The first day of University life is a day full of all sorts of mixed emotions. There is this feeling of excitement as you embark on a new journey of your life. There is also this lingering feeling of anxiety of not knowing what lies ahead but also that feeling of surprise is enough to make you look forward to something new.

This is what they were thinking of as the three girls met.

“Ohayoo!” A cute and bubbly girl said as she adjusted her glasses. Her shoulder length hair is tied in a half ponytail as she lets the cool wind sway her hair. She is Chinen Yuki and is currently enrolled as a pharmacy student. Her bright greeting is reciprocated by a lovely smile from her friend, Fukuyama Rein.

All eyes were now on Rein as Yuki’s greeting was heard. Who would not notice such an elegant beauty? Rein let her long, straight, black hair flutter along with the cool wind. She was known as a beauty queen and a lady even in their previous school. Everyone knows her and they are all wondering why she is not a model yet. She received a lot of invitations from different agencies which she mysteriously declined. She has this feminine beauty, long legs and a perfect proportion. She carries an air of softness in her. As if seeing her makes you think of some fleeting cherry blossoms as her background.

“Ohayoo Yuki chan!” She said with a smile and you can see that her simple greeting shot arrows to hearts of several men around.

“Sorry I was a bit late.” Rein cutely apologized as she went beside Yuki and gave her best friend a hug.

“You do not need to apologize. You are just in time. But someone here is not.” Yuki said as she then sighed and looked at the clock.

“Well, some things really do never change.” Rein chuckled as she looks around.

“Oh!” Rein pointed at a certain direction as she saw a pair in their bicycles.

“YO!!!! Ohayo!” It was none other than the one they are waiting for, Nakajima Sato and her twin brother, Nakajima Yuto.

“Baka! You are late again!!!” Yuki said as she was about to hit Sato with her book, but Sato quickly dodged and handed them both a bento box

“Aish! I am only… 5 minutes late! Not much of a big deal! Here., I made these for you so we can share it later at lunch deshou!” Sato has always been that friend who has issues on tardiness and well, she always makes up the most reasonable excuses. If alibi making is a talent, then she surely is gifted.

“Ohayo! Gomen Yuki chan. This slowpoke here is hopeless. She is even a bit too proud saying this is already a big improvement.” Yuto said with a warm smile. He is like the definition of that “ball of sunshine” he is always full of positivity and energy that makes everyone around him feel good. He has a great sense of humor but can also be a great gentleman whenever needed.

Despite being twins, the two are awfully with distinct personalities and features. Yuto has sharp and manly features and his tall built makes him look like a real model. His sister on the other hand has very soft features and her layered hair emphasizes her big eyes and chubby cheeks makes her look cuter. She also lets out a boyish charm and some of her actions can mistakenly make you think she is an androgynous beauty. She then takes advantage of this as she usually plays bishounen roles on plays where she actively takes part of.

“Arigatou Yuto.” Yuki blushes as she looks at Yuto who has been her crush even when they were still kids.

“I made your favorites so spare me ok!” Sato let out a cheeky smile as she handed their bentos.

“Well, Yuki is in Pharmacy right? Rein is taking Broadcast Communication. Hmm…” Sato said while rubbing on her invisible beard.

“Yes, you are correct. What are you thinking about Mi-chan?” Rein referred to Sato as they usually call her Mi-chan since Sato always tell them that she is supposed to be named Satomi and that Sato alone sounds kind of lame.

“Well, I will be in Business Administration and Yuto will be in Biology. So he is in the same building with Yuki and it is quite far from your building and mine. But our buildings are near each other ne Rein chan. I am thinking where we should meet?” Sato was serious while thinking.

“There is a garden inside which is in the center of the whole university so we can all meet halfway there at lunch time. To begin with, why did you take Business Administration? I thought you will also be in Broadcast Communication like Rein!” Yuki said as she then decided to really smack Sato with her thick medicine book.

“Ouch! You know… It seems versatile. If I get bored, I can easily shift to another so no worries. Besides, Yuto here is the one who took medicine so he can take over our family’s hospital. Then if I succeed in this dreadful course, I can take care of the money matters! HAH!” Sato proudly said as she laughs out.

“Whatever!” Yuki sighed as she saw their weird friend out.

“So, lets see each other again ok! Lunch ok!” Sato smiled as she looks at her friends and they started walking their separate ways to their respective buildings.


“UNIVERSITY LIFE, HERE WE COME!” The three thought to themselves as they fixed their clothes and made their way to their respective buildings.

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