Wavering Hearts


Jiyong saw her walking away from him. His eyes were locked on her as she leaves him alone on this seemingly dark alley. Her petite figure was getting smaller and smaller. He just stood there until he finally snapped back and started to run after her.
He runs as if he was being chased by some madman. He never thought that he can run as much as he did. He never cares if his lungs would burst out and he doesn’t care of he was catching his breath. He doesn’t care at all.
She was his only concern. And she was slowly leaving him behind and walking out of his life. Permanently and he was scared.
He wanted to scream her name and call for her but his voice can’t seem to get out. It was like his voice was too scared to call for her. Maybe, he was too afraid that once he called her name, she might not look back. She might not hear him out no matter how loud he calls for her.
He was afraid to be rejected by her. He was too afraid that he would be ignored. His tears were freely flowing on his face. If he would be seen by his anti’s or any haters, they might rejoice at his misery. The great Kwon leader looks pathetic. Swollen eyes and bloated face─ the results of too much crying over some spilled milk.
He saw her figure slowly fading away and he doesn’t want to lose sight of her. Even if it’s just her shadow, it would be fine with him. He just wants to stay close with her, breathe the same air and share the same space.
His hands unconsciously reach out for her and his voice suddenly came out.
“SANDARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! SANDARAAAAAAAAA!!!” Jiyong shouted as loud as he can. He doesn’t care if it will his throat and affect his vocals. Right now, nothing matters but her.
Seungri hurriedly scampered towards his hyung’s room as soon as he saw the unexpected visitors at the lounge. It was Daesung-hyung who noticed the visitors who was trying to ask some questions at the receptionist.
They don’t know if it was the same guy that the girls were talking but it doesn’t matter. He being in Korea, especially in YG, is already a big deal. Daesung-hyung asked him to find our Japanese teacher but my gut feel tells me to wake Jiyong-hyung up first.
He knocked at Jiyong’s room but no one was responding. He slowly turned the knob to try out his luck and he was lucky or his hyung was just being careless. He gently open the door and what welcomed him was a shocking thing for him.
Gone was the clean freak Jiyong and hello to the messy leader. CD’s were scattered on the coffee table. Magazines were spread out as well and some of them were lying on the floor. Used clothes were spread out through the room and the most noticeable change is the stinking smell of alcohol.
“Hyung? Are you here?” Seungri called as he picked up the clothes and laid it out as neatly as possible on the couch before going to the bedroom. He saw a dozen of canned bears and a half empty vodka on the floor. He shook his head as he approached the wasted guy on the bed. He slightly shook Jiyong and muttered, “Hyung, wake up… Hyung...”
“Hmm… D…” Jiyong mumbled that made Seungri smiled bitterly.
“Sheesh, if you have just been cautious then this would never have happened…” Seungri thought as he tried to wake up the older guy. He knew he was partially at fault as well since he didn’t stop his hyung. In fact, he might have been pressured his hyung in giving in to the temptation.
He saw Jiyong move and his hands were up in the airs as if he was trying to reach out for something─ or someone. He can only watch as the formidable and confident Kwon leader crumbled right in front of their very eyes. He proceeded in picking up the empty canned bears and almost drop it when Jiyong suddenly sat up and yelled, “SANDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAA! SANDARRRRRRRRRRRRAA!”
Jun, Kazunari and Ryusuke were in the lounge of one of the top record labels in Korea. Ryusuke was surprised as well when Jun asked if he knew what YGE is.
“YGE? Why?” Ryusuke asked as he looked at the mirror to look at Jun.
“Hmm… Kawaii-chan told me that I can find her in YGE… Is that a place?” Jun asked as he fiddled with his phone. “Is it a place? A condo unit?”
Ryusuke laughed at the weird thoughts that the younger guy was coming up. He stole a glance at Kazunari to asked what he thought about it but he saw him asleep.
“You seriously don’t know YGE? You haven’t heard them in Japan?” Ryusuke asked and saw a very confused look on Jun. “How about on the net?”
“I tried but it gave me a weird answer.” Jun answered with a pout.
“Eh?” Ryusuke asked.
“When I entered YGE, it gave me the answer Yingli Green Energy Hold.” Jun answered making Ryusuke laughed.
“Have you tried to search YGE Korea?” Ryusuke asked as he tried to stop himself from laughing.
Jun shook his head and tried to search on the net using his mobile phone. His smile widens when he found the answer. YGE means YG Entertainment.
“Ahh. Is YGE near here?” Jun asked.
“A bit… Why?” Ryusuke asked and he felt nervous on to whatever the younger guy was thinking.
“Drop me off there!” Jun exclaimed.
“Are you kidding me?” Ryusuke asked.
“No…!” Jun said and begged the older guy that Ryusuke can’t do anything but agree on his wishes. No wonder Kazunari was dragged here.
So here they are in the famous YG building waiting for the girl who was the reason for two top Japanese idols guising themselves from fans.
“Jun, what’s the name of Kawaii-chan?” Ryusuke whispered.
“Dara. Sandara. Park Sandara…” Jun answered as his eyes wandered and looks out for any girls coming and out of the building.
Jun saw two familiar guys but he cannot seem to remember on where he met them. The chinky eyed guy points at them at whispered into the other guy and then the other guy runs inside the building. He shrugged his shoulder since it doesn’t matter. The chinky guy walked towards them and smiled.
“Matsumoto-san, right?” Chinky eyed guy asked which he nodded. The guy took out his hand and offered it to him then said, “I’m Kang Daesung but you can call me Daesung or Dae. Arashi is one of the Japanese groups that I respected and seeing you here is a wonderful surprise. Do you know somebody from YG?”
Jun frowned and wanted to stopped the guy but he needed to get the information where Kawaii-chan can be found. He accepted the handshake and then answered, “Yes, I know somebody and I think you can help me out Daesung-san.”
Daesung nodded since he was curious about this guy. He felt that Matsumoto Jun’s arrival in YG would definitely cause chaos in their company.
“Dara… Do you know where I can find Sandara Park?” Jun asked surprising Daesung.
Daesung’s instinct was accurate. He was really the ‘Jun-chan’ that the 2NE1 girls were talking about. His mind was now thinking on how to stop the two from meeting. Although he wanted for his noona to be happy, he just can’t let his hyung suffer. He was debating whether or not to answer and when was ready to answer, he heard a very familiar screams behind him.
The two of them turned their attention to the direction where the screams came and saw the 2NE1 girls smiling widely at them and in the middle was a very flustered girl.
“Kawaii-chan! You’re here!” Jun exclaimed as he runs toward the girls earning the unwanted stares of all the people in the YG lobby.
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Chapter 18: Dara is dumb. That's the only explanation I can come up with.
Chapter 10: I hate JIYONG so damn much right now!!!
Chapter 24: Rereading again, and still it makes me teary eyed, still hoping the epilogue will come true!
Chapter 24: Rereading again, and still it makes me teary eyed, still hoping the epilogue will come true!
Lette1022 #5
Chapter 24: I hope it will come true
Chapter 24: Beautiful story i hope in year 2019 o 2020 will happen the wedding of perfect couple.
prettychez #7
Chapter 24: hope the ending will happen in real life. thank u authornim.thank u for sharing this. May u rest in peace.
Isangganda #8
Chapter 13: Seems a true to life scenario I dont want Dara to get back to Jiyong. Hahhahah
hopelessanddramatic #9
iznaberry chingu, be happy with our creator.
schaeiyra09 #10
Chapter 24: I hate jiyong from the first chapter until chapter 21...