Wedding crashers

Here come the gays
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The RSVP was mocking him. Soonyoung knew it was.

He lightly caressed the envelope, feeling the criss-cross texture at the pad of his fingers, his mind slightly dazed.

It was supposed to be one ordinary and boring Monday morning but then this suddenly arrived in his office, catching Soonyoung extremely off-guard.

A flash of annoyance crossed his eyes. His lips pursed as he glanced at the senders’ names.

Who would have thought they would still remember him after all these years? And they happen to just send him their wedding invitation – of all things , he thought with an eye roll. ing incredible!

A rueful smile then appeared on his lips. Somehow he couldn’t help but feel a tad bitter.

Soonyoung gazed at the invitation in his hands; memories he desperately buried deeply in the recesses of his mind suddenly resurfacing.

His lips twitched. He wasn’t amused at all.

"It's not you, it’s me.”

The most cliché break-up line was uttered by those lips; the lips he had touched, the lips he had caressed, the lips he had kissed – the words he had never believed would befall unexpectedly and devastatingly came from those damn beautiful lips.

“It’s not you, it’s me.”

Those cursed words…

He couldn’t believe it.

He still couldn’t believe it.

“I’m sorry.”

Two years.

The relationship they had carefully cultivated; the relationship they had desperately fought for; the relationship they had deeply treasured and cherished – those two precious years – ended with just an apology.

No fighting.

No explanations.

No shouting.

No tears.

No nothing .

Two years of love and tenderness ended just like that – "I'm sorry."

How depressingly anticlimactic, right?

He expected for the break-up to be with much more fanfare than this. More reasons. More excuses. More conflicts. More drama. Just more . But a mere apology? Just an apology? It was as if the other party was sorry they had loved him, had given a part of their heart to him – it was seriously heartbreaking and devastating.

And the “I’m sorry” could mean so many things. It could be their regrets, their doubts , their shame, their anything !

Soonyoung seriously wanted to sue!

“I hope you’d find someone better.”

Empty words – that was the only thing Soonyoung thought of at that time.

“I hope you’d find someone better.”

He really wanted to laugh when he heard it. Someone better? Why did he have to find “someone better?” Soonyoung couldn’t understand it at all. Can’t they be that someone? He pleaded repeatedly – pathetically as well. He threw away his dignity just for their love yet the other simply shook his head at him.

“I’m not worth it,” was all they had said.

The love of his life, the man of his dreams, exited his life just like that.

Funnily – or quite ironically – enough, only a month after the break-up, his ex-lover suddenly had someone new by his side.

A new lover!

And it was to a girl mind you!

All those promises, all those reassurances, they were all for naught. Life really loves playing with Soonyoung, doesn’t it? He internally scoffed.

He glanced at the elegant RSVP etched across the envelope.

The invitation was really taunting him, wasn’t it? Mocking him; mocking his love, mocking his heartache – he seriously wanted to rip the horrid thing into shreds just like how they had torn apart his already hurting heart.

Oh how much he wanted to tear them to pieces!

“Sending such a thing to me of all people,” he sneered, glaring at the invitation with utmost disdain. “Are they serious? Or have they grown stupid throughout these years?”

Soonyoung shook his head.

Without a care, he tossed the envelope to the side and stood up. His lunch break was almost over and he hasn’t eaten anything yet. His stomach’s more important than the stupid invitation in his hands.

The answer for his RSVP, Soonyoung would leave it for later.

He’d send a reply tonight.

Or better yet, maybe never .



Soonyoung stared at his senior – or rather his hyung as the latter had adamantly insisted on their first meeting – with cautious eyes.

Yoon Jeonghan was someone who couldn’t be trifled with. Everyone in the office knows him. No . Scratch that. Everyone in the building knows him. He’s quite a popular one – an angel most of the time but was frankly a devil in disguise. Kind yet evil to the bones, soft-hearted and warm like the sun but also downright cruel when needed; he’s an interesting kind of paradox if Soonyoung was completely honest.

