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I'm Back. But Do My 'Oppas' Know That?

Here i am.. Sat.. Waiting.. Thumping my foot on the floor while my arms crossed my chest.

Where is that goon of a friend?

I waited irritatingly as my face started to sweat.

Wearing a face mask like out of something out of B.A.P.s Warrior MV isn't easy, obviously some ones going to suspect me, since i am at the airport, obviously waiting for someone.

Gosh.. And it's summer.. I thought as i wiped my forehead with my bony arms.

Why so bony? Well, these days i can't eat so much. There's a cat walk in Seoul and they asked me to be one of their models.. And i have to stay skinny as possible for it...

But after wards I'm going to eat as much as i can.. Even if i get fat that i have to quit being a model..

Food is seriously my life! 

I got out my phone from the suitcase since i was bored out of my mind and plugged in my ear phones as i started playing the Tsubasa Chronicles playlist.

I'm a er when it comes to animes. Especially the ones made by CLAMP.

I closed my eyes as i let the songs swift me away from this world.

The was starting to build up..

Until i heard a loud thud next to my seat which totally ruined it.

I turned to look at the person.. Sneering under my mask.

''Sungjong?!'' I screeched as jumped out of my skin, causing the distress Sungjong to cover his ears.

I removed my ear phones and turned off my phone.

''YOU!.. What are you doing here?'' I said as i pointed at Sungjong

''Even as time goes pass you still haven't learnt to stop pointing at people'' Sungjong said as he grabbed my finger and gently putted it away.

''Mianhe oppa~'' I said while pouting

''Aigoo. You sure have grown cute! And oppa? Hm i like the sound of that'' He said as he pinched my cheeks

''Ow ow, oppa that hurts!'' I said as i hit his hands out of the way ''And Taiwan's a great place if you want to be all happy, they have the most cutest stuff there!''

''So does Korea..'' Sungjong said confusingly

''Well Taiwan doesn't have something like Love Land'' I snapped

Sungjong burst out laughing ''You loved that place''

I scrunched my face up ''No it was horrible, oppa why did you bring me there? There could of been a scandal like 'Sungjong, the maknae of INFINITE unexpectedly goes to the Love Land', Oooo that would be the most awkward thing i would of ever read on a newspaper ''

I said as i cringed at that thought.

''You found it did you?'' Sungjong teased

My face went red ''No.. Not at all! Anyways.. What are you doing here? People are going to think your secretly dating someone''

''Aish.. You worry way too much! And L.Joe informed me he was going to pick you up, and he asked if i wanted to join him so it wouldn't look suspicious, he's in the car right now, come one''

Sungjong said as he got up, lending me a hand which i easily chose to accept.

You may be wondering, 'you've been in Taiwan for 5 years.. Why are you two in search good terms?', well that's easy!

In the holidays i would go to Korea and hang out with L.Joe, Jiyeon and Sungjong mainly because their my bestfriends.

I don't see my ulzzang friends so much anymore.. Which is sad.. But the good thing is Jiyeon is finally dating Jinho!

But let's keep it between us, since idols aren't aloud to date.. Unfortunately.. 

I walked up to the car which had black out windows.

Sungjong opened the door first to put the suitcases in the back seat.

I climbed into the car, glaring at the pink headed goon who sat in the front seat smile brightly at me.

''Hey...'' He said waving a bit.

''Your late.. As always'' I said emotionless

''Oh wow! Me and Sungjong ARE idols, it would take time to sneak out just to pick up a ulzzang'' He exclaimed, just at that moment Sungjong climbed into the car and sat by L.Joe in the front seat.

''Well next time let my parents pick me up, it would be so much easier and why do you make ulzzang sound like a bad thing?''

''Maybe it is.. Be happy that we're here!'' L.Joe said

''You guys.. Shouldnt we go?'' Sungjong asked worriedly

''No! I will go when i want to... *A few seconds passed* Ok let's go'' L.Joe said as he turned to the steering wheel.

At 23 years old I'm surprised L.Joe got his driving license.. He crashed so many times!

''Don't kill us..'' I mumbled

''I heard that! And where is my oppa?'' L.Joe snapped

''Ok.. Oppa~'' I rolled my eyes as i laid back.

It was quite a long journey back to my house in Seoul, and in this time i had a lot to think about.

And a lot of question in my head.

Will people recognize me?

Have my parents.. Forgiven me?

Are they going to try and marry me off again?

Will i see him.. I meant them again?


Well Korea.. I'm back to stay. 

Wahhhh you guys must be really happy that i made a sequel!

Thank you all that have subscribed, it's so hard to thank everyone personally as you guys pretty much subscribed near the same time and i was like.. Who should i thank first? But since i have no idea i will thank you guys here.

So thank you for subbing ^^

I seriously don't know how to start this.. So i hope this was ok.

Please request what you would like to happen, just in case i write something you dislike, but i will try my best to write something you guys will be ok with.

And please understand if i don't accept your request because there may be loads of people requesting and if i put that all together its going to look like a whole lot of one-shots being placed in a story. SO it would look confusing.


So let me explain Bihyul's character a bit more, she acts tough and cheeky with L.Joe and Jiyeon because they been friends since a hell of a long time.

Bihyul acts quite tough ad cheeky with Sungjong but also uses aegyo.

With him, Bihyul acts tough (Ok she acts tough and cheeky with everyone x)) But she also acts cold at times.

And so on and so on.

Well hey!

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did you really abandon this story? :')
Chapter 11: its been so long, update soon :(
Chapter 11: i really like jonggie...he's just so sweet and adorable....
infinitelove07 #4
Chapter 10: Update please!!!! The story is getting fun! ~~
mrsleesungjong #5
I love jongie. thank you for this.
Smileonce133 #6
Chapter 10: sungjong shouldn't date such a ...girl...plus trust that 'myungsoo'
Ankzara17 #7
Chapter 9: Nooooo.... My old lady heart is about to rip off. How could Myunsoo do that! I am on Sungjong's team. He is sho shweet! But I'm still mad at him, why did he allow her and Myungsoo being in one room together? Please update.
myungie09 #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon... thank you... ^_^