Chapter 4


Taehyung merrily hums a tune while his eyes are set on the purpose of observing his blurry reflection on the surface of a metal pot, fingers working assiduously to tame the very few, though remarkably wild, strands of blond hair which stubbornly refuse to stay in place. Inside the deadly silent kitchen, Taehyung allows himself to dwell in such act of vanity without interruption, and the burning longing to see Jungkook, who inevitably occupies his mind, fuels the need to make himself look better than decent.

Naturally, he is least expecting it when a voice comes seemingly out of nowhere, "My, my, such high spirits so early in the morning."

As if he were a child caught stealing candy, Taehyung briskly turns around, eyes slightly wide as he lets the pot fall behind him with a loud clink. Fortunately, from the shadows of the kitchen emerges a face he knows all too well.

"Seokjin!" Taehyung cries out, "You startled me."

The man, as handsome as always in spite of the early hours, smiles fondly. Taehyung merely stares as he approaches to pick up the pot he so carelessly dropped.

"Though it was not my intention, I must admit I have no regrets," Seokjin says, handing the pot to him and barely concealing his amusement as he recalls Taehyung's shocked expression.

Taehyung, rather embarrassed by his own overreaction, without delay places the pot back where it belongs. When he turns around, they are facing each other, and Taehyung purposely ignores the questioning look Seokjin throws upon him. "I could not imagine you to be awake at this hour today. Did you not sleep well?"

"I slept as soundly as a baby. But I am positively surprised by this awfully rare exhibition of good spirits," he declares in a joyous manner. Taehyung tenses. "It does make me wonder, whether it has anything to do with those secretive morning trips of yours, hmm?"

At Seokjin's revealing words, his blood runs cold, and he begs, "Please, tell me no one else knows."

It is terrifying to think, indeed, but it is very possible that the other servants might have taken notice of his unusual schedule as well. And while he is sure Seokjin could keep a secret for him, it is guaranteed that the others would not try to.

"Don't you fret, I do not think anyone noticed," Seokjin confirms softly, placing a reassuring hand on Taehyung's shoulder, and he is able to breathe normally again. "But I did, and it is only fair that you share with me where you have been going."

For a moment, the warmth of Seokjin's eyes makes him believe it is safe to tell him, but he is quickly deterred of the idea by the image of an upset prince Jimin. "I hope you will forgive me, but as much as I value our friendship, this is the only thing I cannot possibly tell you."

"What is the matter with this much secrecy?" he inquires. At Taehyung's silence, Seokjin frowns slightly in what appears to be nothing more than childish disappointment. "Does the prince know?"

"Yes, he does."

After an awkward pause, Seokjin clears his throat and gives Taehyung a meaningful look, "If it is a lover you are seeing, you need not be ashamed, for it is quite fine and expected for someone in the blooming days of youth as you are, to have a lover or two to sneak to."

"A lover, you say!" Taehyung gasps louder than he intends to, feeling heat pooling at his cheeks. "Heavens, no."

"Dear, do not try to deny what is blatantly obvious," Seokjin lets out a short laugh, smiling knowingly, "Your eyes shine a different light, what else could it be if not young, foolish love?"

Seokjin's words strike true, and the more he refuses to think of Jungkook as a - lover, yes - the more his vivid imagination betrays him. Taehyung shakes his head in stubborn denial to dwell in such nonsense. "Love, hardly possible," he firmly states, "Friendship, perhaps."

"Surely you do not think you can fool me, do you?"

"I would never dream of it," he confesses, but to no avail, Seokjin is already narrowing his eyes at him. "Stop looking at me like that. It is an acquaintance of mine I am seeing, nothing more."

Seokjin hums, at last moving away from Taehyung to prepare his own breakfast in silence, although he does catch him murmuring, "Love it is, then."

"You never tire of teasing me, do you?" he playfully laments, but waits for no answer and starts walking towards the door, the first rays of sunshine finally entering the windows. "I must take my leave now," he politely announces.