He’s also doggedly stubborn.

When Yoon Jeonghan's decided on something, he’d push through with it until the end. A good trait, quite steadfast actually, but usually a headache for their president, Lee Jihoon, during meetings; his stubbornness though was still considered a good trait wholly as a person nonetheless.

On the down-side, when he’s locked down his attention on someone, it’d be like going through Hell and back to Earth a hundred or so times. Dog-headed to the point you’d rather meet with Grandmother Meng and drink The Soup of Forgetfulness instead.

That’s how Yoon Jeonghan is to everyone.

And now, it seemed like Soonyoung was the lucky one amongst the interns to capture his undivided – and seriously un-welcomed – attention. He had invited the younger after work for a small get-together with their office’s employees and some others from the company upstairs.

Soonyoung was carefully considering it.

It’s not that he’s hesitant to get drunk on a Friday night but somehow there was a foreboding feeling bubbling at the bottom of his stomach. Without rhyme or reason, he felt like going out tonight – of all nights – would change his life; for better or worse, he wasn't sure.

Every cell inside of him was screaming at him not to go yet he instinctively – and regrettably – glanced back at Jeonghan and clearly saw his expression.

Soonyoung almost cursed out loud.

The elder was looking at him with wide, open eyes and his lips jutted into that kind of pout which could cause an empire’s downfall. And Soonyoung – poor, poor Soonyoung – honestly didn’t have the heart to say no.

With a defeated sigh, Soonyoung finally nodded his head and squeaked out a barely audible ‘okay.’

“Oh yeah,” Jeonghan then said. He looked at Soonyoung, his eyes sparkling with obvious mischief. The younger's heart suddenly thudded inside his chest. Somehow he didn’t like that look on this cunning hyung of his.

“Bring along your cousin from that café!” Jeonghan suggested. “I know someone would love to see him tonight,” he evilly grinned.



When Yoon Jeonghan finally left his cubicle and returned to his own office, Soonyoung just then realized he had been used.



NCT – or NEO Culture Technologies – was the name of the company a floor above Soonyoung’s. They’re an up-and-coming IT company which specializes in mystery solving games. Soonyoung had tested out their debut game sample version earlier and, to be quite honest, was immediately hooked!

“So when will the game be released?”

Soonyoung asked the person beside him whilst he took a small sip from his beer.

When he didn’t wince from the bitter taste this time around, pride swelled in his heart. He can finally drink beer now!

Qian Kun, the intern he had befriended from NCT, adjusted his glasses and took a sip from his own beer. “Maybe in a month or two,” he answered. “Taeyong is still trying to find bugs,” he added as he nodded his head towards the president of their company who was busy talking – it looked more like debating – with Soonyoung’s own boss. Lee Taeyong and Lee Jihoon were unexpectedly cousins. “He wants to release the game in utmost perfection.”

Soonyoung snorted and rolled his eyes. “They're cousins alright,” he muttered. The two of them shared a look and then chortled.

Someone – it was Yoon Jeonghan – then came back from God-knows-where with a couple more glasses with him again. Seeing the additional liquor, everyone started cheering, howling like mad.

He internally grimaced. Thankfully they’re in a private room or else they’d definitely get into a fight with how loud they currently were.

His eyes scanned their table. Glasses upon glasses were already emptied out, almost b the entirety of the table's available space. His colleagues seem to drink alcohol like it was just water, honestly. Soonyoung could hardly imagine the state of their liver from all the beer and soju they had all consumed the entire night. He wouldn't want to think about the collosal of a hangover they'd surely have the next daym

Luckily for him, with his low alcohol tolerance, the one glass he had been nursing the whole night was already enough for Soonyoung to get tipsy. He honestly didn't want to get drunk - or worse, faint.

Yet of course, life just had to ruin it for him.

Again .

