Four Season in Wonderland

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They can be tragic in real life, but not in this story..


"This moment is all there is."

- Rumi -


"Thank you for being present in my life. Thank you for being the purpose for my past, present, and future."

"Let's be together and be happy for a long time.. For a long journey.."



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Chapter 1: awww woori taengsic ♡♡
2023 is around the corner and I still ship them. My taengsic heart AAAAAAAA I think I'll ship taengsic the rest of my life. Thank you for sharing author
istrinyaoppa #2
Chapter 1: I think I'll ship taengsic for the rest of my life. I dont know why I ship them so hard like I believe that they're ex-lovers or something. I think I'm getting crazy HAHAHA

Thank you author for this beautiful story. You did a great job!
mzlyod #3
Chapter 1: Awwwww..!!!!
luvstaengsic_4life #4
Chapter 1: Oh my Taengsic heart!! Only intellectuals ship them!
ellimacomet #5
Chapter 1: Thank you author ?
choco-munchkin #6
Chapter 1: aigoo this is so nice to read. ill probably ship taengsic for as long as i live.
Rose-gg #7
Waaaah can't wait uwu ♥️