Chapter 3

Heaven is Betting on Us

Yeri looked at the princess as she spoke with her escorts. They seemed to be discussing where everyone would be sleeping. Yeri never really considered this a topic that could be won but Chaeyoung seemed to be winning it.

The princess was an enigmatic personality, powerful and all the things a princess should be but all the things they shouldn’t as well. 
The knights were stood to outside the small cottage and Lady Dahyun was set to sleep in the sitting room. Yeri was not sure why she would be allowed to sleep in the same room as the princess but she would not question it.  

“I will be sleeping on the floor.” 

The princess seemed taken aback “Isn’t that uncomfortable?” 

“I have slept in worse places my princess. And it is not too hard a surface.” 

“Nonsense. I will not displace you.” Her words were firm and certain. 

“It would be…improper to give you anything less than a full bed to yourself.” 

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “I am the Princess. You will share this bed with me, that is my final statement on the manner.” 

Yeri bent at the waist into a bow. Sharing a bed? That wasn’t what she had expected of the princess. She had been expecting… well she wasn’t sure what she had been expecting but it certainly wasn’t that. To share a bed with a princess was so strange. 

But she had done stranger.  

They each turned to give privacy as they changed into their delicate night clothes.  

The bed itself was a large thing, definitely large enough for two people. It had been Yeri’s moment of impulsive luxury when she had moved into the cottage on her own. she had been so used to sharing a cramped space with others that she had wanted a large comfortable thing all for herself. She had never imagined it would be shared like this. 

It was cozy but not what Yeri would call comfortable. This was a princess, a member of royalty. Yeri was a witch without a coven, hiding in a cottage in the woods. There was a constant fear of messing this up, and the repercussion of doing so. 

Yet as they lay in bed silently, there was a connection. A desire to talk without fully knowing what to say. Yeri could almost hear Chaeyoung’s mouth open to ask a question, then close as she changed her mind.  

“Why do you want this spell stopped so badly?” 

A few moments passed in silence as the princess thought through her answer. “I… do not find any appropriate matches among my mother’s preferred suitors.” 

“Yes, that is what you said earlier but there must be more to it than that.” 

Chaeyoung paused again before rolling onto her back to stare at the ceiling. “I do not possess any desire for men.” 

“You d- oh.” She had met others who had spurned male attention in favor of women instead. In fact, it had practically been encouraged within Irene’s coven. She had never really thought too hard about any of her own preferences, preferring not to consider it. but for a member of the royal family, it would be a much different situation.“I understand. It is possible that this spell could mark a female partner for you. They may never realize the importance of being marked by the spell.” 

Yeri laid staring at the wall. She could feel the warmth of the princess’s body next to her. She was silent but still awake, seemingly processing what had been said. A light blush colored across Yeri’s cheeks. If Chaeyoung was interested in women, sharing a bed was even more improper than she had initially thought. However, to bring it up now would be pointless. They were already in this situation after all. Simply sleeping would be the best choice at this point. 

Even if the warmth stirred a feeling that Yeri dared not dwell on. 


Yeri woke up with the sun as she always did, carefully scrambling out of bed so as to not wake Chaeyoung. Breakfast needed to be ready once the princess was awake. The spell had to performed in an optimal situation, which meant as early as possible.  

The others slowly approached the table just as Yeri laid out the eggs and toast on plates around the table. They were probably used to fancier food but Yeri provided what she could. It was always important to give a good impression. 

As the others ate, Yeri prepped the spell jar. All of the ingredients had been present but the last of the magic itself had to be added in. This took the form of whispered chanting as she stirred the mixture with a spoon. She could feel the energy prickling in the air as the magic worked into the mixture. 

“Princess, you will need to bare a section of skin where you will be marked.”

Chaeyoung nodded as she finished her food. “Would my chest suffice?” 

Yeri startled in shock “No, that would be too… noticeable a space. This should be a hidden spot so that it cannot be falsely replicated. It also would be very large.” 

She took a moment to think. “My back then.” 

Lady Dahyun spoke up, “May I suggest the low part of your back? That way you will be able to wear all types of dresses without worry of it being exposed.” 

Chaeyoung nodded, “Yes this would be ideal. a hidden place, but not the most improper to reveal to someone if needed.” 

“Then I will need you to expose that area so I may apply magic there.” 

Dahyun coughed lightly. “The princess should do that in a private room. I will help her to undress properly in your back room." 

Yeri nodded. She had been expecting to do this on a leg. Somewhere more intimate might need a moment of preparation. The two women went into

Yeri’s bedroom and after a few moments, Dahyun walked back out. 

It was time. The witch picked up the spell jar and a paintbrush before heading into the bedroom.  

Yeri gulped at little at the sight of a topless princess laying across her bed. If last night had been improper, this was outright scandalous. Her underskirts were still on but her entire top half was . Her dark hair was a sharp contrast to her pale skin on display. She looked like one of the illustrations Yeri had seen in books of ethereal creatures from other realms. 

Yeri climbed onto the bed, straddling the princess as she lay face down on the bed. the movement was so improper, yet it had to be done. A blush colored both women’s faces all the same. 

Yeri’s hand shook lightly as she dipped the paintbrush into the jar. She took a deep breath. The design in her mind was as clear as an engraving, there was no way she could get it wrong. Her hand would follow the lines in her mind, the magic would make sure of it. In this moment, she was all but a vessel for the magic flowing into Chaeyoung’s skin. 

Slowly the paintbrush began to trace spirals onto the skin of her back. The fluid left behind looked like a thick line of liquid gold, shimmering in the daylight that was trickling in the window. Slowly, the image took shape. Swirls made way to clouds and curving symbols in the ancient language of magic. Each piece had been specifically chosen for their magical meanings and importance to build and contain the spell. 

As the image finished, the gold started to fade into a deep black. Chaeyoung let out a gasp as the colors shifted and solidified. The spell setting in hurt, Yeri knew that. All spells did. But this one seemed lighter than usual. Yeri could almost feel the magic prickling across Chaeyoung’s skin, a much more pleasant sensation than the usual burning. And then it was settled. The image was marked into her skin with a thick permanent line.  

Yeri lifted herself off of Chaeyoung and off of the bed.  

“The spell has been completed. Lay there for a moment so it can settle while I fetch Lady Dahyun for you. You will be able to be on the road shortly.” Yeri turned to the door, her hand on the doorknob when the princess spoke.

“Thank you Yerim.”

Yeri paused. She turned back and gave a small smile. “I hope the other marked with this will be someone you can love.” 

Chaeyoung was turned, her face smiling at year over her still bare shoulder “I hope so as well."

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Chapter 6: She in love doe
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorites tbh
caramelpudding5 #3
Chapter 4: Wow this is good, looking forward to it!
Chapter 4: Oh just you wait Chaeyoung!
Im a new reader!
Chapter 3: I bet it’s gonna be Yerim
Chapter 2: ohhhh Im exited!!!!!
Chapter 2: This is really interesting and I like your writing style!