Hong Jisoo – his dearly beloved cousin – had kindly placed a glass of beer and a shot of soju in front of him. Dark brown eyes stared at him with a strange, mischievous glint. “Heads up, Soonie!” his cousin urged. “The love of your life is getting married this Sunday, why not dedicate this drink as congratulations to your supposed dream wedding?” he suggested, his grin becoming audaciously bright.

Soonyoung stared at the glasses and then to Jisoo and back to the glasses again, his expression turning grimmer and grimmer by the second.

“Oh? The love of his life is getting married?” Jeonghan asked, intrigue obvious in his tone. Jisoo nodded his head and moved the glasses closer to Soonyoung. “Yeah,” the latter confirmed. “Beach wedding in Jeju. Romantic, isn't it?”

The younger then viciously glared at his cousin. It had been months since he had received the invitation and even until now, two days before the wedding, he still hasn’t given a reply to the RSVP. He had forgotten all about it actually – busy with work and all that. Honestly, he didn’t want to bother about it – or basically remember it – at all but it seemed like Jisoo had other plans for bringing that up – of all nights – tonight.

Jeonghan lowly whistled and raised up his glass. “Cheers to your supposed happy ending, Soonie!” he madly cackled.

The others, seeing someone raising a glass albeit not knowing what for, also did the same. They urged, cheered, goaded Soonyoung into drinking as well.

He shouldn’t have invited Jisoo tonight.

He shouldn’t have agreed to Jeonghan hyung’s invite.

He shouldn’t at all!

But alas! It was already late for regrets, Soonyoung internally sighed.

Begrudgingly giving in, Soonyoung took the glasses and combined the drinks together. He then closed his eyes and pursed his lips. He raised the glass and slightly sniffed the mixture. Soonyoung almost blanched because of the smell but immediately and painstakingly calmed himself.

Bracing himself, he took a deep breath and downed the horrid liquid in one gulp.

Soonyoung almost felt proud.

He didn’t faint at all.

Nope . He really didn’t.

He just vomited.

On someone .




Warm .

He was definitely and contentedly warm.

It had been years since Soonyoung felt like this – or ever .




Simply content.

This realization had surely surprised him.

He felt the warmth tighten around him as if afraid Soonyoung would escape from its confines. A smidgen of a smile appeared on his lips. He’d be an idiot if he would.

Soonyoung furrowed deeper, wanting to get impossibly closer to the warmth.

Like how the sun covers everything with its sunshine; dancing along the streets, teasing the buildings, touching the windows, and caressing the skin – Soonyoung could feel the warmth overwhelming him, cocooning and embracing him like a soft, soft blanket.

He grasped tightly onto this blanket and greedily breathed in, the fragrance calming and soothing.

A satisfied sigh then escaped from his lips.

He was definitely warm.

Soonyoung was then lulled back to sleep, a fuzzy feeling unknowingly blossoming in his heart.



Sunlight passed through the curtains, caressing Soonyoung’s skin with its warmth. His head was slightly aching but the warmth spreading throughout his body was keeping the headache at bay, slightly numbing the pain. He languidly stretched, hearing his frigid bones crack. A tiny smile crossed his lips. When was the last time he felt this… relaxed? It was as if all of Soonyoung’s troubles had been flushed out of his system in just one night.

This… this was really unexpected yet not unwelcomed.

He missed this feeling – being at ease, languid, and untroubled.

It truly had been a while.

He then sighed and finally opened his eyes.

Luxurious sheets first greeted his gaze. He blinked once. And then twice. Now… this was obviously not his . Surprised and a tad confused, Soonyoung scrambled to sit up and cautiously looked around the room, wrapping the sheets around him securely.

Aside from the sheets as luxurious and soft as clouds, the bed itself was pristine and regal – large and spacious befitting of a king with its golden – it was definitely freaking gold – headboard.

The decorations around the room were excessively lavish as well.

His heart seemed to have jumped up his throat.

