The Vision

Of Fallen Wings & The Six Tails

Of Fallen Wings & The Six Tails


2. The Vision




Days have passed and it was a normal morning for her as she hunted and search for food in the area she was at. Earlier before dawn broke, she snuck into a village nearby but found no luck as all the houses were locked. She didn’t want to break the locks and cause trouble so she kept herself from giving into her hunger as she ran away back towards the river. As she walked alongside it, her stomach started to rumble in protest as she rubbed it silently to calm down.


“I’m sorry Miss Stomach….you don’t have to tell me twice.” she murmured to herself.


A distance away, she saw a campfire by the river and smelled fish cooking that instantly caused her tired legs to run to her destination. As she got there, there was no one around anywhere as she looked carefully from the river and around in the forest nearby.


“Strange…..I can’t even sense anything nearby, not even a mice.” she spoke to herself as she continued her search. After a few minutes passed and seeing no one around, she finally sat down and hesitantly took the fishes that were skewered above the warm fire. With one last look around her to confirm her safety, she began feasting on her now free meal. She noted that they were quite large fish and not one that people could catch so easily from the riverside bank...they were fished from a boat maybe? From that new thought, she kept her eyes peeled up and down the river while she devoured her meal silently. After minutes of keeping her senses alert, she declared that it was safe and now loosened up her muscles to relax and gobble all the fish, much of her delight of Miss Stomach.


“Enjoying my catches I see?” a voice sounded from above, catching her off guard as she scanned up at the source. Her eyes widened at what she saw. That creature/man from nights before was now unmasked, floating above her with 2 large fishes in his hand as she sat there in shock. His smiling face took her off guard as he was supremely handsome yet effeminate at the same time. As he floated downwards, her heart fluttered as he closed his large and rather captivating eyes into a wonderful eye smile. As he opened them again, she noticed that his irises were a bright red that glowed brightly as he looked at her. His short raven-colored hair had a slightly noticeable 2 tone color of pink seemed to vanish as it shone in the sunlight. His cheekbones were high, his jawline was sharp and he adorned his large ears with large silver ringed earrings that jingled with every sway of his head.


That noise from the night before’ she thought as she looked at his beautiful earrings that swayed with the wind.


She didn’t notice at the time but her eyes silently devoured him fully causing a pink flush on her cheeks full of fish. She was stunned, to say the least but he just looked at her with a rather amused expression.


“Please continue eating Miss Kumiho, I can catch them easily if that’s what you are thinking.” he stated as he was a meter away from her. With full of fish, she continued staring at him in silence, unable to think of what to do next as she admired his rather catlike smile. As he reached the ground, he sat cross-legged and let go of the two fish he had, causing them to float midair as 2 sticks magically inserted themselves into their mouths and stuck towards the ground.


“As I’ve said nights ago, please relax...I mean no harm.” his voice was just a soft as she remembered as he stared at her again. He took a large bottle beside him and offered it to her.


“Water? Or would you like something else? I can change it instantly if you want. Wine maybe?”


She slowly reached out for them even if she still felt a bit wary about him despite his charming appearance. As she reached for it, she felt a surge of energy from just a mere touch of his fingers which shot her eyes wide open and stunned her in thought. The energy she felt from him was more than enough to restore her powers to its full state once again if she drained all of it.


“Are you okay? I noticed you have more scratches on your body...” he asked, his voice now had a hint of worry in them, unlike the calmness she heard before.


She quickly took the bottle and chugged it down as the contents of washed into her stomach and then poured a little on her oily hands to clean them. With a quick wipe of on her short sleeves, she looked at him again, now with her attention fully on him.


“What are you ...?” she questioned as she ignored his thoughts from before. At the same time, she was planning on what she could do to get his life energy and the easiest way was kissing him, just like every other Kumiho did. Even though the method was easy enough, he was no human and it made her question herself if it would even work.


“I’m merely just a figure passing the wind. Nothing more...” He stated but his voice was lower than it usually was. She could hear a hint of sadness in his voice that rang clear in sharp ears. Because of it, she felt intrigued to dig deeper if she could so she kept her thoughts minimal to ease into the conversation better.


“You sure like to be coy.”


“Foreign land, foreign humans and foreign creatures. I wouldn’t want to offend anything here when I’m just visiting.”


Why are you visiting here? It’s not safe for creatures like us when hunters are all around.” she pointed out.


