming from all directions and soon, she felt it all over her and she had no way to defend herself.

“That’s right! You are like a worm who needs to be crushed! Who are you to be with Fujigaya san!? You are undeserving!!! Get lost!” She felt is all over her and despite her abilities, she was greatly in a disadvantage as she was all tied-up.

“Don’t bother asking for help because no one will come.” The girl once again said, and she then laughed maniacally. She knows it that obsessed lady once again. This time, she really got herself in a difficult situation. She can’t depict the situation and all she felt was pain all over her. She was about to give up when she heard a smashing sound and the horrified gasps and shrieks from some of them.

“Fu…. Fuji… Fujigaya san…” The once proud and manic voice of that obsessed woman turned scared and shaky.

“Taipi…” Rein thought to herself as she felt his presence and her blindfold and gag was taken off. He also then took off the ties on her arms and legs as he looks teary-eyed while caressing your face.

“Rein…” His voice was cracked as he hugged you dearly and looked at the others with a look Rein never thought and had never seen Taipi with. It was cold and full of rage.

“I don’t care what you do. But you saw what they did to my girl. Be kind and return the favor tenfold.” Taipi ordered as the suited bodyguards came and took those who were hurting me a while ago. Everything is hazy and she can’t even manage to get some strength to open her eyes. She only felt Taipi carrying me before everything went blank.

[Rein’s POV]

It was unknown what happened to the group who abducted me but they were just gone and nowhere to be seen. When I asked Sato, she simply said that they all withdrew their rights as a student and that they were advised that they will transfer schools. I know that there is more to it, but I dare not ask. I slowly recovered and I found myself staring blankly at Taipi. I wondered how he found me, but I never really asked why.

“I know how gorgeous I am. But as I always say, don’t stare too much. I am not responsible if you fall in love with me you know.” Taipi chuckled as he ruffled my hair. Aish! I hope he will stop doing that!

“Ok! I know that you are handsome and all ok! No need to rub the hair!!” I pouted as I fixed my now grizzly hair

“What were you thinking of? Nervous?” Why is he looking at me like that? Is he aware how fast my heart beats whenever he glances at me like that?

“Nothing… Just remembered something. I hope you don’t mind me asking.” I asked as I am very curious already.

“Ok… ask away.” He said as he helped me fix my hair now. Like seriously? You ruined it and now you are fixing it. Aish this guy!!

“How did you find me that day? When I was abducted?” I asked as he looked surprised since he paused in fixing my hair.

“Well… there is something indicated in the contract I think you skipped reading.” He said as he took my hand and touched the ring, he gave me previously.

“You do realize that I am the type who will jump to the “I agree to the terms and conditions” because who in the right mind will read all those word per word!” I said as he then chuckled cutely. Seriously? Don’t act cute you… how can I contain myself if he looks that adorable! Yes! I have been slowly falling for this idiot because of everything we have been through and all his sweetness. I know it is only a contract and all, but I never expected myself to feel all these… feelings! Its not like there is an off switch to this and that I can simply turn it off.

“Fortunately, Kaichou did.” He laughed as he was still holding on the ring.

“This ring actually has a tracker in it. When we noticed that you were gone for a while, it got us all worried. Chiaki told us that you saw those group a week before the School Fair and you thought that they were plotting something. That’s why we all agreed to take turns in looking after you but apparently, they found a perfect opportunity and took you away.” He then hugged me as I felt the sadness in his voice.

“Forgive me. Because of me, you got into trouble again. I was always hoping to protect you, but I failed. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I will do if something… what if we didn’t make it in time…” I felt him shaking as I hugged him back.

“I see. I know you will come for me ne. You have always been the one to save me even before ne. I have always owed you my life. No need to blame yourself. Its just that you are so adorable deshou.” I chuckled as I pat his back until he calmed himself down.

[End of POV]


“Where are we going anyway?” Rein asked as Taipi is walking her to somewhere they don’t usually go to. They don’t usually go to this part of the mall. They usually just go to the mall if he wants to eat or if Rein wants to eat. Basically, they only have visited the mall to eat. But now they are going at a different area of the mall they usually go to.

“Here.” They stopped in front of a luxurious and fancy boutique which is well known for its high-class dresses. Rein’s jaw dropped and looked at Taipi.

“What are we doing here?” Rein asked in surprise.

“Didn’t I mention that I am going to let you meet my parents now?” Taipi had an innocent and surprised look in his face as he looked at Rein in confusion.

“You never told me it will be today!” Rein remembered that Taipi once told her about this but she never expected it to be this soon. Mainly because she was not paying attention when Taipi mentioned it to her before.


Taipi choose an array of clothes at the rack that he thinks will suit Rein. Of course, she had to try them one by one and show him which he will prefer. After a little while, Rein went out in a dress which caught Taipi off-guard and he was quite stunned to see Rein in a simple yet elegant, knee-high, pink, off-shoulder dress. The dress hugs her little waist and accentuates her beautiful shoulder and defined collar bones. The ribbon and the wrap around her waist together with the flowy skirt part shows off a lady-like yet youthful vibe to her.

