The First Knot

Our Red String

Dear Diary,

Date: Tuesday, August 6th, 2019


      Right now I'm at work, a privately owned Zoo, on my lunch break. Next to me in my passenger seat sits my best friend eating away at his lunch. He's complaining about the tasks they have been giving him to do today. As always I listen and give him advice and agree to his comments about our management. I'm always just happy to listen to him talk. Even if its just him ing, haha.

     Today though. The thunderstorms won't let up, thickening the air with humidity and an unrelenting gross heat. It mostly because he got on his lunch late. And he's been pretty busy, but to make up for it is the smile on my face and the chinkiness of my eyes as I laugh. No to mention the butterflies raving in my stomach. 

      It wasn't always this way though. We never used to be this close. It took so long for me to be able to take down the walls he had set up around him. Years actually, just for the trust between us to be as strong as it is today. So much so that several times we had been mistaken for a couple by different people. I won't lie, the memories of those times still make me smile to this day.  

      I suppose I should start by telling you, and please don't judge me, how this all started. 

      In summer of 2014, after graduating highschool, I set off trying to find my first job. Towards september an estranged friend reached out to me about her job that was hiring. Now this particular friend, had reached out to me months prior. 

      Her name is Kim Ye Rim, Yeri for short. Yeri is a character. We met in 7th grade of our secondary school. We had hit it off as really good friends through secondary school, but once we were in high school we had gone our seperate ways, her parents deciding to homeschool her instead. 

      Yeri had started in this privately owned zoo when she was 16 in the snack bar but was promoted to the avian department once she was old enough. When she was promoted, that's when she met this man. She had never been in a relationship before, never really had feelings for a male before that. And I suppose that had a lot of influence into why things had happened the way they did. 

      Meanwhile, I was dealing with my own dramatic and traumatizing first love. And at the time, my best friend, Sunny--who did not like him at all--had distanced herself from me because she didn't want to see how things played out. And though I was at the time, very hurt by this, I later understood how right she had been all along. 

      But the night Yeri had reached out to me, we both realized we needed to vent. We catched up on the time lost and just jumped at the chance to have someone listen to us. See the people we considered friends were tired of the topic so neither of us had an outlet for these emotions. We. Needed to finally get those issues off our chests. But because I don't want to remember the trash that is my ex, I'll simply tell you about her side of the conversation. 

      This guy she spoke about was, in her eyes, very cute, and funny. She spoke about how she played a big part in solving a lot of his personal issues. And that he was giving her many mixed signals. This guy went by the name Park Seo Joon. And from what she was saying; Seo Joon did not know what he wanted at the time, flirting on and off with her etcetera etcetera. These mixed signals were shaking her up mentally. The only thing she was sure of was that she considered him her first love. She had sent me a picture, it wasn't a recent picture. He was young in this picture, maybe his early twenties and he had a science museum uniform, and he was leaning against a counter with a childish grin on his face and a buzz cut. I didn't see what she saw but I wished her the best with her love story. After that conversation, we had drifted apart again.

       Fast forward a couple months after I had graduated High School--she reached out to me again. Telling me that her job was hiring and in desperate need of someone. Of course I jumped at the chance. I needed a job just as bad to be able to help my father with the bills. So I set up my interview immediately and wrote up my resumé. 

     What follows will be for another entry because I have to go now, lunch is over. See you soon. 

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I recommend listening to Artistry by Jacob Lee, the lyrics are what inspired me to just write things out. This is a different style for me so I'm sorry if its not novel type writing. Just gotta vent.


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