This was definitely not his room. It seemed like... a suite in a five-star hotel…

His eyes then incredibly widened. The realization scared Soonyoung to bits!

Before he could even have a mental breakdown of his whereabouts, a figure entered through the double doors. Unbelievably – or not, there was an ante-room in this obviously expensive suite. Soonyoung stared at the figure walking towards him, his heart palpitating madly.

The person was wearing a white button-down shirt, its sleeves rolled up to his elbows – which was neatly tucked in matching grey slacks, it fit snug to the owner and perfectly accentuating the long legs. The look was simple, neat and crisp which should have made him look quite dull – it was just an ordinary business attire after all – yet Soonyoung couldn’t look away from him. He looked like some model out of a business magazine – or some CEO-themed , his dirty mind quietly whispered.

Soonyoung was seriously wondering if he had died of alcohol poisoning and had gone to heaven...

When their gazes met, the man’s lips quirked upwards in a form of greeting.

His brows furrowed together. He didn’t know the man – someone as eye-catching as him, Soonyoung would definitely remember – yet it was obvious the latter knew him.

He pondered deeply, desperately trying to recall what happened last night.

The man really seemed uncannily familiar.

“I brought you breakfast,” the unknown man told him as he leisurely walked towards him.

It was only then Soonyoung noticed the attendants following behind him. His eyebrow raised unconsciously. They then placed the trays on the table a few feet away from him and then dutifully excused themselves out of the room.

Soonyoung didn’t bother with them anymore and turned to the man again. He tilted his head to the side, still pondering his identity.

He really was familiar to him.

As if reading Soonyoung’s thoughts, the man flashed him a wide open smile with his deep dimples showing and said nothing. He just sat and gazed at him, his smile turning a bit dazzling the more Soonyoung looked.

The man’s smile made him a bit dazed.

Deep-set dimples and a cute gummy smile…

He swallowed thickly. The man before him was seriously gorgeous.

As the man eventually sat an arm’s length away from him, Soonyoung caught a whiff of his cologne. It wasn’t the normal strong masculine cologne his colleagues usually wore. The fragrance was more on the subtle side, with a sweet citrus undertone.

A warm feeling oddly spread throughout his chest. Soonyoung reeled in his instincts to burrow his nose on the other’s chest.

He really smelled good.

Like heavenly good.

With this thought, his eyes then widened remarkably.

Ah! Now he remembers!

Choi Seungcheol – that was his name.

His lips pursed, stopping himself from blanching outright. He was desperately stopping himself from screaming out loud.

Choi Seungcheol – that was the name of the man he had unluckily puked on last night.

A grimace then immediately crossed his face.

And… He swallowed thickly.

Choi Seungcheol – that was the name of his boss' best friend.

That Choi freaking Cheol!

Oh, Soonyoung really wanted to dig up a hole to hide in right now.

He really did it this time, didn’t he?

Soonyoung internally shook his head. He really shouldn’t have gone out last night, he internally berated himself.

What face could he show to his colleagues? To his boss? Or even to his cousin? Not only did he embarrass himself with puking his guts out and eventually fainting like a dead fish, he had even gone home with the man who had graciously helped him.

This was absolute sacrilege!

Where were his morals? Where were his principles? Where was his integrity?

Soonyoung really wanted to die.

A low, melodic chuckle then woke him up from his inner misery.

He looked up and met with Seungcheol’s gaze; pretty doe eyes glistening with amusement. “Eat first,” Seungcheol told him. “ Then you can go back having your mental breakdown,” he teased.

His cheeks flushed in embarrassment and shame. He turned away from those pretty doe eyes, his lips jutting into a small pout.

Seungcheol merely shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. He then pulled Soonyoung up and out of the bed, his arm automatically encircling his waist. He gazed down at the other and smiled. “Eat some breakfast,” he said, his voice soft and gentle like coaxing a child. “You’d definitely need it.”

With his cheeks still burning, Soonyoung frigidly nodded his head and followed the other towards the table.

