εїз ~Fly Away~ εїз (OPEN - Busy - Close)


Who Is This Shop For?


This shop is for:

  • The authors that want to sell and buy fanfics.
  • The authors that are in need of a co - author.
  • The authors that want to swap fanfics.


For Sale? To Buy?


For sale? To buy? What do I mean?


What I mean is... Is there a fanfic that you cannot for some reason finish off but you don't want to get rid of it?
Put it up for sale here, for a lucky author to buy off you.
Do you have a dream to write a fanfic but have no ideas what so ever to write about?
Buy a fanfic you fancy on here.
Co-authors? What Is That?
*cough* le *cough*
It basically means to have a collaboration. Authors together, helping each other build/produce/make/write a fanfic.
So if you need help, put your story up here for any interested co-authors about or if you interested in co-authoring a fanfic search here.
Swap -Te -Swap -Swap?
Swap- te-?.. Wait what?
Want to do something fun?
Then do a temporary swap!
It's basically when you and another author swap fanfics.
Risky, but hey, YOLO! (Nah I kid I hate that saying).
See what the other author can do, and if you don't like it you don't have to keep it.
Now guise.
I'll be the one who'll contact the author of your offer/request.
So I'll basically tell the author that they have a buyer, a co-author who is interested or has someone interested in swapping their fanfics.
But you can't buy/swap/co-author just any fanfic.
Only if it is listed:
To buy:
  • (page number and title goes here)
To swap:
  • (page number and title goes here)
To co-author:
  • (page number and title goes here)






Important Rules!


''Ain't nobody got time for dat''.

Seriously... Don't cause a problem with anyone. 


It'll be useless if you don't as you won't be up-to-date.

Be real.


Now don't expect the author who has your fanfic (or is working with you with your fanfic) is going to know all about the fanfic. 
I'm telling please, provide very detailed information about you fanfic.
Go in deep about each and every character.
What is their background?
Their dream?
Their attitude and style?
Age and looks?
Be so desciptive with it because this will seriously help the author with the fanfic and this will help them get what the fanfic is all about and what you are looking for them to write about..
From my experience, I was given a fanfic to work with but I had no clue about anything, I kept on and on to the author, probably to the point I pissed of the author.
But this will only happen if you don't actually help each other out!
A price.
Now, now. I get it.
Buying a fanfic does cost some karma.
Yes there is a price.
Yes karma.
The author selling the fanfic will put a price for their fanfic and the buyer will pay in karma points to the author your buying from, not pay me, pay the author.
And authors... 
The price can not be over 500 karma points.
Purpose: (selling, buying etc)
Title of fanfic:
Description/Information about the fanfic:
I am interested in this fanfic:
Title of fanfic:
Information about your fanfic:
Title of fanfic your interested in:
I need a co-author for my fanfic called:
I am interested in co-authoring:

Now I'm off to work TT.TT


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