Jongho X Yunho

Ateez Mpreg One Shots
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Jongho frowned as he studied the picture in his hand. He’d only had it a week but it was something he did so often that it was already looking dog-eared and slightly worn. It wasn’t always a frown that accompanied such close inspection, sometimes it was a smile. He was looking at his baby after all and that was kind of amazing. But today it was a frown, and it was a frown of consternation. Yunho kept telling him he was being paranoid and he was going to end up with a permanent line between his eyebrows but he couldn’t help it. What the ultrasound technician had told him and how he felt just didn’t add up. And he supposed it could be paranoia, he was an overthinker sometimes, but what if it wasn’t paranoia?

“Will you stop that?”

Jongho hadn’t heard him come in but as he looked up from his seat on the couch he saw that his boyfriend was standing over him, a frown of his own on his face. “Stop what?” He asked, feigning ignorance.

“Stop looking for something that isn’t there.” Yunho elaborated, even though he knew for a fact Jongho knew what he was talking about. “If there were two babies there the technician would have spotted that. She looks at ultrasound images day in and day out. And a baby is hard to miss.”

“But not impossible to miss.” Jongho insisted. He’d been reading articles about ‘hidden twins’ on the internet and it was more common than he’d thought. Not that Yunho needed to know that. Reading articles that might fuel his paranoia was something else Yunho had been nagging at him not to do. 

And with a sigh Yunho took a seat next to him on the couch. “This is all Mingi and Wooyoung’s fault.” He said, not for the first time. “If they’d never started teasing you then you wouldn’t be so worried.”

And Jongho supposed that had been the start of it. When he’d first told them he was pregnant he’d used the words ‘we’re having a baby’ to which Mingi had replied ‘might not be a baby, might be two’. 

This hadn’t exactly been a surprise. It had been two for Mingi after all. He and Wooyoung were parents to almost five year old twin girls. But it had gotten Jongho thinking. Mingi was right. There was no guarantee it was one baby. And seeing Jongho’s reaction to this comment was to go unusually quiet, his eyes widening slightly in something like shock as he realised two babies were a possibility… well this had only spurred Mingi on. And Wooyoung too. ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if you had twins too?’ Wooyoung had said. ‘Oh, if you did you could come with us to our parents of multiples group! It’s a lot of fun. We all went to the beach last week, the girls loved it.’

Jongho had not thought it would be ‘funny’. He’d been happy when he’d found out he was expecting but his pregnancy hadn’t technically been planned, and he still hadn’t entirely come to terms with the fact he was going to be somebody’s mother. He didn’t need Mingi and Wooyoung pointing out the possibility he might have to be mother to two somebodies not one.

And that had been it. As soon as he’d let on to Wooyoung that he’d be fine with just one baby he and Mingi had taken it upon themselves to remind him that it could be two at every opportunity. If he said he was tired they’d remind him all Mingi had done was sleep during his first trimester. If he told them how sick he felt (which was very in those first few weeks, Yunho had had to coax him to eat, something he’d never had to do before) he’d be told that Mingi hadn’t been able to keep anything down for ages, it was probably the hormones, double the babies double the hormones after all. And Wooyoung had kept telling him he’d put him on the waiting list to join their parents of multiples group, ‘just in case’. There were limited spaces and it would be sad if he did have twins and couldn’t join.

They’d clearly enjoyed seeing the slight panicked look that appeared on his face every time they mentioned twins and Yunho telling them to stop messing with his boyfriend had only made them find it funnier. They’d seemed genuinely disappointed when he’d told them his first ultrasound had only shown one baby and they’d had to put an end to the teasing.

But while Wooyoung and Mingi had stopped suggesting it might be twins Jongho couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d been right. There was a voice in his head telling him there were two babies in there and he couldn’t explain why. The technician had confidently pointed out just one baby and Yunho kept reminding him being tired and feeling sick weren’t symptoms unique to carrying multiples. And Jongho knew he was right. But he couldn’t shut up the voice telling him the technician had made a mistake.

“I just wish my next scan wasn’t so far away.” He said deciding to gloss over Mingi and Wooyoung’s contribution. They might have started it but he was the one that hadn’t been able to let the idea drop. “I just want to know one way or the other.”

“We do know one way or the other.” Yunho replied taking the scan picture from his hand. “There’s our baby.” He told him, pointing to the white shape in the middle of the image. “Our only baby. There’s nothing else there.”

“Unless our other baby’s hiding.” Jongho insisted, taking the picture back and levelling a scowl at his boyfriend. Or at least he’d been going for a scowl.

“Stop pouting at me.” Yunho told him, letting him know he’d missed the mark. “Babies don’t play hide and seek. You need stop worrying about something that isn’t going to happen. It can’t be good for you.”

