clearing the trash

just love me

“Where were you!” Dahyun screams at her while dragging her to the counter, all flustered and frazzled. Totally in contrast to her, Chaeyoung is the picture of calmness and peace, smiling at the lady behind the counter before handing over her passport for the necessary documentation.


“I’m here now, aren’t I? Stop fretting, we are still going to make it.”


“You could have at least sent me a message to let me know in advance instead of just disappearing like that. What did you have to do that was so urgent?”


Chaeyoung wanted to keep the answer to that as a secret, sure that Dahyun will definitely freak out even more once she knows where she went, but it seemed like she’s not going to give up until she gets an answer.


She sighs, “I went to meet Jihyo-unnie, okay?”


Dahyun’s eyes widen. “Why?! Did something happen? Are you okay?”


“I’m okay, just wanted to talk to her about some stuff.”


Dahyun softens; sometimes in the midst of the hustle and bustle, she forgets that Chaeyoung needs more care. “Do you need more time? We can postpone this trip if you need.”


If there is anything she hates more than the attention she gets from everyone on this, it’s the pity fest that comes along with it. Chaeyoung punches Dahyun in the arm gently, “You know I hate it when you coddle me like that right? I’m okay, let’s go.”


She strides ahead to the departure gates, Dahyun hot on her heels. “So, what is on our schedule this time?”


“We will finalize the acquisition deal with the law firm and meet some clients.”


“So we will be meeting Mina, huh?” They haven’t talked ever since the ball, ever since her outburst at the lawyer. She knows it’s unwarranted, that if anyone is to be scolded it should be Mina’s boy toy and not Mina who is also a victim herself, but she just couldn’t help herself when she sees how foolish she is. It’s like how sometimes in a chess game, the onlookers are able to see things more clearly than the players themselves, who are too focused to see the bigger picture.


“Yeah, and be nicer to her this time, Sana said she broke up with the douche.”


This makes Chaeyoung stop, turning around to look at Dahyun. “She broke up with him?”




“Why?” Mina was still so protective of him during the ball; something must have happened to wake her up from the stupor she was in, finally making her realize that he isn’t all that.


“Apparently he cheated on her, and she caught him right in the act.”




Mina can’t stop her leg from bouncing, not sure if it’s because she’s nervous or excited to meet Bambam soon. She had left the ball immediately after the fight with Chaeyoung, not seeing the need to stay any longer. The audacity that the director had to lash out on her when Mina is doing her a favour by accompanying her to the stupid dinner. She told her two friends to go back to Japan without her, and she took a flight straight to Bangkok, deciding to explain things to him personally.


The surroundings start to look familiar as the cab cruises along, finally stopping in front of a house. The exterior looks a little different compared to the last time she was here, but she’s sure that she’s at the right place when she sees her boyfriend come out of the house. Smiling, Mina quickly pays and thanks the driver, excited to surprise him.


But she’s the one who gets surprised instead, because another girl leaves the house, and Bambam turns around to pull her into his arms, leaning in to kiss her on the lips. Her whole world comes to a standstill, she can’t do anything except watch her boyfriend kiss another girl like he would to her. He pulls away, smiling at the other girl, as he fixes her hair. That smile used to be so charming, used to melt her and make her feel all warm inside, but all she feels now is red hot anger from betrayal. She’s working so hard to get her parents’ approval for them, but here he is, cheating on her?


They walk off with their hands entwined, entering the car parked in front of her cab. It’s only when their car drives off that the cab driver finally speaks up, having an inkling of what’s going on and deciding not to interrupt before. “Are you still going to alight, Miss?”


She will leave the tears to when she’s alone, but for now, she has to clear the trash. Mina straightens her back, looking at the driver through the rear-view mirror. “No, please follow that car.”




What are you supposed to feel when everything you believed to be true crumples in front of you, burns up in flames to reveal the lies that have been hidden all this time? You would think rage, heartbroken, indignant that her boyfriend is cheating on her, that he is her only one, but she is just his one out of many. But Mina can tell you, it’s none of that. All she feels is emptiness as she watches her boyfriend have dinner with his girlfriend, kissing the girl beside him like he would to her. She wonders how long he has cheated on her for, how long she has been an idiot for. All this time she has been trying so hard to get her family’s approval for their relationship, but all he’s been doing is to have fun with his other girlfriend, maybe even girlfriends. How ironic is it that they were right, he’s not worth it.


