Having an impact in L's life.

Everything happened because of a 'Fake' Will. (His Parent's Will and Love.)

Your POV

The bright rays of light from the sun shone brightly on my eyes. I open my eyes and blink it twice. I look around the room but it wasn’t my room that I was in. It was well furnished and big. I remember last night, Crossing the road when someone pulled me back to the pathway. And then I out. Something wet was on my forehead, I put my left hand on my forehead and took out the wet towel from my forehead. Wait..Towel? Where am I? Someone took me to their house and took care of me? I sat up from the bed and saw someone sleeping on the couch at the side. I can’t really process my head right now. I got up from the bed and headed towards the couch. I can’t see his face as his back was facing me so I tap him twice on the shoulder and he turned around. My eyes open wide, Didn’t he went home already yesterday? Was he the one that pulled me to the pathway? And why? He opened his eyes and looked at me.

“You’re up?” He said while rubbing his eyes.

“Yeah, Where am I and what am I doing here?”

“You don’t remember anything?”

“Well.. I do. I came out from the police station, walked and then just when I was about to cross the road, someone pulled me to the pathway and I don’t even know why then I saw black.”

“Yeah, I followed you from school all the way. I waited opposite the police station at the café when you went in and came out crying I guess. You started walking and I followed you then when you wanted to cross the road, A truck was coming at fast speed. I shouted but you didn’t react so I went to pull you back. What were you thinking anyway?! The horn and my shouting were so loud but you can’t hear?! You could have died back there! You passed out not long later and I brought you back to my house. You should thank me you know. I took care of you the whole night without leaving your sight. Without even changing out of my clothes and wash up.” I could tell he was mad towards the back. His face turned red because of anger I guess. But why did he follow me all the way and even bring me back to house and take care of me. I’m no one to him anyway. Why is he getting angry at me even. I don’t even know him so what if I died back there, He shouldn’t even care.

“Why didn’t you go home after we came out from school? Why did you followed me? Why did you wait? Why did you pull me back from the road? Why didn’t you just let me die? Why did you bring me back to your house? Why did you take care of me the whole night? Why do you even CARE if I died?!” I asked many why and was on the verge of crying again.

“Look, I didn’t go home after we came out from school because I saw you rushing towards I don’t know where, followed you cause I was curious, waited because you went in the police station. I pulled you back from the road because I can’t allow myself to let someone die in front of my eyes when I can help. Why do you wanna die? Brought you back because I can’t leave a girl by herself in the dark streets all night. And you should thank me for taking you care of you the whole night and not ask why. I just feel attracted to you that’s why I care if you died. Does that answer all your question?” He still kept the same face with no emotions when he talked. But attracted to me? Is he trying to court me? I have no mood to play games with him.

“Thanks for taking care of me last night but I gotta go before my uncle finds me missing and also get change for school.” I got my stuff near the bed and went towards the door. L used his hand to pull back my left arm to prevent me from leaving.

“Eat before you go. I don’t want to see another fainting you again and take care of you the whole night again.”

“Sorry but I seriously got to go.” I used my right hand and grabbed his right arm around his elbow area to push his hand off.

“Argh!” He groaned and I looked at him suspiciously. Was he trying to fake it so I would stay? Then I pressed his elbow again and he groaned again. I turned his elbow a little and saw blood that has dried up with wounds and a little fresh blood that was coming out again. I took his other elbow and turn to see the same thing also. I was shock. Was it because of me?

“What happened to your elbows? Is it because of me?” I asked while blowing it.

“It’s nothing, You don’t have to worry.” He tried to pull back his arms but I pulled it back towards me.

“Where is the first aid box? I’m sure this is caused by me. Let me treat it so at the least I don’t owe you that much.”

“It’s in the drawer beside the bed.” I went towards the bed and made him sit on the bed while I took the first aid box out. I took out the cream and Iodine and some bandages. I applied the Iodine first and I’m surprised he managed to hold it in. I blow on the wound and he slightly moved but didn’t make any sound. Then I applied the cream and use the bandages to wrap it.

“Isn’t it pain?” I asked because it takes a lot to not scream or shout when Iodine is applied on your wound. And notice that he was staring at my face. I snap my fingers in front of his face and he snap out of it.


“I said, Isn’t it painful?”

“It is. But I don’t shout like a sissy.” I laughed slightly at his comment. And stood up then walk towards the door and left the room.



The way she blew on my wound, Her face. It seemed like an angel, so pure so gentle. I was mesmerized by her. Snap out of it Myungsoo! I have to know her more to judge her. I want to know her. I didn’t even realize that she left the room already. I quickly made my way out of the room. I look left and right hoping to find her but I couldn’t find her anywhere. A maid passed by and I pulled her asking if she knew where Hyeonae go.

“She went out of the house Young Master. She should be around the front gate by now.” She bowed and left. I hurried to the front gate and she was walking away already. I ran next to her.

“S-s-see you in s-school later” I gave her my rare smile.

“Okay.” She simply replied and left. 2 hours left before school start. I went back in the house and got ready. I sat down at the dining table alone. It felt so lonely without anyone eating with me. If only Hyeonae was here… Wait. Am I thinking about her?! What’s wrong with me. Food was served and I just ate it down not bothering to taste it. I finished and left the house into the car then my driver fetch me to school. I can’t wait to see her in school. Now there’s at least a reason to attend school. I smiled to myself.

“You haven’t smile like this ever since you turn 14 years old sir. Seems like that girl is impacting your life a little.” Damn, He saw me smiled, How dumb ._. But it is true. She’s starting to have an impact in my life.


I don't have any idea what I'm writing. ): I kept getting disturb by my brother. Hope it isn't too bad. I'll try my best for the next chapter(:

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 78: Really amazing story!!!
darkdaredevil #2
Chapter 51: The story's awesome
Kamilia98 #3
Chapter 43: Hahha sorry im newbie i read ur story and it is DAEBAK i will subscribe ones i finish reading it :)
Shereen_JiaYi #4
Chapter 4: I thought L's surname is "Kim" not "Lee" ?
kayla982 #5
Chapter 43: Sorry I'm a newbie here but i'll subscribe as soon as i finish your story :)
amyyy99 #6
Chapter 78: LOLOL! im dying over Myungsoo and his needs for 50 kids XD
zyierra #7
Chapter 79: JUST FINISHED reading this fic.....an I love it so muchhhhhh<<NICE STORY
zyierra #8
Chapter 79: JUST FINISHED reading this fic.....an I love it so muchhhhhh<<NICE STORY
It's a good story ^^ ... But I'll think you have to more develop the "drama" scene ... When she want to take her revenge with Woohyun we don't know exactly what she doing with him ... and when Myungsoo learnt for his parents I'll think you can more describ his emotion ^^.
Chapter 8: I just don't get one things ... She don't want to live with Lynette but che accept to live with Myungsoo ...