“Boredom ...thrill ...amusement ...enlightenment maybe?”


“Various things and yet amusement is one of them? Are you are here to have fun or are you just crazy?”


“Well I can’t help it, it’s just in my nature ...kekekekekeke.” he rubbed the back of his neck and closed his eyes as he laughed in his signature chuckle.


“But it’s wartime here, how can you be so happy?” she shot back causing his laugh to stop.


“Happiness is not without sadness trailing close behind….you just have to accept it and overcome it when the time comes.”


His words rang true to her heart. If anything, it told her that he experienced it plenty of times before and accepted it how it was. She didn’t want to admit it so she narrowed her eyes as she looked at his chuckling face.


“Stupid huh? The handsome ones are always so stupid...”


The comment caused him to continued his laughter, now louder as his eyes smiled at her. “Kekekekeke ...thanks.”


“Why are you thanking me? I’ve just insulted you.”


“I’m used to insults…..what’s one extra prick of a needle when I’ve already felt thousands beforehand….”


She looked at him with a guilty heart. The enigma in front of her hid his emotions well...or maybe he was just naive as she thought. Even with the feeling of guilt moments before, she dropped her feelings as she began piecing her plan together. For a Kumiho, her life depends on when to shut her emotions...even if it tortures her. Being a human to free themselves from this endless crave is always their end goal...and the cost of stepping on the hearts of others will never outweigh their will to survive.


“I’m sorry...I’m just so tired of running so I’m kind of agitated at the moment. I’m truly thankful that you saved me days ago, truly.” she informed, keeping her plan so secretly in her mind.


“No need for thanks, as I’ve said, I’m merely passing by.” he stated as he began eating his portion of the fish that was already cooked.


“Can you at least tell me your name?”


“It’s Sakuya.” he informed rather cool and nonchalantly with a killer smile, cheek full of fish. Admittedly, it was pretty adorable and made her warm at the cheeks as well.


“Sakuya? It sounds a bit feminine…”


He finished swallowing and stuck one finger out in front of him. “Well, the name can be used for both a male and a female.”


“Sakuya huh? Saku...yaaaaa…..heh.”


“......what’s funny about it?” he questioned.


“It’s pretty cute now that I think about it. It suits you since you look pretty yet handsome at the same time. Does it mean anything?”


“Blooming Night.” he said with confidence.


“Blooming ...Night?”


“My clan said that I was born under a Cherry Blossom tree on a dark and stormy night and thus, Sakuya came to be. If I was born a female, I would've been called Sakura instead of Sakuya. Because of my name and looks, growing up, they called me the Beautiful Prince of the Teng-...uhhh…..umm....the Beautiful Prince. It’s a bit embarrassing but I got used to it.”


“’s a wonderful story. Are you a Prince?”


“No kekekekeke ...yabai na. It’s merely just a nickname that stuck.” he said


“Honestly, I think it suits you perfectly. And you have a clan?”


“U..uhh...n-no! Nope! I meant ...a...cla...clang ...because..ummm ...I much...uhhh… that it sounded like the clangs of two metal objects! Y-yeah, that’s it...keke….kekeke...” he said rather nervously and out of character causing the woman to chuckle herself. Truthfully, every action that he did seemed to break her guard on him just a little more.


“You are confusing...but it’s cute. You’re cute."


He waved his hands to dismiss her as his own cheeks started to turn a bit rosy.


“Uh..uhh...ummm...s-so...what’s...what’s your name?” he stuttered out to change the subject.


Hyewon.” she informed with here monotone voice and yet his eyes still lit up.


“Hyewon? It’s really beautiful and it suits you perfectly! Hye ...won…..Hyewon ...kekekekeke ...”


His presence was endearing to her for some reason...maybe it was his words...his actions ...his appearance ...everything probably. A desire came over her alongside her hidden plans as she felt drawn closer to him with each passing thing that he did. The world around him seemed like a blur yet he was so clear in her sight as her heart began to beat quicker and quicker.


“T-thank you, I’m flattered. Sakuya...may I do something?”


“What is it?”


“Can you close your eyes?” she suggested.


“Why exactly?”


“I...I ...I have a game I want to play with you!”


“.......a game?! I love games! Like hide and seek? Trick and prank humans?! Who can fly the fas-...wait...I forgot that you can’t fly. Who can run the fastest! I can run fast if you must know! My arms will sway like the wind.....though some say my running is a bit weird.”