He had been so distracted with his inner turmoil that Soonyoung failed to notice the abundance of dishes Seungcheol had prepared for them. He stared at the spread in front of them and gazed at Seungcheol, his eyebrow raising in good surprise. No words could explain his surprise – or rather disbelief.

Who could blame him? The table was filled to the brim!

There was Jaecheop-guk (golden freshwater clam soup), Bbyeo Haejang-guk (pork spine soup), Bok-guk (pufferfish soup), Seonji Haejang-guk (soup with congealed oxblood), Bugeotguk (dried pollock soup), Kongnamul-Guk (bean sprout soup), two bowls of rice, and couple of side dishes.

Was this really breakfast? This was a freaking buffet!

Soonyoung helplessly gulped, finally feeling his hunger.

He hadn’t eaten much last night because he knew they were going out. Also, he had graciously vomited his stomach’s entire content thus Soonyoung was wholeheartedly famished!

He picked up his chopsticks and chose the Seonji Haejang-guk.

Pushing aside the awkwardness of his situation, Soonyoung decided to just eat to his heart’s satisfaction.



“Where are we?”

Soonyoung finally asked the million-dollar question.

Breakfast had been an ordeal but Seungcheol eventually broke the ice. He helped Soonyoung with deshelling the clams, nagged at him to eat slowly, and even offered to order dessert – which Soonyoung profusely refused because he was already awfully full.

The earlier awkwardness soon blossomed into a more welcoming and friendly – almost intimate – atmosphere between them.

Freshly out of the shower with fresh new clothes – thanks to Seungcheol again – Soonyoung finally had the mind to care about their location. He tried to remember – even wanting to smash his head onto the wall just for the heck of it – but his memory was still in a blur. All he could recall was the moment he vomited on the other and their car ride to God-knows-where; after that was simply nothing.

It’s honestly a bit alarming but at least there was someone trustworthy with him. Someone he unexpectedly felt safe and secure with despite them being strangers just hours ago.

So with eyes filled with expectation and nervousness, he bravely asked Seungcheol.

“Where are we?” he repeated.

Almond eyes met with doe eyes.

“We’re in Jeju,” the latter answered, his figure standing by the windows. “You took me to the airport and made me buy the tickets,” he added with a chuckle.

Soonyoung’s heart plummeted instantly. His expression dropped and his face paled. He almost collapsed onto the bed; instead his just not-so elegantly met the mattress with a thud. “Jeju?” he repeated, his voice slightly quivered. “We’re in Jeju?” he asked, eyes wide.

He needed to make sure.

Were they seriously in Jeju?

Or was his mind still filled with soju and beer?

Seungcheol noticed his expression, a small frown forming on his lips. He then slowly nodded his head. “Yes,” he carefully replied. “We’re in Jeju,” he affirmed.

He then tilted his head to the side and closely gazed at Soonyoung, making the other a tad stifled. “You really forgot what happened last night?” Seungcheol asked, brows furrowed together. “Everything we talked about?” he added.

Soonyoung nodded rigidly, his jaw tense and his expression taut.

He couldn’t utter a single word. His heart was hammering wildly inside his chest. He still couldn’t get over the fact that they were in Jeju – Jeju of all places, really!

He honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Life really loved playing with him.

“I told you about my ex's wedding,” Seungcheol started.

Just hearing the word ‘wedding’ triggered some memories for Soonyoung. He wanted to calm himself down but his mind was already racing.

“We had a nasty break-up,” the other continued, not noticing his panic-stricken eyes. “Even before we separated, we were always fighting,” he shared. “Fighting about our schedules, fighting about our dates, fighting about our clothes, even fighting about our text messages – you can clearly see our relationship was turning for the worst.” Seungcheol then sifted a hand through his hair, sighing heavily. “And then one day, we just had enough.”

