Chapter Four

You and Me

You and Me Part 4

leedonghae following eunhyukee44

Si Won closing his eyes when he tried to remember the conversation he did with his sister this evening at his office room. Choi Ji Won –his sister– is the only person that he let know about his relationship with Dong Hae because he trusts her more than anyone else. His sister never met Dong Hae, she just knew how Dong Hae looks like from that man instagram account, sometimes Si Won also showed that guy picture.

Ji Won doesn’t show any signs of disagree about their relationship. She is quite supportive towards it since the beginning and help Si Won to cover up from their family, staffs, friends, even public. But this evening, Si Won decided to check Dong Hae’s instagram account. He didn’t follow Dong Hae because media and public are over-sensitive. Every single person that he follow, following back, even unfollowed will be known by them. Of course, he didn’t want they checked on Dong Hae and his secret will spoil after that. He needs to keep it.

So why he didn’t create another account? Simple, Choi Si Won didn’t like it. For him, it’s useless to have two accounts on the same social media just because one of it needs to be more public and another one he used to stalk. He is not the person like that.

Today, he found something different on his lover instagram. Five years relationship with Dong Hae makes him knew every persons his lover follow on his instagram. Dong Hae didn’t follow many accounts, just a few artists, a few official account about cameras and photographers, his family, cousins, and friends. This one person his lover recently following is strange for him.

“Do you know who is eunhyukee44?” Si Won asked when Ji Won entered his room asking for a sign for a contract.

Si Won showing her that guy account to Ji Won but his sister frowned and shook her head.

“You didn’t know?”

“He must be popular since he has so many followers. Why? Did he send you direct message? Asking for collaborate?”

“No. Dong Hae is following his account and this guy followed back.”

Ji Won half shrugs. “Maybe his new friend at work? Or his school friend?”

Si Won pierced his eyes. “No, it doesn’t seems like that, Ji Won-ah.” He keep looking through that guy picture. His face is very unfamiliar, Si Won 100% sure this guy is not a photographer from what his posts show.

“So, you’re now suspicious with your own lover? Dong Hae maybe cheated with this Eunhyukee?” Ji Won laughed a bit and sitted herself across his brother. “Even if Dong Hae cheated with that guy, I will stated that is not his fault.”

Si Won looked at her with big eyes. Never expected someone said that. “How come you say cheating is not a fault? Did you agree with affair? You will be okay if I am being cheated by my lover?”

Ji Won looked at Si Won with her serious face. She never against his brother relationship but she is not a kid.

“Try to think it by yourself, Oppa. Think about how you feel and what Dong Hae Oppa feel until now. Towards you, towards the relationship that both of you going through together for years, take a time and think about it.”

As she said she is not a kid and quite supportive, Ji Won also knows what relationship should be. But she didn’t have any desire to explain things for Si Won. Hence, she stood up and left his brother alone.

Si Won looked at the window that showed how colourful Gangnam with many lights. It has been five days now since their fight and he hasn’t called Dong Hae yet. And tomorrow he will go to Italy and stay there more than two weeks.

He looked at many couples under there, a normal couple that sharing laugh and happiness together. Of course he also wanted to date Dong Hae in public. Walking together with hand linked to each other, take a photos together and after that post it on their SNS account, announce their relationship, and doing things like what couple normally do. Do it without any worries.  

But he and Dong Hae is not a ‘normal’ couple should be. They have same gender meanwhile couple in general is two people with opposite . Moreover, he is a CEO of his father’s company. He has an important position that makes him always be careful with every steps he take.

Si Won can predict how mess his father’s company will be if he choose to announce his relationship with Dong Hae. Public will always underestimate them and their stock will loss. Not only that, his friends and other families will look down on him and offend them until no end.

That is too risky and Si Won too afraid to face it. Call him coward, he just need long time to think about it eventhough he is not sure until when he needs to think and how he will lead this relationship.

Si Won looked at Dong Hae’s picture. He feel guilty slightly after their fight. He didn’t need to ask how is his lover feels. He didn’t need to because Dong Hae supposed to know what he mean without he explain. Si Won is not as ready as Dong Hae. Si Won is not as brave as Dong Hae.

Not that I don’t appreciate this relationship. I love you, Dong Hae-ya.

