Jiwoo's Barging Habit

Best Part

“Oh, you still work here?”

Jinsoul commented as soon as she saw Sooyoung walked through the entrance of the PC Bang. It was currently six in the evening. She was supposed to be there at four. Jungeun didn’t mind over time, but Sooyoung has been doing it frequently since last week and her excuses were shallow it made them suspicious and mildly worried at the same time.

“Sorry, this will be the last time.” Sooyoung gives a pointed look to Jinsoul then to Jungeun then back to Jinsoul. “I swear,” she added when Jinsoul raised her brows in doubt.

“We might be friends, Sooyoung. But I won’t tolerate this… this abuse of some sort. Now, come here give me a hug. I miss you.”

Sooyoung cringed with a disgusted look. “There’s Jungeun, hug her instead.”

“I’ve been trying to actually, you both .”

Jungeun snickered. “Ain’t that an offense? ual harassment on your employee.”

Jinsoul just stared at her blankly for a few seconds. “I want to hug you because you’re my friends, not because you’re my employees. I’ll just wait for Hyejoo, the–oh wait she too.”

“What about me?” Haseul having heard their conversation left the cafe.

“You’re so busy, I don’t want to disturb you. But, I guess I can have that hug now can’t I?”

“Of cour—” just then a customer called from the counter. Haseul gave Jinsoul an apologetic smile before attending to the customer.

Sooyoung barely holds her laugh back as she walks past Jinsoul who has a dejected look. “Gotta head to the back to change.”

When the woman was gone, Jinsoul looked at Jungeun.

“I’m busy too, you know,” said Jungeun.

“Yeah right. Busy streaming that music video of the new artist. Though, I didn’t notice didn’t you? I’m quite surprised,‌ I didn’t think you had that in you Jungeun, a fangirl?”

Jungeun managed to suppressed her blush. “It’s not like that.”

“Care to explain then.”

“She—I—Well… I know her.‌ Used to, at least. I just want to give support the only way I knew how to.”


Jungeun nodded with a hum. Her eyes side glancing the monitor. Wanting to get away from the conversation. It’ll be the first time she will mention Jiwoo to her friends, kinda weird now that she’s locally famous. Jungeun should’ve talked about her when they were still in college. But every time Jungeun thinks about mentioning Jiwoo or retelling something they did or they used to do makes her heart heavy with guilt. She had left the woman, with no explanation, and didn’t even try to contact her. I don’t deserve to be associated with her.

Jungeun stood up from the chair. “I’ll get my stuff and go home. Want to have my weekend rest now.” She fake sighing sound to sell the lie. The truth is she’ll scout for Jiwoo’s physical album and buy it. Something she doesn’t feel sharing, even to her now best friend Jinsoul.

“I see. Rest for tomorrow too. See you on Monday.”

Jungeun stared at her in surprise. “Really?”

Jinsoul shrugged, the corners of lift up slightly. “Haseul mentioned you covered a song and was not satisfied with it. Now, go.‌ Do your hobby.”

On her way out, Jungeun stopped in Jinsoul’s office to give her a hug. “Just this once.”

“Always known you were a softie.”




Jungeun wasn’t able to resist. Inside the elevator, on the way to the floor of her apartment. She rummaged through the plastic she was holding and pulled out Jiwoo’s physical album. The cover is a cartoon drawn of a lantern show. She was about to rip off the clear plastic that’s covering it when the elevator door opened. She quickly stepped outside, almost sprinting to her door. Putting the plastic bag down beside the door frame and tucking the album in her armpit, she unlocked the apartment.

“Honey, I’m home! Oh wait, that’s right. I live alone.” She places Jiwoo’s album on the kitchen island, that’s a few steps from the door then she went back outside to pick up the plastic bag. Upon turning back inside, she screamed at the smiling face that greeted her, the plastic dropped from her grasp.

“I bought a pizza.” Jiwoo stood in front of her, in a white lace-up dress that looks similar to what she wore on her music video Jungeun thought she was hallucinating. Jiwoo beamed as she waves the pizza, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Jungeun eyed the pizza before looking back at the Jiwoo with a bewildered look. “You bought a pizza.”

“Uh-huh.” Jiwoo giggled. Jungeun assumed because of her probably ridiculous expression.