“She told me she wanted to end things and I readily agreed, thinking I was too tired – mentally and emotionally – to deal with her and our relationship any longer.” Seungcheol gazed out of the window, a doleful smile on his face. He looked as if he was reliving the moment of their break-up; there was a flash of hurt in his gaze but it quickly passed and disappeared. Soonyoung would have missed it too if he wasn't staring at the other, somewhat engrossed at the man he barely knew yet was growing fonder of by the minute.

He was definitely gorgeous – ethereally beautiful if Soonyoung would be perfectly honest.

Seungcheol then turned his gaze back onto him. “One would think that I’d be relieved after we broke up but honestly,” he drawled out with another heart-wrenching sigh. “I was seriously and immensely broken,” he said, shaking his head.

“Once my anger subsided, I realized how stupid I was for breaking up with her just like that. I was too stupid to give up that easily,” he said. “I called her numerous times to try and get back together. But she didn’t pick up – not even once,” he sighed. “I texted her, texted her family, texted her friends, texted everyone, anyone, I knew that was close to her, just to talk to her and beg her. Yet she never yielded – she never did,” he furthered.

“When my number was blocked, I went to her school but her friends told me that she dropped out. I then went to her house. The housekeeper said she went on a vacation. I wanted to chase after her yet I also realized she needed the space. She needed to be away from everything – from me . So I gave it to her.”

Soonyoung wanted to reach out to the other but he was still frozen in place on the bed, his mind whirring back to his own break-up. He could clearly understand how Seungcheol felt – being left behind by the person who held the most importance in your heart? It definitely hurt like Hell!

Seungcheol then crossed his arms over his chest and then grinned at him. “Then I met you last night,” he said, cocking his head to the side. “And you encouraged me to finally chase after her.”

His heart almost jumped out of his chest.

“You want to crash their wedding?” Soonyoung couldn't help but blurt out, greatly alarmed by the bold gaze the other had. He pegged Seungcheol as a gentleman, not some rogue out for blood. He was all supportive of second chances – everyone deserves it he believes – but to actually crash a wedding ? This was a line of thought Soonyoung never had the heart – or the courage – to seriously do in his entire lifetime. Even if he casually entertained the idea for his own ex.

So he stared with wide eyes at the other, disbelief and horror clear in his gaze.

“Something like that,” Seungcheol answered, shrugging his shoulders indifferently.

He then handed a blaringly familiar envelope to Soonyoung. “We’re in the same hotel as to where their wedding will be held. It’d be tomorrow,” he told him. “And you’re going to be my date!”

When Soonyoung closely saw the invitation, he seriously wanted to curse the heavens.

Seungcheol’s ex and his ex were the ones getting married!

He internally groaned.

Interesting turn of events, isn't it? 

Definitely not!



Soonyoung frankly wanted to bolt – he really does. Maybe do a Little Mermaid and turn into bubbles then disappear into the seas or maybe be like Bullseye so he could be gone like the wind. Just... you know, for him to not be here at all – but as if reading his mind, Seungcheol's grip on him was adamantly strong and stubborn.

"I can walk fine on my own, you know," he muttered, low enough for others not to hear but loud enough for the man practically dragging him across the hotel. Soonyoung had already sobered up – who wouldn’t from the revelation of their exes’ wedding – and he was obviously not like the deadweight he was last night. Having someone supporting him – dragging him to put it more bluntly – as if he's some invalid was honestly grating on his nerves.

Sadly, he was merely rewarded with an amused upward quirk of those inviting lips.

Soonyoung really wanted to sue!

The way his heart unconsciously melted at those lips almost made him madly growl out loud. The utter betrayal by his own internal organ.

Like really!

It should be illegal to be as gorgeous as Choi freaking Cheol. It seriously should, he fiercely screamed inside.

Those damn doe eyes were truly made to conquer hearts!

Externally pouting but internally squealing as the arm wrapped around his waist tightened slightly, Soonyoung let Seungcheol begrudgingly lead him to one of the many – god-awful expensive – restaurants in the hotel. They were currently on their way to a luncheon – who still uses the word 'luncheon'? Their exes obviously – for their family and close friends. The head waiter escorted them towards a private room.