[Taipi’s POV]

With that, I took Rein to meet my parents and grandparents. They have known Rein ever since, but it is quite different today since I will be presenting her as my fiancé. This all was Kei’s brilliant idea. When I found out about my folks arranging a random fiancé to me, I confided and he recommended this. He said I should choose Rein and I honestly thought that I couldn’t have anyone else but her. The problem was how to convince her.

It was true that the repair will all cost 3Million, but I had no intentions on making her pay. But I just thought it was the perfect opportunity to make her agree. I never thought that I will fall for her in the process. It came to a point that I even did things I never thought I will do for my life.

I knew I have loved her since we were kids. Back at the time when she defended me from those bullies. But that experience made me scared. I don’t want her to be hurt again but after what happened I again, I felt guilty, but I know that I cannot let her go. That I cannot afford losing her, and that for me, she is the most important person in my life, and I swore I will protect her from all harm.

Apparently, I will confess to my parents even before I confess myself to her. What am I chickening out for? She is so beautiful right now. She had always been. For me, even if she eats messily, even if she snores when she sleeps on our way to school, even if her hair is disheveled, even when she is all dirty after her basketball game, for me she is simply the best. She is the reason I was able to cope up. She was the reason I wanted to be strong enough to protect her, and she is the reason I wanted to go on with my life and face my fears. She is the only girl I will allow in my life.


I told her not to be nervous, but I am the one with sweaty hands now. I kept a firm hold in her hand as we met my folks at the dining area.


“Minna, this is Rein. My fiancé. I know that you have chosen someone else for me, but I am sorry. I won’t accept her. I can only have Rein. Its either her or not at all.” I said with conviction though I know my hands are shaking.

“Taisuke. We have known Rein ever since, but are you sure?” My grandpa asked.

“Do you even love her?” My grandmother then chimed in.

“Yes. I love Rein.” I said with all sincerity.

“Look here kid. We know that what you have with her is just a contract, so you don’t have to do all this.” My father said and I was seriously surprised. I felt Rein as she tried to take her hand off from mine and saw her looking down.

“We have nothing against Rein. She has always been a part of our family ever since you guys were young, so we don’t want her to be in this mess.” My mom said as she looked at Rein.

“I know it is just a contract. That you all think I am doing this just because I don’t want whoever that is that you chose for me but when I said I loved her, I mean it. With or without that contract, there is only one girl in my hear and that is Rein. She is the only girl I will have as my girlfriend and fiancé and wife. So, if it is not her, them I won’t have anybody else.” I said which earned a shock and even Rein was looking at me with wide eyes.

“I know that we agreed on the contract but, I love you Rein. I don’t know what or how I can prove it or make you believe that I am saying the truth though but… I love you. And that’s all I know. So please, you said it yourself that Rein is already a part of the family. So please don’t deprive me of giving her the right to also be a Fujigaya!” I said as I bowed my head as low as I can.


I was surprised when the next thing I heard were chuckles and laughter from my grandparents.


“You are implying to marry her, yet you have not heard her answer yet. Why don’t you propose to her first and once she agrees, then we will think about it.” My grandfather said as he laughs. I hurriedly faced Rein and kneeled in front of her as I took off the silver ring and took out another box and opened it for her.

“Fukuyama Rein, I hereby cancel our contract before and am now asking you for a different one. Can you accept me as your fiancé and to be that man who will be with you for the rest of your life? That you will let me love you with all my heart and that you will only be the girl in my life?” I asked and I was so nervous I felt like rapping and saying it all out so fast.

I saw her teary eyes as she nods. “You idiot. How can I even have anybody else but you?” She said as she tries to wipe her tears and handed me her hand. I took it and placed the ring as I hugged her and gave her a loving kiss.

“A…hem…” My grandpa faked a cough as he saw us, and I immediately hugged her instead.

“It looks like I won!” My father chuckled as he nudged my grandpa. Wait… Won?

They all saw my confused face and started explaining.

“You see, my silly boy, the one we choose to be your fiancé was Rein. But then again you already decided on that little rebellion of yours and your father and grandpa decided to bet whether you can have the guts to push through or not. Your dad won since he bet that you will fall in love with Rein and marry her.” My mother carefully explained.

“Eh?” I was dumbfounded and Rein was all wide-eyed.

“I asked Kei to give you some ideas and it all went well. I was worried since you have that trauma but now, I know that you are to be happy.” My dad was laughing like crazy here now.

“Now, make sure you make her happy my dear Taisuke.” My grandma smiled and looked at us lovingly.

“Ok! Fine! Let’s decide on their wedding date.” Grandpa grumpily chuckled as I hugged Rein and gave her another loving kiss.

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