I hope you understand my situation.

It’s just too complicated than it looks.




“Don’t say you still want to leave here because you need to read all the reports tonight?” Kyu Hyun sent a sarcasm smile when his cousin rolled his eyes. “Back in Seoul doesn’t mean you need to be bookworm, Hyuk Jae! You can go to club, flirt with girls or boys you like, it’s just not as free as you were in Japan.”

Hyuk Jae sighs, close the report he has read more than half, and scans his cousin. Well, actually from all his cousin, Kyu Hyun is the best. Not only that guy has genius brain but also they have same hobby and wild. Although Kyu Hyun sometimes is impolite and savage.

And Kyu Hyun is wilder than me.

They often spend their time by talking while drinking –mostly happpened when Hyuk Jae were in Japan– and Kyu Hyun visited him.

“Pack your things and let’s go to club. This is weekend and you need to try Seoul’s club!”

Both of them laugh and Hyuk Jae just need to tidy up his table and after that locked his room. When they have reached the lobby, they saw Dong Hae was standing there like waiting something. Hyuk Jae frowned when he saw that man wearing nothing but just a thin shirt and pants while Seoul air is cold now.

Kyu Hyun smirk when he saw Hyuk Jae’s gaze. Since the day Hyuk Jae stepped the company, he seems interested with Dong Hae. Maybe Hyuk Jae doesn’t realised it but Kyu Hyun has been observed everything about Hyuk Jae and Dong Hae since then. And he can conclude that his cousin is interested with one of his underling.

“I see, you want to talk with Dong Hae, right?”


“Go to talk with him, we can hangout tomorrow or next week.” Kyu Hyun wink and bid a goodbye before walked to his car.

Hyuk Jae waves to Kyu Hyun and smile when he knows the lobby is quite empty now. He walked to Dong Hae and stand beside him, almost burst into laugh when he saw Dong Hae surprised face.

“Hi.” He said.

Dong Hae smile awkwardly and muttered in his small voice, “Hi.”

Hyuk Jae put one of his hand inside his pocket. “What are you doing? Waiting someone?” He didn’t like the thought of that. Lee Dong Hae with someone else than him, he knows he is weird but he is just being honest. These days he has been busy with meeting and else, he didn’t have time to greet Dong Hae and now, he doesn’t want to waste it.

“I am waiting for taxi. What about you, director?”

I am simply want to talk to you and looking at your face all the time. Of course Hyuk Jae didn’t state it out loud. Hyuk Jae looked how Dong Hae shivers slightly. He wanted to offer his suit but Hyuk Jae realised it was too weird for them. Still need more time.

“Go with me. You can caught a cold if you keep waiting here.”

Dong Hae wanted to refuse but he knows Hyuk Jae is right. The street is very quiet and he is not the type of friendly with cold air. He followed Hyuk Jae slowly while staring at the director’s wide back which is very hugable for Dong Hae.

Hyuk Jae didn’t open the door for him but Dong Hae felt warm just sitting side by side with that man. He starter the engine and finally they moved out from the lobby to the crowded street. It was weekend, after all.

“Tell me the direction, Dong Hae.”

Dong Hae turns to Hyuk Jae and remembered his plan today. He is not going home directly because he needs to buy a gift for his mom.

“Could you drive me to Coex?”

Hyuk Jae raised an eyebrow confusedly at Dong Hae but he keeps driving. “Coex? What for?” They stopped when the lights changed to red.

“I…” Dong Hae is not sure he needs to tell Hyuk Jae the reason but that man seems really wanted to know and it’s not a bad thing. “I want to buy a gift for my mom’s birthday. I will go to Mokpo tomorrow to celebrate her birthday.” Dong Hae grins widely when the image of his mom happy face showing up.

Hyuk Jae frowned. “You will go to Mokpo tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” Dong Hae looking at Hyuk Jae with his shining eyes. “I will come back on Tuesday. Our team leader said he had given my permission letter to you, director. Didn’t he?”   

Hyuk Jae held his intention to rub Dong Hae’s hair because of that cuteness. “Oh, maybe I put it somewhere.” They are not even a couple, it will be weird if he does that. But above all of that, he is indeed the weird one because keep thinking to do things with Dong Hae when the fact they are not couple.