Hyewon was surprised at his unforeseen enthusiasm. From his charming good looks, he didn’t seem like such a playful type at all but seeing him now, he felt a whole new person when it came to playing games.


“But yeah, sure! I’m interested in any games!! I do have to say though...I’m pretty competitive!” he said with a very wide smile and eyes as large as saucers. Perfect, her plan was starting to come along better than she thought.


“Hehehe ...yeah, exactly ...a game. Now close your eyes.”


“So it’s hide and seek?! YES! I love this! You won’t be able to hide from me if I’m ‘It’!!” he excitedly yelled as he clenched his hands in anticipation and closed his eyes tightly.


"I'm going to sit beside you for a moment to make sure you close them...okay?" She said in a higher tone of voice as she stood up from her place to sit right beside him.


"Kekekekeke, I never cheat and that’s a promise!”


Being so close to him made her heartbeat even more rapidly and she suddenly became more nervous. As she slowly places one hand to cover his eyes as an act of playing along, she used her other hand to slightly tilt his head as she closed onto his rather nicely shaped lips. Just from mere touch, she could feel his life energy radiate at her fingertips and it called to her soul like a moth to a flame…..a really large flame. Bewitched by his energy and his lips, she slowly opened , revealing a small glowing bead moving around in her tongue. She closed her eyes and finally lowered her lips unto his to now seal it...


They kissed.


Completely unknown to her, something happened that Hyewon didn't expect as she opened her eyes, now completely white and glazed over with hints of red flowing in. Sakuya's life energy was enormous and easily dwarfed 50 humans with just one short kiss that wasn’t even 2 seconds long. She barely put her fox bead on his tongue and yet the energy he had flowed into her at such an enormous pace that it stunned her in her tracks. With that came the aftermath that she severely underestimated. Once a Kumiho drains one’s life energy, they also take their memories as well depending on how long they’ve kissed. If anything, it’s usually the most memorable memories that go in. For a human, their lifespan is nothing compared to that of higher beings and she didn’t reconsider that thought at all. Her head flung back and her milky white eyes suggested that something was wrong as Sakuya teleported behind her to catch her falling backward. His memories bore into her thoughts like a drill into her brain as she faded into a dreamlike state with him holding her tight in his arms....




Darkness. It surrounded her vision as she saw heavy rain under an enormous thundercloud that roared miles above her. As she looked up, there were hundreds of shadows from enormous birdlike creatures that dotted the sky with feathers that shined with every lightning strike. They circled each other like a tornado under the clouds as one lone creature of the same kind stood at the very bottom right beside her. Unknown to her, that ‘bottom’ was at the top of a large mountain island that was a few miles from the mainland. ‘Must be a ritual of some sort’ she thought as she looked at the dark and blurry figure beside her.


As she stared at the lone figure, it finally opened its magnificent black wings that had a slight 2 tone of pink that sparkled underneath it. In one swift movement, it flapped its large wings and caused a boom of thunder to bellowed loudly in the night sky. The caws of crows and ravens echoed afterward for miles as the figure began it’s flight upwards into the fury of the thundercloud. The creatures forming the tornado began circling faster and faster as the sole figure finally reached the halfway point between the mountain and the enormous thundercloud above. With one , a chain of lighting zipped through every single creature creating a spectacular twister of webbed lightning and yet the sole creature continued. Her eyes were glued to the action from below, mesmerized by the spectacular display shown above as she watched it unfold. For some reason, she could feel the pure confidence in the creature as it’s rapid advancement never waned towards it’s flight to the heavens above. The event continued until the creature finally managed to reach the apex where the thundercloud opened up and once there, a godlike lighting bolt hundreds of feet wide and miles long struck the mountain and swallowed the sky in a brilliant flash of its celestial light. The power of it was strong enough to shake and crack the mountain with a sickening roar as she stood there stunned at the very center of it.


