Wavering Hearts

It has been two months since Jun returned to Japan after being scolded to go back by their CEO. Although he wasn’t physically present in Korea, he still managed to maintain his friendship with Dara and the girls. He would usually send a message to her whenever he has time or chat online if he has time. If he has free time, he would often sit quietly at the corner and would let out a heavy sigh that the other members always notice.

Satoshi, the leader, noticed this one time and pointed it out to him when they had a get together. It was the first time in the year that they managed to go out as a group but Jun tends to get lost in his thoughts. Satoshi snapped his fingers in front of Jun making the youngest snapped back to reality.

“Hey, Jun! Are you sure you’re alright?” Satoshi asked as he frowned at Jun and eyeing him for any weird reactions.

Jun smiled playfully and a hint of naughtiness can be seen in his eyes. He nodded in response to the leader’s question since he can feel the intense, curious gazes of the older guys. He looked at each one of them and laughingly asked, “What?”

“Are you sure you’re alright, Jun?” Sho asked after he took a big chunk of food in his mouth.

“You seem a bit lost ever since you came back from Korea. Anything unusual happened?” Masaki asked right after while eyeing Kazunari who was Jun’s accomplice.

“He fell in love with a Korean girl and was dumped.” Kazunari answered jokingly and let out a hearty laugh making Jun a bit flustered than usual.

“I… I am not… dumped!!!”Jun exclaimed in stutters.

“Really? Then why are you stuttering?” Masaki kidded making Jun crunched up his face in annoyance. This made the other guys laughed so hard. They don’t get chances like this wherein they can tease Jun and they were enjoying this too much.

“I am not stuttering!” Jun refuted.

“A bit flustered, I guess?” Sho asked back and ending it with a hearty laugh.

“Kazu-nii! Help me out here and tell them the truth! I am not dump, seriously! Who on their right mind would dump a person like me?” Jun explained and smirking at the end quite arrogantly that made the other guys laugh harder.

“I guess the girl has high standards.” Satoshi exclaimed and met with the curious gaze of the younger guys. “Well, who on their right mind would date someone like Jun?”

Jun pouted and crumpled his face then sulk quietly at the corner which made it funnier for the older guys. They really enjoy teasing the youngest since he was always the confident and the joker in the group.

“Kidding aside, what really happened?” Satoshi asked after he finally calmed himself.

“I wasn’t joking when I told you he was really smitten by a girl but getting dump was a bit of farfetched from the truth.” Kazunari explained as he glance at the pouting Jun.

“Farfetched?” Masaki curiously asked.

“Well, he never courted the girl. It was purely friendship type of relationship. I don’t know what happened but he never made a move.” Kazunari answered as he shook his head.

“Never made a move? Are we talking about the same Jun here?” Satoshi asked in surprise. He wasn’t sure if he would believe it since they knew Jun’s a bit of a player.

Kazunari nodded and chuckled before continuing his narration.

“I was quite surprise as well. He dragged me towards Korea just to make friends to one girl. He even asked me to accompany him in meeting up with the president of the company!” Kazunari narrated in full animation.

“And he never made a move?” Sho asked in disbelief while pointing at Jun.

Kazunari nodded and the other guys’ jaw dropped. Jun smiled sheepishly when he felt the intense gazes of the older guys waiting for his answer. He was about to answer when he notice a guy and some girls walked in inside the coffee shop they were in.

Jun stood up and slammed his hands on the table, surprising the older guy. If not for Kazunari’s quick reaction, Jun might be on his way launching an attack to the newly arrived guy.



Bom and Chaerin were still a bit mad at Dara since she accepted Jiyong back. Well, the boy deserved a second chance but they never thought that Dara will give in easily. They already knew the answer to their question, Dara really love Jiyong.

It wasn’t actually hard for Jiyong to win Dara back since he already knew he would be forgiven by the older girl. It already happened in the past and he just knew how to please her. He has acted like an obedient puppy following his master all around and being her personal slave wherever she goes.

With the help of the other YG family, he managed to arrange a private concert for her in one of the fine dining restaurant near their place. At that point, all the remaining walls that Dara built crumbled. Bom and Chaerin can see the happiness in Dara’s eyes so they have kept mum about it.

“If she is happy with him, then I’ll keep my silence.” Bom and Chaerin thought as they remembered the glint of contentment in their friend’s eyes. They don’t want to be the one who will shatter it.


Time quickly flies by and it has been two months since the two got back together. They can see Jiyong’s improvement for the past weeks and they just observe how the two progresses.

Ït was late Wednesday night when Dara excused herself from the usual get together of the girls. They thought that it was one of her mood swings and let it pass. What they didn’t know was that Dara was hiding what is currently happening to her relationship with Jiyong.

Dara received a message from Jun who was currently in Japan and asking her condition plus the status of her relationship with Jiyong. Since she doesn’t want to lie nor does she want to talk about it, she tried to ignore the topic that led to Jun into calling her.

It took about five attempts of calling and avoiding the calls of Jun before Dara was forced to answer it. She can feel that Jun was enraged and she thought it was her fault.

“Why aren’t you answering your phone, Kawaii-chan?” Jun asked in a sharp tone.

“I don’t feel comfortable when it’s a call. Are you mad?” Dara asked.

“Where is your boyfriend now?” Jun asked surprising her. She can feel that he was mad and she doesn’t understand why.

“In Japan. He has prior engagements in there.” Dara answered meekly.

