The Hunter and The Rabbit

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Her first, her now, their forever.

In which Wendy is a werewolf and there's no one else Irene would rather be with.


Joohyun held her breath. 

The first time she saw Seungwan’s pelt, she was terrified. She knew she shouldn’t be. Seungwan was sweet and kind and gentle. She reassured Joohyun that the shift didn’t turn her into a dangerous predator the way the folklore stories said. She would be the same Seungwan just a little furrier. It sounded okay in Seungwan’s mouth but when she saw it, Joohyun couldn’t keep from trembling. 

“It’s not pretty,” Seungwan had warned her. “You can cover your eyes if you want.”

But Joohyun couldn’t take her eyes away. 

This time was no different. She watched with bated breath as Seungwan’s pelt burst across her skin in prickles of color. First tips of silvery gray and black on top of white that needled across her stomach. Her bones cracked, compressing into a new shape for the new form she was taking on. 

Seungwan groaned as it happened, her face contouring into pain as her jaw extended and her soft, milky features were taken over by a muzzle full of teeth. It was grotesque but it was beautiful. She was mostly white, the color making up her underbelly and legs and paws and the underside of her tail that ended in a tuft of black. Her head and back were peppered in silvery gray with wisps of black woven in that also darkened the tips of her ears. But what was most striking were her eyes. Blue. Stunning, summertime blue. 


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Chapter 1: Someone retweeted about this story on twitter that's why I'm here. I've heard that you are retiring. I hope everything goes well wherever you may go. Thank you for all the wonderful stories you've given us
1166 streak #2
Chapter 1: Congrats on the feature Authy...
smarty0821 #3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The story is like a breath of fresh air. It’s been a while since I read something new like this even though it was written way back 2019 🥹. I really like the dynamic of wenrene here and how they both love and care for each other so much. Hope to read more from you author-nim!
Chapter 1: I'm so glad this story got featured because if not, I wouldn't have come across this. This is my first time reading this and it's already on the top ten of my favourite wenrene stories ever. This was beautifully written. Thank you for this, author-nim. :)
Chapter 1: That’s so cute
784 streak #6
Chapter 1: It was amazing! I loved it!
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 857 streak #8
congrats on the feature
yay featured story 🩵🩷
59 streak #10
Chapter 1: Love your take on this. Seungwan is very sweet, taking care of Joohyun who accepts her with full heart.