He continue drive his car to Coex when the lights changed to green.




Dong Hae has said to Hyuk Jae that he can do it alone so Hyuk Jae no need to accompany him but Hyuk Jae is way too stubborn –in Dong Hae point of view. Eventually Dong Hae let him to follow and suddenly they were walking side by side, talking at ease –Hyuk Jae has told him to call him by his name– like a buddies, and now they were having dinner together.

“You surely know your mom very well.” Hyuk Jae said after they ordered the food.

Yeah, they have visited more than five boutiques but Dong Hae found none suitable for his mom. Since he felt hungry and he knows Hyuk Jae too, they decided to have a dinner first at a famous Japanese ramen restaurant inside Coex. After all, the night is still young.

With Hyuk Jae, Dong Hae doesn’t feel burdened eventhough the fact that man is his director. Hyuk Jae is very open-minded, friendly, and very fun person. He can tells jokes and that was exactly what he did to Dong Hae for countless times that day.

Dong Hae never thought he can feel at ease with stranger this fast even laughed out loud. He is not usually like this with strangers but Hyuk Jae successfully thrown him up from his usual habit. He never talked a lot to strangers but once again, he is Lee Hyuk Jae and that man makes he did unusual things.

They were stopped at one of the best bag store. Hyuk Jae approached one racks of women bags and pick up one medium size handbag. He showed it to Dong Hae but the man stay silent while scanning the bag.

“Oh, come on! This is very suit middle-aged women! I am sure your mom will like it.”

Dong Hae could not held his laugh. “You sound so much like the salesgirl!” He took the bag and look at the back and forth. The price is affordable and the colour is really his mom’s type. “But I think you need to grab it and pose like a woman to convince me.” He smirked.

Hyuk Jae stared at Dong Hae flabbergasted, make Dong Hae laughed out loud without caring the other customers. Hyuk Jae can only be surrender when Dong Hae forced him to take the bag on his left hand while his right hand placed on his hip. He even let Dong Hae took a picture of it and both of them laughed looking at the result.

Hyuk Jae realised that he loves listening Dong Hae’s laugh. The shorter man voice and the way he laughed definitely becomes his es and he can’t stop thinking Dong Hae is really adorable.

“Don’t you dare to post it on any SNS of yours, Lee Dong Hae.”

“Or?” Dong Hae looked at him as he challenging the man.

Hyuk Jae smirked and step closer to Dong Hae until the guy stuck between the rack and his body. Both of them looked at each other and Dong Hae has to held his breath when Hyuk Jae’s hand caressed his hip slightly. They stood way too close to each other.

Hyuk Jae gulped when he saw the innocent gaze of Dong Hae. His eyes were pretty and Hyuk Jae fought the urge to move his hand to the guy’s face. “You will regret it if you do that.” Hyuk Jae muttered in his low voice. They looked at each other for a seconds until Dong Hae shifted his gaze to another place.

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Storytelling_ #1
Chapter 20: Wow.. Good to see a happy ending for eunhae.
Take care and will patiently wait for your future works. .
:) <3
LeeLenaMx #2
Chapter 20: Wow! So lovely story! Found it today and read it non stop... thank you for sharing this beautiful story!
Ida12098 #3
Chapter 18: Thanks for completing this story... Hope u will get well soon
966 streak #4
Chapter 20: Thank you so much for completing this story. I'm happy that Donghae has finally found the one who would really cherish him and wouldn't be afraid to let people know that they are together.
I hope you are really well now.
Keep safe and healthy.
Haehyukee #5
Chapter 20: Thanks for this beautiful fic and hope you to feel better!!
Storytelling_ #6
Chapter 19: I'm happy that Mr. Lee accepted hae and finally hae made a move on hyukkie .. :)
Ida12098 #7
Chapter 19: Aweeee they are so cute
Adeline1209 #8
Will you continue this?
966 streak #9
Chapter 18: Now, Donghae is free to be with Hyukjae.
Donghae has cleanly ended his problematic relationship with Siwon.
I hope they will have a great product launch and an official announcement of Donghae and Hyukjae's relationship.
Then, we can have the long awaited vacation.
Thank you so much for the update.