Jungeun dropped her head with a shake, a tearful gracing her lips. “Screw pizza. You’re here.” In a second, her arms wrapped around Jiwoo. Familiar scent and warmth engulfed her and she squeezed her eyes at the first sting of tears. “Pizza… god,” her voice trembled and she let out a soft chuckle.

Jiwoo’s arms wound around her waist. “Pizza, and me. Well, I didn’t buy me but brought me, and techni—”

Jungeun shushed her and tightened her arms around Jiwoo. “Wait, how’d you get inside?”



Now sitting on the sofa. Pizza in Jungeun’s hand. She listened to how Jiwoo had planned the surprise.

“It consisted of a lot of bribing and luck. I was presented with a head start when your mother sent her wishes. I messaged her, asking about her than you and that’s how I learned you’re here. It wasn’t easy though, even though we’re friends, she wouldn’t trust me with your address. I’m actually happy about that, you’re safe that way.” Jiwoo reached across the sofa and held Jungeun’s hand. “And then, I promised to send her my signed album and agreed on the deal that I would visit her… along with you. Please tell me I’m not about to break a promise?”

Jungeun squeezed her hand. “Let’s see.” The careful way Jiwoo had said the words we’re didn’t eluded her. We are or we were?

Jiwoo leaned in and wipe the corner of with her thumb. “Hot sauce.” She leaned back to reach for the tissue, unaware of Jungeun’s red cheeks that’s hotter than the hot sauce.

Jungeun can’t help but notice again how much more beautiful Jiwoo had become. She was reminded of the time when she was having an inner battle because of her little crush on her best friend. That was years ago, that was just a phase, you can’t have a crush on her. She tells herself, taking a sip from her soda to compose herself. The bubbles popping on her face felt good on her heated skin.

“Okay, then. So, I’m a busy woman until I’m done with promotion. That means my manager won’t allow me to do something that she believes will disrupt my schedule. Luckily, my last photoshoot for the day was canceled. Then comes here to the apartment, I bribed your doorman with a selfie. Don’t worry, I made him promised to keep everything private.”

Jungeun made a note to talk to MJ, the doorman, later. Though she doesn’t know whether to thank him or scold him for his lousy loyalty and lowkey illegal obstruction of privacy. Later, maybe tomorrow, for now, her focus is on Jiwoo. She doesn’t know how long she’ll be staying but Jungeun will savor every minute of Jiwoo’s presence.

“Why are you really here, Jiwoo?” Jungeun didn’t know why she asked that but she can’t undo it now.

Jiwoo’s face scrunched in confusion. She’s cute no matter what expression she made, Jungeun almost forgot about her question. “What do you mean?‌ I wanted to see you, I miss you.” Jiwoo now reached and held her other hand, “Don’t you miss me too?”

“Of course, I do. I wanted to see you too. I just… I thought maybe you’ve forgotten me.”

Seconds passed in silence, Jungeun can’t seem to look in Jiwoo’s eyes but she let the woman held her hand. Then Jiwoo raised her free hand in front of her face, that’s when Jungeun noticed the friendship bracelet.

“I’m always wearing this whenever I can, You didn’t see some of my pictures where I’m wearing this?”

“I have.”

“Then that should’ve told you, I still think about you. I still treasure what we had.”

“Sorry, I was being pessimistic. I’m scared. Don’t want to hope for something that is unlikely to happen.”

Jiwoo smiled. “But here we are.”

Jungeun smiled back. “Here we are.”

“You still have yours, right?”

Jungeun furrowed her brows. “My what?”

Jiwoo shook her wrist. “Your bracelet.”

“Oh.” Jungeun looked away with a regretful expression, a little sheepish and embarrassed. She seems to be having difficulties maintaining eye contact with Jiwoo when she feels cornered. “I… I got into a fight and it—and it broke.”

“A fight?!” Jiwoo squeezed Jungeun’s hand a little harder than comfortable making her flinch and give Jiwoo a worried look.

“A guy harassed me on the street and well, I fought back.”

Jiwoo stared at her in surprise with concern, in the shape of O. “Were you okay?”

“Yeah, luckily there was a police officer on patrol. To be honest, I was madder at the fact that the bracelet broke than him harassing which sounds very wrong now that I say it out loud.”

Jiwoo’s eyes lost its twinkle, replaced by a fierce matured look. Her voice lowered when she spoke, “Very wrong, I would have given you hundreds of bracelets and let it break rather than allow you to get harassed, Jungeun.

