Wavering Hearts


Dara saw him with Seungri as they walked out of the building with Jun and Kazunari. She cannot help but look at his direction. She saw the pained look on his face and she was hurt knowing that she caused the pain he’s having right now. Her heart is writhing in pain as she saw him watching her leave. If Bom or Chaerin wasn’t holding her down, her feet might have led her to him so that she can give him a tight hug.
“Unnie, restrain yourself.” Chaerin hissed in her ears that made her tense up.
She wanted to argue but she saw Bom’s glare and she nodded slightly. She knew that it would not do them good if she just suddenly runs toward him. It would not be appropriate. She looked down and followed the rest. She can feel his stares and she wanted to comfort him but she cannot.
“Kawaii-chan?” Jun asked as he slightly nudged the girl beside him who seems so lost.
“Sorry, Jun-chan.” Dara muttered with pursed lips.
“It’s okay… Everything will be okay.” Jun said meaningfully which confused her.
Silence ruled over them and all they can hear would be the sounds of the busy streets of Korea. Cars honking, people gossiping and the loud music of some stores were just few of the things they can hear but none of them utter a word.
Chaerin held her breath. Bom choose to ignore the silence and munch some biscuits she hid in her bag. Minzy decided to keep quiet and observed. Kazunari kept his mouth shut since he doesn’t know how to break the silence. Jun walked silently as he keeps on stealing glances of the girl beside him. Dara, dense as ever, walked while her thoughts were filled with the scene earlier.
“Dara…” Bom called the younger girl breaking the silence that reigned for quite a while. When Dara stopped and looked at the older girl, she continued, “… we’ll be going back to the dorms now. Why don’t you and Jun-sshi enjoy the busy nights of Seoul.”
“Right, we should have some nightlife! It has been so long…” Kazunari excitingly said but stopped when he felt the glare of Bom. He paused then changed his statement, “… Actually, I have something to do at this time. Ryusuke-nii has promised me to take me out. So you and Jun should go and have fun…”
Jun smiled apologetically at Kazunari as he realized that the older guy meant well. He also smiled at the girls since he can feel the support they have for him. Now, all he can hope for is that the girl who holds his heart would give in to their wishes.
“Are you all sure? Wouldn’t it be better if we all go? The more, the merrier?” Dara asked as she has no clue why these people were making her and Jun go alone.
“Aigoo, unnie! You should go out and have fun. We don’t want a gloomy rabbit at home.” Chaerin interrupted before the older girl starts talking again and she knew it would take forever.
“Right, unnie. Besides, Jun-oppa is your guest and you should be responsible for him.” Minzy said nicely earning a nod from Dara.
Dara reluctantly nod as the other four people went into separate ways leaving him alone with Jun. She sighed as she thought hard on where to bring Jun for their so-called date.
Jiyong waited for ten full minutes before deciding on following them. He’s not a stalker like what Seungri commented earlier regarding his plan of following them. He was just being protective of her. He doesn’t know the Japanese guy and he just wanted to know if she is alright.
“You are a masochist and a stalker, hyung.” Jiyong froze for a second as he remembered the line of Seungri before they left in their separate way.
He knew that following them would hurt him but he cannot resist. He needed to know that she’ll be safe and he’s happy to see her from a distance. He does not care a bit if that Japanese guy was the nicest guy around. He doesn’t even care if the guy was one of the biggest stars in Japan—the country they were trying to conquer. He doesn’t like any guy to be close to her for that matter. And that’s all what matters.
“Where do they plan to go?” Jiyong thought as he observed that no one was talking in their group.
He saw Chaerin looking sneakily at Bom and the older girl nodded. It hit him. Those two were planning to leave his girl—yes, his girl—with that guy. He’ll be damned. He saw on how Dara’s face wrinkled and all confused when the girls told her some odd reasons—his guess—why they needed to leave.
“Please Dara, don’t believe them…” Jiyong hoped but was disappointed as he saw the girls and the other Japanese guy leaving the two all alone.
Well, not on his watch.
Jun can feel that someone was watching him or them. It has been fifteen minutes since the others left but he and Kawaii-chan were still standing at the same place as they think of what to do or where to go. His eyes wondered around and frowned when he didn’t spot anyone. He shook his head to stop his mind from thinking that there is someone watching his every move.
“…Lotte Park?” Jun heard the last words of Dara but he wasn’t able to get the rest of them so he just nodded.
He saw her smiled genuinely, for the first time this day and it made him happy. He would just go with the flow. He messed her hair making her pout and he just find it so adorable.
“Have you heard what I told you earlier?” Dara asked the second time around since the guy looked so daze. She placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature. She raised her brows when she noticed Jun’s face turned red.