As the flash from the lightning disappeared, the mountain now erupted in fury as lava started pouring out unto its sides. As that was happening, the sole figure who once flew confidently was seen falling towards the Earth at a rapid pace as she now watched in horror. The tingles of fear began climbing up her spine since she knew that she was unable to move or do anything to save it...for it was just a mere memory. The figure was lifeless and burnt as smoke, fire and feathers escaped from it’s charred and mangled body, littering the air around it with ashes of black and red. The other creatures slowed their twisted formation and yet none of them went to capture the fallen creature as it descended from above. She now knew: The spectacular ritual ended in complete failure. Downwards the creature went, now like a fallen meteor as it finally crashed into the Earth with nothing but a whimper ...just like an ant falling from a tree. Dust and debris shot out and rushed away from its small burning crater as she walked slowly towards the body. The Earth shook from the eruption above her and while she wasn’t there physically, she could still feel it’s power as it awoke from its slumber. She felt her stomach swelled with fear as she watched the creature lay there lifeless and broken. Burnt, bleeding and death quickly approaching, a darkened shade of crimson pooled out from under it as she finally came over to look at its face. It was Sakuya. Face covered in blood, he was barely breathing but there was no doubt that it was him. A scream wanted to escape from but she held her hands against it to keep herself from doing so. Her vision now began to fade away and the last thing she saw was his once crimson eyes staring back at her as it began to fade away...




“Hyewon!? Are you okay? Hyewon!!” he asked in confusion as he held her tightly in his arms. Her glazed over eyes regained its coral color back as she began wheezing heavily to regain her breath. When she finally came to, she noticed that their faces were close together so she pushed him away as he sat there in confusion watching her.


“Hyewon? W-what was that?”


Her head felt as if a lightning bolt struck it as she sat there with her thoughts completely scattered on what just occurred.


“Hyewon? Are you okay?” he asked as he began waving a hand in front of her. Thankfully, it managed to capture her attention as she finally came through.


“Are you okay?”


She stared deeply in his eyes and flashes of his face from the memories faded in and out of her vision as she desperately tried to shake it away. After a few moments of looking away from him, she spoke once again.


“Y-yeah…...I ...I'm sorry.” she murmured as she backed away from him, now sitting to his side as he let go of her.


“You gave me quite a scare there you know? It was like you were in some sort of trance after you tried to put your lips against mines. It was quite weird.”


She could still feel his power flowing within her veins and while it felt amazing, the flashback painted her mind with despair as she gazed into his eyes once more ...which was now filled with worry because of her. She stopped her thoughts, regain focus on herself again and replied at his question from before.


“.....a kiss.”


A kiss...a kiss that she didn’t prepare herself for even if she’s done it hundreds of times before with humans. This kiss was different and filled her mind with the curiosity of a cat as it painted a past picture that left many questions. Her eyes pierced his whole figure but nothing seemed like it was charred or least not outside. She wanted to rip his outfit apart just to see if his body was charred but she knew that it would make her look crazy. She threw that thought away instantly but was still curious about it as it lingered in the back of her head.


“A kiss? That was a kiss?” his innocent question shot her from her thoughts.


“Are…..are you not aware of what a kiss is?”


A bit defensive, he answered truthfully. “No ...not really.”


“You are naive Sakuya ...and I don’t mean that in a bad way. You are almost like a child in a way.”


“No offense taken, kekekekeke...” he said with a bright smile...a smile that she’s gotten used to in their short time together. She couldn’t understand how he could hide such a memory inside a smile as happy as his but she then remembered his saying on happiness from minutes earlier.


“Happiness is not without sadness trailing close behind….you just have to accept it and overcome it when the time comes.”


She smiled at him, now genuinely as her interest in him shot up into the heavens. Even if she craved the energy of life to live, she now suddenly craved to know about him and his past also. Without her knowing, a dilemma silently formed in the back of her head and would unfold itself in the future.... 


"Maybe I should give you a proper one in the future…" she stated, causing him to turn him red instantly. In truth, he never kissed or felt this way before and shyly backed away as he looked away from her with his body turning rigid from nervousness.


Even still, his eyes couldn’t resist and turned to look back and to no one’s surprise, their eyes were like opposing magnets as they saw each other.


“Uhh ...uhh...well…..I have to go now, please enjoy the fish!” he said abruptly and out of nowhere causing her surprise. He then stood up and walked backward slowly with a wave of his hands in an apologetic manner.


“Huh? Why?!” She yelled as she immediately got up and followed suit.


Yabai na…..uhhh...i-it’s because I’m in search of something…...”


“Are you sure?”


“Uh...uh hmm ...we-well ...I forgot something ...uhh...that I had to do.”


Hyewon looked at him and knew that he was lying. For such a calm and happy person, lying didn’t seem like a strong suit for him.


“Then can I come with you?”


“…..…” he answered rather bluntly.


“And why is that?”