"Wait," Soonyoung said before the doors could open. His heart was hammering wildly inside his chest whilst his palms were starting to sweat. He was nervous. Gob-smacked anxious to be quite frank.

He turned to Sengcheol with wide, pleading eyes. "I-I," he started, feeling his throat had gone dry. He swallowed thickly. "Can we talk for a bit?" he barely managed to say.

With tightly pursed lips, Seungcheol waved the head waiter away and then pulled him down the hallway and into an open balcony; his warm, warm hand never letting go of Soonyoung's.

Seungcheol swiftly drew the curtains and closed the doors on the balcony, giving them enough privacy from prying eyes and ears. He then pulled Soonyoung towards him, hugging him closely and securely and comfortingly to his chest.

He stared down at him, worry evident in his pretty doe eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked in that voice which made Soonyoung's heart unabashedly melt, melt, melt . He was even caressing his face oh so delicately like he was made of freaking glass – Soonyoung was very close to suing the heavens for this godsend!

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Soonyoung then stared at the other, his eyes b with determination. He'd find out anyway, Soonyoung thought. Better to come from him than anyone else.

"The groom is my ex," he finally admitted through gritted teeth. His hands had unknowingly held onto Seungcheol – holding onto his arms like some buoy or anchor to steady his emotions and to actually stop himself from fleeing. "I don't know if I told you this but he was my boyfriend during college," he continued, the words heavy like lead in his tongue. "He was my first boyfriend, my first love ," Soonyoung managed to choke out. "And I – swear to the gods – don't know what to feel about seeing him again after all these years.” He took another deep breath. “Especially now that he's getting freaking married in a day."

Soonyoung then pursed his lips. "Our break-up was quite… ordinary to say the least," he furthered, grimacing slightly. "He apologized and wished for my happiness. And then just left," he said with a careless shrug.

"I didn't even utter a single word during that talk ," Soonyoung angrily spat. "I honestly couldn't," he said. "Who would anyway when your world was crumbling right under your feet," he dryly commented. His brows furrowed together as his frown became deeper. "He didn't even ask how I was feeling about breaking up. Didn't ask my opinion at all. He just simply upped and left me behind."

Almond eyes met with doe ones.

"And then after a month – just one freaking month – I was told he already has someone new. Just one month and he already had someone in his arms." His eyes narrowed angrily at the memory. He then stared meaningfully at Seungcheol. "And that new love was her ."

Soonyoung took a steadying breath and gazed at the other, complex emotions flickering through his eyes. "I loved him, Cheol," he said with a shaky voice. "I loved him so, so much."

Without words, like a dam set free, his tears flowed.






As his sobs turned into soft sniffles, gentle fingers carefully wiped his tears away. Seungcheol held his face, his cheeks with such care that Soonyoung wanted to cry again.

He then felt a fleeting touch on his forehead, just a feather of a kiss, those lips ghosting his skin, surprising him greatly.

Wide, confused almond eyes gazed at those warm, warm, warm doe eyes.

"I'm here, yaba," Seungcheol told him softly. "I'm here with you ," he stressed. "You don't need to be afraid of anything in the world. I'll protect you."

A bubble of laughter suddenly erupted from him. The uneasiness in his heart unexpectedly ceased to exist, disappearing into dust with Seungcheol’s words. His eyes crinkled and his nose scrunched up, a light and hearty laugh escaping from his lips. He jokingly slapped Seungcheol's hands away. "That's way too cheesy – even for me!" he said, a bright smile now on his face.

Seungcheol simply chuckled and indulgently hugged him close. "Let's go," he stated. "We have exes to meet and a wedding to crash."

Soonyoung merely guffawed as the other lead him back towards the private room.

With a gentle yet firm grip, the two finally entered the battle-zone, hand-in-hand, to – as Seungcheol had kindly put it – allegedly crash a wedding.