“I know.” Jongho mumbled. “I know… I just… what if it is twins? We’re not prepared for that.”

“We weren’t technically prepared for one baby.” Yunho reminded him with a smile. “But that didn’t mean we weren’t happy when we found out, does it?”

“Being happy and being prepared are two different things.” Jongho responded with a slight shake of his head, refusing to back down so easily. “I know all kids are hard work but twins take it to another level. Do you remember how much Mingi and Wooyoung struggled in the beginning?”

“Of course they did, everyone does.” Yunho reasoned. “But they adjusted. Just like we’ll have to adjust when our baby gets here. Our one baby.”

And Jongho would have argued some more but Yunho finished a sentence with a tilt of his head that meant ‘come here’ and Jongho found himself ducking under his arm without protest and settling against his chest. Yunho obviously wasn’t in the mood to listen and it might only be early afternoon but he was already tired. Probably because it was twins he thought with a huff as he wrapped his arm more securely around Yunho and snuggled in closer. No matter what his boyfriend said he was convinced it was still a possibility. It didn’t happen often, but people made mistakes and it would be just his luck.

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

“Do you see this?” He asked incredulously, spinning to face his boyfriend, sweatshirt and t-shirt pulled up to his chest.

“What, your bellybutton?” Yunho asked, sounding genuinely confused. He was lying on top of their bed covers, phone In his hand, waiting for him to finish getting changed. It was the Saturday after pay day and they’d decided to go out to the cinema while they could both afford it. They’d been planning to go out for dinner afterwards too and this had been the part Jongho had been most excited about. Until now.

“No, not my bellybutton,” he snapped, wondering if Yunho was being deliberately obtuse, “this!” He exclaimed, waving a hand at the fastening of his trousers. The fastening that he could not for the life of him get to close.

“Your trousers?” Yunho hazarded next.

He was lucky he was so far away Jongho thought with a scowl, if he’d have been any closer he’d have smacked him. “They won’t fasten. At all.” 

Yunho’s brow creased slightly as he took in this information. “Hmm.” He said at last. “Well I guess it was going to happen sooner or later. You’ve got other clothes that still fit though, right? Just get changed.”

“I do have more clothes, but that’s not the point.” Jongho told him, not any happier. He wasn’t looking for a solution, he was looking for someone to rant at. “The point is these should still fit. I shouldn’t be showing so much so soon. I’m telling you, it’s weird.”

“It’s not weird.” Yunho insisted. It was an argument they’d had before but he was as stubborn as Jongho and wasn’t about to back down. “You’re fifteen weeks pregnant. You should be showing a little by now.”

“Yes, a little. But not to the point where I can’t fit in half my clothes.”

“That’s not ‘half your clothes’, that’s one pair of trousers that were already on the tight side when you bought them.” Yunho reminded him. “If they’re the first pair not to fit you that’s not a big surprise. They’re meant to be close fitting and you’ve gained weight since then.”

And at first all Jongho could do was stare. Had he really just… yes, yes he had. Those words really had just left his mouth. “So you’re saying the baby isn’t the problem, I’m just fat?” He demanded, gaze narrowing.

“No.” Yunho said, slowly and deliberately. “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying you’re no bigger than you should be.”

“Really?” Jongho asked, eyebrows raised, “I’m enormous.” And he turned side on to the mirror so Yunho could see what he was talking about.

“You’re not enormous.” Yunho told him. “You’re starting to get a bit of a bump, that’s all. It was going to happen sooner or later. And I think it looks cute.”

“It’s my first pregnancy.” Jongho reminded him, ignoring the compliment and dropping his shirt. Cute was all well and good but it wasn’t going to help him get his trousers fastened. “Some people make it all the way to their second ultrasound without developing a proper bump. Even Mingi didn’t look that big when he went for his and he was having twins. But I’ve looked pregnant now for weeks, even when I haven’t eaten. What if we’re having more than one baby too?”

And Yunho gave an almighty sigh and sat up straight so he could look at Jongho properly. “We’re having one baby.” He told him, voice firm. “And you’re not Mingi. Mingi’s tall and lanky and all limbs and you… well you’re…” he said, waving an arm as he struggled to find the right words.

But Jongho was there to find the right words for him. “Fat.” He said flatly, crossing his arms over his chest.

“No, not fat.” Yunho insisted, looking slightly frustrated now. “You’re not Mingi, that’s all. You’re shorter than him and broader than him.”

Jongho snorted. As if that was any better. “Shorter and fatter.” He amended for him.

“Will you stop that!” Yunho exclaimed. And yes, yes that was real frustration showing now. “You’re not fat. Do you not remember Wooyoung nagging at Mingi to eat more? He was always on the low side when it came to weight gain, the girls were pretty small too. He didn’t look like he was having twins until right near the end. And what was it the midwife said last time we saw her? She said something like, now that you’re morning sickness is gone and you can eat again you’re approaching the higher end of the average on the weight chart and she’s happy with that.”

