Childhood and Close to Debut Stage

I becoming more selfish...


You and I grew up together, yes, we are childhood friends. We cared, loved each other a lot. We started dating at the age of 15, and that is when you started your training to become a singer. Even though we couldn't see each other, we still texted, called each other. It meant a lot to me just by doing those things, I was happy just to hear your voice. I was really happy that you belong to me that time. Before you started training, we had so much fun together, we ate, talked, everything...we did everything together. But, everything is going to change...I knew that you are going to be big, your voice is beautiful and it deserves to be heard by the world, not just me. I felt special that I was the only one who could hear your voice, but that was your voice is for all your fans...not just me. But, I am happy that you are able to do something you always wanted to do, when we were younger, everyone always made fun of you because you were short and scrawny, but look at you now, very muscular and handsome. Now, every man out there is jealous of your looks and all the girls are going to go crazy over you, which I would not like. You were too busy to hand out, which I did not mind at first, cause you are doing something that you loved and I am happy seeing you having fun with everything you are doing and that is all that matter to me. 

My birthday, our one month anniversary, your birthday, our two month anniversary, three month, fourth month, fifth month...we could never spend it together. But, you always gave me something for those occasions, which made me feel better that you still remember those days. You will always call on those days, and we would sometimes webcam, but it would never last longer than 30 minutes. But, I could not complain because I noticed your dark circles, you just looked so tired. Even when you are going to school, there are always girls surrounding you, and I could never get close to you. I did not mind at first cause you were already tired, I did not want to add more pressure to you...I just kept everything to myself...

You and your members trained for two years. Now that you are 17 years old, you and your members are planning to debut this year. I am really happy that they can finally debut after training for two years, but to me it felt like 100 years. But, just seeing his face so happy that he is going to debut, everything just goes away. 

One day, he came to your house and everyone in the house was not home. He knocked on the door and I opened the door. When I saw SungGyu's face I was so surprised because it felt like i haven't seen it for a long long time. Tears just fell out of your eyes, I did not know why...Maybe I was just so happy to see him standing in front of me. 

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Oh, y-yeah!" I said welcoming him in. 

When he enters, he quickly hugged you tightly. He whispered, "I miss you so much" and "I'm sorry, I been so busy for the past two years...I love you a lot..." I started to cry and I wanted him to hold me longer. He held me tighter, it felt so nice, I haven't hugged him like this for two seemed longer than that though. But, I did not mind, at least he is here now and that is all it matters to me. 

"SungGyu, Aren't you happy and excited that you are debuting?" I smiled at him while entwining my fingers to his. And you blushed.

"I'm very happy, and I'm happy that I have a girl that is there for me!" He laid a soft and gentle kiss on your forehead, and you blushed until you turn crimson. And he smirked at you, making you blush more. I got up to get a drink for him, but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down sitting between his legs. I blushed even more. 

"Yah! SungGyu! Let me go!" I said while blushing. He notices you blushing so much, which makes him happy. *Cute* 

"Never, we haven't been together for a while and you want me to let go of you." He smirked and laid a small kiss on your check leaving a mark there, which means you only belong to me and no one else. You felt sparks from your legs to the top of your head. 

"You only belong to me...Don't let anyone touch you, got it" He said while laying a kiss on your cheeks. 

I nodded and kissed him back on the lips. That evening was the best day of my life! I could never forget this day. Both of you guys spent the evening watching TV together. When you weren't paying attention, he slipped something into your pocket. 

It is time for him to leave, it was 8PM. He needs to go home and rest for his debut stage was is coming up. I hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheeks. I was going to move back from him, but he suddenly grabbed me closer to him and he kissed me on my lips...After that he left. 

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kylakaren #1
kyahh!! how i wish i'm soyeon!
WHY CANT I BE SOYEON TT good story!! love ittttt!
I wish i was soyeon in this story T.T but not with my bestfriend died , of course ... btw , nice story , keep up the good work author !! hwaiting ^^
Thanks everyone:D
that was sweet. although i thought soyeon was the one to die...nah don't mind me, i like tragedy... =))
amazing story ^^