C21: Are you worthy to be my girlfriend?

In My Dream
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Things between Seulgi and Irene are going smoothly. Wendy started her work in Park Empire. Irene got busy managing the store and teaching Yuju the things she should know. They also hire a new employee to help Yuju when Irene is not around. Kim Min-Ju and Kim Chae-won, the fraternal twins.


Seulgi became more attentive and sweet towards Irene. She would pick her up from the store and sent her after.


Just like today...


The bell in the store door rang.


"Welcome, Ma'am!" The Kim Twins happily greeted Seulgi.


Seulgi smile. "Hello, where is Irene?"


"Irene-Unnie is in the staff room, Unnie." Min-ju smile.


"Thank You, Min-Ju, Chae-won." Seulgi smiles at the twins and went to the staff room.


"Hi, Seulgi-unnie!" Yuju greeted her. 


"Hi, Yuju,"


"Picking up Irene unnie?


"Yes," Seulgi grin.


"Sweet." Yuju grin back. "Just go inside, she's there waiting."








Irene looks up when the door opened and it reveals the grinning Seulgi. Seeing Seulgi warm-up Irene's heart.


"Are you ready?" Seulgi asked.


"Yes, I'm ready to go."


"Let's go." Seulgi grabbed Irene's bag. "Let me carry this for you."


"Thank you."




Seulgi offered her hand to Irene which the latter accepts without hesitation. It seems like holding hands became normal to both beauties.


Seulgi smile, Irene is slowly opening up to her. She often smiles and laughs a lot too.


"What is your next theme for the next painting, Seul?"


Seulgi opened her car door for Irene, "I already have an ."


"Well, I'm excited to know it." 


Seulgi takes the seat behind the wheel and smiles at Irene. "I will tell you when we get in my place."


Irene pout. "Why not tell it now?"


"Can't you wait, cutie?" Seulgi smile.


Irene blushed when Seulgi calls her cutie. She was used to people calling her cute, beautiful and pretty but when it is Seulgi who cal

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Chapter 43: i am so looking forward to this story
sagingnirene #2
Chapter 43: authornim pls update 🥹
Xa1jie11 #3
Hmm. How are you otornim?😅
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Continue please author nim:((
twiceonce999 #5
Chapter 43: Will you continue this story author-nim? This is so good, and tbh it is such a waste to be abandoned like this, fighting..... We still waiting for your updates....
Chapter 43: I just binge read this story and i hope authornim will update new chapter soon ☹
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 43: Joohyun, I hope that you’re letting all the evidence go public, before Yeri gets to you...
Chapter 43: Yeri's plan would alienate her not only from Tiffany but also Taeyeon once they catches wind of what she has been doing behind their backs all along. Not only is she sabotaging and draining their company from within, but she is also knowingly plotting and putting at harm's way their real child. While I do get Yeri's pain and applaud Taeyeon's concern of her, Tiffany's right that it is about time that they make an effort to finally inform and formally include Irene to their family. Irene was deprived of a family who would care for her while Taeny lost significant milestones in their child's life. All three of them never had the chance to experience being a whole family and everything it entails. Taeyeon's care for Yeri was nice and all, but at the same time it is stupid to keep on putting off telling Irene the truth. It's like she is choosing one child over the other even if it is not the case. Tiffany obviously didn't mean neglecting Yeri once Irene's there with them. She only meant that she wants to finally be a family to Irene and be there for her like they should have been doing all those years. Never did she say that she is putting more importance on her over Yeri. Tiffany's in the right here because they owe alot to Irene and she could've been with them all along if only they actually made an effort to find her in the first place. Taeyeon wants to be considerate to Yeri, but what about to Irene who is actually their long lost daughter? She is the one who suffered the most over the years spent without them and only having her grandma for a meager amount of years as her source of comfort. The rest of her life was a struggle dotted with a few bright moments with her grandmother, Jennie, and Wendy.

Here's to hoping that Irene's still several steps ahead of Yeri and Seulgi's actually just on stand-by in case something happens. Like, she actually got someone to keep an eye on Irene whenever she is not there to accompany her. Protection detail or even WenJoy would be great.
Chapter 42: Aw irene dont cry :”(
Chapter 42: too short :(