my Shop - ARCHIVES
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Shrysea poster background banner story moon's
note Can anyone figure out my real struggle and effort behind this poster!? I guess, 'NO' hehehe... Shrysea, don't forget to let me know about your honest thoughts. Kindly don't forget to leave a comment + give an upvote + please do attach the shop banner with link in the story forward. Thank you~ jaecomponents Owlrose poster background banner story moon's
note I'm sorry for taking so much time but I was really busy and I don't really know if you are going to like this poster or not. I have been tring to make different edits from my casual routine. You don't know how hardly I hold myself back to avoid the manips for this request. Kindly don't forget to leave a comment + give an upvote + please do attach the shop banner with link in the story forward. Thank you~ jaecomponents JennyUdinov poster background banner story moon's
note I know I have closed this request but still got my energy back to do it. So, I did it, finally did it. Sorry Jenny, if you don't find this one as what you have expected from me. I'm really sorry for this because I have been challenging myself to avoid manips. Kindly don't forget to leave a comment + give an upvote + please do attach the shop banner with link in the story forward. Thank you~ jaecomponents KingAgust_d poster background banner story moon's
note I hope you like this one. I tried to work with the
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Chapter 39: Paint You and My Tears have the same wibes somehow. You didn't like the colorful version of the poster You made for me by the way?
You did such a great job with the pant and even better with the sleeve. At first I didn't know because I hadn't seen the original picture though. Thank you again for your hardwork!
Chapter 34: Ahhh y Temptation! Nina should have faint for it hihi. I really love the "cry for love" one too. Why Exo members look so hot when they are always clothed bathing! I mean Kai excels doing it too!
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl the first poster is so cooooool≧◡≦
And the fact that it’s inspired the fan movieee (*˘︶˘*)
Chapter 20: I still am in love with the cover for The Real Me. Everytime I work on that story, I need to look at least 2 minutes to the cover before I can start writing. God, I love it so much <3
Chapter 27: 😍😍😍
Hi, is this shop open for request?
L_Chan #9
Chapter 1: The posters in this batch look awesome, except the second and seventh.