Part 5

Lost Sisters
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Ryujin brought the packed stuff into the house and would get ready of some things.


Y: Well, the room I’m talking about is done!


R: What do you mean?


Y: It’s already fixed!


R: Thanks then...


Y: So, what happened to your face?


R: (Am I supposed to say what happened earlier? Hell yeah, if I didn’t tell her the truth, she could have me reported but let’s see how it goes.)


R: A black eye, broken nose, got punched hard in the face by attackers. I should tell you the whole story since you might not understand why.


Y: Alright...


R: The night before midnight, Yeji and Chaeryeong went out for a walk in the night. They stumbled across a park and an unknown stranger.


Y: But why would they go out in the night?


R: The thing is, the stranger was about to threaten Chaeryeong when Yeji fought the stranger. And, it was a trap.


Y: I would regret seeing Yeji fight those people...


R: Yeji got badly beaten up, she’s in a situation like me now. Hurt knees and legs, they kicked her in the face and she couldn’t move or speak properly.


Y: Is she knocked out?!


R: That’s when Chaeryeong called me. I was at a motorbike shop to look for something. I bought a motorbike for myself and when I brought it outside, I answered it.


R: She told me that they were at a park with lots of strangers that might get her next. So I had to ride the bike and accelerate fast breaking the speed limit just to save them.


R: When I arrived, Yeji was already about to be knocked out when I did a grand entrance. Before I was going to beat em up, I promised Yeji and Chaeryeong that I could finish all of them.


R: Before I could even do so, two guys punched and kicked me, and one guy pushed me until the point that th

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