Chapter 8

I'm Back. But Do My 'Oppas' Know That?


We finally arrived at Sungjong's place, it was dark, cold and breezy.
And it really didn't help how nervous I was, at all.
I pouted up at the dark clouds.
Curse you weather.
Curse you.
Well. Instead of cursing the weather, I turned to look at my surprise.
And I was very surprised to find that, not only did they not live in the old dorms anymore.
They actually lived in a house.
Not saying that they can't live in a house, it's just that you don't find many singers living in a house because they're expensive.
I stared at the house in awe after I got out of the car and after I cursed at the weather, silently waiting for Sungjong to come by my side.
''What's with that face?'', Sungjong asked soothingly as he popped up beside me.
I bit on my lip, still looking at the house while crossing my arms.
''I thought you would of lived in a dorm''.
Sungjong chuckled.
''Mmm, well. Since INFINITE got a bit more popular, we earned a lot of money and the company decided to get us a house''.
I nodded. 
Slowly Sungjong found his hand in my hand.
''Let's go in''.
But I don't want to...
''Yes... Let's''.
Even if I was unsure.
Even if I dreaded to come here...
I have pepper spray Sungjong to protect me.


''I realize something'', I suddenly said out of the blue, as we slowly (and I mean very slowly) made our way to where... Those people were.
''Through out the 5 years we known each other for. I didn't even know the simplest things like where you lived... I mean I didn't even know you lived in a house''. I halted, to pout at him.
''I'm a bad girlfriend...''.
''Shush. You're not. Trust me. And to be honest my home and location doesn't matter-''
''-It does'' I interrupted.
''No it doesn't. Stop being difficult. At least you know now.''.
We carried on walking. Me mumbling ''I'm not difficult''.


When we got to the dining room.
Food was already laid out on the table.
Many, delicious food...
It was glowing.
All of it.
Waiting for me to gobble it all up.
''You're here!'' Sungyeol exclaimed as he saw as walk in.
Hoya was with Sungyeol too, helping Sungyeol adjust things, they were both wearing a cute apron.
Hoya was wearing a pink frilly apron, while Sungyeol wore a cream coloured apron with to pepero sticks on them fighting.
I smiled awkwardly at them, ''Nice aprons'', I complimented. 
''Thanks'', Sungyeol said with his gummy smile.
''I'll tell the others to come...'', Hoya said. Immediately walking out of the room.
''What's with him?'', I asked Sungyeol.
''Just embarrassed. Poor guy... He must not like his apron''.
Sungyeol sat in one of the chairs on the side, not bothering to take of his apron.
''Just sit on that end Bihyul'', Sungjong said, guiding me to my seat.
I nodded, moving then sitting down on the chair.
I'm like the queen on the end of her table... Never mind.
But then again it's quite difficult to get the food on the other side of the table...
The door burst open.
Along came 5 guys with drinks.
''We were just in the kitchen''. Dongwoo said with a goofy smile.
I nodded, genuinely smiling this time.
They place the drinks down and took their place.
Sungjong sitting on one of my side, Sunggyu on the other.
Anyone could of sat on the other end of the table...
And it had to be Myungsoo.
He was staring at me. 
Like he was waiting for something...
Obviously everyone notice us having a stare off, that someone had to cough a fake cough.
I stopped staring and turned to look at the cougher, who happened to be Sunggyu.
''Uh... I wanted to say something''.
Woohyun groaned, ''Can't we just eat?''.
''Shut up and listen!'' Sunggyu snapped at Woohyun, then looked back at me.
''I just wanted to say that I'm glad Bihyul's back. We all our. Even Myungsoo. Right Myungsoo?''.
Myungsoo started eating, he shrugged when Sunggyu asked again.
I sneered slightly at Myungsoo.
''Well... He is. He's just hungry...''.
Sunggyu... You're not convincing me.
''Did you know Myungsoo cooked all of this?'',  Sungyeol said gleefully.
''He's such a great cook''.
I looked at Myungsoo, ''Is he now?.. I bet I could cook better''. I teased.
Myungsoo smirked and shook his head while the others laugh.


When dinner was finally over, Sungjong escorted me upstairs to show me his room.
I looked at the door sign that said 'Sungjong and Myungsoo's room', I hesitated when Sungjong opened the door, waiting for me to come in.
''I can't..'' I mumbled.
''Hm? You can't what?'', he asked, obviously confused by me.
''Myungsoo...'', I barely whispered.
''Ah... Don't worry about him, he's cleaning up down stairs with the others,come in''.
I nodded, and skipped inside.
''Wah~ This room is big! You guys have two of each things'', I giggled at the matching furniture. 
''I can see why people support Myungjong'', I teased.
''Yah... Bihyul!''
I shook Sungjong's side and said cutely ''I was only joking~''.
''Yeah yeah... Oh!'', Sungjong jumped while putting a finger up, like he remembered something.
''Uh yeah?''.
''I forgot to hide the laundry! Aish... Be right back Bihyul. Just wait here ok?''.
I nodded, letting go of Sungjong to let him run off to attend his laundry.
I sat on one bed, which I presume was Sungjong's as it had his stuff teddy on his bed.
I grabbed the teddy, settling it down onto my lap, stroaking it's soft ears.
''Even if Sungjong beats you, you are still looked after'', I said to the unresponsive teddy with his shiny coat of fur.
I heard a knock on the door, looking up I saw Myungsoo with a glass of water in his hands, waiting for me to let him in.
''Um... You can come in. It's your bedroom''.
Myungsoo nodded, letting him self in.
He walked up to me.
I was getting scared, but I was relived once Myungsoo pasted me the glass of water.
''Sunggyu told me to give you this,just incase you were thirsty...''.
I nodded, watching Myungsoo as he was about to leave.
''Hey Myungsoo!'', I stopped him at his path.
He turned his head to the side.
''... Thanks... For the drink.'', I said, waving around the glass.
He nodded and resumed to what he was doing, I turned to look at the teddy once more, while drinking my glass of water.
I heard the door shake.
I looked up to find Myungsoo, grabbing furiously at the handle, not being able to open it.
I cocked my head to the said, thinking 'what the hell is going on?'.
Then it hit me.
This... Is a set up.
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did you really abandon this story? :')
Chapter 11: its been so long, update soon :(
Chapter 11: i really like jonggie...he's just so sweet and adorable....
infinitelove07 #4
Chapter 10: Update please!!!! The story is getting fun! ~~
mrsleesungjong #5
I love jongie. thank you for this.
Smileonce133 #6
Chapter 10: sungjong shouldn't date such a trust that 'myungsoo'
Ankzara17 #7
Chapter 9: Nooooo.... My old lady heart is about to rip off. How could Myunsoo do that! I am on Sungjong's team. He is sho shweet! But I'm still mad at him, why did he allow her and Myungsoo being in one room together? Please update.
myungie09 #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon... thank you... ^_^