“I’m o-okay…” Jun said meekly as he felt her hand on his forehead. He sure likes the way he feels with her touch.
“Are you sure?” Dara asked worriedly.
Jun nodded.
“But you’re a bit redder than usual.” Dara pointed out that made Jun laughed nervously.
“Ah, it must have been the weather. My body might not be accustomed to Korea’s weather.” Jun lied and wished that she would believe him. Thankfully, she did. He smiled again and messed up her hair which made her frown.
“Stop messing my hair.” Dara exclaimed. She saw him winced and cannot help but feel guilty. It’s just that he used to do it. Messing her hair was Jiyong’s favorite things to do whenever they meet and she doesn’t want to remember any memory of it.
Ah, contradictions. Yes, she can say that her life is full of contradictions. A second ago, she was worried about him and the next second, she wanted to forget him. Goodness, heart please make up your mind or rather cooperate with each other.
“Sorry… I just remembered something.” Dara mumbled apologetically without looking at his eyes.
Jun smiled weakly. He already knew what to expect and he doesn’t mind waiting. At least, he was given a chance to be with him for today. It was more than enough to ask for.
“It’s alright. I understand.” Jun weakly said as he smiled at her.
Dara smiled back and feeling thankful that the guy understood her. She walked a few steps ahead of him and then looks back, motioning Jun to follow her. Jun reluctantly heeded to her wishes and shrugs his shoulder as he followed her.
“Where are we going now?” Jun asked breaking the silence between the two of them.
“I thought you were listening to me earlier!” Dara pouted as she crossed her arms while looking at the guy. Her eyes widen and exclaimed, “You are not listening! I should have known that almost all the guys are the same!”
Jun amusingly observed her as she rants about how he was not listening that led into men being born polygamous. Ah, when did it become like that? She lost him there. He finds her so cute and adorable as her expressions changed every now and then.
“… now, you are not listening again!” Dara pointed out at the dazed guy who was smiling crazily.
“I am. It’s just that…” Jun started and paused as she saw the expressions she has now. A bit expectant into whatever he would say. He chuckled and then continued, “… I was listening at first but you lost me in the middle of the talk… Sorry.”
Dara’s cheeks flushed as she realized that she started rambling about things again and she covered her face in embarrassment. How can she be this careless? She told herself to be careful in slipping out but here she goes breaking the walls she was meant to build between the two of them.
“Ah, Kawaii-chan~ Don’t be shy! Why don’t we go to the Amusement Park now?” Jun suggested as he was trying to control his laughter from bursting out because of the younger girl’s randomness.
Dara’s eyes lit up as she remembered the amusement park and unconsciously linked her arms with Jun’s. She’s used in linking her arms with Jiyong before that it has become a habit of her.
“Let’s go?” Dara said as she led him to the amusement park.
Jiyong fist curled up into a ball as he saw her linking arms with a guy, a guy other than him. He wanted to dash towards them and steals her from that guy but he cannot. He cannot do it not because he was worried about what people would say about him. He was worried because she might hate him and he doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want her to hate him, not now and not ever.
He followed them and his heart almost stopped when he saw that they were going to the amusement park that holds almost all of his memories with her.
“Are you bringing someone else aside from me?” Jiyong thought as he watched the two enter the park.
His heart is writhing in pain seeing that she is giving away a smile that was meant for him to another guy. He wanted to leave and forget that he has seen them but his feet won’t move away. His body doesn’t want to listen to what his mind was telling. It was like it was attached to her and like a magnet, he moves wherever she moves.
“Aissh. I don’t care what happens.” Jiyong muttered to himself as he bought one of the masks first before entering the amusement park to follow them.
He just cannot leave her alone. He just cannot.
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Chapter 18: Dara is dumb. That's the only explanation I can come up with.
Chapter 10: I hate JIYONG so damn much right now!!!
Chapter 24: Rereading again, and still it makes me teary eyed, still hoping the epilogue will come true!
Chapter 24: Rereading again, and still it makes me teary eyed, still hoping the epilogue will come true!
Lette1022 #5
Chapter 24: I hope it will come true
Chapter 24: Beautiful story i hope in year 2019 o 2020 will happen the wedding of perfect couple.
prettychez #7
Chapter 24: hope the ending will happen in real life. thank u authornim.thank u for sharing this. May u rest in peace.
Isangganda #8
Chapter 13: Seems a true to life scenario I dont want Dara to get back to Jiyong. Hahhahah
hopelessanddramatic #9
iznaberry chingu, be happy with our creator.
schaeiyra09 #10
Chapter 24: I hate jiyong from the first chapter until chapter 21...