When he leans in again for another kiss, she decides that she has seen enough. Walking over to the counter to pay for the bill for the cup of ice coffee she barely touched, she hesitates as she holds out her card. No, she can’t just leave like that. She leans in to whisper a request to the cashier before handing over her card. The cashier looks shocked, before anger sets in and she nods resolutely before processing her orders. Mina leaves without turning back, hailing a cab for the airport.


Later on the cab, her phone starts ringing, but she doesn’t pick up. Funny how everyone around her had been convincing her to break up with him, but the one that really convinced her in the end was Bambam himself. She turns off her phone; it’s over for real this time.




Bambam smiles at the girl opposite him, and he swears he can literally see the girl melt. They are all so easy, just give them a smile, hug and kiss them a little and they will listen to whatever you say, do whatever you want. He holds out a hand and she takes it with a shy smile. They get to the cashier and he pretends to pat his pockets before giving an exaggerated sigh. He ‘forgot’ to bring his wallet, he tells her. (But he didn’t, he just didn’t bring it out intentionally.) She doesn’t mind, just giggles at him while pulling out her card.


“Oh, it’s okay, the bill has been paid by this gentleman’s girlfriend already.” The cashier tries to keep her emotions in check, but she can’t help but send a glare towards the cheater. 


“What do you mean, I haven’t paid yet.”


“Oh, the lady specifically told me to mention that she’s ‘Mina’, just in case the gentleman over here gets confused which girlfriend of his it is.”


Bambam can feel his blood running cold. Why will Mina be here in Thailand, in this exact restaurant? Before he can figure that out, a hand heads straight for his face, sending him reeling to the side. Clutching the side of his face that is burning from the slap, he chases after her, grabbing her wrist to stop her.


“Babe! Listen to me!”


“What else is there to listen to, you lying cheater.” She flings him off, but he grabs her again.


“She was my girlfriend; we broke up already! She must have come in to the restaurant and wanted to mess with me. She was really obsessive when we were together, I can’t believe she’s still as obsessive after so long.” Lying is like second nature to him, he doesn’t even bat an eyelid while doing so.


She seems to falter at this, being swayed by his lies again. “Are you sure?”


“Of course, don’t you trust me?” And there, that’s the nail in the coffin; guilt-tripping, making it seem like she’s the one at fault for being paranoid and having no faith in him. He pulls her into his arms, his fingers through her hair gently. “I swear, it’s only you.”


“I only love one person, and it’s you.” He kisses her on the forehead, pulling away to look at her with love in his eyes, the look that is sure to sweep her off her feet again. It works because she buries her face into the crook of his neck, melting into his embrace.


“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you.”


“It’s okay, I’m sorry this happened.” No, he’s only sorry he got caught. Even while hugging the girl in his arms now, all he can think about is how to appease Mina. But he doesn’t really worry, because he knows with a few lies, sweet words, kisses and hugs, Mina will also fall for it.




Sana and Dahyun keeps shooting glances at Mina, not sure if it’s because they are checking up on her, or waiting for her to burst. If the lawyer is bothered by their stares, she doesn’t show it, just going on with her explanation about the deal. But they can all see that the lawyer looks tired, not just physically, but the type of tiredness that comes from the inside, from being hurt, from having to bear the pain of that while pretending that she is okay.


“We have already negotiated with the landowner and got them to agree and sign, all that’s left now is for Director Son to sign and Samson will officially acquire the land.”


Unlike the secretaries, Chaeyoung doesn’t even shoot the lawyer an extra glance, just focuses on what they are here for. She looks through the file carefully, making sure that everything is done according to their requests. Signing on the last page, she closes the file and slides it back to the lawyer.


“Thank you for your hard work.”


“Don’t mention it.”


Dahyun kicks her under the table, shooting her a glare, as if asking to be nicer. But Chaeyoung ignores her, because she knows that it will just remind Mina more if they all tiptoe around her. She wouldn’t want them to look at her with those sympathetic looks, but to just treat her like how they do usually. Chaeyoung gestures to the door, and Mina nods, all four getting up and out of the room.


There’s a commotion coming from the front desk when they leave the meeting room, and they don’t have to wait very long to find the reason.


“Sir, Ms Myoui is busy with a client right now, I will let her know you are here the moment she is done with the meeting.” The receptionist looks exasperated, having repeated the same words for the past 15 minutes to no avail.