Jongho’s arms stayed crossed. Did Yunho really think ‘the higher end of average’ was what he wanted to hear? “So either…” he said slowly, “… I’m approaching the higher end of average with my weight gain because there’s more than one baby or I’m approaching the higher end of average with my weight gain because I can’t stop eating. And you think it’s the latter. You think I can’t fit in my trousers because I’m basically a pig.”

“That’s not what I said.” Yunho argued, standing up from the bed now, his expression pained. “You keep putting words into my mouth and it’s not fair.”

And that ‘not fair’ was enough to make Jongho momentarily think of things from Yunho’s point of view. “Okay, maybe it’s not entirely fair.” He admitted with a huff. “I feel huge and if it’s not because it’s twins then it’s because I’m eating too much. That must be it. I mean I am hungry nearly all of the time lately. And when I’m hungry I usually do something about it. It shouldn’t be a big surprise that I can’t get the fastening on my trousers to stay closed.”

“You’re not eating too much.” Yunho told him stepping forward to place a hand on his arm. “You’re eating enough to keep you and our baby healthy.”

“Or babies.” Jongho mumbled, knowing Yunho wouldn’t want to hear it but unable to help himself.

And sure enough, Yunho was raising his eyes to the ceiling with a groan. “No, not babies. Baby. We’re having one baby.”

But Jongho was never one to give up easily. “Could be two.” He insisted.

Yunho shook his head. “How many times have you looked at that scan picture?” He asked. “You must do it twice a day at least. And there’s only ever been one baby. There’s only ever going to be one baby.”

“If you say so.” Jongho grumbled, not any happier. No matter what Yunho said, no matter how many reasonable arguments he came up with, he just couldn’t shake the feeling that he was having more than one baby. He knew it didn’t make sense and that he had no proof to say otherwise, but the thought wouldn’t stop crossing his mind.

“I do say so.” Yunho told him, tone softening now as leant down to catch his eye. “So stop worrying, okay? Let’s just finish getting ready. Then we’re going to go out and watch a movie and eat good food and enjoy ourselves. We need to make the most of being able to go out when we want to. That’s going to be harder once the baby’s here.”

Jongho thought about pointing out how difficult it would be if they had two babies but quickly decided that Yunho wouldn’t want to hear it. He’d clearly had enough. “I still can’t believe we’re going to be parents.” He said instead, dropping his crossed arms and trying to brighten up.

“I know.” Yunho said, face lighting up in a smile. “We’re going to have our own son or daughter soon. Isn’t that amazing?”

“It is.” Jongho agreed with a smile of his own. It was hard to stay sulking when Yunho looked so happy. “It’s really happening. We’re having a baby.”

“We are.” Yunho agreed, kissing his forehead. “I’m so proud of you, you know that don’t you?”

“Stop being so sappy.” Jongho told him, cheeks reddening. “People get pregnant and have babies every day. It’s not a big deal.”

“But you’re carrying my baby.” Yunho explained, hands going to Jongho’s waist as he pulled him closer. “That makes it a big deal.”

“Or babies.” Jongho found himself whispering.

“What was that?” Yunho asked, eyebrow raised.

“Our baby.” Jongho said quickly before Yunho could work it out for himself. Yunho was doing his best to cheer him up, he probably shouldn’t be starting another argument. “Not your baby, our baby.”

And that seemed to work because Yunho was repeating ‘our baby’ smile even wider and leaning down to kiss him. 

And too tight clothes forgotten Jongho brought a hand up to cup his boyfriend’s cheek and deepened the kiss.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Jongho was sitting at his kitchen table, opposite Yunho. Yunho had his laptop open in front of him and a crease between his eyebrows. They were trying to work out who was buying what for the baby and what they still needed so they could properly budget. It had been Yunho’s idea but Jongho had thought it was a good one. And he’d been finding the look of concentration on his boyfriend’s face pretty adorable. But Jongho’s own concentration had quickly started to wane. 

Something Yunho had now noticed because he’d just snapped a “Jongho, are you listening to me?” at him.

And Jongho jolted in surprise and looked up. “Yeah, yeah I’m listening.” He said even though he quite obviously hadn’t been. He’d been staring down at the table, one hand pressed to his bump. 

“Then what did I just say?” Yunho asked, fingers drumming the table as he narrowed his eyes at him and waited for an answer.

“Um… you said… we still need a pram.” Jongho ventured, taking what he thought was an educated guess.

“No, I said we don’t need to budget much for clothes, we already have most of the basics, my parents already bought us all those vests and sleepsuits and once we find out what we’re having I’m sure other people are going to start buying things too, even of we tell them not to.”

