~Oh, stop stalling already!~

Destined For Many, Dying For One

As Yoongi entered the dungeon, he approached the familiar glowing light that came from Hoseok's wings. Meanwhile, Hoseok had marked a second tally on the wall, "Day two of my imprisonment." He mumbled. He stared at the tally mark with a blank expression before the clink of Yoongi's sword was heard beside him.

Yoongi and Hoseok made eye contact.



"Call me Yoongi."

"Call Me Hoseok" 

The two then stared at each other in silence. Before Hoseok broke it.

"Did you talk to the other fairies!?" He asks, gripping onto the bars. Yoongi nods, "Yes." 

"Were they angry?" Hoseok asked, "Oh no, are you being exiled?!"

"No, it's not like that-"

"Are they going to kill us both now?"

"Ah, that's horrible! How could they do that to their own pri-"

"Hoseok calm down, I lied to them."

Yoongi flashed Hoseok a comforting grin, "They still think I want to kill you but I told a fib to buy some time."  Hoseok looked at Yoongi with a sigh of relief. "Anyway, I brought food. You must be starving right?" Yoongi says, handing out a package of the prey the hunters caught, "The beacon eats food right?"

"Yes, I eat food."

The two sat while eating their food, until, once again, Hoseok broke the silence. "Why are you eating here instead of with the other fairies?" Yoongi shrugged, "Usually I eat by myself anyways..."

"Are the other fairies mean to you?"

"No, not at all."

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, "Is it unbearable to hear them praise you. Does it hurt you knowing that you'll never live up to their expectations no matter how hard you try?" Yoongi's eyes widen, "Yes...Exactly that."

"Anyways, we should be thinking of an escape plan." Hoseok says, continuing to eat the rest of the meal, "Do you have an idea by chance?" Yoongi nods, "Yup!"

"First I'll unlock the cell by retrieving it's key."

"Then I'll cause a scene so you can fly away, and done!"

"That won't work!" Exclaimed the brown haired Fairy, "If I could fly freely, I wouldn't be here in the first place." Hoseok sighed, "I don't fulfill prophecies because I want to. I fulfill them because I have no choice."

"Every castle has an object or person that acts as a catalyst. If I fly too close to a catalyst, a magical force will pull me towards them. In this case, the catalyst for this Castle is you." "Can't you just fight the force?" "I can't leave the palace until the prophecy is fulfilled. If I try and swim away, the force will keep pulling me back. I tried very hard before, but it's just impossible. The only way I can do it is if I attempt to get 10 meters away from you."

Yoongi sighs, "All this time, I was told you wanted to die. I didn't know you were being controlled like a puppet..." he says, "Do you have magic?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "No, I don't."

"Really? No abilities, no powers?" 

"No I don't!" Hoseok exclaims, "I'm sorry but I'm not the magical person that solves everyone's problems like you expected!" He crosses his arms and looks away. Yoongi was desperate to make everything better again but he didn't know what to say."

Meanwhile, standing outside the Dungeons, waiting for Yoongi to come out.

Was Queen Flora

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