Before they entered, Seungcheol whispered in his ear.

"I'll always be here for you, yaba. Don't worry about a thing."



Eyes were instantly on them as they entered. The luncheon had already started and everyone was seated in their seats, tucking in their salad or whatever dish they had been served. Soonyoung barely noticed these irrelevant details as his heart stuttered crazily. Thankfully, the warm hand on his was like an anchor, buoying his emotions and driving away his restlessness.

Seungcheol then led them to a table – which Soonyoung belatedly realized was the main table. He alarmingly glanced at the other yet the other just threw him a gentle smile. Soonyoung held onto his hand – tight.

"Wonwoo," his partner nodded towards Soonyoung's ex, the clearly all too happy groom-to-be. "Jennie," he then greeted his own ex, the unabashedly blooming bride-to-be. "Congratulations!" he said, a small smile stretching across his lips.

The couple had already spotted them when they entered and had matching Cheshire-like grins on their faces.

Seeing them being so… couple-y in person and being... just so happy seriously left a bitter taste on his tongue.

Soonyoung nodded towards them with a smile of his own. Well, he hoped it looked like a smile because he was feeling far from happy at the moment. “Congratulations on your wedding," he said, honestly proud of himself for the seemingly sincere words. "Cheol and I are happy to share this moment with you two."

The couple's grins impossibly widened.

"Soonyoung!" the female squealed. She stood up from her seat and gave him a very enthusiastic hug, greatly surprising him. "I heard a lot about you," she said, the Cheshire smile never leaving her lips. Soonyoung raised an eyebrow and stole a quick glance towards his ex. "You did?" he lamely asked. Jennie nodded her head and held onto his arm. "Wonwoo told me so much about the things you did during college." She then gave her fiancé a glare. "I had been begging him to introduce us but he always says you were busy," she explained with pout.

Jennie then stared at him, her gaze searching. His heartbeat skipped a beat. Does she know? He silently wondered. Did Wonwoo mention their relationship to this woman at all? He somehow wanted to know.

"If I had someone like you, I wouldn't want others to meet you either," Jennie suddenly commented. "If I did, I'd hide you away in my pocket and keep you all to myself," she added, smiling cheekily. "Isn't that right, Cheol?"

Unexpectedly getting dragged into the conversation, Seungcheol simply raised an eyebrow, an innocent smile playing on his lips. "Why are you asking me?" he innocently threw back. Jennie rolled her eyes at him. "We've been pestering you about your date for the wedding but you kept mum about it. Never said a word for months , Choi Seungcheol! Absolutely nothing at all!" she annoyingly huffed.

"It's clear as day that you want him all to yourself," she stated, extremely confident and pleased.

Seungcheol just scratched the back of his neck, looking impish and not bothering to comment or refute her words.

Soonyoung watched this scene unfold, an unexpected yet not unwelcomed warmth bubbling in his chest. He gulped anxiously. If only they knew this was all a sham. If only they knew what the two of them were actually planning. Or if only they knew being each other's date was an impromptu thing because of Soonyoung's drunk self.

If only...

Somehow suffocating on the sudden stirring of emotions toiling inside of him, he quickly looked away from those damn pretty doe eyes and unintendedly met with the ones he hadn't gazed into for years.

Those familiar dark brown orbs were looking at him. Finally looking at him again.

Now his heart was in aflutter.

"It's nice to see you again, Soonyoung," his ex-boyfriend stated in that familiar low timbre of his which always made Soonyoung a bumbling mess.

Words stuck in his throat, Soonyoung nodded his head. "You too, Wonwoo."

I missed you , he wanted to say.


He shouldn't.

He couldn't.

The moment was lost when he felt a strong tug.

Soonyoung stared at the hand holding his and then into t

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maedtuggi #1
Saw it on ao3 and found you in here... really love it!! Thankyou for making a beautiful story ♥️♥️