“Engagements? Is your… I mean, are you two going well? Err, Is your relationship okay?” Jun asked as he doesn’t know on how to tell the girl what he saw.

“I think so. He has been very sweet to me this past month. He’s a changed man, Jun-chan.” Dara explained in a pleading voice. She doesn’t want to discuss it with anyone since she might crumble and break again.

“Are you okay?” Jun asked meaningfully.

“Yes, don’t worry too much about me, Jun-chan.” Dara exclaimed with a timid smile curved on her lips.

“I can’t help it…” Jun said and paused as she heard some guys were calling him on the background. “I need to go now… I’ll call back later…”

“Alright, take care!” Dara said and was about to hang up when she heard him say, “Ah, promise me one thing before I end this call.”

“What?”Dara asked.

“If you feel that you cannot take any more pain, or when you felt that you don’t belong anywhere, call me and I’ll take you away from there.” Jun whispered before ending the call and making her flustered more than ever.

She cowered down and looked at the wallpaper of her mobile phone. It was their recent photo when they had a vacation with the YG family. She traced his photo with her hands and tears are starting to form on her eyes.

“How are you doing now, Yongie?” Dara whispered in the air as she wiped off the newly formed tears in her eyes. “I don’t even know what you’re doing now… How long can I smile in front of my friends? How long can I hide the fact that you seldom contact me? How long can I pretend that we are okay when I know we’re not?”

She hugged herself and leaned on the wall then closes her eyes tightly.

“Have I made the wrong decision? Did I make the wrong choice?” Dara muttered as she clutched her chest. She sobbed and whispered, “Are you taking my love for granted, Jiyongie..?”

She cried her hearts out and slept in that position. She never noticed the girl who was hearing everything she said and never knew that there was another girl crying with her throughout the night.


Minzy was worried about her unnie so she asked the older girls to go ahead and that she will just check on her favorite unnie. She carefully opened the door and what greeted her was soft sobs coming from Dara’s room. She walked towards the room cautiously and she heard everything she said.

Her heart went out for her and she feels guilty for urging Dara to get back with Jiyong. She thought that the two of them will be happier together but why is unnie crying?

“Why are you the only one crying, unnie?” Minzy whispered as she felt her tears escaped her eyes.

“Why isn’t he suffering? Why must you pretend you’re alright? You can tell me… You can lean on me… On us…” Minzy whimpered as she kneeled down and hugged her knees as she continued to hear Dara’s soft sobs.

“I hate you, Jiyong-oppa… I hate you for making her cry again and again.” Minzy muttered as she buried her head on her knees.


“Jun! What’s that all about?!” Sho asked as soon as he caught up with the enraged Jun who walked out of the coffee shop after seeing the newly arrived guy with the girls.

“I don’t like the atmosphere in there!” Jun answered as he continued to walk away from that place.

“Why? It was your favorite coffee shop in the district!” Sho exclaimed.

“I don’t like it anymore!” Jun muttered

Sho forcefully turned Jun’s body to face him and he can see the maddening look on his face. If he doesn’t knew Jun, he would have been frightened to see him like this.

“Why? Is it about the guy who came in?” Sho asked and eyed Jun’s reaction. He saw a glimpse of anger in Jun’s eyes when he mentioned the guy who came in. “Why are you so angry about that guy? It’s natural for a guy to flirt around.”

“He’s single and stuff so there’s nothing wrong about it!” Sho explained.

Jun snapped and gritted his teeth as he said, “He has a girlfriend waiting for him in Korea and that is definitely wrong!”


Jun drives around until he can finally calm down. He grasped the stirring wheel tighter than usual and gritted his teeth in anger.

“I shouldn’t be affected. I shouldn’t be angry. I don’t have any right to be angry.” Jun chanted as he feel the air on his face as if cooling him down.

Dara’s face suddenly flashed on his mind. The weak, fragile and crying Dara has popped into his mind surprising him that almost made him crashed in the nearest wall. Thank goodness he managed to step on the breaks quickly.

“!” Jun exclaimed as he slammed his hands frustratingly at the stirring wheel.

“Make her cry again and I swear, I will take her away from you and I will never give her up for you.” Jun whispered into the air as if promising the stars his resolved. “One wrong move and it’s game over for you. You’re lost, my gain and it would be my chance to take her away…”


Jiyong felt a chill on his spine and he shivered. He felt thin hands wrapping around his waist and someone kissing his neck from behind.

“Are you alright?” The girl asked.

Jiyong nodded and smiled as he pulled her closer to him. He felt himself hard as her body crushed and grinded on him. She seductively dragged him back to the room and another night filled with moans, pleasure and wails started.




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Chapter 18: Dara is dumb. That's the only explanation I can come up with.
Chapter 10: I hate JIYONG so damn much right now!!!
Chapter 24: Rereading again, and still it makes me teary eyed, still hoping the epilogue will come true!
Chapter 24: Rereading again, and still it makes me teary eyed, still hoping the epilogue will come true!
Lette1022 #5
Chapter 24: I hope it will come true
Chapter 24: Beautiful story i hope in year 2019 o 2020 will happen the wedding of perfect couple.
prettychez #7
Chapter 24: hope the ending will happen in real life. thank u authornim.thank u for sharing this. May u rest in peace.
Isangganda #8
Chapter 13: Seems a true to life scenario I dont want Dara to get back to Jiyong. Hahhahah
hopelessanddramatic #9
iznaberry chingu, be happy with our creator.
schaeiyra09 #10
Chapter 24: I hate jiyong from the first chapter until chapter 21...