You like her?

Everything happened because of a 'Fake' Will. (His Parent's Will and Love.)

Author’s POV

Hyeonae woke up feeling a slight pain in her chest. She still had to report to the police station and she didn’t know how long she had been out. She turn to her right and wanted to move but felt something holding her hand. It was warm and soft at the same time. She looked down to her hand and saw a guy holding her hand. She was shock. She didn’t like guys and there was a guy here..HOLDING HER HAND at that. She didn’t know any guys in school so it was impossible for any guy to even be here. She got her left hand over her body slowly and patted the head of the guy that was facing down on the side of the bed. L moved slightly at the touch on his head but didn’t wake up. He turned his face to the left facing Hyeonae’s face.


Your POV

I remember this face from somewhere.. But I can’t quite picture where I saw this face before. He looked so peaceful sleeping and something stop me from waking him up. I smiled without knowing while staring at his face. His face was really out of this world. His eyes when closed gives out a warm feeling that makes you just want to know him. His eyebrows are thick which all the more emphasize his manly feature. His nose makes you just want to nuzzle it with yours. His lips were so pink and plump, looking soft, just makes you want to kiss him. His skin, so milky and fair but flawlessly smooth. Overall, He was perfect. And I finally did understand why girls were swooning over him. He looks so perfect even from far, but I didn’t care to look closer because I thought he was just like other guys, playing around with girls heart, acting cool and so on. Without noticing, My left hand’s index finger was tracing his face, from his eyebrow, nose and down to his kissable lips. I felt that nothing in the world can feel so loving, time seems to stop moving when he sleeps so peacefully. I was staring at him in such a loving manner that I didn’t even know that his eyes were already lock on mine and his lips smiling giving me a warm feeling in my chest, the pain that I felt just a few moments ago were gone.



I was sleeping peacefully when I felt a finger tracing my eyebrows, nose and down to my lips. Instantly, I knew it was her. Hyeonae. She was awake but I didn’t want to let her know I was awake right now. I thought she was different but I guess not. She’s just like all the other girls, falling for my looks and not my personality. I want to make her fall for me, so hard. You may ask why, probably because I like her? Wrong. It’s not always that I can feel this way, especially to a girl and she turns out to be like the others. I want her to fall for me and I would just break off with her, making her feel the pain and let her know that looks may not be all. You can find a person with good looks but an evil heart. I am different and I want her to know that. Finally something exciting in my life; making a girl fall for me and make her suffer in the end. Talking about girls, I remember my family lawyer telling me that my parent’s will required me to marry a commoner. What’s the difference between the rich and commoners? They all just want to marry a person with good looks and family status. I wonder if there really is a commoner that will love me not for my family status but for my personality. If I found her , I will make sure that I will not let her slip by no matter what. And I would marry her straight away, to look after her, love her, making her the happiest and lucky women on earth. People may think I am cold, a person that doesn’t care about anything but I’m actually just waiting for the person to teach me what is warmth and that there are such things in the world called care andlove. I open my eyes to see what’s her face reaction like right now. All I saw when I open my eyes was her looking at my face with loving eyes, it seemed different from how the other girls eyes that loved me for my looks. But who cares? She may be acting for all you know. She kept staring at my face and I looked into her eyes and show my killer smile to her. That was when she notice and turned away. I could see her cheeks turning pink and I knew, she was blushing. The door swing opened and Infinite came in. I wonder how did they find me here.

“Myungsoo-ah! Whatcha doing here man?” Sunggyu said walking over with the rest of Infinite.

“I see you’re with a girl! How rare!” Dongwoo said. Yeah, How rare. I stood in front of the bed blocking Infinite from coming over nearer to Hyeonae. Using a hand to stop them. Did I tell you that Infinite were all players? They never gave up in chasing a girl that caught their eyes until the girl is all crazy over them.

“Hey hey! Chill man. And who’s this beautiful women here?”Sunggyu said while winking at her. I swear, He had his eyes on her. Scanning his eyes up and down of her.

“What are you doing here? And how did you find me?” I asked wondering how they found me.

“We were looking for you because we didn’t see you ever since the start of break time until the end of school. AND. We asked people if they possibly know where you went. AND. They said that the new girl in our class fainted and you carried her, BRIDAL-STYLE, RUNNING towards the nursing room. So you were highly at the nursing room.” Dongwoo said smiling and I knew what kind of smile was that..It was a smile that hinted me to explain.

“Aye…Hyung! You NEVER EVER EVER talked to anyone in school except US and you were carrying HER(pointing his finger at Hyeonae), RUNNING towards the nursing room?! Are you having a fever?!” Sungjong put his hand on my forehead. I smacked his hand away and said,

“FIRST, I don’t know what I’m doing here too. SECOND, Yes! I’m with a GIRL. THIRD, I’m very chilled and this “beautiful”(I put both hands up and stick two fingers to make “ ”) women here is the new girl in OUR class named Hyeonae. FOURTH, She fainted (Pointing at Hyeonae) so isn’t it human instinct to carry her to the nursing room? AND no, I’m not having a fever. And WHAT?! School ended already?!” Emphasizing the important parts to them.