"Have fun!", it's Seokjin's final, and by all means teasing, shout.


Taehyung swiftly moves along the corridor that leads to a hidden exit, and soon enough, he is settled on his horse with the letter safely secured in the folds of his coat. Making sure he does not draw any unwanted attention, Taehyung carefully rides to the secondary gate meant to be used by royal guards and servants.

As it is expected, said gate is open and the surroundings are conveniently deserted, but when he goes to make his way through it, a gruff voice calls out for him to halt all movement. He does stop, not because he chooses to, but because he is unable to continue. He freezes on the spot as his breath catches in his throat, and the dreadful realization of being found out begins to make him nauseous.

Taehyung can barely suppress the shiver that travels down his spine to his very toes, and he can do little else but watch, completely petrified, how the royal guard approaches with confident and alarmingly fast strides.

"Where do you think you are going?", the man nearly growls. His tone is not the least bit innocuous, if anything, it is harsh and demanding and biting. As seconds pass and no reply comes, the guard seems to lose the minuscule patience he has been graced with, and all but glares up at him.

Taehyung swallows thickly before deciding on a non-betraying answer, "I am on duty, sir."

"Where to?"

Taehyung grips the reigns into his fists and wills himself to remain calm. While keeping a straight, unperturbed face, he comes up with an excuse that he deems believable enough, and decides to push his luck, "Heading to town, sir. The kitchen has run out of eggs."

Eggs. Seokjin would have openly laughed at his inconvenient lack of imagination when it came to lying, but alas, Taehyung has never been a good liar. He does, however, hope that this royal guard is dense enough to not notice.

The guard narrows his eyes, seemingly deep in thought. "Why have I not been notified of this?”

Good heavens, he is dense.

Taehyung speaks again, with more confidence shaping his speech this time, "I suppose my superiors might have seen it more fitting to simply send me, sir. After all, there is no reasonable need to worry the royal guards with matters as embarrassing and lowly as the lack of eggs in the royal kitchen, is there?" The guard blinks stupidly at him, as if he somehow struggles to keep up with the continuous flow of words. Taehyung continues, "I do believe it would be quite problematic if the King were to find out about the unspeakable disorganization of--"

The guard groans in exasperation, "For heaven's sake, close that dammed mouth, lad!", and after such pitiable outburst, he angrily gestures to the exit, not bothering to look at Taehyung again. "Leave at once and make haste."

"Yes, sir."

Finally, Taehyung is free from the palace's walls, riding towards his destination with a triumphant smile on his face. He cannot wait to see the look on Jungkook's face once he tells him.


Upon arrival, Jungkook had asked, most politely, if Taehyung would be so kind as to wait until he was done with a pile of several straw bales that needed to be stocked, and Taehyung had been nodding his head yes before the man had even finished wording out his petition.

Taehyung often wonders why he cannot bring himself to be more subtle, to not give in Jungkook's wishes with such shameless ease, but the only plausible answer he finds is the realization that he has developed a soft spot in his heart for the farmer, and this is as embarrassing as it is dangerous. He cannot help lamenting the pitiable outcome of this newfound feeling should it evolve into something else - something greater and ineffable and absurd.

Now, despite being comfortably sat on the cool grass with his back resting against the base of a tree and sheltered by its generous shade, Taehyung feels sick with the inevitable dread of uselessness that originates from watching Jungkook work under the merciless sun. The weather is most pleasant for him, warm breeze soothing against his face, but Taehyung is deeply affected by the thought that it may not be so pleasant to Jungkook. No, it simply cannot feel the same for him, he thinks, not with the way he appears to be sweating so profusely.

Jungkook groans as one especially monstrous straw bale falls from his shoulder and hits the ground of the nearest stable rather loudly. The frown on Taehyung's face is evident, and he deliberately waits until Jungkook comes back to retrieve another to speak, "Are you alright?"

It is not the first time he asks him this, and definitely it will not be the last, for his concern doesn’t dissipate and only seems to escalate, regardless of the answer.