“Please, I just need 5 minutes.” Bambam begs again, but brightens when he sees the group of them, or more specifically Mina.


“Mina!” He runs to her, holding her hand. “I don’t know what you saw, but it isn’t what you think it is! Let me explain, hmm?”


Mina pulls away her hand, doesn’t even spare him another glance and turns to the receptionist instead. “Yui, please send our guest off.”


But Bambam is not deterred, grabbing her hands again. “Please Mina, don’t do this, I only love you, I swear.”


“I’m sure you can find some other rich girl to cheat. We are over.” Mina tries to fling his hands off, but he just holds onto her tighter, not budging.


“Mina, please, don’t you love me? Just give me five minutes to explain. Please?”


Mina grimaces from the pain of his grip, but it doesn’t last long because someone body checks him, causing him to loosen his grip on her.


“What the f-“


“Oh, sorry. I was trying to leave but you were blocking the way.” Chaeyoung says nonchalantly, obviously not in the least bit apologetic. She continues to the lift, pressing the button and waits for it with her hands in her pocket.


It takes a few seconds before a look of recognition flits across his eyes. “You!”


In the past, no matter what he did or said, Mina will forgive him as long as he begged earnestly. She was so head over heels in love for him, he could do anything and she would let him. And that is also why he’s so desperate to hold onto her, because out of all his girlfriends, she was the lowest maintenance yet with the highest rewards. The only reason why Mina wouldn’t forgive him this time must be because of this . He strides to Chaeyoung, sending a punch straight to her face.




Chaeyoung groans, blinking her eyes to focus. She sees a white ceiling, but she doesn’t remember what happened, how she got here, and it only gets worse when she tries to force herself to recall, her head feeling like it’s going to burst. Dahyun doesn’t help, appearing by her side and bombarding her with questions.


“You are finally awake! How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere? Do you need me to call the doctor?”  


She opens to speak, but she lets out a grunt when she feels a sharp pain reverberating from her left jaw. It only makes Dahyun panic more, spitting out more questions and worsening her headache. She places a finger over her lips, and thankfully, Dahyun gets the hint, shutting up and placing a finger over her own lips too. Pushing through the pain, Chaeyoung closes her eyes, forcing her brain to recall what happened.


They were in Japan. They met Mina to finalize the land acquisition deal. Bambam was there. His fist flying towards her face. Her eyes fly open.


“I was knocked out by Bambam?!” Chaeyoung ignores the pain in her jaw, looking at Dahyun for answers. The sheepish look on the secretary’s face tells her everything, that yes, she was taken out by that scrawny guy, with just one punch no less. She groans, pulling the sheets over herself in embarrassment.


“It’s fine, you were just taken by surprise, you are usually a lot better at fights than this.” Dahyun tries to console her to coax her to come out, but she doesn’t budge, just pulls the sheets tighter around herself. Dahyun sighs in resignation, knows that she needs to let Chaeyoung sulk this off.


“Well, if it’s any consolation, he’s in police custody now.”


Chaeyoung peeks out from her cocoon. “Mina actually let you guys call the police?”


She thought she wouldn’t to protect her boyfriend, oh sorry, ex-boyfriend.  


“Well, not us technically, but Mrs Myoui.”


Bambam didn’t stand a chance against Mrs Myoui. He was caught by security and Mrs Myoui immediately proceeded to call the police before Mina could say anything.


“Also,” Dahyun drawls, giving her a nervous smile, “they went down to get refreshments, they should be here anytime now.”


“Who do you mean by ‘they’?”


Chaeyoung doesn’t have to wait very long for her answer, someone knocking at the door before it opens and they stroll in. She may not have seen her before, but she knows from the aura and the resemblance to Mina that the lady leading the group into the room is Mrs Myoui, while Mina and Sana follows behind her.


“Ms Son, glad to see that you are awake. How are you feeling?”


Man, she really isn’t in the best condition to deal with a meet-the-parents session, but Chaeyoung ignores the pain in her jaw and puts on a smile. “Mrs Myoui, just Chaeyoung will do. I’m feeling okay, just slight discomfort in my jaw.”


Mrs Myoui pulls her eyebrows down into a frown, “I’m sorry this happened, but thank you for stepping in to help Mina. Who knows what he would have done to her if you didn’t?”