In the same tone of voice, he spoke again. “I’m sorry Hyewon but I can’t tell you.”


“A secret then? Don’t worry...I keep secrets well.” she said happily, trying to change the sudden shift in his tone.


Now turning away from her to walk normally, he kept his gaze away so that her eyes couldn’t reach them. From his actions alone, she could tell that it was serious for him. The calm person from before now had a serious expression… that he showed when the met nights before. It was strange that he could change expressions and tones so easily that he felt like a new person every time.


“This is a secret that I must keep to I'm sorry Hyewon.”


She felt a tug on her heart but asked anyway as she kept following from behind. “Then when can I see you again?”


“That ...I don’t know.”


From that answer, she dashed in front of him causing him to stop in his tracks.


“You can fly and teleport! What’s so hard about seeing me?”


He nodded knowingly as he saw her rapidly approaching his face. In truth, he was getting a little scared of her constant closeness and felt a bit awkward about it.


“Y-yes I do have those powers but there are limits...and those limits are strict. If you want to put trust in me, then put trust in my words on that.”


“But ...I want to learn things from you.” she said as she poked his chest. He finally talked to her in a serious voice once again.


“I’m no teacher nor a scholar…”


She poked him harder than before, now at a rapid pace like a woodpecker. “About you! I want to know about you!”


He could feel her breath on his face from how close she was. Her face was in a slight scowl and he could tell that she was serious about it. His eyebrows arched in a state of worry as he stared deep into her eyes and answered...


“I’m not worth the air you breathe ...I am worth nothing.”


“W-what does that even mean?” she questioned as her scowl gotten deeper.


“It means exactly what it means....”


“But you are here in front of me, how can you be worth nothing?” she pointed out as she now slapped his shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly.


“True words lie deep...even if what you see is true, it can also be false.”


She tilted her head from his response and now grabbed him by his collar, surprising him yet again.


“What are you Sakuya? A walking riddle that I must solve? Is that what you are? You are here and I can feel you...doesn’t that mean you’re something? I just want to know the person who saved my life...the person who has crazy powers that defy logic ...the person who seemed to be filled with mysteries from head to toe. If that is nothing, then am I speaking to nothing right now? Nothing sure has a lot of expressions and words for not being able to exist.” she fumed in agitation that was bordering on anger.


He was stumped, to say the least, and offered her no answers to her many questions. Her face grew into both anger and worry and he could see it clearly in her eyes. He was hoping their brief interactions meant nothing to her but he knew that something had changed in a way. Was it because of his actions of being nice? The free food? Maybe it was the kiss she gave him? He could read her face clearly and knows that she at least cares about him now ...something that he didn’t want. It was too late and he already knew ...the future now looked uncertain and it all was because chose to save her life. Did he regret it? Not a chance.


“Will I still be able to see you? Can you at least confirm that for me?” she broke his thoughts with more questions.


“......that is something that fate decides. If we are meant to cross each other's path again, we will. But for now, I must go…..”




“Farewell once again Hyewon...and may you fulfill your wish to become human soon. I’ll look forward to it.” he announced. He felt his chest tighten, feeling guilty for leaving her yet again ...and unknown to her, the tightness in his chest was also a signal that it was time to go. He was not lying when he said that he had to go somewhere and that was just one of his secrets...


Despite his words, she reached for his hands in a last-ditch attempt to let him stay but at the moment of contact with his fingers, he disappeared with his eyes widen at her sudden action. Though brief, the contact caused Hyewon to feel the electricity flowing inside of her body and a brief flash of a vision inside of her head. Her eyes glazed white again just like before....


It was the Sky.


Miles above any land or ocean, where clouds formed in layers and the Sun was a neighbor to her hand that reached out. Even if the surrounding area in the corner of her eyes was magnificent, the only thing that took her attention was right in front of her. The familiar person from moments before, now with majestic wings that was as black as the night and glowed in a vibrant shade of pink from underneath. The eyes he had were still wide as the ones he left with until the vision faded into the scenery she was currently in.


“W-what…..what was that?”


Her hand was still outstretched but nothing was there...he was gone yet again. She brought it to her chest and balled it up into a fist as she pondered on what happened for the next few moments. The sky ...his wings ...his widened eyes… all had to mean something.