“I know, it’s just it was the only remembrance I had of you. A connection, and maybe if I hadn’t fought back it wouldn’t break—”

“You did the right thing, well there are times when you shouldn’t fight especially when you think you can’t handle them but I guess you trusted your judgment, I trust yours. And I understand what you mean, it has sentimental value. Honestly, that guy.”

Jungeun’s eyes widen at the curse that spewed out of Jiwoo’s mouth. The woman rarely speaks profanity. She really wished for that guy to get ed.

Jiwoo sighed. “I guess we’ll just have to buy another one.”

At the prospect of spending more time with Jiwoo, Jungeun felt excited, something she hadn’t felt for so long. It brought memories of them roaming around the mall, moving from store to store, trying out clothing in the fitting room without actually planning to buy, hours in the arcade, food breaks, checking out what is showing in cinema, and many more that Jungeun wanted to do again.

“I guess. A pair of bracelets that signify a reunion between two souls, geez that sounds too cheesy for me to say.” Jungeun tucked her head in an attempt to hide her blush.

“I’ve been waiting, Jungeun.”

She looked up, gasping at Jiwoo’s glistening eyes. Then she blinked and Jungeun felt like as her gaze follow the tear ran down Jiwoo’s cheek. She opened to speak but Jiwoo beat her to it.

“For a call, a message, an explanation for why you suddenly disappeared like that.”


“You don’t know how… hollow, how incomplete I felt I was in months without you. I was hurt and sad and I kept thinking I did something wrong, that I—”

Jungeun pulled Jiwoo, their body crashing into each other. Then she wrapped her arms around Jiwoo’s neck. “You didn’t do anything wrong, it was all me. It was all me who was stupid, coward, and selfish.” She leaned back and cupped Jiwoo’s face tenderly, wiping her wet cheek with her thumb. “I’m sorry, Jiwoo. For the way I made you feel all those times.”

They stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds then Jiwoo removed Jungeun’s hands from her cheek. When she saw the shift in Jungeun’s eyes, she immediately gave her fingers a peck before dropping her head on Jungeun’s collarbone. “You can tell me now,” Jiwoo mumbled and waited. Jungeun didn’t say anything prompting Jiwoo to raise her head. “Jungeun?”

“I can’t… not yet.” Jungeun faced away, feeling the Jiwoo’s burning gaze on her. Just tell her! She’s right here. You can now explain. Ain’t making her think so negative of herself for so long not bad enough? Jungeun tells herself. Jaw clenching at her inability to control herself. She’s not ready to reveal what her cause was, she believes it’s such petty thing that Jiwoo doesn’t deserve.


Jungeun looked back at Jiwoo who’s smiling softly, her eyes twinkling with understanding. “Okay?”

“If it was hard for you to say years ago, then I don’t see why it’s easier for you to say it now. Two years without knowing, another week, a month or two is nothing. At least now I know it wasn’t something I did… right?”

“One hundred percent.” Jungeun smiled and stood up from the couch. “Thanks, Jiwooming.”

“No problemo. Where are you going?”

“Gonna get some water, you want some?”

“Sure, they told me to watch for my diet,” Jiwoo grumbled before reaching for another slice of pizza, feeling her manager glaring at her from somewhere. “Watch me,” she said in a mocking voice.

Jungeun shook her head in amusement. Jiwoo hasn’t changed one bit. The wide smile on her face was a stretch, she had to tone it down. “Ah, I missed you so much, Jiwoo.”

Jiwoo hummed, a hint of a smile on the corner of her pink lips. Jungeun’s eyes kept straying on them full and kissable lips. “I noticed you bought my album. Hehe. You a fan of mine now, Jungeun?”

“What? Oh. Uh no? Well—I.” Jungeun drank from the bottled water to avoid answering.

“You want me to sign it? An autograph? Or a selfie probably? Hmm… how about a kiss?”

Choking, Jungeun regretted her previous decision. “A kiss?!” She coughed and wiped her chin.

“Oh but I’m not allowed to do that to a fan, right? We’ll settle for a hug then.”

Jungeun snatched the physical album before walking back to Jiwoo, throwing the bottled water on her lap. “I’m your friend tonight, not a fan.”