“Oh no, I didn’t do anything.” Chaeyoung waves her hands in denial. She just had enough of the melodrama that was acting out in front of her and wanted to leave, but was unfortunately caught in the crossfire. (And okay, maybe a little because she couldn’t stand his desperate ex lines and how he was hurting Mina.)


“I have already filed a civil assault case against him, I can help you follow up with it if you want to.”


“Mama!” Mina shouts, finally speaking up. “You filed a lawsuit against him?”


“Yeah, is there a problem?” This one question carries with it many other meanings; is there a problem, because he did hurt someone, because he’s not your boyfriend anymore, you shouldn’t be this protective of him. Mrs Myoui doesn’t even wait for her daughter’s reply, just turns back to Chaeyoung. “So, what do you want to ask for settlement?”


Honestly, Chaeyoung doesn’t think it’s necessary to sue the guy. Yeah, she got knocked out cold, but she doesn’t want to spend her money and time on a lawsuit just to get back at him. It’s not that she’s a miser, it’s just that he’s not even worth that bit of her money. And also, it’s not like he has any money for settlement anyway. What’s important, she thinks, is what Mina wants, what she thinks of this. She turns to her, “What do you want me to do?”


Mina’s head shoots up, eyes wide as she stares at Chaeyoung. “Why are you asking me?”


She’s not sure why Chaeyoung would ask her that; is she trying to curry flavor with her mother by appearing to be considerate? Or does she think she’s some evil vindictive person who wants to hurt her ex as much as he hurt her?


“Because this whole thing happened because of you.” Well, she’s not wrong.


Mina thinks it through; of course, she won’t deny that the thought of being able to get back at Bambam is gratifying, but she’s not going to stoop that low. Also, she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore, she just wants him out of her life ASAP. “Let him go.”


Chaeyoung scans Mina’s face silently for a good minute, as if she’s trying to read her emotions. Whatever she managed to decipher from her stoic expression seems to satisfy her, nodding before addressing Mrs Myoui. “Well I guess there’s nothing I want for settlement. When can I sign the settlement papers?”


Mrs Myoui looks visibly disappointed, obviously keen to follow up on the lawsuit because of her own bias against the guy. “We can sign the papers tomorrow.”


“Great, Dahyun and I will see you guys tomorrow at the police station then.”




The whole process took less than a minute. Bambam looks haggard from staying in the police cell for a day, but he doesn’t forget to shoot daggers at Chaeyoung. But those laser eyes immediately taper off when Mrs Myoui clears pointedly, before starting on the explanation of the settlement agreement they are about to sing. He doesn’t even seem to be listening, just pulling pitiful puppy dog eyes at Mina. But too bad for him, because Mina doesn’t even look in the general direction of him, treating him like he’s invisible.


Chaeyoung leaves the police station while chatting with Mrs Myoui. Mina, Sana and Dahyun trails behind them, the two secretaries whispering into each other’s ears and giggling like they are in their own world.


“So, Chaeyoung, will you be free for lunch with me and Mina later?” Mrs Myoui suggests. This is only the second time she’s meeting the young heiress but she already thinks she’s a much better fit for her daughter.


“I’m afraid I have to decline; I have to catch up with all the appointments I missed yesterday.”


Their chat is interrupted by a shout of Mina’s name, Bambam running out of the station after them and grabbing Mina. Mrs Myoui fumes, wanting to go up to him and put him in his place, but Chaeyoung just clutches her wrist, shaking her head.


“Mrs Myoui, do you know why Mina didn’t want him to sue him?”


Mrs Myoui scoffs, isn’t the reason obvious? “Because she’s trying to protect him, even until now.”


Chaeyoung shakes her head with a small knowing smile like she knows something the older lady doesn’t. Most people will probably come to the same conclusion as Mrs Myoui, but Chaeyoung knows that’s not the truth.




“Mina, please, I just need five minutes.” Bambam begs, holding onto her wrist.


Sana steps closer, but Mina holds her free hand out, telling her that she can handle this by herself. She looks at Bambam, twisting her hand out of his grip, pulling out her phone and starting the timer. “Your five minutes start now.”


And he starts fabricating lies again. “Yes, I was out with the girl that day at the restaurant, but it’s a blind date my parents set me to. I swear, it didn’t mean anything, you are the only one I love.”