Jungkook comes to a halt where Taehyung is, breathing unusually even despite all the work he has been doing. He brings a strong hand to his sweaty forehead, and after rubbing the excess of wetness on his white shirt, he finally looks down at Taehyung. "For the last time, Taehyung, I feel quite alright," he says, determined to sound reprimanding, but failing when his voice shows the smallest hint of fondness. "I have no need for help."

Steady to his purpose, Taehyung insists, "You do look like you could benefit from a bit of help, or rest, or both." Jungkook, after giving the impression that he would at least consider his suggestion, waves a dismissive hand, and his stubbornness makes Taehyung sigh in defeat. "Does it pain your pride so much that you must decline my help?"

"My pride shall never guide my actions," he replies, and for a moment, the finality of those words makes Taehyung think Jungkook will turn and leave. Instead, he moves closer so that he now stands in the cooling shade of the tree as well, and Taehyung is at last relieved. "Would you not think it inappropriate if I were to accept the assistance of my own guest?"

"Well, yes, but it seems you have forgotten that I am no guest. I deliver letters."

The sound of Jungkook's laughter is always pleasing to hear, but as it quickly dies down and he walks away to continue with his task, Taehyung is once again left to his particular misery. He wishes to help, to make himself useful, and secretly, to be with him, but the other will not allow any of it, and now he must admit he is more bored than he is worried.

Much to his surprise, Jungkook comes back and drops one of those straw bales in front of him, a childish smile on his face. "See?" his eyebrows move oddly up and down, which results in Taehyung letting out a small chuckle, and he continues, "These are not as heavy as you think they are."

Feigning interest, Taehyung examines the bale for a few seconds, then slowly moves his gaze up to Jungkook's face, who is looking back at him expectantly. 

"I suppose I must believe you," he concedes, although not fully convinced to leave his concern for the other's wellbeing, "but I still should hate to see you exert yourself while I sit here and do nothing."

"While it pleases me how considerate you are," Jungkook begins, "I would like it better if you ceased worrying about me, for I am in no way exerting myself."

"That does little to mend the guilt that eats at my heart, I must say."

"I am afraid I cannot save your heart from this irrational guilt you speak of," the competitive glimmer in those deep brown eyes challenging his own proves that Jungkook is headstrong to a fault, which clearly indicates the beginning of an endless argument that has Taehyung rolling his eyes.

"There has to be something I can do, I am sure," he tries again, standing up to be at Jungkook's eye level, "if you would just let me--"

Jungkook places a heated hand on Taehyung's shoulder and promptly cuts him off before he can say another word, "Taehyung, you really have only two flaws. One is your dangerous determination, and the other, your inability to take compliments."

"Oh believe me, Jungkook, I have many more flaws than just two," he counters in spite of the warming feeling that threatens to cloud his judgment, "and while the former might be one of them, the latter is not."

Jungkook lifts a playful eyebrow, leisurely sliding his hand down Taehyung's arm as he comes to stand closer, "Oh? How so?", when he smiles, innocently devilish, Taehyung believes it an impossibility not to stare at his mouth. "I am certain if I called you beautiful right now, you would hit me."

"Of course I would, and rightfully so," he defends, "You cannot expect me to accept compliments that are exaggerated, after all."

"I surely do not recall exaggerating anything I ever said to you."

"You must have poor memory, then."

"Not at all, although you always make me forget myself," Jungkook easily admits, breathy against his warm cheeks. Taehyung didn't take notice before, but now he realizes, with a great amount of self-awareness, that Jungkook may be a bit too close to his face to not be considered intimate. With much difficulty, Taehyung forces himself to look up from his lips, and is met with the shocking realization that Jungkook's eyes are fixed on his own mouth. Jungkook seems to sense this, for he hastily looks up as well and their eyes find each other. Unable to endure the intensity of the situation, he ducks his head and focuses on the grass where he sees one of Jungkook's boots stepping in between his shoes. "How did we start this conversation?" Jungkook eventually asks.

“So-something about straw bales, I believe.”

