I'm onto you



“Sooyoung what the ”

How were they in the same situation again. Standing in the middle of the graveyard at 2am. This time it was colder and the snow muffled the world around them. They were in the same place as the week before but this time Sooyoung was sure that she had found something. Apparently after the whole mess of doors slamming she became even more obsessed with this stranger. She went to the library to search the history behind their small town. Lucky for her (and unluckily for Seungwan) she found an article about government studies on time travel. At the time she thought nothing of it until one morning when Seungwan heard a proud yell from her room. 

“Time travel…..” 

“Sooyoung you’re crazy come on there is no way”

No matter how hard she tried she could never get the younger girl to listen to her. The best she could do is stay by her side and help her not make bad decisions. Their apartment had become creepy ever since the incident. The air grew colder and the feeling of a new presence had become apparent. This time Seungwan began to feel it too. She couldn’t stand the feeling but what would she do about it.

“It doesn’t say the year she died”

Sooyoung circled around the gravestone looking for any type of answers. Of course as she expected there was nothing. No such giveaway only her name and the small quote below it. 

“Didn’t they discover she was dead years after”

Her eyes widened as if she finally was able to put the pieces together. An insane look flashed onto her face and she looked at Seungwan like if she would kiss her on the spot. 

“There’s no body in here”

Oh now she has gone insane Seungwan was really losing her mind now. She knew what Sooyoung what thinking. Most bodies are buried if they are found but this girls body was never found and both of them knew that. Sooyoung would be crazy enough to try and dig up the casket in hopes that there would be no body there. 

“Sooyoung no”

“Come on that’s why I brought the shovels” frustration evident in her tone

Seungwan just shook her head and crossed her arms. There is no way she would dig up a random casket just to please Sooyoung. The younger girl was already digging with her shovel and she hit something faster than she expected. The casket wasn’t very deep in fact only a foot below the ground. Both of them knew they shouldn’t be there but neither put in the effort to stop what was going on. Curiosity was getting the best of both of them. They wanted to know the answer but both for different reasons.


“There we go” out of breath Sooyoung leaned down to open the casket


“WAIT-” startled she got up


“If there is a body in there we’ll be messing with the dead Sooyoung”


“Trust me I’m confident there isn’t one”


Both girls nodded in agreement and slowly unlatched the sides. Seungwan couldn’t stand to look and turned her back to the casket. Suddenly a breeze passed through their bodies and the sky grew darker. The small chirps of birds had stopped and the snow no longer fell. Freezing cold and shaking, neither girl moved. 


“There is no body” 


Seungwan looked over to see an empty casket and she was relieved. She wouldn’t know what to do if there would have been a body there. The image would haunt both of them if there would’ve been one. Sooyoung closed the casket and began to recover it with dirt. For some reason they felt colder than before now.


“Let’s leave now”


The drive back home was quiet and neither girl said a word. Seungwan knew this meant the younger would lose even more sleep trying to figure out what had happened. She knew she was obsessed. Sooyoung kept thinking about the girl. There was no chance this girl would leave her mind anytime soon but she suddenly felt exhausted. As much as she’d love to stay up all night staring at her screen she knew that it wouldn’t be the best idea. Both girls fell asleep the moment their bodies hit their beds. 


The air was cold in the forest that surrounded her. She was running and running but she stayed in place. The smell of fire filled her senses and she could hear a woman scream in the distance. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get to where the woman was. There was no end to the forest it all looked the same. A small light can be seen and the dark figure of a woman stood above it. 


“Why do you run” shivers went through her body.


“Who are you?” the young girl touched her and she felt her body burn up. Sooyoung felt alone and scared but she was stuck in place. She felt the girls hands run all over her body. Almost as if she was studying her and there was nothing she could do. 


“Tell me why you want me so bad”


 Sooyoung grew even more confused because the said girl had no face. The harder she tried the more her face blurred. She could feel that the girl was still touching her and the faceless woman was getting closer to her. Her lips were right next to her ear as she took a deep breath in and Sooyoung felt her body stiffen. Suddenly the girls breath was felt on her lips. Sooyoung closed her eyes and prepared herself. She could feel her lips close to hers and she wanted to lean in to her touch. 


“SOOYOUNG” Seungwan was standing above her holding an empty cup. She was shaking and once she saw her eyes open she was able to relax. 


“Was I dreaming?” out of breath she was able to look at Seungwan who looked at her in astonishment.


“More like a nightmare”


“I’m okay Seungwan breathe babe” she tried to comfort her but the older girl was clearly in a panicked state.


“You were yelling and I had to break down y-your door because it was locked”


“Seungwan I didn’t lock my door last night”


The door in front of her was clearly broken there were nails and a hammer on the floor. Seungwan may be small but when she smells danger nothing will stop her.


“Well someone did” 

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baekedgoods #1
Chapter 3: This is so interesting!!
thotjoyri #2
Chapter 2: i can’t wait for future chapters! thank you :)
SayenSoKawaii #3
Chapter 2: Uwaaaa this is Jjang... I love joyri and This is so ing interesting. I'll be waiting
dinahsmaknae #4
Chapter 2: this is so interesting!
Chapter 1: yes!! i luv joyri :D can't wait for more chaps