“Yes. School, Ended already. -.-ll” Sungyeol said.

Woohyun walked up towards me and patted my shoulder and pulled me to the corner of the room.

“You like her don’t you? And I mean the REAL liking, not the playing type.” He asked me seriously.

“I admit, I felt something about her but I don’t think it is liking. I thought she was different from the other girls but it turns out she too, fell for my looks not my personality. I wanna make her fall hard for me and I will dump her, To show her that looks isn’t all and personality matters too.” I said softly making sure others didn’t hear.

“How can you be so sure that she likes you for your looks and not your personality? I mean, She has barely yet to know you. She only saw you and didn’t really had any serious conversations with you. If you really are interested to know her more, Give her some time. I can tell that she’s different and trust me when it comes from a player’s mouth.” I nodded trying to take in what he said. He was right, I barely talked to her yet. But… She was admiring my looks just a moment ago..right? We walked back towards the bed where infinite was.


Your POV

I remembered Lynette. Where did she go? But since it's after school, I guess she went home already. That guy and his friend walked back towards the bed and looked at me. I was wondering, is something on my face? And I have yet to know the guy’s name yet.

“Guys, Let’s introduce ourselves first.” The guy that seemed like the leader started.

“I’m Sunggyu, the Leader. DongWoo, I’m good at dancing. Woohyun, I’m good at singing. Hoya(Howon), I’m good at rapping. Sungyeol, the most lazy person in the group. I’m Sungjong, the Maknae!” They said respectively while raising their hand.

“Call me L.” The guy that I knew first said. So… His name is L huh? Sounds weird. Who would call themselves as the letter L. It sounds like L in the show Death Note. But he and the L in the show are alike. Quiet and gives up a vibe that is so mysterious. Just that this guy is more handsome.^^

“A-annyeonghaseyo. Kim Hyeonae-imnida.” I said and bowed my head.

“She seems interesting! I have my eyes on her!” Hoya said. Oh no..You’re not having your eyes on me. Player!

“Find some other girls. This one’s taken.” Woohyun said turning his head to see L.

“Let’s go. Let them have a moment together.” Sunggyu said and they all left the room. Moment? What moment? L and me? Pshht, What rubbish.

“Are you feeling better? And what was up with the staring just now? I know I’m good looking.” L said while winking. EWWWW.

“Yeah. Thanks. There was something on your face just now so I just helped to get rid of it, Not admiring your looks. And by the way is your real name L?” I lied a little. Well, I can’t let him know that I was ADMIRING his looks just now. No way. He will think that I’m an obsessed girl.

“Really?.. Okay.. Nahh, It’s just a name that people called me by. Only Infinite and my parents call me by. MyungSoo, my real name is Kim MyungSoo.” He extend his hand out for me to shake. I shook it and… His hand.. So warm.. So soft.. SNAP OUT OF IT HYEONAE! Gosh.. What’s wrong with me! I hate guys! Hate guys! OH! The police station!

“Sorry, I gotta go.” I ran to the classroom and grab my bag and run towards the school gates. L was there. Waiting for someone. But I just walked straight pass him then I felt something pull my arm. It was him.

“Hey, Where are you going? The nurse said you needed to rest.”

“Erm.. I have something important to attend to. Sorry but I really gotta go.” I took my arm out from his hand and rushed towards the police station nearby my house.



52 Views but 3 subscribers..): If you like my story please do me a favor and click SUBSCRIBE!(: I realise everytime i write, It's always a long one. Oh well, Enjoy reading! And no, It wasn't a prank. DADDY REALLY DIED.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 78: Really amazing story!!!
darkdaredevil #2
Chapter 51: The story's awesome
Kamilia98 #3
Chapter 43: Hahha sorry im newbie i read ur story and it is DAEBAK i will subscribe ones i finish reading it :)
Shereen_JiaYi #4
Chapter 4: I thought L's surname is "Kim" not "Lee" ?
kayla982 #5
Chapter 43: Sorry I'm a newbie here but i'll subscribe as soon as i finish your story :)
amyyy99 #6
Chapter 78: LOLOL! im dying over Myungsoo and his needs for 50 kids XD
zyierra #7
Chapter 79: JUST FINISHED reading this I love it so muchhhhhh<<NICE STORY
zyierra #8
Chapter 79: JUST FINISHED reading this I love it so muchhhhhh<<NICE STORY
It's a good story ^^ ... But I'll think you have to more develop the "drama" scene ... When she want to take her revenge with Woohyun we don't know exactly what she doing with him ... and when Myungsoo learnt for his parents I'll think you can more describ his emotion ^^.
Chapter 8: I just don't get one things ... She don't want to live with Lynette but che accept to live with Myungsoo ...