

While wanting more to life, Sunggyu and Woohyun get more than they bargained for.

A male character in this fic swaps gender and is referred to by "she/her" pronouns. This was done to emphasize how the character is outwardly perceived not just by the other characters in the story but also by the you the reader. This character, however, still thinks of himself as male. This could cause discomfort to the reader as it touches upon gender dysphoria.


This was supposed to be a "draft fic," but of course, me being me, it got out of hand.

I had this plot in the back of my mind for years. I think that I meant to write it after "Suitors," but then I was inspired to write "Things Get Better" instead. I'm glad that I held off on it because I feel like I'm better prepared to write a story like this now. 

I'll explain more in an author's note at the end of the first chapter, but for now, enjoy!


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sunggyu_chingyu #1
Chapter 5: it's soooooo goood i cried TT after a long struggle finally they have their own happiness. Thank you so much for this wonderful story authornim ❤️
Chapter 5: Thank you, it was amazing... hope to see you in the next fic, maybe a real mpreg fic ;)
Simran20 #3
Chapter 5: Oh my god...I will surely miss this a lot.happy that they made this after all this drama.thankyu so much authornim.
Chapter 5: HOME...............they made it their own.
Chapter 5: My heart filled with so much happiness. This is perfect in every sense. You're so great. Thank you so much for the perfect ending. I love it. Thank you for writing it so well.
Simran20 #6
Chapter 4: Happy to see such a long update from you authornim.I can't understand what sungyu is doing.Is he confused ...He want to date woman but he can't let go of hyun...can't he see how much he is hurting woohyun.Hope to see him realise the value of hyun.Really feel bad for hyun.
Chapter 4: It's really sad that sunggyu dated both of them TT thank you
Chapter 4: I understand Sunggyu's action but in the same time I don't understand him. Woohyun could be classified as saint for having a heart dealing with this. Even reading his side of story made my heart sank. It hurts and idk if it's in a good way or not yet. I can understand Sunggyu's dilemmas yet I can't fathom his selfishness? If that makes sense. That being said, thank you for writing! This is really good.
Chapter 3: Sungyeol n his obsession to make woogyu's story into a movie XD i love ur quotes about "being normal is accepting the past..."
I'm glad woogyu met up n talked. Thanks for updating
Chapter 2: I don't know that cry or laugh
I love it very much , thanks
I laughed when Sungyu and Bora speak about love and life or Woohyun's problem with body (*^▽^*)
I was confusing when I think about Sungyu situation
I was crying when Woohyun separate from baby and Gyu