Oh. Well, there was no salvaging that one was there? It was completely different from what he’d just guessed. He couldn’t even pretend he’d misheard. “Sorry.” He said a little sheepishly. “I got distracted.”

“I can see that.” Yunho told him, expression softening at his apology. “So go on, what were you thinking about? You were frowning down at that table like it had done something to offend you.”

Jongho opened his mouth to tell him then hesitated. If he told Yunho what he’d really been thinking out it was only going to start another argument. But then if he didn’t tell him, well then he’d be keeping things from him. And he knew he wouldn’t like it if Yunho was the one hiding his worries. “I could feel the baby moving, that’s all.” He said at last, telling a partial truth and debating whether he should say any more.

“That’s all?” Yunho echoed, unconvinced.

And Jongho took that as a sign that he should indeed elaborate, even if it might mean another argument. Yunho was asking to be told and it wasn’t as if he could lie to him. “Well no…” he admitted, somewhat reluctantly, knowing exactly where this conversation was going to go, “… it’s what distracted me in in the first place but it’s not all. It’s just I can feel a fluttering sensation here…” he explained, rubbing his hand across the spot where he’d just had it pressed, “… but I keep feeling something down here too,” he said, other hand going to the opposite side of his belly and sliding further down.

“Feeling what?” Yunho asked, eyes following Jongho’s hand, expression turning curious. Jongho had been feeling movement for at least a week now and that fascinated Yunho. He couldn’t wait until he could feel it too and kept telling him so. 

“It’s like a little pop.” Jongho told him, then frowned as he felt it again. “It’s like something’s tapping to get my attention.”

“Not something,” Yunho corrected him, smiling now, “our baby.”

“Yes, our baby.” Jongho amended. “But should I really be feeling the baby move down here,” he said, rubbing the spot where he’d just felt the popping, “when I can also feel them moving up here?” He asked, moving the hand at the opposite side of his bump. “The baby isn’t that big yet.”

“The baby might not be the big but they’re obviously very energetic.” Yunho reasoned, realising where the conversation was headed and trying to cut Jongho off before he got started.

But Jongho could be pretty persistent. Yunho had asked what was wrong and he was going to tell him, whether he liked the answer or not. It didn’t feel like one baby moving around in there, it felt like two. And he wasn’t going to let Yunho convince him otherwise. He wasn’t the one who was pregnant, he didn’t know what it felt like. “I shouldn’t be able to feel the baby moving everywhere at once, no matter how energetic they are. There are two of them in there, there has to be.”

“Not this again.” Yunho groaned.

“Yes, this again.” Jongho told him, not appreciating his boyfriend’s dismissive tone in the slightest. “I’m serious. What if we really are having twins? We’re not ready for that. We’re sitting here budgeting for one baby.”

“Because we’re having one baby.” Yunho reasoned.

“According to you.” Jongho huffed with a frown.

“According to qualified healthcare professionals.” Yunho said, quick to correct him.

“They’re people too, just like you and me. And people make mistakes.” Jongho reminded him. “I’m right. I know I am. It’s definitely twins.”

“We’re not having twins!” Yunho exclaimed, patience wearing thin now.

“Fine,” Jongho told him, pushing his chair back and standing up from the table, “you keep telling yourself that. But when we find out it is twins and you have to rework that whole spreadsheet don’t come running to me for help.”

“Because you’ve been so much help up until now.” Yunho called after him as he stormed away from the table, voice dripping sarcasm.

And Jongho

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Chapter 5: Aaahh finally found yunho x mingi ff ;_;
Please make seonghwa x hongjoong ff
Chapter 5: Aaahh finally found yunho x mingi ff ;_;
Please make seonghwa x hongjoong ff
collin12 #3
Chapter 10: These stories are so cute!! Thank you for your hard work and wonderful stories :)
8makes1team #4
Chapter 10: UWUWU this was sooooo cute X_X I usually picture these two as brothers but this has opened my eyes to 2Ho boyfriends :D Thank you so much for writing this!!!
8makes1team #5
Chapter 9: This was very sad, but also very nice at the end. Mental health isn't something I know a lot about so this was kind of frustrating to read but I still enjoyed it non the less ;__; but there's somehting to learn from this uwuw and there's a whole other chapter to read! This story is so good :)
Chapter 10: I thought it was going to be triplets instead of twins.... damn
8makes1team #8
It's been a while since I've read this and I'm sad I hadn't paid attention earlier -_____- ;;_;; but I'm happy I came back! These are all so cute!!! uwu keep doing what you're doing because these are so good!! :D
8makes1team #9
Chapter 4: San and Seonghwa were sweet together and it was nice for San to be as supportive as he was. And even with mpreg being obviously not real, I was drawn in and left wanting more. Thank you so much for this chapter and collection as a whole! I look forward to more uwu