Saying nothing about his stuttering, Jungkook steps back as if he had just taken notice of the invasion of personal space he was committing. “I shall get back to work," he announces with some sort of difficulty, clearing his throat. Taehyung only nods, hoping that he will be left alone now to compose his shaking self, but Jungkook seems to have a few more words to say him, "And please, do ignore me. I fear I will never get anything done if you keep looking my way."

Taehyung looks up at the mention of such odd petition, and is ready to ask him of the meaning behind it, but the other is already gone to continue with his duties, and as it often happens when one is told not to do something, Taehyung scarcely ignores Jungkook.

Not even once does Jungkook glance his way, and soon Taehyung tires of it and decides to do something else. At last, he finds entertainment in the calming process of plucking the small buttercups that are scattered all around him from their bed of grass. Out of boredom, his able fingers thread the buttercups' stems together to create a flower crown. Later, looking at the finished crown with a proud heart, he briefly tussles his hair before placing it on his head.

He is on his knees and in the middle of collecting more of the small flowers to make another crown when Jungkook approaches with heavy steps. Naturally, this causes Taehyung to lift his head to acknowledge him, and in the process of taking his figure in, he marvels at the taut muscles of his arms and neck. Even glistening with a thin layer of sweat, Jungkook does not appear the tiniest bit less handsome.

Jungkook comes to sit down in front of him, letting out a sigh of relief when the cool grass touches his heated skin. Drying his hands on his shirt, he dedicates Taehyung a small smile, and Taehyung wills himself not to tremble when the hand he raises comes near his face, traveling upwards to touch the flower crown that is elegantly decorating his head.

"Flowers look most becoming on you," his expression is unreadable as he says this. Visibly enraptured, Jungkook slides careful fingers over the flowers, regarding Taehyung almost adoringly. "Marvelous work," he praises, hesitant as he retracts his hand to let it fall on his lap, "you have gifted hands. Soft, gifted hands."

On the outside, Taehyung remains unperturbed, but on the inside, every inch of him is tingling so violently that he feels the inexplicable need to jump and dance and rejoice.

Under the pretense of finding Jungkook's attentions the most amusing nuisance, he says, "Flattery flows out of your mouth with such ease that I am convinced it is your mother tongue."

"You amuse me, but it is most certainly not," he briefly chuckles, "I like to say what I think. Is that a crime?"

"Well, I would not say crime, but sometimes saying what is on one's mind is not at all advisable."

Jungkook looks greatly pleased by his response, showing no delay in complimenting his wit before easing away any traces of enjoyment from his face and falling silent. His eyes, however, remain bright and fixed on the top of Taehyung's head.

He smiles, understanding. “Do you want me to make one for you?” At the question, Jungkook appears to be lost in thought and nods, saying not a thing.


After a while, Taehyung has finished yet another beautiful flower crown that he eagerly places on Jungkook's head, sitting back to endlessly admire his creation, and how well it fits him. It is a real pity that Jungkook's frown spoils the overall adorable sight.

"It feels odd on me," Jungkook nearly whines.

"How can you say that when you have not yet seen yourself?"

"Taehyung, I know you are too polite to openly mock me, but I am aware of how laughable I must look," Jungkook lifts one hand in an attempt to grab the flower crown, possibly to take it off, but Taehyung swats his hand away in a scolding manner.

"Oh hush, you look lovely."

Jungkook's hand falls flat on his lap, watching Taehyung curiously. "Who is abusing flattery now?"

"It is not-", he begins, but promptly falls silent upon noticing the widening of Jungkook's smile. "I truly mean it, you look lovely."

His chest swells in the most delightful manner when he notes that Jungkook, possibly unaccustomed to be the one on the receiving end of praise, seems mildly flustered. He laughs.

The sensation is short-lived however, for without any sort of warning, Jungkook startles him by inching forward. He reaches out as if he means to touch Taehyung's crown again, but his hand comes to bury itself in his hair instead. Against reason, Taehyung cannot bring himself to flinch or protest as he finds the caress effortlessly pleasurable, heart beating out of his ribcage.