Once again the Enigma left her with questions that filled her head with a flash of a vision alongside the cryptic words and sentences that baffled her. While her mission to become Human was still her priority, she couldn’t help but feel it in her heart that it changed a bit when he came into her life so suddenly...even if it was only for a short time. She felt motivated in seeking something that made her heartbeat like it used to...much like centuries ago. If anything, she was now determined to find out the truth behind the mystery that was the Enigma named Sakuya.



“Until we meet again…..Sakuya.”




Many days later, a familiar creature sat still cross-legged and meditated at his current spot for the past 8 hours. His lone journey felt never ending and the only way to clear his thoughts was through mediation. The thunder around him roared and kept him calm while the lightning coursed through his body to heal him as it usually does. He shot his eyes open as he finally felt recharged and soon started to stretch his arms out as he looked around him. He was standing on a layer of thundercloud that surrounded him in every direction and smiled at the sight.


“Well, that took a bit longer than usual….”


A deep bellow came from within the clouds and a shift in the darkness caused the clouds itself to move and took Sakuya along with it as he continued his stretches.


“Where are we going now Kuroryu?”


Another bellow came forth causing Sakuya to laugh.


“You know you have a bad sense of direction right? Kekekeke.....are you sure I can find them there? I searched for decades but I still haven’t found or seen one so I hope that it’s true old friend!"


It bellowed again, now quickly as it informed him of something else.


"I know they are more common in this area but isn’t it more dangerous over here? The lesser dragons over here want them more than me ya know?”


The bellow responded back again and thunderclouds moved upwards and took Sakuya along with him.


“You trust me that much that you know that I’ll win against a lesser dragon? If you insist…but maybe I be the one who should guide you kekekeke! I actually know a place where the clouds are 5 times bigger than you! I’ve seen other dragons over there who turn lazier than you when they go there to recharge! Shall we go there tomorrow?”


Again the bellow came forth and upon hearing it, Sakuya smiled and took off into the thunderclouds as it slowly made its way up into the sky. He got to a certain point and found large and shiny black scales which carried the clouds along its surface like magnets. With that, Sakuya hovered above as he glided along it’s long trail that leads went on for miles. After a few minutes of hovering above the trail at a fast pace, he finally got to his destination: A gigantic shiny black dragon whose scales glittered like a rainbow when sunlight reflected off of it.


It’s hair was dark red and flowed for hundreds of feet and the wind blew it like large and majestic carp streamers. It's head was a hundred times bigger than Sakuya himself and dwarfed him like an ant to a bear. It’s eyes followed along Sakuya as he then sat on the tip of its nose and looked back at it...but not before admiring the view behind him beforehand. While the dragon was in the thunderclouds itself, it’s body was like a magnet and stuck to the dragon’s body like a dog and it’s owner. Twisting through the skies above like a tornado itself, it was a sight that only higher beings or creatures with wings that could see but nevertheless, just watching a dragon hundreds of miles long would make any person or being feel excited. He patted it’s large nose and faced forward to the infinite azure sky around him.


“Now then, where shall I find a Dragon Pearl?”

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Hello all, the next update will be an Character Profile and Terminology chapter for Act 1 that ended in the last chapter about a month ago. Sorry for a late update, I'm always busy since I write multiple AUs. The next chapter is coming this week or the next and will be the start of Act 2.


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FacadeFace #1
Chapter 7: ooohh!!! so there are sakura and sakuya in this universe.

if it turns out that sakuya and sakura are not the same person, i'm rooting for their fight scenes hahaha
Chapter 7: Wait, what?? Sakuya's a woman now?? Huhhh??
FacadeFace #3
Chapter 6: are the kumihos divided into different clans too? because some of them are very angry but hyewon is like cool i just wanna live XD
baekedgoods #4
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1425002/4'>The Man and the Girl</a></span>
Oh my, That last part was very interesting
violentsushi #5
Chapter 5: More characters are showing up, and we now know Sakuya apparently lost his memory. But then he also apparently has short term memory loss as well since he can't seem to remember Hyewon. It took me awhile to find time to read the latest update, but thank you for continuing to write.
Chapter 4: Oh god that innocent Sakuya and bold Hyewon are just too cute when will they be a thing ohmygod
FacadeFace #7
Chapter 4: Yo, this worldbuilding and lore are crazy! No excessive prose and adjectives usage and yet you still manage to breathe life into your characters! Bro you're the !
P/S, Sakuya is the best
Chapter 4: Wahh they kissed again \(^°^)/ a lot actually hahaha
Now we're getting to see more characters yehey, thx for the update