ahaha hey ;)


Listen to wtf I have to say.


i am honestly so ing bored right now. i am looking for more people to talk to on twt, kkt, or discord. i am a whole mf mess looking for friends. someone i can flirt, joke, play plato with, be fwb, and give all my Love to for FREE!

just comment/pm your kkt id/twt @/discord tag so i can add you and we can get this going. help a guy out.


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spacebeans #1
hiya! my twt is @spxcebeans
let’s be friends uwu
my kkt is 12o4am, hmu!
ih8men #3
wtf be my friend rn. kkt: udumb twt: @ih88men !
my kkt's nannno haha see ya there!