“Is that your way of saying, you want the kiss?” Jiwoo laughed when Jungeun glared at her, obviously flustered with her red ears peeking out of her brown hair. “Still a softie, are we, Jungeun? Do you act all tough and cold with your friends? Still scaring off men?” Jiwoo laughed again at the memory of Jungeun almost making a grown man pee.


Jiwoo raised her brows. “Oh, someone finally broke through your walls? Who is he?”

“Stop, Jiwoo. There’s no one.”

“I find that hard to believe, you’re beautiful, Jungie.”

Jungeun ignored the way her heart accelerated when Jiwoo’s voice got softer at the end of her sentence.

“There is no he, Jiwoo. I swear.”

“Good. ‘Cause I want you all for myself for now.” Jiwoo glanced away as she sips from her water. “We have a lot to catch up you know?” She stood up and smiled in a way that Jungeun’s know she has something planned in her mind.

“I need to go, but I’ll be visiting soon. Very soon. I received your text by the way. Quite sentimental, Jungeun.” Jiwoo chuckled.

Jungeun scoffed, trying to hide her blush. “I meant every word.”

“Hmm. I know. And I had my number changed, let me put it in your phone.”

Jungeun handed her phone to Jiwoo. In a few seconds, Jiwoo returned her phone. She gestured for a hug and Jungeun stood up to give it to her. Jinsoul and Sooyoung surely we’ll make fun of me if they’re here.

When they pulled away, Jiwoo was pouting at her. “I miss you already and I haven’t even left yet.”

“Okay, drama queen.”

Jungeun froze when Jiwoo leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her left cheek.

“Drama queen with a million-dollar kiss.”

Hoping Jiwoo didn’t notice the way she short-circuited, Jungeun pushed Jiwoo’s face away, earning an adorable whine from the woman. “Gross.”

Jiwoo laughed and walked to the door. “Bye-bye, Jungie!” She made kissy noises to tease Jungeun.

When the door close shut, Jungeun plopped down on the sofa. Her cheek tingling at the memory of Jiwoo’s lips. She wiped the smile on her face and cooled her face with her bottle of cold water. She opened her phone and it was for nothing.

My Jiwooming <3: You’re as cute as I remember when you blush.





Leaning her head back on the seat of the sofa, the sunray washing over her face, Jungeun sat on the carpet floor in the living room. Her guitar on her lap. She begins to sing softly, trying to see what kind of change she will do to her cover. Repeatedly singing one verse. Is it okay to make a run here? Or is it better to do it originally? She sighed then tested it with her guitar.

“Hmm. That’s better.” She mumbles to herself then began singing the next verse. “This part would suit Jiwoo…”

Ever since she woke up that morning, she can’t stop thinking about Jiwoo. Jiwoo would do this, Jiwoo would like this, Jiwoo would be like, what is Jiwoo doing right now? Jungeun grumbled trying to stop herself from a behavior that is close to an obsession, she’s scaring even herself. Just as she was about to pluck the strings, her phone rang from the coffee table in front of her.

Moving her guitar aside carefully. She can’t afford to mar it, having invested most of her savings on the guitar. “Hello?”

Sooyoung’s voice came from the other line without even greeting her. “Haseul wants you here at My Deer. In about… thirty minutes.”

“Wow, I have to get ready and travel you know?”

“Hm, yeah. We’ll get ready then. We need to talk about the plan for Jinsoul’s birthday.”

“Okay okay, bye.” Jungeun jumped up and walked up to her bed, letting her phone drop on the beige sheet. At least planning for Jinsoul’s birthday will distract her from the endless fountain of thoughts of Jiwoo. “Maybe,‌ I should invite her. Introduce her to them. Bet Haseul will flip out.”


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Chapter 7: Calm thy hormones
Chapter 7: Jiwoo being jealous for Jinsoul and Jungeo...? Pls?
the prompt is so cute like... awwww
Chapter 5: Oh my.. I hope Jiwoo's mom is okay and Jiwoo and Jungeun's relationship are so cuteee
Anyway, thanks for the update!!
RCSTae #5
Chapter 4: oww, this is soo cute! I can't wait for more chapters []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
Bucinyujin #6
Chapter 4: Aww...i can't handle these cutenesses
jade5xg #7
Chapter 4: Aww this chapter was cute! Can't wait for more!
Heda_black #8
Chapter 1: It's a great beginning for the story! I'm looking forward for the next chapter!