"You..." Jungkook whispers, hastily retracting his hand. He opens his mouth to say more only to clench his jaw shut, mind and heart clearly at war.

“What is it?” Taehyung, albeit awkward, eventually asks, and it feels like the bravest thing he has ever done.

"I apologize, I could not resist touching it," Jungkook says in a rush,"Now I know it is soft, like the rest of you."

Upon hearing this, his cheeks set ablaze, and Taehyung truly believes in the possibility that Jungkook could be courting him, but quickly decides that such twisted supposition can only be the result of a wishful, despicable imagination.

"Jungkook, I..." he whispers, digging his teeth on his bottom lip to stop himself from saying it. He cannot. He mustn't. Not now, not ever.

Jungkook blinks owlishly, "Yes?"

"No," he shakes his head, "Do not mind me."

"Tell me, please, for I fear you are keeping many things to yourself these days."

"I... I forgot."

Much to his relief, Jungkook does not dig any further into the subject for the rest of the time they spend together, nor does he hint at anything related to it. They speak of horses and laugh at the ignorance that some royal guards display, but nothing is said in the lapses where their eyes glue to each other's with an unbearable hunger for intimacy. They pretend nothing is due to be said because both of them desperately seek to avoid the major confrontation of accepting what has blossomed within their hearts.


"It is starting to worry me, Tae," Jimin confesses one lovely afternoon, voice taut with feeling, "His late replies are considerably of less ardent nature, rushed even."

They are in one of the several royal gardens, both lazily sat on a cloth that is there because the prince cannot stand the sight of crawling bugs. Prince Jimin has his head rested on Taehyung's lap, blond strands of hair fanned out beautifully as he reads, over and over again, Jungkook's letter with scrutinizing eyes.

Taehyung is determined to listen intently to each and all of the prince worries, but as it has come to be a common occurrence these days, he is doomed to fail, for his head is inconveniently full of him.

"How so?" Taehyung asks, encouraging the prince to continue as he does his best to soothe him with careful fingers that brush at his hair, occasionally threading the silky locks with lilies.

"I cannot be certain, but the way he addresses his feelings does not seem clear to me anymore," he lets out a gloomy sigh. "Do you think he is losing interest?"

The question makes his eyebrows draw together, "I would find that rather impossible, for he seemed quite intent in having a letter written a day for you, and as far as I am concerned, he is most diligent when he writes them."

"'You ought to know I wish you well'," the prince reads aloud in the deepest voice he can manage, presumably imitating that of Jungkook's. They share some giggles before the prince is back at the main subject of interest. "He ends the letter there, how terribly bland. Do you not think it odd?"

"I think it is quite the gallant way to end a letter."

"You are so naive, Tae," he groans. "Always thinking so high of others that you fail to see where they fall short."

"I am not naive, you worry too much."

"Perhaps, but I cannot have him think I am an easy catch," he says and lifts his gaze searching for Taehyung's. Taehyung smiles down at him. "Tomorrow," the prince tells him, looking too serious all of sudden, "when you see him, I want you to remind him that it requires more effort on his part to keep me interested."

He nods, "Yes, I shall."

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takutoswife #1
Chapter 11: This was so beautiful! I love it!
kazuikazami #2
Chapter 11: How the AFF hides his gem till now???
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 11: this is really beautiful... wonderfully written!!!!

I am happy that they get to have their happy ending...all four of them...namjoon...jimin...taehyung and jungkook... :-)
yellowab #4
Chapter 11: A well written, beautiful story. Absolutely stunning
kulitlang08 #5
hi are you? I hope everything is going well... looking forward for the next update....
Chapter 10: Wow what an ending of the chapter !!! I'm gonna cry
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 10: this is so goooood...thank you... :-)
Chapter 9: Wooowww! First time seeing someone playing with ancient English style in AFF! Amazing!
Divyakr_ #9
Chapter 9: Waiting for an update