rp partner needed! looking for a female dom ♡ (1x1rp) (yuri) still looking!!!



hello! i'm looking for rp partner to plot with esp female dom (´。• ω •。`) i have a few cute/fluff plots that i wanted to try but i'm not sure if it's cool or not?? you can give some of your ideas too to make this plot fun for the both of us!

  • one: you're a successful businesswoman and i'm your faithful/professional personal assistant. i have been working for you for a few years now and secretly have a teeny crush for you. you recently got yourself heartbroken from a breakup too. you start giving random compliments to me one day and notice how fluster i would get with my red cheeks. you unexpectedly enjoy seeing this new side of your personal assistant with her silly reactions. you start bringing me to important dinners as your date, hugging me for too long and even invite me to your place for "girl time". on the other hand, as much as i enjoy the attention i'm getting from you, i don't want this to be the rebound relationship you had with the previous lover, which causes some problems, angst and whew, drama.
  • two: we're both the best cheerleaders in our squad and we're constantly fighting for the top spot; we definitely hate each other so why are we making out?
  • three: you're a broke college student who often walks past a flower shop that owned by a cute florist. every single day you would at least try to purchase something cheap and irrelevant there to get the florist's attention.

please comment below if you're interested with any of these plots! i'll privately message you here in aff owo if this flop,, imma delete lmao also i'll include some few headups here:

  • i'm not picky with your faceclaim, so be whoever you think you're comfortable with!
  • i mostly rp as iu, chuu, irene and more, but you can choose my faceclaim too
  • we can make our own quick ocs too if you like?? so it'll be more fun you know
  • semi-lit, literate, para, i don't mind! we can discuss this together privately
  • this rp can lead to too if you want ehe
  • i don't mind any platforms (twitter/kakaotalk/etc) but i do prefer fb so we can seperate ic/ooc
  • please inform me if you ever get busy or not interested in the rp anymore, i'll be doing the same too :)


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hello! still looking?
Hey there! I'd love to play plot 2 or 3 and try out making up OCs. I work full-time so I can't reply super fast (tbh, 5 days latest), hope that's okay with you. My KKT ID is rayccoon.
im interested
HoboTaeng #4
Hi I'm interested!