Mina doesn’t say anything, wants to see what other lies he can come up with. He goes on sprouting usual desperate ex lines and she just stands there, letting his words enter her ear from one end and out from the other. Finally, the timer goes off on her phone, and she turns it off. “Your five minutes is up, goodbye.”


She turns to walk off, but he grabs her again. “Please Mina, please give me one more chance. I promise it won’t happen again.”


Mina sighs, knowing he won’t give up until she lays the facts out in his face. “You know when I heard that my mother filed a lawsuit against you, my heart sank.”


His face immediately brightens, thinking that this is it, that her walls are finally down and that she is going to accept him again.


“I asked Chaeyoung to let you go, but do you know why I asked her to?”


“Because you still love me?”


Mina scoffs, he’s still arrogant to the end. But it’s this very arrogance that caused him to take her for granted, so confident that she will stay by his side no matter what happens.


“No. It’s because I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. I don’t want to be associated with you in any way, not a lawsuit, and definitely not a relationship. So, please, do me a favor and stay away from me.”


Bambam lets go of Mina, finally admitting his defeat. She could have insisted on suing him, using this lawsuit as a chance to take revenge on him for cheating on her. But it would also mean she’s still not over him, still acting on the remnants of feelings she has for him. Instead, she chooses to let it go, and consequently, let him go completely. She no longer wants to be tied to him in any way, and that’s the last nail in the coffin that is their relationship. He could have still salvaged the relationship if she hated him, but there’s no way to make someone who doesn’t even care about you love you. After all, the opposite of love isn’t hate, but indifference.




Chaeyoung saw it in Mina’s eyes yesterday, it wasn’t concern or worry that Bambam might go to jail, but fatigue. She’s exhausted from dealing with this toxic relationship and this toxic man, and she wants nothing to do with him anymore. It’s like living in a nightmare, one you can’t avoid just by waking up because this nightmare is your reality. But she can walk away, and that's what she's choosing to do right now.


“She just doesn’t want to be involved with him anymore.”


Mrs Myoui is skeptical, her daughter is so into him, resisting all their attempts to separate them. And here you are, telling her that Mina will willingly want nothing to do with him? Yeah, she will only believe it over her dead body. But true to Chaeyoung’s words, there is no reconciliation hug, only Bambam finally letting go of Mina dejectedly, and the lawyer walking away from him without another glance at him. It’s only when Mina gets into their car that Mrs Myoui finally believes that this is real, turning to look at Chaeyoung incredulously, like she’s a psychic.


Who is this girl, who can read Mina so accurately, when she as her mom, who watched her grow up her whole life, couldn’t? She feels a little ashamed, but pushing that aside, she finds that she likes the Korean heiress more and more. Chaeyoung is definitely a good match for Mina, and she would be darned if she doesn’t try her hardest to make them a thing.




And she immediately starts on her plan, calling her daughter into her office the next day. She has half a mind to give up seeing how down her daughter looks, but maybe a change of environment is exactly what Mina needs to take her mind off useless things and focus on things that actually matter.


“So,” She doesn’t beat around the bush, just dives straight into the main topic, “You know we are opening another office in Seoul, right?”


Mina nods, just wanting to get this over with so she can go back to her office to sulk in peace.


“What do you think about going over to lead the Seoul office?”



a/n: man, this chapter was so hard to write because i had to make sure i conveyed mina's feelings towards this situation well 

also good riddance goodbye bam hope to never see you again (OR WILL WE HMM) 

let me know what you think! 

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rurimatsumoto #1
Chapter 9: 2023 and still hoping for a miracle update 🙏😭
dallydally #2
Chapter 9: 2023 and still waiting
Kaizokuo #3
Chapter 9: Otornim hope you're doing fine 🥺
Minseok25 #4
Hope you’re doing great! Just wanted you to know that we’re still waiting for this masterpiece.
arkadx #5
Chapter 9: This story is so good☺ ahh author, it's just starting. They are about to bloom. Oh pls come back for this story 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Revelvi #6
Chapter 9: Pls update😭😭 what's wrong with this site all of the authors stop writing
Revelvi #7
Chapter 9: Pls update😭😭 what's wrong with this site all of the authors stop writing
rurimatsumoto #8
Chapter 9: Im still hoping and waiting for your update :((
Still waiting for next chapter
Penguiniecub #10
Chapter 9: Why is this so so so so so much much interesting